
Jumping On The Blockchain Bandwagon

Blockchain is a hot word and an even hotter technology. It’s so hot that even Amazon wants to incorporate that into their systems. Jeffrey Tucker is back as we figure out if it’s FOMO or a legitimate attempt to integrate a new technology. What’s keeping Southwest in the headlines? Bad choices and safety concerns; Jaime Finch explains it all to us. Alex Mihailovich reports in on Boeings fight with Airbus while Natasha Sweatte takes us deep into almond country! All this and more on Boom Bust! [1081] Follow us on Twitter: Check us out on Facebook — and feel free to ask us questions:

Blockchain is a hot word and an even hotter technology. It’s so hot that even Amazon wants to incorporate that into their systems. Jeffrey Tucker is back as we figure out if it’s FOMO or a legitimate attempt to integrate a new technology. What’s keeping Southwest in the headlines? Bad choices and safety concerns; Jaime Finch explains it all to us. Alex Mihailovich reports in on Boeings fight with Airbus while Natasha Sweatte takes us deep into almond country! All this and more on Boom Bust! [1081] Follow us on Twitter: Check us out on Facebook — and feel free to ask us questions:

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