
The Cost of Family Separation

Migrant families have been making headlines after damning reports on the treatment and separation of families being detained by the US government. Anya Parampil joins Bart Chilton as they discuss the cost and business that forces these families apart. With that being said, how does Canada and the EU handle their migrant situation? Alex Mihailovich has the story! Is cyber-warfare aggression from the US going to cause waves? Todd Shipley has the answer. That and more on Boom Bust! [1104] Follow us on Twitter: Check us out on Facebook — and feel free to ask us questions:

Migrant families have been making headlines after damning reports on the treatment and separation of families being detained by the US government. Anya Parampil joins Bart Chilton as they discuss the cost and business that forces these families apart. With that being said, how does Canada and the EU handle their migrant situation? Alex Mihailovich has the story! Is cyber-warfare aggression from the US going to cause waves? Todd Shipley has the answer. That and more on Boom Bust! [1104] Follow us on Twitter: Check us out on Facebook — and feel free to ask us questions:

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