
The Trouble With Housing

Housing markets are starting to look rough as analysts complain about prices as Trump’s tariffs also those in housing unsure of their supply lines. Debbie Bloyd joins us from Texas. Natasha is also looking at homes, but we’re heading into the rural areas as high rising rents and prices force future home buyers to make a tough choice. Bartlett Naylor also makes a return as we get his take on the nomination of Kathy Kraninger. Steve Christakos joins us for some World Cup, Alex Mihailovich reports on corporate malfeasance while Dan Cohen gives us a sneak peek at his upcoming special reports. That and more on Boom Bust! [1105] Follow us on Twitter: Check us out on Facebook — and feel free to ask us questions:

Housing markets are starting to look rough as analysts complain about prices as Trump’s tariffs also those in housing unsure of their supply lines. Debbie Bloyd joins us from Texas. Natasha is also looking at homes, but we’re heading into the rural areas as high rising rents and prices force future home buyers to make a tough choice. Bartlett Naylor also makes a return as we get his take on the nomination of Kathy Kraninger. Steve Christakos joins us for some World Cup, Alex Mihailovich reports on corporate malfeasance while Dan Cohen gives us a sneak peek at his upcoming special reports. That and more on Boom Bust! [1105] Follow us on Twitter: Check us out on Facebook — and feel free to ask us questions:

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