
Economic Impact and Massive Media Mergers

Media mergers are making major headlines! Disney and Comcast are about to enter a bidding war, so it’s time to call in Melissa Armo to figure out what’s going on! AirBnb in Japan gets regulated, Ashlee Banks has the story. Property in London about to take a nosedive? Eisa Ali takes inside the real estate market across the pond! Alex Mihailovich rounds us out as we tackle ethics in our politics! That and more on Boom Bust! [1102] Follow us on Twitter: Check us out on Facebook — and feel free to ask us questions:

Media mergers are making major headlines! Disney and Comcast are about to enter a bidding war, so it’s time to call in Melissa Armo to figure out what’s going on! AirBnb in Japan gets regulated, Ashlee Banks has the story. Property in London about to take a nosedive? Eisa Ali takes inside the real estate market across the pond! Alex Mihailovich rounds us out as we tackle ethics in our politics! That and more on Boom Bust! [1102] Follow us on Twitter: Check us out on Facebook — and feel free to ask us questions:

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