
Resignations Rock UK Parliament

Resignations rock the UK parliament as 3 officials resign over Theresa May’s handling of Brexit; Afhsin Rattansi breaks it down with us. Jobs numbers are looking good for June; Steve Malzberg gives us his thoughts. The Farm Bill is stuck after some senators raise voices over more agriculture trade with Cuba; John Kavulich gives us his insight. Tariffs went into full effect on the 6th of July, but what has been the effect on agriculture, specifically soybeans? HIS Markit expert Ryland Maltsbarger gives us the inside scoop. All this and more on Boom Bust! [1114] Follow us on Twitter: Check us out on Facebook — and feel free to ask us questions:

Resignations rock the UK parliament as 3 officials resign over Theresa May’s handling of Brexit; Afhsin Rattansi breaks it down with us. Jobs numbers are looking good for June; Steve Malzberg gives us his thoughts. The Farm Bill is stuck after some senators raise voices over more agriculture trade with Cuba; John Kavulich gives us his insight. Tariffs went into full effect on the 6th of July, but what has been the effect on agriculture, specifically soybeans? HIS Markit expert Ryland Maltsbarger gives us the inside scoop. All this and more on Boom Bust! [1114] Follow us on Twitter: Check us out on Facebook — and feel free to ask us questions:

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