Digital Audio

Cocoon Ibiza – Room 2 (July and August 18)

COCOON @ PACHA THE ROOM 2 EFFECT When Cocoon announced the move to Pacha in 2018 the reaction was one of incredulity. The views of their faithful and of the observers of all matters Ibiza seemed to suggest that this collision might be a calamity. Real Ibiza comrades true, but why wait 20 years to work together? The revamped Pacha appears to be the answer. With the main room presenting the main action on a Wednesday night something very special and very Ibiza has been emerging next door. Room 2 and Cocoon it appears were made for each other. The sound, the size, the floorboards, the ambience, the terrace – the masters of the classic Ibiza after hour are finding that flavour every Wednesday. It is why Cocoon is different, for 20 years integrating the islanders and the workers with incoming music lovers. This spirit seems to be alive and kicking and as colourful as ever in 2018. Already this summer the offering has ranged from young Berlin talent like Digby and Janina to Carl Craig delivering an all night funk set. Their own Dorian Paic and Dana Ruh, Sonja Moonear. Some spellbinding nights. Looking at the schedule much more to come. Cassy with two all night long sessions, the French connection will see Dyed, Shonky, D´Julz and Traumer in the rear. Good news all round. Cocoon appears to have found the contrast that completes the transition. Ibiza should rejoice.

COCOON @ PACHA THE ROOM 2 EFFECT When Cocoon announced the move to Pacha in 2018 the reaction was one of incredulity. The views of their faithful and of the observers of all matters Ibiza seemed to suggest that this collision might be a calamity. Real Ibiza comrades true, but why wait 20 years to work together? The revamped Pacha appears to be the answer. With the main room presenting the main action on a Wednesday night something very special and very Ibiza has been emerging next door. Room 2 and Cocoon it appears were made for each other. The sound, the size, the floorboards, the ambience, the terrace – the masters of the classic Ibiza after hour are finding that flavour every Wednesday. It is why Cocoon is different, for 20 years integrating the islanders and the workers with incoming music lovers. This spirit seems to be alive and kicking and as colourful as ever in 2018. Already this summer the offering has ranged from young Berlin talent like Digby and Janina to Carl Craig delivering an all night funk set. Their own Dorian Paic and Dana Ruh, Sonja Moonear. Some spellbinding nights. Looking at the schedule much more to come. Cassy with two all night long sessions, the French connection will see Dyed, Shonky, D´Julz and Traumer in the rear. Good news all round. Cocoon appears to have found the contrast that completes the transition. Ibiza should rejoice.

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