
Turkey’s Erdogan Hits Back at Trump with Boycott U.S. Electronics

President Erdogan of Turkey kicks off a full-blown Trump fight with a threat to boycott U.S. electronics, while the Lira’s slide spooks investors worldwide. Fred Kaufman gives an overview of the global “Pizza Wars” you may not have known were being fought. Steve Keen checks in about Australian stocks, while Crown Casinos go to court to keep their views of Sydney Harbour! Russia responding to U.S. sanctions with a selloff of US dollars and Treasury bills, while Brussels targets “Citizenship for Sale” policies in the E.U. with an eye to crack down on money laundering. Meanwhile a U.S. jury’s verdict against Monsanto may open the flood gates to more damages. Sara Montes de Oca explains. Melissa Armo looks at the stock market’s gyrations, and Steve Malzberg looks at the retail sector. Meanwhile some U.S. cities are now treating rental scooters as trash, and companies as litterers! There are problems in UK finance regulation, while India’s airlines are struggling. Raghee Horner looks a crystal ball and tellsus what she sees in the future of oil markets, especially Iran! [1133] Follow us on Twitter: Check us out on Facebook — and feel free to ask us questions:
President Erdogan of Turkey kicks off a full-blown Trump fight with a threat to boycott U.S. electronics, while the Lira’s slide spooks investors worldwide. Fred Kaufman gives an overview of the global “Pizza Wars” you may not have known were being fought. Steve Keen checks in about Australian stocks, while Crown Casinos go to court to keep their views of Sydney Harbour! Russia responding to U.S. sanctions with a selloff of US dollars and Treasury bills, while Brussels targets “Citizenship for Sale” policies in the E.U. with an eye to crack down on money laundering. Meanwhile a U.S. jury’s verdict against Monsanto may open the flood gates to more damages. Sara Montes de Oca explains. Melissa Armo looks at the stock market’s gyrations, and Steve Malzberg looks at the retail sector. Meanwhile some U.S. cities are now treating rental scooters as trash, and companies as litterers! There are problems in UK finance regulation, while India’s airlines are struggling. Raghee Horner looks a crystal ball and tellsus what she sees in the future of oil markets, especially Iran! [1133] Follow us on Twitter: Check us out on Facebook — and feel free to ask us questions:

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