
Safety First: Airlines & Food Inspection

With a shutdown here in the U.S. some people aren’t wondering who’s inspecting everything from meat, vegetables, and more, opening us up to dangerous pathogens. Fred Kaufman talks to Bart as they discuss what exactly is going on. And are airline earnings going to send us sky high? Steve Malzberg and Alex Mihailovich join us to discuss. [1234] Follow us on Twitter: Check us out on Facebook — and feel free to ask us questions:

With a shutdown here in the U.S. some people aren’t wondering who’s inspecting everything from meat, vegetables, and more, opening us up to dangerous pathogens. Fred Kaufman talks to Bart as they discuss what exactly is going on. And are airline earnings going to send us sky high? Steve Malzberg and Alex Mihailovich join us to discuss. [1234] Follow us on Twitter: Check us out on Facebook — and feel free to ask us questions:

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