
FULL SHOW: Ecuador Axes Austerity & China, U.S. Advance Talks

FULL SHOW: Protests have rocked the streets of Quito, Ecuador for nearly two weeks, causing the nation’s government to drop its plans for more austerity. Ecuador’s president Lenin Moreno reached the conclusion following a meeting with indigenous leaders. Plus, there has been a slight breakthrough in the Trans-Pacific trade as China and the U.S. have reached “Phase One” of a tentative deal. Todd Horwitz of Bubba Trading and Jeffrey Tucker of the American Institute for Economic Research are both on hand to break down the recent developments. #BoomBust #QuestionMore #RTAmerica Follow us on Twitter: Check us out on Facebook — and feel free to ask us questions:

FULL SHOW: Protests have rocked the streets of Quito, Ecuador for nearly two weeks, causing the nation’s government to drop its plans for more austerity. Ecuador’s president Lenin Moreno reached the conclusion following a meeting with indigenous leaders. Plus, there has been a slight breakthrough in the Trans-Pacific trade as China and the U.S. have reached “Phase One” of a tentative deal. Todd Horwitz of Bubba Trading and Jeffrey Tucker of the American Institute for Economic Research are both on hand to break down the recent developments. #BoomBust #QuestionMore #RTAmerica Follow us on Twitter: Check us out on Facebook — and feel free to ask us questions:

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