
BioHax Chipping Humans? & Metals Slump on Trade

Technology continues to advance at a rapid pace, and new developments are being made daily; but should humanity tap the brakes in order to figure out the new landscape? Jowan Osterlund of BioHax joins the show from Copenhagen, Denmark today to delve into microchips, and if the devices have a future in the workplace. Plus, as the trade turbulence continues to improve bit-by-bit, what does that mean for gold and silver? Peter Schiff of Euro Pacific Capital lends us a hand to make sense of the future for metals amid economic uncertainty. #BoomBust #QuestionMore #RTAmerica Follow us on Twitter: Check us out on Facebook — and feel free to ask us questions:

Technology continues to advance at a rapid pace, and new developments are being made daily; but should humanity tap the brakes in order to figure out the new landscape? Jowan Osterlund of BioHax joins the show from Copenhagen, Denmark today to delve into microchips, and if the devices have a future in the workplace. Plus, as the trade turbulence continues to improve bit-by-bit, what does that mean for gold and silver? Peter Schiff of Euro Pacific Capital lends us a hand to make sense of the future for metals amid economic uncertainty. #BoomBust #QuestionMore #RTAmerica Follow us on Twitter: Check us out on Facebook — and feel free to ask us questions:

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