
Google-Ascension Deal Under Fed Probe

Google’s deal with Ascension strikes a nerve with Feds now making it subject to a probe. Rick Sanchez and Myles Edwards takes us through this deal and what it means for big tech to get involved in the healthcare industry. Plus Trumps warns of new China tariffs coming soon if the U.S. doesn’t start getting some workable proposals from Beijing. Richard Wolff gives his insight into the trade war and what we can expect. #BoomBust #QuestionMore #RTAmerica Follow us on Twitter: Check us out on Facebook — and feel free to ask us questions:

Google’s deal with Ascension strikes a nerve with Feds now making it subject to a probe. Rick Sanchez and Myles Edwards takes us through this deal and what it means for big tech to get involved in the healthcare industry. Plus Trumps warns of new China tariffs coming soon if the U.S. doesn’t start getting some workable proposals from Beijing. Richard Wolff gives his insight into the trade war and what we can expect. #BoomBust #QuestionMore #RTAmerica Follow us on Twitter: Check us out on Facebook — and feel free to ask us questions:

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