
China Facing Conflicts with US & Australia

Huawei is back in the limelight as the US ramps up its battle against the Chinese telecom giant with new measures to block shipments of semiconductors from chip makers to Huawei Technologies. Tensions between China and Australia are also on the rise. Beijing is restricting imports like beef in what some see as a retaliatory measure against the Australian government’s support of an international probe into China’s role in the novel coronavirus pandemic. Plus, with nations around the world printing massive amounts of currency, many investors are looking for safe havens. Traditionally, safe-haven investments are assets such as gold and silver. But over the past few years, Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies have won more and more attention from investors. #BoomBust #QuestionMore #RTAmerica Follow us on Twitter: Check us out on Facebook — and feel free to ask us questions: Follow Christy Ai on Instagram:

Huawei is back in the limelight as the US ramps up its battle against the Chinese telecom giant with new measures to block shipments of semiconductors from chip makers to Huawei Technologies. Tensions between China and Australia are also on the rise. Beijing is restricting imports like beef in what some see as a retaliatory measure against the Australian government’s support of an international probe into China’s role in the novel coronavirus pandemic. Plus, with nations around the world printing massive amounts of currency, many investors are looking for safe havens. Traditionally, safe-haven investments are assets such as gold and silver. But over the past few years, Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies have won more and more attention from investors. #BoomBust #QuestionMore #RTAmerica Follow us on Twitter: Check us out on Facebook — and feel free to ask us questions: Follow Christy Ai on Instagram:

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