Digital Audio

Dave Kerzner T-RackS The Farm Stone Room Studio Reverb waltkthrough – Four walls that rocked ′80s drum tracks

Phil Collins made history when he tracked the explosive drum sounds for the worldwide hit song “In the Air Tonight.” Awash in the unique reverb of the studio’s stone-walled drum room and crushed by compression, it has become perhaps the signature drum sound of the ′80s. Also used on Peter Gabriel’s “Intruder” and many other hits, the combination of heavy reverb and massive compression has been widely influential and instantly recognizable ever since.

Seeking to recapture that magic in their own studio, “Fisher Lane Farm” in the UK, the band Genesis enlisted the original engineer Hugh Padgham to build a drum room to the same specs as the one at Townhouse Studios where the iconic drum sound was produced. And while both rooms are sadly now gone, IK was given exclusive access to the Farm before it closed forever to preserve its distinctive sound in a brand-new plug-in.

The Farm Stone Room is here to give your drum tracks the sonic impact that only this type of rare stone live room can offer.

#reverb #mixing #drumrecording #drums – Four walls that rocked ′80s drum tracks

Phil Collins made history when he tracked the explosive drum sounds for the worldwide hit song “In the Air Tonight.” Awash in the unique reverb of the studio’s stone-walled drum room and crushed by compression, it has become perhaps the signature drum sound of the ′80s. Also used on Peter Gabriel’s “Intruder” and many other hits, the combination of heavy reverb and massive compression has been widely influential and instantly recognizable ever since.

Seeking to recapture that magic in their own studio, “Fisher Lane Farm” in the UK, the band Genesis enlisted the original engineer Hugh Padgham to build a drum room to the same specs as the one at Townhouse Studios where the iconic drum sound was produced. And while both rooms are sadly now gone, IK was given exclusive access to the Farm before it closed forever to preserve its distinctive sound in a brand-new plug-in.

The Farm Stone Room is here to give your drum tracks the sonic impact that only this type of rare stone live room can offer.

#reverb #mixing #drumrecording #drums

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