
Great White Shark attack#shorts#shark#attack

Great White Shark attack man in the broken cage
For some people who are looking for big adrenalin is a good idea to go to a cage to see a great white shark from close distance.

This was the also case of this young man.
But also, in such cases some accidents can happen. In this case the door of the cage was broken
The diver got thus in a real trouble.
The last thing you want, is to have open doors in the cage when you are surrounded by few great white sharks.
Luckily, he survived all shark attacks on the cage.
#shorts #greatwhiteshark#shark#attack

Great White Shark attack man in the broken cage
For some people who are looking for big adrenalin is a good idea to go to a cage to see a great white shark from close distance.

This was the also case of this young man.
But also, in such cases some accidents can happen. In this case the door of the cage was broken
The diver got thus in a real trouble.
The last thing you want, is to have open doors in the cage when you are surrounded by few great white sharks.
Luckily, he survived all shark attacks on the cage.
#shorts #greatwhiteshark#shark#attack

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