Digital Audio

System Of Survival – D-Votion (Minimix)

Preorder: 'Bingo' De Lisi and Alex Carpentieri have laid down a reputation for their music selection and production. Identifying themselves as ‘dedicated purveyors of all that is good in house music’ – and having the discography to back it up – System of Survival have had a massive influence on not only Italy’s house music scene, but on the international stage as well. ‘D-Votion’ marks the second studio album from the Italian duo, and the first release on their newest home, Get Physical Music. From the first smooth pads of ‘Endless’, the album gives off an earthy warmth that can only come from a lifetime of experience. The album keeps the vibe low, while still keeping the dancefloor in mind. ‘Packing’ starts in the heavens and end on the floor, and ‘Searching for A wave’ takes the torch from there with a gritty bass sharing space with thick, yet soft chords. But it’s the melody that takes the cake here, courtesy of Surfbit in a live studio jam session; it carries the track deeper into the night. This feeling of looseness, inspired by the jazzy groove is continues in the next track, ‘From Motor City With Love’; pulling the groove a good bit deeper. ‘Distortion Under Control’ throws us into a time machine, reliving the sounds and spirit that gave birth the house in the first place. The same could be said for ‘Lazy Days’, who’s title leads us to believe just the opposite; the track turns out to be a rhythmic shuffle that delivers energy in all the right places. Next, the stunning vocals by rising Italian pop star Vhelade enchants ‘Kutting’ with her stunning vocals, giving the track an unmistakable fire of passion. ‘Breathe’, a catchy soulful disco number goes on to give a sunny, late-summer vibe that ruled the 70’s, and is born again here for 2016 while still retaining a timeless quality. The low, rolling jazz tones of D-Votion present a careful balance of the organic and mechanical, creeping an ominous bassline that seems to revel in its own presence. Salvatore Stallone lends a careful ear here, adding a smooth finesse to the mix with the xylophonic melody. The final three tracks begin to slow the momentum, ‘Peacefrog’ brings a bouncy blend of vocal delays (via Brandy and Bianca) and electric-hustle while ‘The Bear, The Wolf And The Eagle’ hypnotizes with its rhythmic ambience and low-key approach. Finally, ‘Neon Sun’ takes us out on Roberto Bove’s live screaming electric guitars in a kind of dusty power ballad for a new age, leaving a lasting warmth long after the album has played out.


Трансформатор Зацаринина разоблачение


Clint Eastwood hat keinen Bock auf Hollywood

Clint Eastwood kann der Filmindustrie nichts abgewinnen. Der Hollywood-Veteran hat sich durch seine zahlreichen Erfolgsfilme einen Namen gemacht, die Industrie dahinter kann der 86-Jährige allerdings gar nicht ab.

Clint Eastwood hat keinen Bock auf Hollywood

In einem Interview rechnet Eastwood jetzt mit den großen Studios und großen Stars ab. Alles dreht sich nur noch um Blockbuster“, beschwerte er sich in der ‚Bild am Sonntag‘, „keiner erzählt mehr richtige Geschichten. Filme werden nur noch wegen des potenziellen Umsatzes gemacht. Stars spielen keine Rolle mehr, nur noch der Gewinn muss stimmen.“

Mehr: Clint Eastwood spricht sich für Donald Trump aus

Und auch die Arbeitsweise am Set ist für den Regisseur und Produzenten, der immer mit dem gleichen Team arbeitet, unverständlich. Eastwood weiter: „Ich habe niemals begriffen, warum alle mit einem Megafon übers Set laufen und ständig herumbrüllen müssen.“ Und auch mit seinen fast neunzig Jahren denkt der ‚Dirty Harry‘-Star noch nicht ans aufhören. Bald erscheint sein neuester Streifen ‚Sully‘ mit Tom Hanks in der Hauptrolle – und das soll nicht sein letzter gewesen sein. Eastwood kündigte an: „So lange ich auch als alter Mann noch Filme machen darf, mache ich auch weiter.“




La sezione “My New Music Mix” disponibile in Apple Music per i tester di iOS 10

Apple Music rappresenta un pezzo fondamentale nell’industria del colosso di Cupertino. La dirigenza e gli sviluppatori lavorano duramente al fine di migliorare il più possibile il servizio e quindi convincere gli utenti ad usufruirne. Da questo punto di vista, grosse novità giungeranno da iOS 10.

Gli sviluppatori di Apple hanno di recente rilasciato un nuovo aggiornamento per quanto riguarda l’applicazione Apple Music disponibile al momento per gli utenti beta che stanno testando iOS 10. L’aggiornamento in questione ha aggiunto la nuova categoria “My New Music Mix” grazie alla quale gli utenti possono scoprire nuova musica basata, per genere e stile, a quella ascoltata in passato.

Ovviamente si tratta di una funzionalità che migliorerà nel tempo. Di fatto, più musica si ascolta e più affinate saranno le predizioni della categoria “My New Music Mix”. Trattandosi poi di una playlist settimanale (aggiornata ogni Venerdì), vi sarà sempre della nuova musica da ascoltare. In parole semplici, si tratta della stessa playlist chiamata Discover Weekly presente in Spotify.

Con il rilascio di iOS 10 presumibilmente il prossimo 7 Settembre, ovvero in contemporanea alla presentazione ufficiale di iPhone 7 ed iPhone 7 Plus, questa nuova categoria sarà a breve disponibili per tutti.

Prima di lasciarvi, vi vogliamo ricordare che Apple Music adesso si appoggia al sistema iTunes Match per sincronizzare correttamente la nostra musica offline con copertine, descrizioni e qualt’altro.


Autore: Agemobile


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