
TP-Link annuncia Neffos Serie X: scocca in metallo anche per la fascia bassa

TP-Link tenta un nuovo affondo sul mercato degli smartphone con i prodotti della appena annunciata Serie X, composta al momento da due dispositivi: TP-Link Neffos X1 e TP-Link Neffos X1 Max: “I nuovi smartphone Neffos Serie X sono la combinazione perfetta di tecnologia avanzata e design elegante. Questi prodotti portano un valore senza precedenti ai nostri clienti in quanto danno priorità a caratteristiche che li aiutano a stare più vicini e connessi a tutto e tutti intorno a loro”, ha osservato Jeffrey Chao, co-fondatore e presidente di TP-Link, durante l’IFA 2016 di Berlino.

TP-Link Neffos X1

I due modelli usano scocche in metallo unibody “ispirate dalle rocce che si trovano nei ruscelli” e “levigate dallo scorrere dell’acqua nel tempo”. La parte posteriore a doppia curvatura garantisce una presa ergonomica e rende i dispositivi facili da utilizzare anche con una sola mano. TP-Link Neffos X1 Max ha bordi di 2,75mm e uno spessore di 7,75mm nel suo punto maggiore, mentre su Neffos X1 i valori sono rispettivamente di 2,95mm e 7,95mm. Anche lunghezza e larghezza sono ridotti rispetto ad altri modelli grazie a un rapporto schermo-cornici quantificabile nel 76%.

Entrambi i display fanno uso di componentistiche hardware simili, e si differenziano soprattutto per le dimensioni maggiorate del modello Max. TP-Link Neffos X1 utilizza un display HD da 5 pollici e viene alimentato da una batteria da 2.250 mAh, mentre Neffos X1 Max adotta un display Full HD da 5,5 pollici e ha una batteria da 3.000 mAh. I due modelli fanno uso dello stesso SoC, MediaTek Helio P10 octa-core, supportato da 2 o 3 GB di RAM su X1, per le varianti da 16 e 32GB di ROM, e da 3 o 4 GB di RAM su X1 Max, per le varianti da 32 e 64GB di ROM.


Neffos X1

Neffos X1 Max

OS   Android 6.0 Marshmallow Android 6.0 Marshmallow
Display   LCD IPS 5″ LCD IPS 5,5″
Risoluzione   HD (720p) FHD (1080p)
Processore   MediaTek Helio P10
octa-core @ 1,8GHz
MediaTek Helio P10
octa-core @ 2,0 GHz
RAM   2 – 3 GB 3 – 4 GB
Storage   16 – 32 GB espandibile 32 – 64 GB espandibile
Fotocamere   13 MP PDAF
5 MP
5 MP

Wi-Fi 802.11n
Bluetooth 4.1
Sensore impronte 

Wi-Fi 802.11n
Bluetooth 4.1
Sensore impronte 
Batteria   2.250 mAh 3.000 mAh
Dimensioni   142 x 71 x 7,95 mm 152,8 x 76 x 7,75 mm

Neffos X1 e X1 Max integrano uno slot per microSD (fino ad un massimo di 128GB), fotocamere da 13 e 5 megapixel, e due slot per altrettante Nano SIM. Non manca il sensore biometrico per la scansione delle impronte digitali, situato sul retro, e il supporto alla ricarica rapida, alle reti 4G LTE e al GPS. Molto interessanti i prezzi: TP-Link continua la sua tradizione presentando prodotti dal buon rapporto qualità-prezzo: Neffos X1 costerà in Italia 199 euro, Neffos X1 Max 249€. Entrambi i prodotti arriveranno sul mercato entro fine anno, nei due colori Cloudy Grey e Sunrise Gold.

Autore: Le news di Hardware Upgrade


IFA 2016: Live Blog of AMD Keynote with Mark Papermaster, CTO

07:09AM EDT – AMD have a keynote here at IFA this year

07:09AM EDT – The focus is expected to be VR/AR

07:10AM EDT – We’ve got a meeting/interview with Mark Papermaster, CTO of AMD, later today

07:10AM EDT – It will be interesting to see if anything new is being said today, but having a roundup of corporate vision is never a bad thing

07:11AM EDT – Starting with a classic AMD video, showing they’re in a lot of gaming devices, including consoles

07:11AM EDT – Mark has worked with Lisa Su over the past 20 years, back when they were bringing up silicon as part of the same team

07:12AM EDT – He was also at the Zen announcements at IDF last week

07:12AM EDT – ‘A new category of computing is emerging’

07:12AM EDT – ‘We are in this era’

07:13AM EDT – ‘It’s a rapid change of technology, and we interact with this rapid change on a daily basis’

07:13AM EDT – The change of technology changes how we as individuals interact with it

07:14AM EDT – ‘It’s all about the human-technology interface’

07:14AM EDT – Starting with audio and radio, direct to your ear

07:15AM EDT – At IFA, the first Cathode Ray Television was shown

07:15AM EDT – ‘Networks were created, content too’

07:16AM EDT – ‘Audio and Visual brings emotion into the home’

07:16AM EDT – Now interactive technology, such as personal computing and www

07:16AM EDT – Information at your fingertips

07:17AM EDT – The www, social media and apps are all interactive. Information comes faster than before, and it’s all in the interaction as well

07:17AM EDT – A rapid progression of Moore’s Law

07:18AM EDT – Moving into the portable

07:18AM EDT – Phones became smartphones to consume content

07:18AM EDT – ‘I bet most people would recognize within 30m if a smartphone was left at home’

07:19AM EDT – ‘That’s the difference disruptive technology makes’

07:19AM EDT – ‘We are contextually aware with our environment and how we can interact with it via technology’

07:19AM EDT – ‘We’ll do what we have to to get a better experience’

07:20AM EDT – ‘The movies are a good indicator of how AR/VR can change the way we interact’

07:20AM EDT – ‘We stand on the brink of a technological revolution’

07:21AM EDT – ‘It’s all about the fluidity of the technology integration around us, as well as what is useful’

07:21AM EDT – ‘The first stage of this new era is VR, followed by AR/MR’

07:22AM EDT – >I find it interesting Mark is saying MR (mixed reality), which seemed like an Intel term. Sounds like AMD is adopting it readily

07:22AM EDT – ‘There’s still a way to go to photorealism and stronger emotional experiences’

07:23AM EDT – ‘The interface will get easier and easier as the technology improves’

07:23AM EDT – ‘More capability being woven into the fabric of our lives’

07:23AM EDT – ‘We are having a fundamental change with the connection and interaction with technology’

07:24AM EDT – ‘Why is this happening now? We have the enablement of a combination of technologies’

07:24AM EDT – ‘Tremendous capability in compute is now at our fingertips to enable this’

07:25AM EDT – ‘With the advent of open standards and industry engagement, content creation is occurring at scale’

07:26AM EDT – ‘The next stage is affordable hardware, and bringing it into the home via consumer grade pricing is fundamental’

07:26AM EDT – ‘Today, we are there to start this new era’

07:27AM EDT – ‘It requires a relentless pace of technology

07:27AM EDT – >Full presence takes 1PF, interesting

07:29AM EDT – ‘With today’s hardware, you can tell if an actor hasn’t shaved. But you still know it’s a generated image. We need another step forward in capability to reach what ‘Full Presence”

07:29AM EDT – ‘Imagine what you need to see and feel if you were in the audience today’

07:30AM EDT – >If VR was that capable and that ubiquitous, I’m out of a job covering press events….!

07:31AM EDT – ‘Four years ago, AMD saw where the industry was going and invested in high performance compute’

07:31AM EDT – ‘RX 480 brings VR ready graphics processing into a consumer price point’

07:31AM EDT – ‘It will drive content creation as more users have this capability’

07:32AM EDT – ‘This presentation is being run from a Radeon WS 8000’ – a Radeon Pro part

07:32AM EDT – A slide on Zen

07:33AM EDT – ‘we left a gap in our CPU capabilities, and Zen will close that’

07:33AM EDT – ‘Hardcore engineering with a 40% IPC increase’

07:33AM EDT – ‘VR is all about wider workloads and computation in an energy efficient way’

07:34AM EDT – ‘In Berlin next week, AMD is getting an Award about Green Computing’

07:34AM EDT – ‘Substantial GPU and CPU coming with AMD, but there’s much more to come’

07:34AM EDT – ‘We want to do this as a community’

07:35AM EDT – ‘We’ve gone with an open source approach, unlike our competitors’

07:35AM EDT – ‘We want it open to be able to drive the next era of apps and computing for consumers’

07:36AM EDT – ‘Content is King’

07:36AM EDT – Now Roy Taylor coming to the stage, CVP of Alliances and Content

07:36AM EDT – ‘VR is going to make a fundamental impact on all our lives’

07:37AM EDT – ‘We need a vibrant ecosystem to do this with the people who create’

07:37AM EDT – ‘Everyone from film to gaming to development are all creators to AMD’

07:37AM EDT – ‘In April, the first medical procedure happened in VR’

07:38AM EDT – ‘Also, court cases have been decided by VR’

07:38AM EDT – *in VR

07:38AM EDT – ‘VR is exciting, but offers challenges, such as 360 film’

07:39AM EDT – Along with games, VR as a Service and VR Experiences are two other key factors

07:39AM EDT – >VRaaS. Right.

07:39AM EDT – There are already 180+ VR Experiences

07:40AM EDT – ‘The way we used to make content is no longer the same’

07:41AM EDT – ‘VR Experiences tends to use game engines, even though the experience isn’t VR’

07:42AM EDT – ‘At GDC this year, there were a ton of more attendees that weren’t game developers’

07:42AM EDT – ‘Because of film and experiences’

07:42AM EDT – 500+ VR engagements, 251 games publishers, 100 game developers, 100+ movie studios

07:43AM EDT – ‘One element of the future is interaction in social VR, so light fields and digital capture of humans will be essential’

07:44AM EDT – ‘Digital capture will be very important – captures and stitching’

07:44AM EDT – ‘The problem with stitching is that bad stitching takes you out of the moment and away from where the director wants’

07:45AM EDT – Project Loom available on GPUOpen to stitch video in real time

07:45AM EDT – Guests who are using AMD VR are being described

07:47AM EDT – ‘We’ve been working with AMD for years, but we’re so glad we’re using AMD for project creation’

07:48AM EDT – ‘BBC Home is an experience to mirror Tim Peake to help repair the space station, and ESA is interested in using it for training’

07:49AM EDT – ‘Red Bull Air Race, using geo-accelerator telemetry to drive the experience in VR as no-one gets to ride onboard’

07:49AM EDT – ‘The power of the graphics card is key to all this’

07:49AM EDT – ‘Rendering is expensive, can take 36-72 hours per frame’

07:50AM EDT – ‘Today’s renderers are CPU/GPU based depending on the feature’

07:50AM EDT – ‘Radeon Prorenderer is designed to work on CPU and GPU, even competitors hardware’

07:51AM EDT – ‘The open source implementation means that it is rapidly being adopted’

07:51AM EDT – ‘It’s also going to be used in Blender’

07:51AM EDT – >Oh hello… in Blender, eh?

07:51AM EDT – Johnb Macinnes coming on stage after a video

07:53AM EDT – showing a pre-rendered music video

07:54AM EDT – ‘The holy grail is to make a photoreal world’

07:54AM EDT – ‘We and AMD have a share of redefining what is possible’

07:54AM EDT – The music video was developed in UE4

07:55AM EDT – ‘Working with US Navy Seals to make a documentary to be inside the VR as part of the team’

07:55AM EDT – ‘You no longer need to imagine yourself in someone’s shoes, you can actually be there and experience it’

07:56AM EDT – Back to Roy

07:56AM EDT – ‘One of the problems is the ability to edit images in real time… in 8K’

07:56AM EDT – ‘File sizes are enormous, so we took an SSD and mounted it directly onto the GPU card’

07:57AM EDT – ‘Radeon Pro SSG allows editing of 8K RAW at 92 FPS’

07:58AM EDT – Now two people from AP talking about content

07:59AM EDT – ‘Up to 1billion people see AP content per day, but in many ways we’re a 170 year startup’

07:59AM EDT – ‘We want to find new ways to share and tell news, and technology helps us tell those stories’

08:00AM EDT – ‘One example is a full 360 VR CG video is a VR Experience for users to experience Alzheimers’

08:00AM EDT – back to Roy

08:00AM EDT – in 2017, JPR expects headset sales to be 2.7M

08:01AM EDT – ‘The challenge today with VR creators is that the big AAA creators won’t have the range if only 2.7M people have headsets’

08:02AM EDT – ‘The install base is too low, so we must democratize VR and get it into the hands of 100m people’

08:03AM EDT – ‘Before RX 480, a VR GPU card cost $ 350. Now you can get a VR PC for under 700 Euros’

08:03AM EDT – ‘CSL Computers has announced a 700 Euro VR ready PC at IFA today’

08:04AM EDT – ‘The other part of VR is location based VR, either a movie theatre lobby or a dance festival or a shopping mall’

08:04AM EDT – ‘We’re in Europe looking for people to create location based VR, so get in contact’

08:05AM EDT – Handing back to Mark

08:06AM EDT – AMD, in this slide, predicts VR will accelerate and mirror mobile adoption?

08:06AM EDT – ‘AMD is all about imagining the possibilities due to accelerating the immersive era’

08:07AM EDT – We’re a fraction of the size of our competitors, but AMD is back and we’re fluid for the next era!

08:07AM EDT – That’s a wrap!

Autore: AnandTech


Jennifer Lopez und Marc Anthony: „Wir lieben uns immer noch“

Latina Jennifer Lopez (47) hat in einem ‚Access Hollywood’-Interview verraten, wie es um ihr Verhältnis mit ihrem Ex-Gatten Marc Anthony (47) steht.

Jennifer Lopez und Marc Anthony: „Wir lieben uns immer noch“

Zu dem Salsa-Sänger, von dem sie sich 2014 nach zehn Jahren scheiden ließ und mit dem sie zwei Kinder (Zwillinge Emme und Maximillian, 8) hat, erklärte sie: „Wenn wir zusammen singen, wenn sie [die Kinder] uns zusammen sehen – unsere Geschichte wissend – kommt eine gewisse Nostalgie auf.“ Und sie fuhr fort: „Sie wissen, dass wir uns umeinander sorgen und uns immer noch lieben. Wir haben gemeinsam zwei Kinder und sie wünschen sich zu sehen, dass die Dinge gut zwischen uns stehen.“ Erst letzte Woche tauchte die 47-Jährige für ein Duett überraschend auf einem New Yorker Konzert von Mister Anthony in der Radio City Music Hall auf. In einem Instagram-Foto der Show titulierte sie ihren Ex-Gatten dann auch als „Familie“, was er bei zwei gemeinsamen Kindern ja auch ist.

Bei diesem einmaligen Überraschungsauftritt soll es aber wohl nicht bleiben. Wie die Latina bei dem Konzert offenbarte, würden beide über gemeinsame Musikprojekte sprechen: „Wir haben momentan noch nichts zu verkünden aber bald“, so Miss Lopez gegenüber der Menge. Was wohl Ex-Toyboy Casper Smart (29) zu dem engen Verhältnis mit dem Salsa-Interpreten sagt? Glaubt man Gerüchten, möchte der sich offenbar nicht mit der kürzlichen Trennung abfinden. Daher soll er angeblich auch versuchen, die Popsängerin wieder zurückzugewinnen. Zwischen den beiden bestehe zumindest noch eine Freundschaft, was eine Reunion nicht völlig ausschließen könnte. Es bleibt also spannend, ob sich Jennifer Lopez von dem Background-Tänzer zurückerobern lässt…(CS)





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Autore: Monster Job Search Results


Wiko Ufeel FAB: hands-on da IFA 2016

A IFA 2016 Wiko ha portato due nuovi smartphone della famiglia Ufeel, Ufeel Prime e FAB. Si tratta di dispositivi dall’ottimo rapporto qualità-prezzo caratterizzati dalla presenza di un sensore di impronte selettivo. Nel video vi proponiamo il nostro primo approccio.

Tag: AnteprimasmartphoneWiko

Autore: TVtech – Video e Web Tv sulla tecnologia, sull’informatica e sul mondo ICT – Ultimi Video