
Aperture in down gap negativo per i principali indici europei, compresso trend rialzista?

Apertura nera per le Borse europee, e così anche il FTSE Mib crolla verticalmente aprendo in down gap sotto i supporti statici e psicologici di area 17.000 punti. Al momento l’unico livello che potrebbe arginare le velleità ribassiste è rappresentato dai 16.700 punti. Sotto detto livello il basket potrebbe tentare un attacco alla trendline discendente espressa con i top decrescenti del 29 aprile e 23 giugno, transitante in area 16.540 punti. Per strategie rialziste di tipo speculativo attendere un ritorno sopra i 17.000 punti.

Euro Stoxx 50
L’indice Euro Stoxx 50 dopo aver veleggiato in prossimità del livello resistenziale a 3.094 punti ha aperto in down gap negativo sotto la soglia psicologica dei 3.000 punti. I corsi si trovano ora nel trading range che ha caratterizzato le negoziazioni della seconda metà di agosto. Avviare posizioni ribassiste sotto i 3.000 punti avendo come obiettivo i 2.880 punti. Per le negoziazioni intraday di oggi rimane improbabile un rimbalzo.
Immagine anteprima YouTube
Con l’apertura di oggi si sono palesati i timori di quanti vedevano nelle ultime due candele del daily chart un ritorno dei venditori sull’indice tedesco. L’aperura di oggi ha portato i corsi a violare supporti statici e psicologici. In mattinata il paniere andrà al test della trendline discendente di lungo periodo espressa con i top di aprile e dicembre 2015. In questo quadro i 10.000 punti potrebbero tornare ad essere un obiettivo dei ribassisti ed un levello strategico per i rialzisti per ricostituire le posizioni.

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Autore: Blog Network Posts

Digital Audio

Everything You Need To Know About Roland’s DJ-808 Serato Controller

Last Friday, Roland launched one of their first-ever DJ focused products, the DJ-808. It’s a controller for Serato DJ – but with a built-in step sequencer and a few other features, it’s much more. Roland allowed DJTT to check the controller out in person, read on for an exclusive video and our thoughts.

DJ-808: First Look Video

All-in-one digital DJ controllers are approaching a full decade of existence (the VCI-100 launched in 2007), and the level of innovation we’ve seen on recent releases has started to dwindle. With their new DJ-808 controller, Roland and Serato are aiming to be the exception to that. It’s a familiar four-channel DJ controller layout, but a step sequencer and a few advanced features shine through.

Here’s a closer look at what the DJ-808 is capable of:

TR-S: DJ-808’s Drum Machine + Step Sequencer


The top section of the DJ-808 (click to zoom)

This is the crown jewel of the DJ-808 controller. The TR-S has two halves to it – a standalone drum machine and a MIDI sample sequencer. The integrated TR drum machine has Bass Drum, Snare Drum, Hi-Hats, and Clap from the classic TR-808/909/707/606 machines. They’re the Analog Circuit Behavior sounds that grace Roland’s AIRA gear.

Each sound can be sequenced on the TR-S’s 16 push buttons, and the volume of each sound can be altered on the fly using the faders to the right of the sequencer. To adjust each sound individually, press the button for one of the sounds and then use the dedicated knobs for attack, decay, and tuning.

The TR-S has 16 patterns that can be saved inside of the unit – even if you’re completely disconnected from Serato, and lose all power, it will remember them afterwards. You can also route the drum machine’s sounds through Serato and apply either FX channel onto it.

Using the performance pads on the bottom of each deck, DJs can perform the TR-S sounds:

  • The bottom four pads will play the four active sounds in the TR-S. You can record these into the step sequencer in real-time by pressing “INST REC” in the TR-S section
  • The top four pads are velocity sensitive rolls of the same four sounds (push harder and the rate of the sound repeating increases). These can’t be recorded – more designed for on-the-fly fills.

The TR-S can also sequence Serato DJ – see the section below.

Advanced Serato DJ Features


Pioneer’s focus on Rekordbox DJ and the DDJ-R line has been a pretty clear indicator that their relationship with Serato is nowhere near as tight as it was when they were designing the DDJ-S line. Roland’s partnership with Serato for this product means that there are a few industry first features on the DJ-808. Some of the deep Serato integration includes:

  • Serato Sample Sequencing: With new MIDI mapping functionality in Serato DJ, Roland is able to sequence Serato DJ’s Sampler banks (which were recently expanded to 4 banks of 8 samples). Only controller with built-in sequencers (like the Midi Fighter Twister) are able to sequence sample decks – and the DJ-808 is the first controller to ever do it with Serato.
  • Pitch ‘n Play: Serato took the recent explosion in tone play / MIDI-mapped re-pitched cue points and turned it into a proper feature. The best part is that the cue points are mapped out in key with the track that’s playing – so creating a tone play routine is a breeze.
  • “Ultra Low Latency” Jog Wheels: Roland and Serato are purporting that the DJ-808 has some of the lowest latency platters of any device now available. With the kings of MIDI and the scratch-loving software developers on it, it’s more than just marketing hype. The jogs felt really solid in our brief testing, and there’s the added bonus of having visual feedback directly on the jog wheel.
  • Velocity Sensitive RGB Performance Pads: Cues, Loop Rolls, Sampler, TR-S, and Pitch Play are all controllable using the performance pads on each deck. Having velocity adds an extra element of expressive control here that other controllers lack.

There’s also DVS support with dedicate inputs – but DJs will need to buy the DVS Serato plugin to use that functionality.

Master Syncing Everything


One of the issues with having so many sources of sounds that are being sequenced together has always been keeping everything in time. Roland are the masters of MIDI (having helped develop it!) and their solution here is to use the DJ-808 as the master clock for everything. DJs can sync Serato decks to the TR-808s sequencer, as well as sync external MIDI instruments.

There are two AIRA LINK USB ports on the back of the DJ-808, which allow you to synchronize other Roland gear with the master clock as well as pass audio into the unit – all with a single cable. If you’re not using gear that has AIRA LINK, you can still sync up with MIDI DIN and an audio cable.

Vocal Transform!


The DJ-808 has a built-in vocal transformer, like an abbreviated version of the AIRA VT-3. It’s not the central focus of the controller, but it for sure is a fun element to it. Plug in your mic and adjust the pitch, formant, and ducking of the mic input.

The super power feature here is the Auto Pitch button – which enables a basic autotune on the mic input, and syncs the key of the autotune to the key of the playing deck in Serato DJ. It works fairly well from what we saw – but unless you’re comfortable singing during your DJ sets already, we suspect many DJs will shy away from using it during a gig.

DJ-808s Mixer + Tech Specs


The mixer on the DJ-808 isn’t just a MIDI mixer, it has a range of inputs and outputs all of which can function independently from Serato DJ. It even has four channel-assignable FX (similar to Pioneer’s Color FX) that are solid DJ mixing tools: Jet, Filter, Dub Echo, and Noise. As with Color FX, turn the knob more and you get a higher level/depth of the effect.

There are a few of-note under-the-hood features on the DJ-808, including the high-spec 96kHz soundcard.  Here’s some of the technical specs from Roland on the controller (see the full specs, including impedance/level details, here).

Signal processing:

  • Sampling Frequency = 96 kHz, 48 kHz, 44.1 kHz
  • A/D conversion: 24 bits
  • D/A conversion: 32 bits



  • INPUT (1–4) jacks: RCA phono type
  • MIC IN jack: Combo type (XLR, 1/4 inch TRS phone (balanced))
  • MASTER OUT 1 jacks: XLR type (balanced)
  • MASTER OUT 2 jacks: RCA phono type
  • BOOTH OUT jacks: TRS phone type (balanced)
  • PHONES jacks: stereo 1/4 inch phone type, miniature phone type
  • USB Host ports: USB type A
  • PC port: USB type B
  • MIDI OUT connector
  • DC IN jack
  • PHONO GROUND terminal

Dimensions + Weight:

This is on the larger end of controller size – something that you’re going to want a dedicated space for in your home studio. Bringing it to a gig? You’ll for sure want to get there at soundcheck to make room for it.

  • Weight: 15 lbs / 6.8 kg
  • Dimensions: 26.3″ X 16.8″ X  3.3″ (688 X 427 X 84 mm)

Your Questions, Answered


We noticed that on the original product announcement and around the web, DJs have lots of questions about this new controller. Here’s the answers to some of the most asked questions:

Who Did Roland Work With To Build The DJ-808? 

A lot of commenters have wondered about why the DJ-808 mixing and deck sections look similar to other currently-released products, and the answer is fairly simple. Roland teamed up with Serato for this design – so the unit is design to reflect the interface in that software.

There’s been some speculation about other companies like Pioneer or Reloop assisting with the design or manufacturing – but there is no truth to that. The DJ-808 is entirely a Roland and Serato product.

Can I MIDI Map It With (Traktor / Virtual DJ / Other DJ Software)? 

While the DJ-808 is a heavily Serato-branded product, but that doesn’t mean that the functionality is locked to that software. The step-sequencer and all other functions are sending out MIDI signals that should be able to be mapped in other software. When we have a full review unit, we’ll dive into this and see what potential exists.

Is there any ducking or compression being done with the TR-S versus other playing track channels?

No – using the TR-S sounds alongside tracks in Serato is much the same as putting an AIRA TR-8 into your setup. There’s no side chain compression for the sounds in the unit.

What software and Serato plugins are included? 

There’s a full license to Serato DJ, as well as a Pitch ‘n Time license (this unlocks the Pitch ‘n Play feature and other key-syncing functions like the VT’s autotune)

Where’s the standalone version of TR-S without the all-in-one DJ controller attached?

Great question – we suspect that Roland could be testing the waters with this gear first – and based on feedback, could release future products that take elements of this controller. All the marketing and advertising for the DJ-808 does imply that this is “just the beginning”, so we’re excited to see what other DJ-related gear Roland cooks up!

Have more questions about Roland’s new DJ controller?
Let us know in the comments and we’ll add answers here or reply in line.

Sign up here to be the first to know when units are ready for pre-order & once units officially hit the shelves

Autore: DJ TechTools


Foot – C1 – L’OL vers un 3-5-1-1 face au Dinamo Zagreb

Au moment de préparer la réception du Dinamo Zagreb, mercredi, pour la 1ere journée de la Ligue des Champions, Bruno Genesio est confronté à un drôle de casse-tête. L’entraîneur de l’Olympique Lyonnais doit composer avec de nombreuses absences (Lacazette, Fekir, Valbuena, Jallet, Grenier) et des joueurs à court de rythme (Kalulu et Cornet). De quoi inciter le technicien rhodanien à travailler sur la mise en place d’un 3-5-1-1 inédit.

En défense centrale, Nicolas Nkoulou, Jérémy Morel et Mapou Yanga-Mbiwa devraient être associés tandis que Maxwel Cornet devrait évoluer seul en pointe avec Corentin Tolisso, en soutien, au poste de meneur de jeu. Cette configuration devrait être confirmée, ou non, lors de l’entraînement de veille de match prévu ce mardi après-midi au Parc OL.

L’équipe probable : Lopes – Nkoulou, Yanga-Mbiwa, Morel – Rafael, Ferri, Gonalons (cap), Darder, Rybus – Tolisso – Cornet.

A lire ce mardi dans L’Equipe, «Houllier, pompier pour commencer» et toutes les dernières informations sur l’OL à la veille de son entrée en lice en Ligue des Champions.

Autore: L’ Actu Football


Apple headphone jack move props up Beats

No advantage to customers at all – it is all about the money

Fruity tax dodger Apple’s moves to replace the headphone jack on the iPhone 7 were nothing about users and everything about its Beats racket.

The Tame Apple press has been claiming that Apple has just killed off the century old tech in the same way that it killed off the “CD drive and Ethernet port on laptops” (sic).

What none of them are actually saying is that people will not experience an improvement in sound on the iPhone 7 and what they will have to do is consider buying Lightning or Bluetooth headphones.
As a result, Apple will make a killing.

Lightning headphones have to go through Apple’s licensing programme and Jobs’ Mob charges a flat fee for every device sold. At the moment sales of Lightning headphones are low, so if Apple gets people to use them it makes dosh even if it does not make them.

It will also increase the sales of Bluetooth headphones and according to NPD a quarter of the Bluetooth headphone market is controlled by Beats which happens to be owned by Jobs’ Mob.

The mark up on Beats gear is cheap material marketed at a high price, for idiots who know little about sound but know a lot about brands. This makes a perfect fit for Apple, but also means that by encouraging its subsidiary it makes a lot of dosh.

To be fair, sales of Bluetooth headphones were already growing, with units up 64 percent year over year according to NPD’s US figures. But it is handy that Apple’s moves to kill the headphone jack have helped out.

Apple introduced its first ever pair of wireless headphones, called the AirPods. They sell for $ 159. Those who have tested them say they have the same sound quality as the $ 29 EarPods. Beats has announced three new sets of wireless headphones, the Solo 3 Wireless ($ 299.95), the Powerbeats 3 sport earbuds ($ 199.95), and a neck-wraparound called the Beats X ($ 149.95).

Apple’s decision to kill off the headphone jack was brave. It could backfire and users will ignore the iPhone 7. But the move was a smart bet. It is based on the very likely assumption that Apple users have to be stupid enough not to spot that they have no benefit from using it and that the change is just another way for Jobs’ Mob to screw them over. Apple has been lucky that so far its users have never wised up to that fact.

Autore: – Home


Obiettivo UE 2030 su efficienza, Commissione verso innalzamento al 30%

Il nuovo obiettivo sarà presentato il mese prossimo in una nuova proposta di direttiva sull’efficienza energetica. Il target, che verrebbe rivisto al rialzo di tre punti percentuali, resta comunque molto lontano da quello raccomandato da ambientalisti ed Europarlamento.

Lieve limatura verso l’alto in arrivo per il target europeo 2030 sull’efficienza energetica, che però resterà ancora molto al di sotto rispetto a quanto auspicato da Europarlamento, ambientalisti e sostenitori della transizione energetica.

Stando ad un documento visto da Reuters, infatti, la Commissione europea il mese prossimo presenterà una proposta di direttiva sull’efficienza energetica che conterrà un obiettivo vincolante di risparmio al 2030 del 30%, anziché del 27% indicato dal Consiglio Europeo nell’ottobre 2014.

Secondo l’agenzia di stampa, ci sarebbe un “vasto supporto” all’innalzamento del target, cioè di una parte della strategia per adempiere all’impegno preso con l’accordo sottoscritto alla Cop 21 di Parigi, che l’UE deve ancora ratificare.

La revisione della nuova bozza della Commissione, pur alzano l’asticella, non arriva a quanto chiesto da Europarlamento, ambientalisti e operatori dell’efficienza. Il Parlamento europeo, infatti, lo scorso giugno ha approvato una risoluzione in cui si chiede di portare il taglio dei consumi al 40%.

Un recente rapporto del Joint Research Center della Commissione Ue (allegato in basso), peraltro mostra che l’obiettivo per l’efficienza al 2020, che prevede un taglio del 20%, è praticamente già stato raggiunto e, dunque, si potrebbe puntare sicuramente ad un target 2030 molto più ambizioso.

Puntare sul risparmio energetico, è ben chiaro anche alla Commissione, risulta strategico per l’Europa non solo per la lotta al global warming e all’inquinamento atmosferico, ma anche per la sicurezza degli approvvigionamenti e la lotta alla povertà energetica.

Come ha ricordato lo stesso Commissario all’Energia, Miguel Arias Cañete, ogni punto percentuale in più di efficienza energetica potrebbe strappare alla povertà energetica 7 milioni di europei che non riescono a pagare le bollette.

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