
Apple ci mostra una preview della ricerca fotografica di Siri in iOS 10

Grazie al rilascio del SiriKit all’interno di iOS 10, Apple permetterà alle applicazioni di terze parti di usufruire delle funzionalità dell’assistente vocale. Al fine di mostrarci una preview di come sarà strutturata l’integrazione, il colosso di Cupertino ha pubblicato un articolo a riguardo.

SiriKit iOS 10

In esso Apple ci illustra quali saranno le prime app compatibili e come potremo fare per ricercare una qualunque immagine sfruttando semplicemente i comandi vocali e l’intelligenza artificiale (AI) di Siri. Ovviamente la ricerca delle foto sarà solo la punta dell’iceberg:

I principali sviluppatori stanno avendo accesso in anteprima all’integrazione di Siri con le prossime versioni delle loro applicazioni. Con iOS 10, Siri vi aiuterà a trovare esattamente quello che state cercando nelle vostre app preferite semplicemente con la voce. L’integrazione permetterà la ricerca di foto, di effettuare pagamenti, di trovare gli amici, di effettuare chiamate, di mettere in pausa o interrompere un allenamento.

Le prime app che trarranno beneficio dal SiriKit saranno: Pinterest, Vogue Runway, Pikazo, WhatsApp, LinkedIn, WeChat, Square Cash, Monzo, Slack, Looklive, Lyft, Fandango eThe Roll. Volendo fare un esempio con Pinterest (social dedicato principalmente alle foto), potremo semplicemente dire: “Hey Siri, trovami tutte le giacche di tendenza in questo momento”. Grazie alla combinazione di termini utilizzati ed all’analisi delle ricerche degli utenti, Siri sarà in grado di capire quali sono le giacche più popolari al momento.


Autore: Agemobile


IFA, Sony presenta i nuovi Xperia XZ e X Compact

Sono passati appena 6 mesi dalla presentazione da parte di Sony della rinnovata gamma dei dispositivi Xperia X ed il colosso giapponese annuncia già, in occasione dell’IFA 2016 di Berlino, il lancio di due nuovi smartphone: Xperia XZ ed Xperia X Compact.

Xperia XZ si guadagna i galloni di top di gamma della serie: al primo sguardo assomiglia moltissimo all’Xperia X Performance (vedere la scheda su Sony presenta Xperia X, tre nuovi smartphone Android 6.0), il dispositivo di fascia alta presentato durante lo scorso mese di febbraio.

IFA, Sony presenta i nuovi Xperia XZ e X Compact

Xperia XZ è resistente all’acqua ed è stato realizzato con un metallo appositamente trattato con una base di alluminio per ottenere una finitura satinata. Lo smartphone sarà disponibile nel nuovo, elegante colore “forest blue” come anche nei più tradizionali platino e nero.

“Sotto la scocca” Sony ha collocato una raffinata fotocamera posteriore da 23 Megapixel mentre quella anteriore è da 13 Megapixel. Un rinnovato sensore RGB aiuta a equilibrare meglio il bianco delle fotografie a tutto vantaggio degli altri colori che risultano più aderenti alla realtà. Inoltre, è stata ottimizzata anche la messa a fuoco che utilizza la tecnologia laser.
La fotocamera posteriore è senza dubbio l’elemento che ha subìto le maggiori migliorie ed è stata aggiornata nell’XZ che nell’X Compact. Purtuttavia, è solo con il primo smartphone che è possibile girare video 4K.

XZ ha un display IPS da 5,2 pollici con risoluzione Full HD (si noti che lo schermo dell’X Performance è da 5 pollici, Full HD) ed è provvisto della porta USB Type-C (X Performance usa una micro USB).

Le due principali caratteristiche che differenziano l’XZ dall’X Performance sono la batteria leggermente più grande e la fotocamera avanzata. Il processore, invece, è esattamente lo stesso: Snapdragon 820 CPU, con 3GB di RAM ed un massimo di 64 GB di memoria flash che può essere portata a 256 GB.

Per quanto concerne invece l’Xperia X Compact, lo smartphone ha un display HD da 4,6 pollici, 32 GB di storage che possono essere estesi attraverso l’utilizzo dello slot microSD. Il processore usato è lo Snapdragon 650 mentre sono 3 i GB di memoria RAM (come l’XZ). Anche qui, la porta utilizza è una USB Type-C.

Anche l’X Compact potrà essere acquistato nel colore blu ma non nella stessa tonalità “forest blue” dell’XZ. Questo modello, a differenza dell’XZ, non è resistente all’acqua ed è stato costruito con materiali meno pregiati e costosi.

I prezzi di vendita non sono ancora noti ma l’XZ costerà certamente di più dell’X Performance. Negli USA, l’Xperia X Compact sarà in vendita a partire dal prossimo 25 settembre mentre l’Xperia X Compact dal 23 ottobre.



Huawei MediaPad M3: dal vivo a IFA il tablet che suona bene

Tra i prodotti presentati da Huawei a IFA 2016 troviamo anche il tablet da 8,4 pollici MediaPad M3: la collaborazione con Harman/Kardon dovrebbe portare il comparto audio del nuovo tablet a un livello superiore. Sarà disponibile in 4 versioni

Tag: AnteprimaFiereHarmanHuaweitablet

Autore: TVtech – Video e Web Tv sulla tecnologia, sull’informatica e sul mondo ICT – Ultimi Video


Alienware Refreshes The Alienware 15 And 17 Gaming Notebooks At PAX

Today Dell’s gaming brand is announcing updates to their larger form factor gaming notebooks. The Alienware 15 and 17 are launching with a new design featuring a thinner chassis and updated internals, which will significantly improve performance.

Alienware is calling the 15 and 17 VR-Ready, and to get there they’ve turned to NVIDIA’s Pascal lineup of mobile graphics cards with the GTX 1080 on the 17 and GTX 1070 on the 15. Since Kaby Lake has only just launched with the dual-core Y and U series, Alienware is still leveraging Intel’s 6th generation Core with quad-core i7 available.

Alienware 15

The design has changed as well. Alienware has moved to a new hinge-forward arrangement, which puts the display hinge closer to the user. This gives additional room at the rear of the laptop for components and cooling, allowing Alienware to shave 25% of the thickness off of the previous generation model. They aren’t the only manufacturer to do this, and it seems to work well on other gaming laptops. The chassis is designed with anodized aluminum, magnesium alloy, and steel reinforcements. Alienware even pointed out they put a steel plate behind the keyboard to protect the laptop if you have a bad game and end up smashing it, although I’d still not recommend testing this.

The keyboard has become a focal point with this generation, and Alienware has moved to newer switches which offer an impressive 2.2 mm of key travel. In addition, Alienware now joins the N-Key rollover club which means the keyboard can handle ten key presses simultaneously. For those that are into RGB lighting, Alienware does offer its lighting system, but it does not feature per-key RGB lighting.

Another new feature is Tobi eye tracking built-in to the laptop. This has been available on other gaming laptops already, but for those unfamiliar, Tobi technology uses cameras to track eye movement. This can then be leveraged to allow partial or full control of some functions with just your eyes, which sounds a bit crazy, but in titles that support it there could be some nice benefits such as the ability to auto-hide the HUD in a FPS unless you are looking at it, but the most interesting thing Alienware mentioned in the briefing is that they have software which will track your eye movement, and then when you are killed in a game, you can then replay the kill and find out where your eyes were at the time, and perhaps use this to improve your gaming performance over time. If it sounds silly, just remember that eSports are a big thing, with real money available, so players will likely be interested in this. Another excellent side benefit of the Tobi system is that it is Windows Hello capable, so you can log in with just the camera.

Alienware 17

The displays are 1920×1080 IPS panels, and the 15-inch model will be available with a 120 Hz G-SYNC display as an option, as well as a UHD IGZO offering, which is likely similar to the one Dell implements on the XPS lineup. Battery options are a 68 Wh and optional 99 Wh battery, which is pretty much the maximum you can put in a laptop. I wouldn’t expect great battery life, but with the new Pascal chips we could be surprised.

Both models will continue to work with the Alienware Graphics Amplifier as well. I asked them if they were going to move to Thunderbolt 3 for this, but they said they get more bandwidth out of the proprietary connector and are not looking to change at this time.

Both models will be available this month at Prices have not been announced yet.

Source: Alienware

Autore: AnandTech


EXC: Big Brother star Georgina Leigh Cantwell SLAMS Marnie Simpson and Lewis Bloor’s ‘showmance’

The Big Brother star did NOT hold back!

With every season of Big Brother, there is at least one romantic pairing that forms before our very eyes. It seems that within the confines of the CCTV-ed pad, love truly blossoms – this summer alone, we had at least five!

For example: Big Brother gave us Georgina Leigh Cantwell and Jackson Blyton’s unexpected love tale, while mere weeks later Lewis Bloor and Marnie Simpson became ‘Lewnie’ in Celebrity Big Brother.

But of course, there are always those who don’t quite believe that the relationships are genuine – and according to Georgina, Lewnie may not be the real deal…

More: Lewis Bloor and Marnie Simpson go on first date outside of CBB house!

Catching up with the Kent-based social media pro at Glossybox’s 5th birthday party on Wednesday (31st August), Now discovered that she had quite a defined opinion on ‘showmances’. And while she believes her romance with Jackson couldn’t be further from the term, the same can’t be said for the TOWIE and Geordie Shore stars’.

‘There were pap shots of them before the show, they know each other!’ Georgina exclaimed. ‘She was in the Diary Room, saying “it’s fate, the show’s brought us together” – yeah right! You know each other!’

Jersey Shore reaction GIF oh snap

Oh snap! In Chloe Khan‘s CBB eviction interview, there was a strange allusion made to a Whatsapp group between housemates, prior to the show – but this wasn’t much of a shock to Georgina, who puts it down as a mere example of behind-the-scenes planning.

‘For normal Big Brother, we get taken away for like a week before going into the house,’ she began. ‘They still have their phones a night before the show! I texted Lewis and said “good luck, it’s a head game, don’t let it get to you” – and he still had it the night before!

‘They knew everyone who was going in, and they have the same agents!’

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Though she may not be too enchanted by Lewnie‘s love affair, Georgina’s completely enamoured with her model boyf, Jackson, who just surprised her with a trip to Disneyland! Yet it hasn’t all been plain sailing, as she told us frankly:

‘There was a bit of a speedbump with his ex-girlfriend, but I took control of the situation and told him that he had to fully commit to me. He’s 100% in.’

Georgina Leigh-Cantwell and Jackson Blyton

Georgina Leigh Cantwell and Jackson Blyton

And what’s next for the cutesy couple? Looks like the only way is up – living together, and finally meeting his young son, from a previous relationship.

‘We’re going to look at living together in London. He lives in Nottingham, and I’m in the south-east, so there’s a bit of distance at the moment – but to be fair I’m up there quite a lot.

‘I’ve not met his son yet. That’s the next step. Hopefully soon though, I know he’s desperate for him to meet him, but obviously there’s friction with the ex… But we’re in a really serious relationship, and I’m happy.’

And we’re happy to hear it!

Autore: CelebsNow