
Evitare la condivisione dei dati da parte di WhatsApp

È di ieri la notizia dell’introduzione di diverse clausole in più all’interno della policy sulla privacy di WhatsApp: WhatsApp condividerà dati con Facebook: le novità.

Dopo il matrimonio con Facebook, celebrato ormai da tempo (l’acquisizione risale a febbraio 2014), WhatsApp comincia a diventare uno strumento per accrescere i ricavi del social network di Mark Zuckerberg. Le nuove condizioni mettono infatti nero su bianco ciò che WhatsApp potrà fare nei mesi a venire.

L’app di messaggistica sarà utilizzata, in primis, per correlare gli utenti attivi su WhatsApp con gli account Facebook appartenenti alle medesime persone. Il trait d’union tra i database di WhatsApp e di Facebook saranno i numeri telefonici degli utenti, informazione che sarà usata per identificare sul social network chi sta usando l’app di messaggistica (e viceversa).

Se si preferisse evitare la condivisione dei dati tra WhatsApp e Facebook, è possibile negare l’autorizzazione non appena comparirà la schermata A WhatsApp stiamo aggiornando i nostri termini e la nostra informativa sulla privacy (…).

Evitare la condivisione dei dati da parte di WhatsApp

Per procedere, si dovrà toccare il messaggio “Per saperne di più sugli aggiornamenti chiave dei nostri termini e informativa privacy” quindi disattivare la casella Condividi le informazioni del mio account WhatsApp con Facebook per migliorare le mie esperienze con le inserzioni e i prodotti di Facebook.

Evitare la condivisione dei dati da parte di WhatsApp

A questo punto si potrà proseguire e continuare a usare WhatsApp come sempre toccando il pulsante verde Accetto.

Nel caso in cui si fosse frettolosamente premuto il pulsante Accetto senza disabilitare la casella indicata, si potrà – entro 30 giorni – accedere alle impostazioni di WhatsApp e toccare la voce Account.

Evitare la condivisione dei dati da parte di WhatsApp

Qui si troverà la casella Condividi info account che dovrà essere disabilitata per evitare la condivisione dei dati con Facebook da parte di WhatsApp.



 Intel presenta le serie di SSD con NAND 3D 600p, 6000p, P3520, S3520, E5420s e E6000p

Intel rinnova la propria gamma SSD con diverse serie pensare per molti ambiti, utilizzando chip NAND 3D e con grande utilizzo del PCIe 3.0 x4, eliminando così il collo di bottiglia del SATA 6Gbps. Ecco, per ambito di utilizzo, le serie presentate.


Intel SSD serie 600p

Gli SSD Intel serie 600p sono pensati per il mercato client consumer, destinazione PC desktop e notebook. Le unità SSD serie 600p intendono proporsi nella fascia di prezzo più accessibile con dispositivi ad alte prestazioni con interfaccia PCIe Gen3.0 x4. I chip utilizzati sono di tipo IMFT 32-layer 3D TLC, con tagli da 128GB, 256GB, 360GB, 512GB e 1TB. Le prestazioni dichiarate sono di 1800MB/s massimi in lettura e 560MB/s in scrittura. Il form factor è M.2 2280, ovvero di lunghezza totale 80mm. Molto simile la serie 6000p, che è però indirizzata ai notebook e PC desktop aziendali. Cosa cambia? Sentendo Intel, una migliore gestione energetica e standard di qualità e affidabilità più elevati, per costi di gestione complessivi ridotti. Tutte le unità citate sono comunque garantite 5 anni.


Intel SSD DC serie P3520

Gli SSD Intel DC serie P3520 sono realizzati per soddisfare la domanda in ambito datacenter, chiamati a rispondere ad esigenze di elevate prestazioni in lettura a costi accessibili. Più precisamente Intel ritiene il loro utilizzo molto adatto in ambienti di cloud computing, virtualizzazione dello storage e hosting Web. Chip utilizzati IMFT 32-layer 3D MLC, interfacce disponibili U.2 e PCIe x4, quest’ultima nel formato HHHL. Le prestazioni sono elevate, nell’ordine dei 1700MB/s in lettura e 1350MB/s in scrittura, con tagli da 450GB, 1,2TB e 2TB.

Con la serie S3520 cambiano interfacce di collegamento e calano le prestazioni, così come i prezzi ovviamente. I chip sono quelli di tipo MLC nominati poco fa, per il resto si può scegliere l’interfaccia M.2 oppure SATA 2,5″. I modelli SATA sono accreditati di 450MB/s in lettura e 380MB/s in scrittura, con tagli disponibili di 150GB, 240GB, 480GB, 800GB, 960GB, 1,2TB e 1,6TB. Le versioni M.2 vedono leggermente ridimensionate le prestazioni (410MB/s lettura, 320MB/s scrittura), con tagli di 150GB, 240GB, 480GB, 760GB e 960GB.

IoT – Internet of things

Nomenclatura simile a quella dei client per una delle serie destinate al mondo IoT. Intel SSD serie E 6000p ne ricalca molte caratteristiche, come i chip IMFT 32-layer 3D TLC e il form factor M.2 2280 con interfaccia PCIe 3.0 x4. Le prestazioni scendono a 770MB/s in lettura e 450MB/s in scrittura, con i soli due tagli disponibili di 128GB e 256GB.

Intel SSD serie E 5420s si appoggia invece a chip IMFT 32-layer 3D MLC, mentre il form factor può essere M.2 oppure SATA 2,5″. Le prestazioni dichiarate sono di 320MB/s in lettura e 300MB/s in scrittura per i SATA, 165MB/s in lettura e 145MB/s in scrittura per gli M.2. Prestazioni modeste se rapportate agli SSD per PC, probabilmente sovradimensionate se si considera che Intel ne ipotizza l’utilizzo in ambit IoT.

Autore: Le news di Hardware Upgrade


Garmin Fenix Chronos, ufficiale la nuova gamma di smartwatch


Novità in casa Garmin soprattutto per coloro che aspettavano con ansia qualche smartwatch diverso dai soliti: l’azienda ha infatti presentato negli Stati Uniti la nuova gamma di orologi Garmin Fenix Chronos, simile per molti versi e per dotazione a Fenix 3 HR, quindi con sensore per rilevare il battito cardiaco, display da 1.2 pollici retroilluminato e protetto da vetro in zaffiro. La differenza sta essenzialmente nel design e nei materiali.


Intel’s 140GB Optane 3D XPoint PCIe SSD Spotted at IDF

As part of this year’s Intel’s Developer Forum, we had half expected some more insights into the new series of 3D XPoint products that would be hitting the market, either in terms of narrower time frames or more insights into the technology. Last year was the outing of some information, including the ‘Optane’ brand name for the storage version. Unfortunately, new information was thin on the ground and Intel seemed reluctant to speak any further about the technology that what had already been said.

What we do know is that 3D XPoint based products will come in storage flavors first, with DRAM extension parts to follow in the future. This ultimately comes from the fact that storage is easier to implement and enable than DRAM, and the characteristics for storage are not as tight as those for DRAM in terms of break-neck speed, latency or read/write cycles.

For IDF, Optane was ultimately relegated to a side presentation at the same time as other important talks were going on, and we were treated to discussions about ‘software defined cache hierarchy’ whereby a system with an Optane drive can define the memory space as ‘DRAM + Optane’. This means a system with 256GB of DRAM and a 768GB Optane drive can essentially act like a system with ‘1TB’ of DRAM space to fill with a database. The abstraction layer in the software/hypervisor is aimed at brokering the actual interface between DRAM and Optane, but it should be transparent to software. This would enable some database applications to move from ‘partial DRAM and SSD scratch space’ into a full ‘DRAM’ environment, making it easier for programming. Of course, the performance compared to an all-DRAM database is lower, but the point of this is to move databases out of the SSD/HDD environment by making the DRAM space larger.

Aside from the talk, there were actually some Optane drives on the show floor, or at least what we were told were Optane. These were PCIe x4 cards with a backplate and a large heatsink, and despite my many requests neither demonstrator would actually take the card out to show what the heatsink looked like. Quite apart from which, neither drive was actually being used – one demonstration was showing a pre-recorded video of a rendering result using Optane, and the other was running a slideshow with results of Optane on RocksDB.

I was told in both cases that these were 140 GB drives, and even though nothing was running I was able to feel the heatsinks – they were fairly warm to the touch, at least 40C if I were to narrow down a number.  One of the demonstrators was able to confirm that Intel has now moved from an FPGA-based controller down to their own ASIC, however it was still in the development phase.

Click through for high resolution

One demo system was showing results from a previous presentation given earlier in the lifespan of Optane: rendering billions of water particles in a scene where most of the scene data was being shuffled from storage to memory and vice versa. In this case, compared to Intel’s enterprise PCIe SSDs, the rendering reduced down from 22hr to ~9hr.

It’s worth noting that we can see some BGA pads on the image above. The pads seem to be in an H shape, and there are several present, indicating that these should be the 3D XPoint ICs. Some of the pads are empty, suggesting that this prototype should be a model that offers a larger size. Given the fact that one of the benefits of 3D XPoint is density, we’re hoping to see a multi-terabyte version at some point in the distant future.

The other demo system was a Quanta / Quanta Cloud Technology system node, featuring two Xeon E5 v4 processors and a pair of PCIe slots on a riser card – the Optane drive was put into one of these slots. Again, it was pretty impossible to see more of the drive aside from its backplate, but the onscreen presentation of RocksDB was fairly interesting, especially as it mentioned optimizing the software for both the hardware and Facebook.

RocksDB is a high-performance key/store database designed for fast embedded storage, used by Facebook, LinkedIn and Yahoo, but the fact that Facebook was directly involved in some testing indicates that at some level the interest in 3D XPoint will brush the big seven cloud computing providers before it hits retail. In the slides on screen, the data showed a 10x reduction in latency as well as a 3x improvement in database GETs. There was a graph plotted showing results over time (not live data), with the latency metrics being pretty impressive. It’s worth noting that there were no results shown for storing key/value data pairs.

Despite these demonstrations on the show floor, we’re still crying out for more information about 3D XPoint, how it exactly work (we have a good idea but would like confirmation), Optane (price, time to market) as well as the generation of DRAM products for enterprise that will follow. With Intel being comparatively low key about this during IDF is a little concerning, and I’m expecting to see/hear more about it during Supercomputing16 in mid-November. For anyone waiting on an Optane drive for consumer, it feels like it won’t be out as soon as you think, especially if the big seven cloud providers are wanting to buy every wafer from the production line for the first few quarters.

More images in the gallery below.


Logitech teases new G-series Battlefield Edition keyboard

Either a G810, G610 or a completely new one

Logitech has released a couple of teasers for a new gaming keyboard that will carry a Battlefield 1 badge on the side of it.

By the looks of two teasers released on both Logitech’s Facebook page as well as Logitech Instagram, it appears that this is either a G810 RGB, G610 or a completely different keyboard that will be developed in cooperation with EA/DICE in time for the launch of Battlefield 1.

There is not much to see on those two teasers other than it has a blue backlight (and possibly an RGB one) and that it has a boxy design, just like both the G810 and the G610 gaming keyboards.

Teaming up with EA/DICE for Battlefield 1 launch is definitely a good move from Logitech as it might become a really good seller, at least if Battlefield 1 is as good as it looks like.

Hopefully, we will have a chance to check out this special edition and maybe Logitech will even bundle the game with some of its high-end products.

logitech GBattlefield1 1

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