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Get Physical Sessions Episode 68 with Kotelett & Zadak

Get Physical Sessions Episode 68 with Kotelett & ZadakGet their latest release here: Physical Sessions are recorded in the Get Physical Music Office in Berlin Kreuzberg. Subscribe to our YouTube channel for updates and archives of older shows.Supported by Pioneer DJ and Adam Audio and GoPro, the Get Physical Music Box is rigged with all the latest in DJ-tech, including turntables for the occasional wax enthusiast. So be sure to keep your eyes peeled and tune into Facebook for updates and showtimes!


Liam Payne gets an ‘amazing’ birthday present – and Cheryl will be so proud!

Something pretty special is happening for Liam’s 23rd birthday

Liam Payne will be celebrating his birthday in style this year after getting a very special present.

The singer – who turns 23 on Monday – has found himself at the centre of a fundraising scheme set up by fans in honour of his big day, meaning that admirers will send donations to a cause close to his heart rather than buy him gifts.


Have Cheryl and Liam Payne had a lovers’ tiff?

An online campaign has been set up online allowing fans to support The Way Youth Zone, a community centre in Liam’s home city of Wolverhampton which he has previously lent his support to.

A message from the founder of the fundraising page says: ‘Liam Payne has done so much for fans so we the fans would like to give back.

‘In honor of his 23rd birthday, we are collecting donations for  the Way Youth Zone in Wolverhampton, a purpose-built facility for the city’s young people aged 8-19 (and up to 25 for those with disabilities).’

One Direction star Liam has now caught wind of the campaign and he’s thrilled to be getting such a poignant present.

The soon-to-be birthday boy shared a photo of an article about the fundraising in a Wolverhampton newspaper and wrote on Instagram: ‘My mum just showed me this

‘who’s ever idea that was thank you so much what an amazing birthday present’

Awww. We bet Liam’s girlfriend Cheryl, 33, will be proud of the gift too given that she also supports good causes helping young people.

The former X Factor judge even has her own foundation, Cheryl’s Trust, which works with disadvantaged youths in the North East.

This very generous gift in honour of Liam’s big day marks what’s already been a huge year for him.

[GIF] Liam Payne Niall Horan One Direction

Not only have 1D gone off on their hiatus but Liam has also started work on his solo career, having announced in July that he’s signed for Capitol Records UK.

He also of course hit the headlines back in February when his relationship with Chezza became public knowledge.

Many happy returns, Liam!

Autore: CelebsNow


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Analisi Euro Dollaro Lunedì 29 Agosto 2016 – Time Frame Daily

Come anticipato nello scorso articolo, avremmo assistito a 5/7 giorni sfibranti in attesa dell’ultimo massimo. Essendo un Weekly il sotto ciclo di un Mensile, statisticamente sarebbe dovuto sostare sul minimo di inizio dai 5 ai 7 giorni prima di definire la sua direzione.
Sono stati cinque i giorni di sosta sul minimo dopodiché il prezzo ha brekkato al ribasso, segno per ora di un Mensile ribassista e quindi di un Bimestrale composto con il Mensile precedente, ancora non sappiamo se ribassista o non.

Analisi Euro Dollaro Lun 29 Ago 2016 D

Il 26 Agosto dovrebbe essere finito il primo Weekly per cui tra Lunedì 29 e Martedì 30 dovrebbe iniziare il secondo Weekly.
E’ probabile quindi che assisteremo a due giorni di rialzo come seconda onda di questo nuovo Mensile, per poi assistere nuovamente ad un ribasso.

Per ora la prima area supportiva si trova ai valori 1,1090/1,1055, in corrispondenza della mezzeria di questo nuovo canale ribassista e di una linea del Ventaglio di Gann (trend line tratteggiata spessa in blue).

PATTERN DI SPERANDEO – time frame Weekly
Perché il canale ribassista attualmente formatosi (in verde) non rimanga ribassista, non dovrà essere brekkata al ribasso il minimo corrispondente alla candela Weekly del 25 Luglio a 1,0952, il quale fatto sancirebbe un Bimestrale ribassista.

Analisi Euro Dollaro Lun 29 Ago 2016 W

Per ora gli indicatori in questo time frame sono rialzisti.

Mentre gli indicatori in questo time frame si stanno scaricando per dare luogo ad un nuovo rialzo credo contenuto questa volta.

Per info sul Percorso Tecnico Ciclico Predittivo e Analisi Visiva:
contattare Ing.Francesco Filippi 349 466 18 24
[email protected]

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