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[642] America’s horrible pension underfunding debacle

The top story: The French parliament has officially adopted a controversial new labor law. Elsewhere, Anthem and Cigna are to be sued by the U.S., which seeks to block the insurers’ merger. Ameera David has details. Afterwards, Boom Bust’s Bianca Facchinei reports on how India has cleared a path for Apple to open its first retail store, despite a lack of locally-sourced product. Then, RT Correspondent Manuel Rapalo explains why Airbnb has hired former U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder to tackle discrimination.After the break, Ameera David talks to University of California-Berkeley economics professor Barry Eichengreen about the impact of the Brexit vote on emerging markets and Europe. And in the Big Deal, Ameera and Edward Harrison discuss America’s horrible pension underfunding problem. Take a look!Check us out on Facebook — and feel free to ask us questions: us @

Digital Audio

Snuff – Crew Move Me

Snuff – Crew Move MeFrom BPC274 Snuff – Crew Move Me Release Date: 25.10.2013Label: Bpitch ControlBPC Webshop: their third album, Snuff Crew chose to work more conceptually than they had on their previous releases (their eponymous first album “Snuff Crew” in 2009, and “Jack 2” in 2010) on labels such as Killekill, International Deejay Gigolo, Playhouse, SCI+TEC, Rush Hour, and Skylax. Different methods were employed to create this record. They scored their songs and arrangements, and new influences took hold. It became more about writing songs than producing tracks. The whole process of shaping the album took far longer than expected, especially as it grew to include such world class guests as Tyree Cooper, Rachel Row, Kim Ann Foxman and Hard Ton. Snuff Crew had already released remixes for Ellen Allien and Dance Disorder with BPitch Control, and they knew they were the right label for this project.Chicago House and Acid House remain important to the creative work of Snuff Crew. Yet, on this third album piano-driven 90’s US-House, dark Oldschool Electro and Hip-House are strong influences as well. It was easy for the duo to agree on the title “Behind The Masks.” It is important for the Crew to give deeper insights into their work and vision of their music, even if the masks will remain an essential trademark in their popular live shows.The Crew revealed a love for creating melodies that stay with you in their remix for the “Fantasy Girl” cover by Billie Ray Martin & Hard Ton, in collaboration with Robert Owens (released on their own label Snuff Trax). This influence can also be felt on this third Snuff Crew album, “Behind The Masks.”

Digital Audio

TecBeatz Push Performance

Watch TecBeatz showcase some of the new features in Live 9.7. Coming later this year and currently in beta, Live 9.7 is bringing some big improvements to slicing, recording and programming beats with Push.Learn more about Live 9.7: more about Push: up with TecBeatz on Twitter: AV Club:


Nvidia presenta la nuova Titan X: 12 GB e 11 TeraFLOPS

A sorpresa, Nvidia ha lanciato una nuova scheda grafica basata su architettura Pascal. La nuova Titan X è un prodotto di fascia molto alta, basato su una GPU a 16 nm, che surclassa abbondantemente anche la già performante GeForce GTX 1080 che già da sola vanta prestazioni migliori del 70% rispetto alla GTX 980 e del 30% superiori rispetto alla precedente Titan X.

La nuova Nvidia Titan X poggia su qualcosa come 12 miliardi di transistor e su 12 GB di memoria GDDR5X nonché su 3.584 core CUDA.

Nvidia presenta la nuova Titan X: 12 GB e 11 TeraFLOPS

La frequenza di lavoro è pari a 1531 MHz, più bassa rispetto ai 1733 MHz della GTX 1080, ma l’aspetto è poco rilevante se si considera che la nuova Titan X utilizza ben 1.000 core CUDA in più.

Stando a quanto dichiarato dagli ingegneri di Nvidia, la nuova Titan X riesce a raggiungere ben 11 TeraFLOPS nelle elaborazioni in virgola mobile single precision. Un valore mostruoso che neppure il numero uno della società di Santa Clara, Jen-Hsun Huang, riteneva fosse possibile ottenere con una singola GPU.

La nuova scheda di Nvidia va considerato comunque come un prodotto “di nicchia” che si dice sia stato partorito dall’azienda californiana solo per una scommessa fra Huang e l’ingegnere capo Brian Keller.Ad ogni modo, sarà disponibile a partire dal prossimo 2 agosto al prezzo di 1.200 dollari.
