
Con Salsa il pieno dei veicoli elettrici si fa solo con le rinnovabili

Con Salsa, il pieno dei veicoli elettrici si fa solo con le rinnovabili

( – Mini flotte di veicoli elettrici ricaricati solo attraverso le energie rinnovabili grazie a smart grid e sistemi d’accumulo. Questo in poche parole quanto si propone di realizzare il progetto SALSA (acronimo di Sistema de Automovilidad Limpia con Soporte de Almacenamiento) in Spagna, Cuba e Brasile.

A quanti oggi sono preoccupati che l’avvento dell’e-mobility su larga scala comporti un aumento delle emissioni delle centrali termoelettriche per rimanere al passo alla domanda, l’iniziativa spagnola risponde con semplicità: un’alternativa esiste e può essere messa in pratica fin da ora senza extra-lavoro da parte delle fossili. Il progetto affronta le sfide poste oggi dalle reti intelligenti, facendole divenire soluzione chiave dell’intermittenza delle fonti rinnovabili. Queste infrastrutture infatti permettono di ottenere elettricità pulita a partire da più siti che possono così comunicare fra loro, in maniera coordinata, per gestire la produzione in base alla reale domanda. A portare avanti SALSA, è Albufera Energy Storage, società spagnola che produce sistemi di stoccaggio e che progetterà, istallerà e controllerà tutto il sistema.

Il progetto avrà inizio con una serie di esperimenti su piccola scala. Il primo sarà visibile al Che Guevara Studies Center alla Fiera Internazionale dell’Avana dal 31 ottobre – 4 novembre. La rete di auto elettriche in programma sarà, in quel caso, impiegata principalmente il turismo. Joaquín Chacón, direttore generale di Albufera, spiega così SALSA: “Il set completo – sistema di trasporto e infrastrutture di ricarica – è gestito in due modi: attraverso il controllo dei dati con dispositivi di monitoraggio e informazione ITC e assicurando l’equilibrio tra l’approvvigionamento energetico da fonti rinnovabili e la domanda di ricarica dei veicoli. Questo equilibrio viene realizzato con sistemi di accumulo energetico basati su batterie”. “Il progetto SALSA è stato ben accolto ovunque è stato presentato, sia fra comuni che imprese, e in tutti i casi hanno istituito gruppi di lavoro per studiare la sua attuazione”, ha aggiunto Isabel Guerrero, responsabile dell’iniziativa. Oltre Cuba, il progetto è stato presentato a Madrid, Ibiza, Torrelavega e Pernambuco (Brasile).

Autore: Rinnovabili


FOREX: torna a dominare Sua Maestà il Dollaro USA

us dollar commodity

Il mercato può anche sembrare piatto, ma in realtà si muove, eccome se si muove. Guardato il COT Report in merito al forex (per lo SP500 lasciamo il compito al solito Lukas che più tardi ci erudirà sull’argomento) notiamo che i recenti sviluppi hanno sicuramente contribuito a cambiare il quadro di fondo.
Tanto per cominciare parliamo dell’Euro.
Possiamo dire che il grafico del cross euro dollaro già non è di buon auspicio per la moneta unica, e ci segnala un rischio rafforzamento per il Dollaro USA.

Grafico euro dollaro


La rottura di area 1.10 non è certo di buon auspicio per la moneta unica. E difatti ecco che dal COT report risulta che gli shortisti speculatori hanno caricato la mano, aumentando per la quarta settimana consecutiva i loro contratti, raggiungendo una posizione short che nel suo complesso risulta decisamente importante.
Cosa molto simile, e non poteva essere altrimenti, l’hanno fatta gli speculatori contro la Sterlina inglese. Gli ultimi deludenti dati macro sulla fiducia PMI non hanno certo giovato in prospettiva per l’economia anglosassone.
Chi ne guadagna? Ovviamente sempre lui, il Dollaro USA che si rafforza un po’ contro tutti.

19-Jul                 Commitment of Traders  
  Attuale Precedente  Gross Long Variaz % Gross Short  Variaz %
Euro -99.0 -87.7 115.8 3.9 211.5 16.2
Yen 39.4 47.5 79.9 -5.5 40.5 2.7
Sterllina Inglese -74.4 -60.1 28.0 -12.0 102.3 2.3
Franco Svizzero 4.7 6.7 23.2 -0.1 18.5 1.9
(source: CFTC and Bloomberg, dati in migliaia )      
Riproduzione riservata


Danilo DT

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Autore: Blog Network Posts

Digital Audio

SoundSwitch: Beatgrid-Synced Lighting Automation For Serato DJ

Not every DJ has a lighting designer and visuals team, but that doesn’t mean that unique lighting effects have to be out of reach. With the new SoundSwitch hardware/software package, DJs will be able to write lighting scripts for songs in their library – it’s like a DAW for lighting. When a track is played back with Serato DJ, the associated lighting cues and effects are played back automatically in time with the tracks in the mix.

  • Product: Soundswitch software and hardware DMX controller
  • Manufacturer: Onesixone Ltd (in New Zealand)
  • Price: $ 499 on the SoundSwitch site
  • Availability: Hardware set to launch August 12, software in Beta now
  • System Requirements: Serato DJ, Mac OS X 10.9 or later or Windows 7 or later, 5GB HD space, 4GB RAM

The team behind SoundSwitch is calling it a Digital Lighting Workstation, with clear aspirations for track-based customized lighting shows to become the new industry norm.

For many DJs (mobile, club, underground, etc), lighting is usually a luxury or an afterthought. But with SoundSwitch, you might spend even more time preparing your DJ library and designing interesting lighting shows for every song in your set.

Edit Mode: Preparing Songs In Soundswitch

SoundSwitch has a whole series of tutorials on their site showing how the software is used – and the whole thing seems fairly intuitive. The software is split into two parts – Edit Mode, and Performance mode. In Edit mode, you prepare your lighting fixtures and lighting scripts for each track.

The main screen in Edit Mode looks just like a DAW, but instead of instruments, they are lighting fixtures. For each fixture, there’s a track in SoundSwitch that controls the intensity and color of the unit. There’s also a Master track if you just want to send one identical signal out to every light.

What About Songs Not Prepared In SoundSwitch?

Many DJs might not have time to build a custom lighting track for every single song in their library that they might play. The solution for this from SoundSwitch is to have a few different Autoloops that can be used as a backup for such instances.

They’re just short loops of lighting scripts that can be triggered on the fly. You can set up to 32 lighting cue loops (eight loops in four different banks). These loops will play automatically in time with your beat grid if there isn’t an associated SoundSwitch script for the playing track.

Performance Mode: Playing Sync’d Songs

SoundSwitch is very preparation-focused. When it comes time to actually perform, the DJ only opens the Autoloops software, connects it as a “Serato Remote” in Serato DJ’s preferences, and mixes tracks as normal. SoundSwitch stays in the background and isn’t something you’ll be interacting with during a set.

SoundSwitch Hardware

Screen Shot 2016-07-25 at Jul 25.11.24 PM

SoundSwitch requires their own proprietary DMX interface. It’s a small box, connected via USB to your computer, with a simple three-pin DMX connector on the side of it. For now, you can only use SoundSwitch with their own interface, but according to a support page on third-party hardware:

“There are a few things in the pipeline here at SoundSwitch HQ, which we are looking to get to you as soon as possible. All we can say at this stage is watch this space…”

In terms of DJ software that SoundSwitch is compatible with, it apparently works just fine with any of the Serato DJ supported hardware controllers and mixers. The software uses information from the DJ hardware to adjust the overall intensity, so it has to be a USB-connected mixing surface.

For Serato DJ users who are performing with external soundcards (specifically the SL2/3/4 or Denon DJ DS1), SoundSwitch isn’t supported. We suspect this is because the actual audio manipulation is happening outside of Serato, so it’s impossible to tell which track is going to the master output.

What are your thoughts on this solution for DJ lighting automation?
Would you use it? Let us know in the comments below. 

Autore: DJ TechTools


AMD Announces Radeon Pro SSG: Polaris With M.2 SSDs On-Board

As part of this evening’s AMD Capsaicin event (more on that later), AMD’s Chief Architect and SVP of the Radeon Technologies Group has announced a new Radeon Pro card unlike anything else. Dubbed the Radeon Pro Solid State Graphics (SSG), this card includes M.2 slots for adding NAND SSDs, with the goal of vastly increasing the amount of local storage available to the video card.

Details are a bit thin and I’ll update this later this evening, but in short the card utilizes a Polaris 10 GPU and includes 2 PCIe 3.0 M.2 slots for adding flash drives to the card. These slots are then attached to the GPU (it’s unclear if there’s a PCIe switch involved or if it’s wired directly), which the GPU can then use as an additional tier of storage. I’m told that the card can fit at least 1TB of NAND – likely limited by M.2 MLC SSD capacities – which massively increases the amount of local storage available on the card.

As AMD explains it, the purpose of going this route is to offer another solution to the workset size limitations of current professional graphics cards. Even AMD’s largest card currently tops out at 32GB, and while this is a fair amount, there are workloads that can use more. This is particular the case for workloads with massive datasets (oil & gas), or as AMD demonstrated, scrubbing through an 8K video file.

Current cards can spill over to system memory, and while the PCIe bus it’s still much slower than local memory, plus it is subject to the latency of the relatively long trip and waiting on the CPU to address requests. Local NAND storage, by comparison, offers much faster round trips, though on paper the bandwidth isn’t as good, so I’m curious to see just how it compares to the real world datasets that spill over to system memory.  Meanwhile actual memory management/usage/tiering is handled by a combination of the drivers and developer software, so developers will need to code specifically for it as things stand.

For the moment, AMD is treating the Radeon Pro SSG as a beta product, and will be selling developer kits for it directly., with full availability set for 2017. For now developers need to apply for a kit from AMD, and I’m told the first kits are available immediately. Interested developers will need to have saved up their pennies though: a dev kit will set you back $ 9,999.

Autore: AnandTech



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