
Il disastro ambientale in Brasile si ripeterà nel 2017

Il disastro ambientale in Brasile si ripeterà nel 2017

( – C’è una nuova bomba pronta ad esplodere che minaccia i fiumi del Brasile. È la coda del disastro ambientale che ha colpito il Rio Doce alla fine del 2015, quando il cedimento di due dighe della Samarco ha riversato a valle milioni di metri cubi di fanghi tossici, devastando interi ecosistemi e lasciando senza acqua potabile 250mila persone. La peggiore catastrofe della storia del Brasile si può ripetere entro marzo 2017, complici le piogge. Lo ha affermato il procuratore federale che segue il caso, accusando di crimini ambientali l’ad della Samarco Roberto Carvalho.

L’azienda – una joint venture al 50% tra la brasiliana Vale SA e l’australiana BHP Billiton – non ha messo in atto le necessarie misure di emergenza imposte dall’Agenzia per la protezione ambientale del Brasile all’indomani del disastro ambientale. Secondo la procura federale la quantità di fanghi tossici non adeguatamente contenuta ammonta a 24,8 milioni di metri cubi, l’equivalente di 10mila piscine olimpioniche.

Si tratta di una bomba a orologeria: i tre quarti delle sostanze tossiche non sono ancora stati trascinati a valle dalle piogge, ma ciò non significa che non possano inquinare un’area più estesa di quella attuale. Infatti ci si aspetta che le precipitazioni ne spostino verso l’oceano almeno 2,8 mln di metri cubi entro marzo 2017. Colpa della Samarco che non ha obbedito: delle 11 misure di prevenzione pattuite, l’azienda ne ha messe in campo – parzialmente – solo 4, ignorando le restanti 7.

Così ieri la procura ha formalizzato l’accusa per crimini ambientali contro Carvalho, aggiungendo che le due compagnie che formano la Samarco sono ritenuti co-responsabili per il disastro. La Fukushima brasiliana sembrava essere risolta sul piano legale nel marzo di quest’anno, dopo che governo e Samarco avevano trovato un accordo sui risarcimenti: la compagnia deve sborsare 5 miliardi in 15 anni, oltre a garantire un piano per ripulire l’area colpita per il valore di oltre 6 mln di dollari.

Autore: Rinnovabili


BOE in action. E parte ufficialmente la BREXIT.

boe-bank-of-englandE’ forse la decisione della BOE più attesa degli ultimi anni. Oggi Carney dovrà decidere se fare quello che fino a qualche mese fa era impensabile.
Infatti non è assolutamente escluso che la BOE, a seguito del referendum BREXIT, torni a tagliare i tassi di interesse. Tassi che erano fermi ormai dal 2009, inchiodati in area 0.50%.
Una mossa che suonerebbe molto di propedeutico in vista di quella possibile freneta dovuta, appunto alla Brexit. Ricordate però che al momento non è assolutamente possibile quantificare gli effetti dell’uscita della Gran Bretagna dall’Unione Europea.

BOE: il tasso di riferimento


Però gli indici PMI iniziano a perdere colpi. Per carità, non siamo ancora in area di pericolo (sotto i 50) però è evidente un peggioramento che è stato poi accelerato nel post referendum.

Indici PMI UK

uk-pmiMa non è solo una questione di PMI. Carney sicuramente guarda con attenzione anche al mondo immobiliare. Avete letto nei giorni scorsi ed in questo post in particolare (FUGA DA LONDRA!) cosa è successo in certi prodotti che investono sul real estate prevalentemente commerciale. Ma non è solo in quest’area il problema, anzi. Quello che fa paura è sicuramente il residenziale. Guardate questo grafico. Rappresenta il prezzo delle case a Londra. Da tempo si parlava di “bolla immobiliare”, immaginatevi ora che c’è la Brexit… I prezzi sono praticamente raddoppiati, e ripeto RADDOPPIATI dal 2009 e quindi in 7 anni.

UK National House Price Index London

uk-nationwide-house-price-index-londonQuindi il problema non può essere sottovalutato anche perchè ricorderete che proprio in quel periodo (2008) fallì una banca a causa della bolla immobiliare. Era Lehman Brothers e la BOE dovrà tenerne conto anche perché i segnali in arrivo dalle statistiche sono pessimi.

RICS’s survey provides the first insight into the impact the decision to leave the EU is having on the housing market. It shows nationwide demand falling to its lowest level since the middle of 2008, while the number of properties put up for sale plunged to a record low. A gauge of sales expectations for the next three months was at its weakest in 28 years. (BMG)

Quindi, se già pensavamo di essrre in bolla, se il mercato immobiliare era a rischio di forte correzione prima della Brexit, che accadrà adesso?

RICS said a measure of near-term price expectations fell to minus 27, with all the 12 areas in England and Wales it tracks in negative territory. Its nationwide gauge of price expectations for the next year plunged to zero in June from 54. The survey was conducted between June 24 and last week.

Direi che è chiaro, è più che possibile una violenta correzione dei prezzi. Ma attenzione, non fate l’errore di “isolare” il problema al solo mondo immobiliare. Ragionate sugli effetti sui consumi e sui bilanci delle banche, più tutto quello che potrebbe generare in ambito di insolvenze e nuovi subprime.
Ecco perché l’intervento di oggi di Carney potrebbe essere “preventivo” ma necessario, anche se, temo, non sarà assolutamente sufficiente.
E comunque, dopo la formazione del nuovo governo guidato dalla “nuova Lady di Ferro” Theresa May, possiamo dire che siamo entrari ufficialmente nella Brexit. Anche se si tarda a considerare l’art. 50, gli effetti stanno iniziando a farsi sentire. Anche se i conti si faranno, se non alla fine, tra qualche anno, ma il mercato, come sempre si muove prima. Molto prima.

Riproduzione riservata


Danilo DT

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BOE in action. E parte ufficialmente la BREXIT., 10.0 out of 10 based on 8 ratings

Autore: Blog Network Posts

Digital Audio

Competitions Could Prevent Fake DJ Routines With Two Simple Steps

There’s been a buzz in the international DJ community as the winner of a major Thre3style event was discovered to have faked his set. For all the production that goes into Red Bull’s DJ competition, we’re amazed that a few basic concepts haven’t been implemented that would instantly allow judges, fans, and fellow competitors to detect fake DJ routines.

G-Smooth’s Set: A Lot Of Work To Fake It

A screencap pointing out the disparity in volume levels on the DJM-S9 during G-Smooth's set (via Eric Lehy on Facebook)

A screen cap pointing out the disparity in volume levels on the DJM-S9 during G-Smooth’s set (via Eric Lehy on Facebook)

Before we dive into our two suggestions for DJ competitions, a bit more context on this week’s events. G-Smooth was declared the winner of the Australian Thre3style competition that took place on July 1st. However, many DJs around the web watched the routine and were able to quickly find moments where his physical actions on the turntables and mixer didn’t line up with the resulting audio. Add to that,  the trim/gain knobs on each channel were turned all the way down, and the sampler volume was turned up, as pointed out in the screen capture from Eric Lehy above.

You can watch the full routine on his Facebook page, but considering the context, we felt it more appropriate to just embed two clips of the most egregiously faked parts.

  • Daft Punk “Roll”:  On the mixer used, Pioneer DJ’s DJM-S9, the top-right pad mode (where the pads are green) is the roll function. This means the pads will trigger rolls on the playing track at different rates. The rate is determined by which pad you press – but if you watch below, it doesn’t line up at all with what you hear:

Fake Roll: G-Smooth Faked Red Bull Thre3style entryG-Smooth had his winning Australian Red Bull Thre3style title revoked after DJs called fake on his performance. Here’s a clip of him using loop rolls during the routine in question. Read more about how competitions could fix this problem here:

Posted by DJ TechTools on Thursday, July 14, 2016

  • Watch The Sticker: As many commenters were very quick to point out, a great way to look for fake turntablism sets is to watch the actual sticker on the control vinyl. Check out the tail end of the routine and watch the sticker closely – does it match up to the audio?

Watch The Label – G-Smooth Red Bull Thre3style clipG-Smooth had his winning Australian Red Bull Thre3style title revoked after DJs called fake on his performance. Here’s a clip of him “cutting” in the routine in question. Read more about how competitions could fix this problem here:

Posted by DJ TechTools on Thursday, July 14, 2016

It’s worth noting that G-Smooth mimics a lot of the performance very convincingly – enough to fool the judges in the room and the crowd. But imagine how much work it must have taken to make sure that his actions aligned with a playing track?

With live DJ routines, slight flubs or moments where it’s not quite right are acceptable, because they’re live. But if your recorded set is perfect, then you have to match your actions exactly right to that perfect recording. He might as well have just played the real routine with all the work he put into faking it. 

Step 1: Add Screen Capture + Overhead Video For Every Competitor

To allow anyone to quickly see if the audio matches up to what a DJ is doing during a performance, there are two things that need to be recorded without interruption:

1. Overhead view: Video cameras are all over the DJ booths at these Red Bull Thre3style events, but for some unknown reason, there’s not one that is directly above the DJ mixer pointing down. This angle allows you to see the VU meters, every single control on a DJ mixer, the exact sticker location, if cables are really plugged in, if gear is turned on, etc.

The Red Bull Thre3style producers want the final published videos to look really good in terms of editing and camera work, and a single overhead feed isn’t too exciting to watch. But look at how the popular DJsounds YouTube mix show does it for inspiration (mixing starts at 7:30):

2. Screen Capture: Being able to see exactly what is on the screen of a laptop DJ might feel invasive, but it’s completely necessary to see what is really going on. For instance, in G-Smooth’s performance, the decks on Serato DJ were still moving and he was manipulating them live. But the real audio is coming through the SP-6 sampler in the software – something we might have been able to see activated in start of the routine.

A lot of DJs also use pre-produced edits when entering competitions. The best way to properly show the audience the different between these edits and an on-the-fly edit is to have a window into the software to see what’s one the decks. Just take a HDMI cable, plug it into the computer, set it to mirrored so the DJ’s view is unaffected, and record the output.

Step 2: Put A “Referee” In The DJ Booth


In most professional sports, you don’t have referees that sit in the stands and officiate from there. So why is it that in almost every professional DJ competition, all the judges sit in the crowd or across the room? Unless there are monitors at the judges’ table showing the screen capture and above-the-mixer video angle mentioned above, the judges will be unable to really determine what’s going on and how the routine is being performed.

The simple solution is to add either a judge or an impartial referee who stands next to the DJ. They’re not there to trainspot, but to instead watch what a DJ is doing technically. 

How would you change the DMC and Thre3style events to prevent fake DJ routines? 

Autore: DJ TechTools


Zendaya singt mit Hugh Jackman in “Showman”

Die junge US-amerikanische Sängerin, Tänzerin und TV-Schauspielerin Zendaya (19, ‚K.C. Undercover‘, ‚Shake It Up – Tanzen ist alles‘) soll ‚Wolverine‘-Star Hugh Jackman (47) in dem geplanten Filmmusical ‚The Greatest Showman on Earth‘ zur Seite stehen.

Zendaya singt mit Hugh Jackman in "Showman"

Dem ‚Hollywood Reporter‘ zufolge verhandelt sie um eine Rolle als Trapezkünstlerin. Jackman spielt die Hauptrolle des berühmten Zirkusgründers P. T. Barnum, der im 19. Jahrhundert ein abenteuerliches Leben führte.

Michelle Williams soll die Sängerin Jenny Lind mimen, in die Barnum unsterblich verliebt war. Auch Mädchenschwarm Zac Efron verhandelt um eine Rolle in dem Musical, bei dem Michael Gracey Regie führt. Zendaya erhielt kürzlich auch den Zuschlag für die weibliche Hauptrolle in ‚Spider-Man: Homecoming‘ an der Seite des britischen Schauspielers Tom Holland.

Foto: Apega/



Nvidia releases new Geforce 368.81 WHQL Game/VR Ready drivers

VR Fun House now available on Steam as Free to Play title 

Nvidia has released its newest Geforce 368.81 WHQL drivers, which are also both Game and VR Ready, and has released the Nvidia VR Fun House, a set of mini-games to show off some VR and Nvidia technologies in action.

According to the release notes, it appears that the new Geforce 368.81 WHQL drivers are pretty much all about Virtual Reality (VR) as they provide an optimal experience for new and upcoming VR titles like the Nvidia VR Funhouse, Everest VR, Obduction, Raw Data and the Assembly.

The new Geforce 368.81 WHQL drivers also bring Ansel support in Mirror’s Edge Catalyst and brings new SLI profile for Obduction.

The new Geforce 368.81 WHQL drivers also fix a couple of big issues noticed on Nvidia Pascal based graphics cards earlier, including the lack of GPU Boost in VR games as well as the issue with HTC Vive and DisplayPort outputs. There are also a couple of other fixed issues including corruption seen when booting on DVI at or above 330MHz pixel clock and 80Hz refresh rate, noticed on GP104-based graphics cards.

In addition to new drivers, Nvidia has also released the Nvidia VR Funhouse to Steam as a Free to Play title. Based on Unreal Engine 4, the Nvidia VR Fun House is a set of seven mini-games meant to demonstrate Virtual Reality in a fun way as well as use some of Nvidia technologies, like the FleX, Flow, HairWorks, PhysX Destruction and Multi-Res Shading.

Currently, the VR Fun House only works with HTC Vive VR headset and its controllers and is quite demanding as it needs at least Geforce GTX 980 Ti or GTX 1060 6GB (according to Steam page) and a Core i7-4790 in order to run it at low settings. The GTX 1080 and Intel Core i7-5930 are needed for medium quality settings and if you want to max it out, you’ll still need the same CPU, a single GTX 1080 or two GTX 980 Ti, Titan X or GTX 1070 graphics cards as well as a GTX 980 Ti as a dedicated PhysX GPU.

The VR Fun House mini-games sound fun and Nvidia technologies certainly make it look good but with such high requirements, you’ll need a deep pocket to run it in its full glory.

As always, you can find the new Geforce 368.81 WHQL Game Ready driver over at Nvidia driver support page or automatically via Geforce Experience, while Nvidia VR Fun House is Free to Play on Steam.

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