
Coronation Street complaints ‘assessed by Ofcom’ after child grooming storyline DIVIDES viewers

The ITV soap has split opinion with this dark storyline

If you’re a Coronation Street fan, you’ll know that the soap likes to tackle some pretty dark subjects –  and the show’s most recent child grooming storyline is certainly no different.

This week we’ve seen evil Nathan Curtis, 35, attempt to pimp out his 16-year-old girlfriend Bethany Platt to his pals at a party – after telling her to ‘wear that sexy dress I saw on your profile picture’.

One of Nathan’s creepy mates then says: ‘She’s certainly dressed the part. I’d like to get to know her better.’

To which Nathan, who’s played by Christopher Harper, replies: ‘I promise you, when she’s ready, you will be the first to know.’


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But while children’s charity Barnado’s have come forward and praised the show for ‘shining a light on this serious but little discussed issue’, it seems like some viewers have been left feeling uncomfortable and Ofcom have revealed they’ve received complaints.

In a statement to The Sun a spokesperson for television regulator explained: ‘We will assess these complaints before deciding whether to investigate or not.’

Some viewers were left uncomfortable by the grooming scenes (Photo by ITV/REX/Shutterstock)

The complaints come after the party scene was described as ‘uncomfortable to watch ‘ by many Twitter users with one writing: ‘Nathan and his mates make me sick. I don’t wanna watch while this storyline is on, it makes me feel too uncomfortable.’

Another wrote: ‘I don’t like the Bethany storyline, too dark and creepy,’ and a third said: ‘Very uncomfortable viewing tonight. Watching Bethany being paraded in front of a group of men. it was really sick and scary.’

More: films his music video on Coronation Street…

Despite the strong reactions, Corrie boss Kate Oates has defended the storyline explaining that it is very well researched and the show has been working closely with children’s charity the NSPCC, revealing: ‘Bethany’s story has been crafted over many months, to create an awareness for viewers about the dangers of grooming.

‘Her journey has begun in a way many young people will recognise: through feelings of low self-worth.

‘Bethany’s story is a challenging watch: but we hope it will encourage open discussion amongst friends and families about self-esteem, confidence and most importantly, safety.’

Corrie bosses have defended the well-researched storyline (Photo by ITV/REX/Shutterstock)

Actress Lucy Fallon, who plays teenage Bethany in the ITV soap has also defended the sinister scenes explaining: ‘We are targeting people who watch Corrie who are quite young.

‘We’ve had really good feedback saying it’s important we’re doing it at this time, to target the right people.

‘If we didn’t do it, it wouldn’t be talked about and we want to start the conversation.’

Autore: CelebsNow


Eva Herzigova, a nozze con Gregorio Marsiaj dopo 14 anni: è ‘engaged’

Eva Herzigova presto dirà di sì. Le nozze con Gregorio Marsiaj, dopo ben 14 anni insieme, non sono molto lontane: la 44enne è ufficialmenteengaged, fidanzata.

Eva Herzigova andrà a nozze con gregorio Mariaj dopo 14 anni e 3 figli

Sono una super coppia che il gossip non è mai riuscito a scalfire. I pettegolezzi su possibili flirt dell’imprenditore torinese si sono sempre rivelati falsi. Resistono nel tempo e hanno tre figli, George 9 anni, Philipe, 6, ed Edward, 3. Ora, presto, andranno a nozze. Eva Herzigova è engaged con Gregorio Marsiaj, come svelato sul social.

Eva Herzigova sul suo profilo sul network ha postato uno scatto di Gregorio Marsiaj che tiene in braccio il figlio più piccolo e ha scritto: “You are the one! #engaged”. Ha accompagnato le sue parole con un cuore rosso. E’ engaged, come anticipato anche dal Daily Mail. Le nozze sono a un passo.

La top model 44enne ha annunciato il fidanzamento con l’imprenditore torinese 40enne

Pareva allergica al matrimonio. Nel lontano 2002, intervistata, Eva Herzigova aveva detto: “Una relazione è continua evoluzione e il matrimonio spesso ferma questa progressione amorosa. Sono una ragazza molto indipendente e mi piace la solitudine. Sono come un gatto: mi piace essere accarezzata, ma ho anche bisogno di andare via per poi tornare”.

Con gli anni e la maturità ha deciso che era tempo di fiori d’arancio, i secondi per la bionda, che nel 1996 si era sposata con Tico Torres, batterista di Bon Jovi, da cui ha divorziato nel 1999. 

I due sono felicissimi

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Autore: GossipNews


‘Motherhood is sacred’: No nanny for pregnant Cheryl according to autobiography

Cheryl’s been planning motherhood for a LONG time

Parents-to-be Cheryl and Liam Payne are VERY busy people – Liam’s part of the biggest boy band in the world and is currently recording his new solo album. While Cheryl’s got heaps of her own business ventures AND her own charity!


So with baby Chiam expected any day now (eeek) we totally wouldn’t blame the pop star duo for getting a bit of help with their little one – after all, they have a whole empire to run.

But it turns out that 33-year-old Chez is NOT keen on the idea of hiring a nanny and has previously spoken out about being a hands-on parent.

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And she’s been thinking about becoming a mum ever since she married ex-hubby Ashley Cole, writing in the 2008 Girls Aloud autobiography Dreams That Glitter: ‘Once I’ve had a child I’m always going to be a mother and that is sacred; to me that’s what life is about.

‘It’s what I’m doing this for – for my future with my family.’ AW!

More: Cheryl and Liam Payne baby latest: One Direction gathering for the birth?

Unfortunately for the rest of us, after months of waiting for Chez to return to the spotlight it looks like we’re all going to have a little while longer for the former X Factor judge to re-emerge as she also added: ‘I want to be at the point where I can take a year, 18 months, off.

‘I want them to wake up and ask for me, not a nanny.

‘That would break my heart.’

Cheryl Cole and Liam Payne

Cheryl previously opened up about parenthood in her autobiography

The star and her 1D boyfriend, Liam have never actually confirmed their pregnancy but Chezza finally went public with her pregnancy when she posed with her HUGE tum for a L’Oreal ad campaign.

Meanwhile, Liam’s been gushing about his girlfriend recently telling Rollacoaster magazine he’s ‘literally living out his dream.’

The 23-year-old added: ‘Obviously I have the most ­beautiful girlfriend in the world and she’s absolutely amazing. She’s been my dream girl since I was younger. She’s so ace.’

How cute is that? Still no word on that baby though…

Autore: CelebsNow


Joe Bastianich: Carlo Cracco è un presuntuoso’

Joe Bastianich al Fatto Quotidiano dice la sua su Carlo Cracco. “E’ un presuntuoso. Non ha peli sulla lingua il 48enne imprenditore nella ristorazione. Al via con il primo Celebrity Masterchef italiano su Sky Uno, parla del collega avuto accanto durante la sesta edizione di Masterchef Italia e che ha già annunciato che dalla prossima edizione non ci sarà più.

Per Joe Bastianich Carlo Cracco è un presuntuoso

Joe Bastianich nell’edizione vip del cooking show avrà accanto Bruno Barbieri e Antonino Canavacciuolo. Dei giudici dice: “Siamo amici, lavoriamo insieme ma abbiamo opinioni diverse, che ci sta. Bruno Barbieri a volte è troppo purista e mi fa incaz*are, Antonino Cannavacciuolo parla napoletano e non si capisce un caz*o”. Poi parla dello chef più famoso: Carlo Cracco è un presuntuoso.

“E’ un presuntuoso, parola di Joe Bastianich. Sull’addio di Carlo Cracco a Masterchef, aggiunge: “Morto un papa se ne fa un altro”. Gli viene chiesto chi lo rimpiazzerà, nelle ultime ore si parla di Alessandro Borghese, altro volto Sky: “Non abbiamo ancora deciso, in realtà. C’è anche l’ipotesi che non si prenda nessuno”, dice.

Il 48enne parla dei colleghi al suo fianco a Masterchef

Poi parla dei famosi in gara: “Per me sarà un’esperienza interessante. Non essendo italiano, non vivendo nella cultura italiana sono tutti anonimi, non conosco neanche uno di loro. Forse solo la Cucinotta, per averla vista nel film “Il postino”. Per cui sono concorrenti come tutti gli altri, non sono vip. Li tratterò come tutti gli altri, che è la cosa giusta da fare”.

Da non perdere:

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Autore: GossipNews


Rammstein mit “Paris” in Berlin

Die Herrschaften von Rammstein zeigten sich erstmals seit langer Zeit wieder vor heimischer Presse. Anlass war heute die Präsentation ihres Konzertfilms „Paris“ in der alterwürdigen Berliner Volksbühne. Grund war die Premiere ihres neuen (alten) Konzertfilms.

Rammstein mit "Paris" in Berlin

Während der „Made in Germany“-Tour drehte der gefeierte schwedische Regisseur Jonas Åkerlund im März 2012 bei zwei umjubelten Rammstein- Konzerten, die vor jeweils 17.000 Zuschauern im Palais Omnisports in Paris stattfanden. Der Film, der daraus entstanden ist, ist (mit 16 Songs aus dem gesamten Repertoire) nicht nur das bislang spektakulärste Bilddokument über die derzeit größte deutsche Rock-’n’-Roll-Band — er ist ein Meisterwerk des Musikkinos, das die Energie von Rammstein in ein einmaliges visuelles und sonisches Erlebnis fasst.

Åkerlund ist ja berüchtigt für die radikalen, stilbildenden Videos, die er mit Bands wie The Prodigy, Metallica, den Rolling Stones und eben auch Rammstein gemacht hat. Durch seine Musikinszenierungen flackern irrwitzige Details, umgestülpte Perspektiven, Kontrast-Schocks, Sinnesverwirrungen — und in „Rammstein: Paris“ zelebriert er das von Minute eins an.

Wenn sich der Bühnensteg über die Köpfe der 17.000 Zuschauer senkt, das Bild in statischen Interferenzen zuckt und surrt, man hin- und hergeworfen wird zwischen Close-up und Vogelblick. Andere nennen das ein verwackelten Hin-und-Herswitchen zwischen Nah- und Panorama-Aufnahmen.

Rammstein mit "Paris" in Berlin
Foto: NFP/ Rammstein GbR

Wenn dann die sechs Helden einmarschieren, als Steampunks, Ritter, Heizer, ölige Rächer. Und die Show losbricht in einem metallischen Mitternachtszirkus – mit einem großen Feuerball.

Es ist Åkerlunds grenzenlos irre Editing-Technik, die genau das möglich macht. Im Film sind wir Rammstein fern und nah zugleich, auf dem Geierfelsen gegenüber der Bühne und doch so eng am haarigen Herzen Till Lindemanns, dass wir blutig hineinbeißen könnten. Resümee des ‚Spiegel‘: „Eine weitgehend sinn- und besinnungslos vor sich hin knallende und qualmende Überwältigungsästhetik, von der man schon nach zehn Minuten derart zugedröhnt ist, dass man sich wie in der nicht endenden Schluss-Sequenz eines teuer inszenierten, aber besonders stumpfsinnigen Action-Blockbusters wähnt.“

Das Spektakel läuft am 23. und 24. März exklusiv in ausgewählten Kinos.

Rammstein mit "Paris" in Berlin
Foto: NFP/ Rammstein GbR
Foto: NFP/ Rammstein GbR
Foto: NFP/ Rammstein GbR
Rammstein mit "Paris" in Berlin
Foto: NFP/ Rammstein GbR
