
We LOVE Paddy McGuinness! 7 things you need to know about the Take Me Out star

Because Saturday nights just haven’t been the same without Paddy…

Hands up who’s excited for the new series of Take Me Out… Yup, us too!

And the start of the much-loved dating show means only one thing – the return of our favourite Bolton-born presenter, Paddy McGuinness.

Born Patrick Joseph McGuinness – the comedian grew up in Farnworth, Lancashire and shot to fame in 2000 when he teamed up with pal, Peter Kay for spoof documentary series That Peter Kay Thing.

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Ever since then he’s been giving us prime time joy on loads of our fave telly programs including Phoenix Nights and Max & Paddy’s Road to Nowhere.

But with 17-years of showbiz under his belt, there is still so much we don’t know about the presenter! So here’s the lowdown on the man who brought us no likey no lighty...

Paddy appeared as a contestant on a dating show

Yup, before becoming cupid himself, Paddy ALSO turned to television to try and help him find love on the 90’s show ‘God’s Gift’.

After seeing an advert in the staff room when he was a lifeguard, 19-year-old Paddy had a shot on the programme and although he didn’t find romance at the time, the star’s now happily married!

He’s a family man

Paddy met model Christine Martin at the Liverpool International Tennis Tournament back in 2008 and the pair married in 2011 before welcoming twins Penelope and Leo, 3, and one-year-old daughter, Felicity.

Paddy has been married to wife, Christine for six years (Photo by David Fisher/REX/Shutterstock)

And even though he can call the likes of Keith Lemon and Robbie Williams friends, the star has admitted he’d rather spend time with his family, telling Sunday Post: ‘People probably think I’m out partying and drinking but I live a really quiet life, sad as that sounds.’

More: Who are Gogglebox’s eccentric couple Giles and Mary? Here’s everything you need to know!

He has a HUGE tattoo

Last month Paddy revealed he’d had a new tattoo dedicated to his son, Leo.

The comedian took to Instagram to show off the massive Lion etching on the back of his right leg, captioning the pic: ‘For my son Leo. Now for a few hours of inking fun with Woody @inkinc_tattoos please be gentle.’

We know it’s a sweet gesture, but that looks REALLY painful…

Take Me Out was originally rejected by Channel 4

It turns out the 43-year-old originally shot a pilot for Take Me Out with Channel 4 which he claims was ‘filmed with a bunch of goths and students and aimed at a late Friday audience’.

But after they bosses decided they didn’t want it, Paddy was shocked when ITV called and offered him the gig. And thank god they did!

Paddy was in Coronation Street

Making his debut as Bear Grylls wannabe Dougie Ryan, Paddy joined the show for a few episodes back in 2015 and although he went down a storm with fans, the star has since confirmed he won’t be returning to the much-loved soap. AW!

He has a new show

Paddy’s next project will be The Keith And Paddy Picture Show, which is due to air on ITV next month.

The hilarious sketch show will see Paddy, pal Keith Lemon and a load of other celebs including Michelle Keegan and Phillip Schofield attempt to recreate iconic films such as Ghostbusters and Dirty Dancing.

Morning! #KPPS

A post shared by Paddy McGuinness (@mcguinness.paddy) on

He penned Take Me Out’s original catchphrases alone

When Paddy was recently asked whether they’ll be any more killer catchphrases – such as ‘let the letter see the box’ and ‘let the Byker see the Grove’ – the star admitted he came up with the old ones all alone.

Genius, right?

He told The Mirror: ‘When I came up with those ideas, it wasn’t with a team of writers, it was just what came into my head.

‘Now I’ll sit down with the lads and say, ‘Let the chicken see the egg,’ and one of them will get a laptop out and say, “You said that in series four,’ and I’m like, ‘F***ing hell!”.’

Well, we can’t WAIT to see what he has in store for us…

Autore: Naomi Bartram CelebsNow


Francesca Rocco, incinta di 8 mesi primo tutorial a ‘Detto Fatto’

Francesca Rocco incinta di 8 mesi fa il suo primo tutorial a “Detto Fatto“. L’avvocato, ex del Grande Fratello 13, dove ha trovato l’amore di Giovanni, Masiero, suo marito, dà lezioni di stile alle donne in dolce attesa nel programma di successo condotto da Caterina Balivo, lei stessa tra qualche mese mamma bis di una bimba.

Francesca Rocco, incinta di 8 mesi, fa il suo primo tutorial a ‘Detto Fatto’

E’ stata a “Detto Fatto” da ospite pochi giorni fa. Francesca Rocco, incinta di 8 mesi, ha fatto ascoltare al pubblico in studio e a casa il battito di Ginevra, la bebè che metterà al mondo, e ha pure annunciato il primo tutorial, invitata da Cate a farlo. Ha detto che sarebbe arrivato presto. Così è stato.

L’ex giaffina nello studio della trasmissione con la conduttrice del programma, Caterina Balivo, pure lei in dolce attesa
L’ex gieffina regala lezioni di stile alle donne in dolce attesa

Abito chiaro, pancione in vista. nel suo primo tutorial da donna incinta di 8 mesi, Francesca Rocco a “Detto Fatto” ha sottolineato come si possa essere comode ed eleganti anche in gravidanza. La 33enne ama look classici ma fashion, senza esagerare e consiglia anche alle altre mamme di non lasciarsi andare e fare in modo che confort e lo stile procedano di pari passo pure durante la gestazione.

Per lei pure in dolce attesa si può essere comode ed eleganti allo stesso tempo
Francesca in camerino con il suo look per la tv

La dolce attesa le porta fortuna. Francesca trova un suo spazio nel piccolo schermo, dopo aver trovato molti consensi sul web prima per il reality e la storia d’amore, poi per la cicogna. Sui social e sui blog in tante le chiedono consigli e lei risponde, ora è una tutor in tutto e per tutto in tv.

Autore: GossipNews


Britain’s Got Talent is BACK! FIVE things to look forward to in Episode 1…

Simon and co are hitting our screens – rejoice!

It’s finally that time of year where there’s a unifying TV show for people across the nation to enjoy all at once, and discuss in droves at the watercooler (or its 2017 alternative, Twitter).

That’s right – Britain’s Got Talent is making its grand return to ITV at 8.00pm, Saturday 15th April, and we are SO excited about it!

With judges Simon CowellAmanda HoldenDavid Walliams and Alesha Dixon back at the helm, with Ant & Dec and Stephen Mulhern keeping things ticking on the sideline, series 11 has our much-loved, familiar faces around once again.

And the first episode back looks like one of its best ever. Here are FIVE things to look out for in episode one…

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The sassiest eight-year-old in the land

Ned is an eight-year-old comic, who you’re going to want to succeed instantly because of how darn cute he is.

And then he opens his mouth – and you’ll probably be shocked at what comes out of it! If you’re expecting a few knock-knock jokes, think again…

Ned Woodman (Photo: Thames / Syco Entertainment)

The sassiest Dutchman in the land

Trust us – you’ve not seen a magic show like you’ve seen one performed by Niels Harder. Fresh from Amsterdam, he bursts onto stage with bundles of energy and spell-binding moves. And we’re not even talking about the magic tricks – Niels has some serious dance moves under his hat – and it’s right up our street.

Niels Harder, the magician from Amsterdam (Photo: Thames / Syco Entertainment)

‘Doga’, 2017’s hottest new trend

You’ve heard of dogs. You’ve heard of yoga. But have you heard of ‘doga’?

As you may have guessed, ‘doga’ is the art of practising yoga with your favourite four-legged pal. Practitioner Mahny brings her dog Robbie to show us all exactly how it’s done…and things don’t necessarily go to plan. Prepare for messy times on stage…

Mahny and Robbie the dog, practising ‘doga’ (Photo: Thames / Syco Entertainment)

Tears a-plenty

Even if you’re able to watch Bambi, or The Lion King completely stone-faced, we challenge you to stay stone-faced during this episode. At one point enters an act called the Missing Persons Choir, comprised of people who have lost loved ones – some who have been searching for over two decades.

With a beautiful song performed, and a heartbreaking show of pictures of lost family members and friends, the emotion is palpable – and had us watching with faces like:

The first golden buzzer!

So, we do like to keep a bit of an element of surprise here, so we won’t tell you who the buzzer gets pressed for, or who does it.

But trust us – it is definitely well-deserved!

Autore: Nicole Vassell CelebsNow


Britain’s Got Talent hosts Ant and Dec: love them or loathe them?

Two Now staff members have their say on the Geordie duo…

‘I just can’t warm to Ant and Dec’ – Now’s Fashion and BeautyEditor Lydia Swinscoe

TV in general annoys the hell out of me, especially with the same format talent shows we see over and over again – it’s SO boring.

But add Ant and Dec into the mix and oh boy, I need to put the TV on mute…

While they used to be fun and refreshing to watch (I adored them with Cat Deeley on SMTV!), they’re now unfunny, cocky and way too scripted. And they’re everywhere, talk about overexposed. After watching them on TV recently, I feel like their ‘jokey’ comments can quite often be quite sexist and really outdated too.

As well as being really irritating, they always seem to pop up on the most irritating shows and they’re so dumbed-down, or is that actually what they’re like?

Sorry Ant & Dec, it’s time for some new presenters! 

‘Ant and Dec are national treasures!’ – Now’s Acting Deputy News Editor Jack White 

After growing up with Ant and Dec on the telly more often than not, tuning into Saturday Night Takeaway or I’m a Celebrity is like sitting down for a natter with two old friends. Because the Geordie duo have a unique knack for talking to you and not at you, making it feel like an actual conversation.

Maybe it’s because they’re best friends IRL, but it never feels forced with Ant and Dec. Instead, it’s comfortable and familiar: Ant always stands on the left, Dec on the right, and that’s just the way it is. Cheeky, naughty and just plain funny, each knows how to make the other laugh uncontrollably – making for very interesting live TV.

They’ve won Best Presenters at the National Television Awards SIXTEEN years in a row and were finally given OBEs this year, and I think it’s the least they deserve. In my opinion, Ant and Dec are national treasures and we’re lucky to have them.   

What’s your view? Tweet us @CelebsNow!

Autore: Stephanie Wood CelebsNow


Giulia De Lellis contro Oscar Branzani: è guerra sul social

Giulia De Lellis e Oscar Branzani sono ‘contro’. La guerra sul social si scatena, anche se apparentemente non con troppa ferocia, per un costume che crea discordia tra i due e aizza i fan dell’una e dell’altro. Anche l’ex corteggiatrice insieme al fidanzato Andrea Damante sono diventati stilisti per una linea di costumi, la Waikiki beachwear. L’ex tronista 27enne, direttore creativo di Sontén, che si occupa proprio di abbigliamento mare, lo scorso febbraio aveva attaccato la coppia, accusandola di averlo ‘copiato’. Ora avviene esattamente il contrario…

Il costume della discordia: a sinistra quello creato da Oscar Branzani, a destra quello ideato da Giulia De Lellis, che lo indossa

La pagina social LeBimbeDigiuliaD ha pubblicato il confronto tra due immagini: un costume creato da Giulia De Lellis e un altro similissimo ideato da Oscar Branzani. Questa volta viene insinuato, neppure troppo velatamente, che il ‘copione’ sia lui ed è subito guerra a colpi di post.

Oscar Branzani dà il via alla guerra. Nei commenti precisa che lo shooting della collezione è stato fatto a novembre 2016, molto prima di quello di Giulia De Lellis. “Informetevi prima di parlare”, scrive. E aggiunge: “Io invece di criticare le curvy, le ammiro e gli dedico qualcosa”. E’ una frecciatina nei confronti della mora che, a Pomeriggio 5 da Barbara D’Urso, aveva detto osservando alcune ragazze con curve morbide ospiti: “Non è un belvedere”.

Tra i due, entrmbi stilisti di brand beachwear, è guerra sui social

Immancabile la replica di Giulia De Lellis in una querelle che ha preso il via. L’ex corteggiatrice ha un tono amichevole, ma pure lei tocca tasti dolenti. “Non so perché, ma spesso ti ho sentito parlare di me e del mio fidanzato riguardo la questione ‘tutti fanno costumi, tutti mi copiano’. Che tristezza, proprio tu che per primo hai preso ispirazione dal lavoro della tua ex?”, scrive.

Giulia poi consiglia Oscar Branzani di non fare la guerra ma di prenderla a ridere e chiosa: “Facciamoci questa stagione con il sorriso e mollaci con quell batture tristi e infelici. Ah, è molto bella la tua collezione, anche quella per le curvy. Vedo che anche lì hai frainteso: io non ho nulla contro di loro, io non ho nulla contro nessuno perché sto bene con me stessa e amo la mia vita”.

Il post dell’ex corteggiatrice

Branzani nella controreplica chiarisce che non gli interessa parlare della De Lellis e del fidanzato, ma difendere se stesso. “Ho risposto alle tue fan perché dicono che ti ho copiato”. sottolinea.

“Non ho trovato ispirazione dal tuo idolo, la mia ex”, precisa. E’ stata in realtà la mamma a regalargliela: “Vendeva costumi in un negozio che è vissuto 30 anni”. Oscar ha lasciato il calcio e ha aiutato la sua famiglia, investendo in un’azienda i suoi risparmi. “Spero che ora sei informata come lo sei per quanto riguarda come salire sui social, sai io so tutto”, afferma velenoso.

La replica dell’ex tronista 27enne

Infine affronta il discorso ‘curvy’: “Sono stato informato che tu e il tuo ragazzo dicevate che non era bello vedere tutta quella abbondanza, e mentre voi criticavate in diretta nazionale (per creare lo scoop), io lanciavo sul mio sito una linea per loro”. Non finirà qui…

Autore: GossipNews