
Ludmilla Radchenko presenta l”Era del Dragone’: foto

Ludmilla Radchenko, 38 anni, è in dolce attesa. Aspetta il secondo figlio da Matteo Viviani. Dopo la femminuccia Eva, è in arrivo un maschietto, Nikita. Ma l’ex Letterina anche con il pancione è inarrestabile e a Milano ha presentato l'”Era del Dragone” un gran galà tra arte e moda che si è svolto nella lussuosa location del nuovo design led hotel a 5* Fifty House di via Benvenuto Cellini.

Ludmilla Radchenko ha presentato a Milano la sua nuova collezione d’arte

Ludmilla per l’occasione ha sfoggiato un abito nero che le stava d’incanto e sandali dal tacco vertiginoso. La bionda russa non ha rinunciato all’eleganza e al fashion anche con le curve premaman.
La Radchenko durante l’evento ha presentato 13 opere che situate nelle sale interne dell’hotel hanno trasportato i visitatori in un mondo fatato, fatto di draghi, sirene, sogni e creature misteriose. 

Ludmilla insieme all’amica Cecilia Capriotti

Tanti gli sopiti che non si sono voluti perdere l’ultima fatica artistica di Ludmilla, tra cui la sua amica Cecilia Capriotti.
La showgirl ha lasciato per una sera la figlia Maria Isabelle e si è goduta l'”Era del Dragone“, immergendosi in un mondo fantastico riprodotto a Milano grazie alle opere di Ludmilla, alle luci di Renzo Traviglio e al bosco incantato realizzato da Gigi Dossena. Uno scenario che ha accolto gli ospiti e li ha condotti a scoprire la collezione FullArt dell’artista siberiana.

Ludmilla con Stefano Corti e Nadia Toffa

La Radchenko da quando ha lasciato il mondo del piccolo schermo, si dedica anima e corpo alla sua arte. Organizzare questo vernissage ha richiesto sicuramente tanto impegno ed energia e la futura mammina bis non si è certo risparmiata. Ma le forze non le mancano, anzi da quando è incinta sembra essere ancora più sprint. La sua è sicuramente una vita molto impegnata: lavora, si occupa della primogenita, continua ad allenarsi in palestra e in piscina ed è una compagna innamorata del suo Matteo.

La Radhcenko con l’ex collega de La Talpa Franklin Santana

Autore: GossipNews


Time to say goodbye? Sam Faiers takes a BIG step in her plans to move to LA

Turning her back on TOWIE – for good!

Since leaving TOWIE in 2014, Sam Faiers has branched out into a number of varied and impressive ventures – fashion, motherhood and TV series of her own.

And it seems as if her growth isn’t set to slow down any time soon, as she’s said to have made a major step forward in her dream to relocate to LA, as she’s signed to a big agency and is set to sign a deal with a top TV network.

More: Fans defend Sam Faiers after she posts Baby Paul toddler kissing picture 

Read: All the Latest Celebrity News 

Sam’s made no secret of her wish to move her family – partner Paul Knightley and their son Paul – to California following the success of their ITVBe series The Mummy Diaries, which invited viewers into their lives as new parents.

And according to a close source, she seems ready to take her first career steps as a star in the U S of A, with a deal that’ll hopefully expand her brand globally. Ooh la la!

‘Samantha has recently brought in a new management team to guide her as they focus on growing her brand globally,’ an insider revealed to MailOnline.

‘America plays a big part in the development of Samantha’s brand long term and with a powerhouse like StyleHaul behind her, things are about to get very exciting.’

This is undoubtedly a happy development for Sam and family. After scoring a great success with her debut parenting book, My Baby & Me earlier this year, the only way seems to be up for them all,

More: Congratulations, girl! Sam Faiers reveals some VERY impressive news to fans

Sam jetted off to the ‘City of Stars’ last week (16th February 2017) with her family, and has been keeping her fans at home thoroughly posted on her journey.


A post shared by Samantha Faiers (@samanthafaiers) on

With a view like that, we can definitely see why she’s taken a liking to the place!

Autore: CelebsNow


Jordi Gonzalez, presentador de GHVip, a Alejandro Abad: ¿Eres homófobo?

Está claro que ni público ni crítica espera ya ninguna espontaneidad ni inocencia en quien colabora con un programa de televisión. Por regla general, los concursantes de ‘realities’ cuentan con dos opciones a la hora de diseñar su paso por estos formatos: o ganarse el amor de la audiencia (cosa difícil pues la cámara expone la impostura que oculta la imperfección) o ganarse el odio, una tarea mucho más fácil pues todos llevamos dentro un ‘critter’ deseoso de hacer de las suyas.

Alejandro Abad empezó GH Vip queriendo hacer méritos como compositor (de hecho, ha compuesto una canción), pero ha terminado naturalmente abocado al insulto, la mala educación y hasta la homofobia. Mal, muy mal.

Ayer, después de que la audiencia decidiera expulsarle de la casa de Gran Hermano Vip, Alejandro Abad entró en el plató de Telecinco entre unos abucheos que pocas veces se han escuchado tan unánimes. Sólo le esperaba un amigo, su defensor habitual, y nadie de su familia. En un principio, Jordi González se refirió de pasada a la manera en que utilizó la orientación sexual de Aless Gibaja para insultarle como ‘ese descuido’, quizá porque no quería empezar su entrevista poniéndose al entrevistado en contra. Una hora después, tuvo, quiso o pudo preguntarle directamente: “Alejandro, eres homófobo?”. A lo que este contestó: “Tengo un respeto sublime por la condición humana y su naturaleza. Pero fueron palabras en silencio. Solo lo decía para mí. No he ofendido a nadie”. No es que no se arrepienta: es que ni entiende el calado de lo que dijo.

El resto de su intervención en plató fue un ejemplo de los insultos y desprecios que ha ido soltando durante toda su participación en Gran Hermano Vip, sobre todo contra las mujeres. Sus comentarios al respecto de Yvonne, Daniela, Elettra y Alyson, casi siempre referidos no a sus opiniones o acciones, sino a que según su criterio no se ajustan a cómo debe comportarse una mujer (increíble cuando comenta de Lyson: “No es fina, es basta”) son un catálogo de misoginia. Solo tuvo palabras de alabanza para Aída, quien precisamente volvió ayer a entrar en la casa como primera repescada.

Aida Nízar dio toda una lección de interpretación al echarse a gritar y llorar cuando Alejandro tuvo que salir de la casa justo cuando ella entraba (la audiencia es cruel). De hecho, estuvo al menos tres cuartos de hora en ese desbocado e increíble estado emocional. “Yo sí me creo a Aída”, contestó Alejandro Abad cuando Jordi González le preguntó si se creía tanto lamento. “Ella es como es. Es intensa. Es espectáculo. Un ser humano distinto de un planeta paralelo a la Tierra, pero un ser humano. Yo también soy de otro planeta”.

Autore: RSS de noticias de


Semana de la Moda de Milán: nuestros looks favoritos

Desfile de Emporio Armani otoño-invierno 2017/18 en la Semana de la Moda de Milán

Carrusel final del desfile de la colección otoño-invierno 2017/18 de Emporio Armani en la Semana de la Moda de Milán

Autor: Mujerhoy .24-02-2017

Autore: RSS de noticias de


Stephanie Davis tell-all book ‘forced to be rewritten’ after Jeremy McConnell reunion

There’s been an unexpected change in Steph’s life

Stephanie Davis had a hell of a lot of material when she started working on her autobiography last year, what with her shock pregnancy and her tumultuous relationship with Jeremy McConnell.

Now though the 23-year-old has made amends with Jez following the birth of their son Caben and it seems to have caused a bit of a headache for the book publishers.


Stephanie Davis faces backlash over rekindled Jeremy McConnell relationship

Apparently Steph’s explosive tome is having to suddenly be rewritten to reflect her changing feelings towards Jeremy, 27, meaning the ghost writer she’s been working with has got to rework the final chapter.

‘Jeremy and Steph are on great terms now so bosses at Ebury Publishing want the book to reflect that,’ a source says.

‘They are still going ahead with the release but the last chapter has been rewritten.

‘Management want to see the ghost written copy completed within the next couple of weeks.’

Eek! Despite the change in content it sounds like Steph’s book – which she’s been working on for several months – will still be very juicy.

‘Steph announced the book at the end of 2016 and was working with a ghost writer throughout her pregnancy,’ the insider tells the Daily Star. ‘It is set to be as explosive as ever and detail the troubled romance of her and Jeremy.’

The rewrite comes after Steph unexpectedly decided to bury the hatchet with Jez, 27, following months of being on bad terms.

Jeremy was sceptical about whether the baby was his throughout Steph’s pregnancy and was then slated by Steph when he publicly underwent a DNA test live on This Morning earlier this month.

Just days later they looked to have made amends though, with Jez announcing he was the ‘happiest man alive’ after discovering he was little Caben’s father.

The formerly warring pair have since been seen taking their son out together in Steph’s home city of Liverpool and it’s thought that Jez is even planning on setting up home there to be near his new family.

Looks like this really is the start of a new chapter for Steremy – both in and out the book!

Autore: CelebsNow