
‘You’re actually psychotic!’ CBB’s Austin Armacost RAGES at Heidi Montag in water bottle row

Austin’s not happy with what Speidi are up to

Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt vowed to cause a stir on their return to Celebrity Big Brother and they’ve already gained an enemy in fellow housemate Austin Armacost.

The reality star has flown into a HUGE rage at Heidi after accusing her and husband Spencer – otherwise known as Speidi – of hiding away all of the bottles of water in the house.


Celebrity Big Brother: Are Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt planning to get PREGNANT?

In a clip from Friday night’s episode a fuming Austin, 28, looks under Heidi and Spencer’s duvet to see if they’ve put the drinks there and shouts: ‘You and your husband just stole everybody’s [water]! This is so f***ed up!’

Heidi then shouts for Big Brother to ‘get him out of my face’ and James Jordan attempts to calm Austin down as he continues to yell.

The ex-boyfriend of fashion designer Marc Jacobs is ordered to go to the Diary Room but can’t resist another dig at Speidi before leaving the bedroom.

‘You’re actually psychotic!’ he shouts at Heidi, 30, before storming out of the area. ‘You’re not gonna give people water?’

Spencer watches on as Austin leaves but it doesn’t end there…

The angry star then takes a bucket from the store room and vows: ‘If they want some water we’ll give them some water’

Eek! Does this mean that Speidi are about to get a serious drenching? We’ll have to wait and see but it sure doesn’t look good…

Spencer, 33, later confronts Austin about the row and tells him it was his doing rather than Heidi’s.

‘Heidi didn’t take any of the water, if you have any issues with water come to me,’ he explains.

When Austin says that he went to their bed to get it because they stole it all, Spencer fires back: ‘I didn’t know it said Austin’s water, I wouldn’t want to take Austin’s water!’

Yikes, looks like Speidi aren’t going to be best buds with Austin (or anyone, for that matter).

Autore: CelebsNow


Meryl Streep über Viola Davis: „Die ist besessen“

Freitag, 06. Januar 2017, 22:39 Uhr

„Suicide Squad“-Chefin Viola Davis (51) hat jetzt ihren eigenen Stern auf dem berühmten „Walk of Fame“ in Hollywood. Zu Einweihung kamen neben ihren Kollegen aus der TV-Serie „How To Get Away With Murder“ auch die Hollywood-Stars Denzel Washington (62) und Meryl Streep (67).

Meryl Streep über Viola Davis: „Die ist besessen“
Viola Davis mit Meryl Streep am 5. Januar auf dem Walk Of Fame. Foto: FayesVision/

Auch wenn Viola Davis erst in den letzten drei Jahren wirklich in den Fokus der Öffentlichkeit rückte, ist sie schon lange in Hollywood. In den 30 Jahren ihrer bisherigen Karriere wirkte sie insgesamt bei über 100 Filmen und Serien mit! Sie war schon mehrfach für den Oscar und den Golden Globe nominiert und gilt auch dieses Jahr wieder als eine heiße Oscar-Favoritin für ihre Rollen im Sozialdrama „Fences“ an der Seite von Denzel Washington.

Bei ihrer Dankesrede wurde sie sehr emotional: „Als ich ein kleines Mädchen war, war ich arm. Ich war immer hungrig und lebte in einem heruntergekommenen Apartment, das mit Ratten verpestet war. Aber ich hatte große Träume. Ich wollte Schauspielerin werden. Egal wie schlimm es war, ich habe immer davon geträumt, ein großer Star zu werden und der Gedanke allein machte mich glücklich.“

Auch ihre Kollegin Meryl Streep war bei der Zeremonie dabei. Die beiden drehten 2008 zusammen den Film „Glaubensfrage“ und sind seit dem gute Freundinnen. „Viola ist besessen von dieser strahlenden, glühenden Energie. Sie ist zweifelsfrei die zugänglichste Schauspielerin, mit der ich je gearbeitet habe. Sie ist so lebendig, sie glüht. Sie verwirklicht sich in Szenen, in den sie kein Wort sagt und spricht aber ganze Bände nur mit ihren Augen. Sie ist eine Naturgewalt.“



Jonathan Cheban steps up security over ‘serious threats’ months after Kim Kardashian’s robbery ordeal

The worried reality star has been seen at a police station in London

Jonathan Cheban has contacted police after receiving ‘serious threats’ during his stay in London.

The reality star – who is in the UK to film a mystery TV show – is said to have upped his security over the incident, which comes just months after his BFF Kim Kardashian was robbed at gunpoint in her Paris hotel room.


CBB’s Ray J makes a BIG revelation about Kim Kardashian

Jonathan, 42, was seen at Charing Cross Police Station on Friday and is clearly very concerned.

‘After Kim’s Paris ordeal, any threats Jonathan takes security very seriously,’ a source says.

The US star has apparently moved out of the hotel he was staying in and is now staying at a private residence in the city in light of the scare.

‘]The] threats towards Jonathan have been of a serious nature,’ the insider tells MailOnline. ‘And have caused him to take the next steps to ensuring he is safe in the UK during the filming of the unnamed television program.’

It comes amid reports that Jonathan has ended up in a feud with members of Celebrity Big Brother contestant Ray J’s management team after appearing to slate him on Twitter.

During the launch show of CBB the reality star cryptically Tweeted: ‘What a loser #CBB (you know who I’m talking about)..see you soon London’

This sparked speculation that he was referring to Ray J, the ex-boyfriend of Kim who infamously starred in THAT sex tape with her.

Jonathan – who appeared on CBB a year ago but elected to leave just a few days into the series – had even been at the centre of rumours that he could come face to face with Ray J by entering the house again as one of the All Stars.

But Kim’s bestie has denied that this is happening and says the programme he’s working on most definitely isn’t Big Brother.

‘As much as I love watching #CBB you couldn’t pay me to ever go back in the CBB house!’ he Tweeted on Thursday. ‘I’m a HUGE fan of the show from a distance.

‘Loads of rumors today..but I’m in the UK doing another TV show as planned for 2months, I’ll be watching! Good luck to everyone in the house!’

Ooh, how intriguing!

Autore: CelebsNow


Rebajas 2017: Mi Lista de deseos de Zara

Trenka con capucha de Zara

Autor: Gemma Cano 06 ene 2017

Autore: RSS de noticias de


Jonathan Rhys-Meyers, papà per la prima volta: è nato Wolf!

Jonathan Rhys-Meyers, 39 anni, è diventato papà. La compagna Mara Lane, come riporta E!News, ha dato alla luce il loro primo figlio. Il fiocco per l’attore è celeste e il bimbo si chiama Wolf Rhys-Meyers.

Jonathan Rhys Meyers è diventato papà a 39 anni

Il parto sarebbe avvenuto lo scorso 15 dicembre ma la notizia è trapelata solo nelle ultime ore. Jonathan Rhys-Meyers è per la prima volta papà e ha scelto di chiamare Wolf, Lupo, il suo primo erede.
La compagna dell’attore Mara Lane a dicembre ha ufficializzato la notizia della gravidanza postato sul social un paio di scatti con il pancione. Accanto a una foto premaman si legge: “Il più bel regalo di sempre”.

L’attore insieme alla compagna Mara Lane, sposata pare in gran segreto

Il protagonista di “Match Point” e “Sognando Beckham” è diventato papà ma non ha ancora rilasciato alcuna dichiarazione pubblica in merito. Non possiede nemmeno una pagina social sui cui esternare tutta la sua gioia.
Joanthan Rhys-Meyers e Mara Lane sono legati dal 2014. La coppia potrebbe essersi sposata in gran segreto.  Mara ha cambiato il nome del suo profilo Instagram aggiungendo il cognome del compagno, mentre l’attore di recente si è presentato in pubblico sfoggiando un anello all’anulare sinistro che aveva tutto il sapore di una fede nuziale.
Jonathan però non ama stare sotto i riflettori più del necessario e difende a spada tratta la sua privacy. O almeno ci prova…

Mara 3 settimane fa ha pubblicato sul social questa foto con il pancione agli sgoccioli

Nel maggio del 2015 i paparazzi lo hanno fotografato mentre era completamente ubriaco. L’attore ha chiesto pubblicamente scusa postando un lungo post sul profilo Instagram della dolce metà: “Mara e io vi siamo grati per il vostro sostegno e per la gentilezza che ci avete riservato in questo periodo – ha fatto sapere ai fan – Mi scuso per aver avuto una piccola ricaduta e spero che le persone non pensino troppo male di me”. Le cose da allora devono essere nettamente migliorate visto che con la compagna hanno deciso di mettere su famiglia e Jonathan ora riveste il suo ruolo più bello, quello di papà.

Autore: GossipNews