
World Exclusive: Cheryl and Jean Bernard Fernandez-Versini could divorce TODAY

As baby rumours about Cheryl and Liam Payne reach fever pitch, her divorce from JB is finally agreed

After months of negotiations, and nearly a year since they called quits on their 18-month marriage, Cheryl and former husband Jean Bernard Fernadez-Versini are FINALLY getting divorced.

[GIF] Nicola Roberts Cheryl Styled To Rock

Now has been told on good authority that Cheryl and JB – who tied the knot on the island of Mustique in July 2014 – will have their divorce papers processed just before midnight on 19 October 2016.

‘It’s finally happening. It’s been a long battle, but they’re finally there,’ our source told us.

If this happens this evening then it will be a day before previous reports alleged the papers would go through.


We’re told Cheryl , 33,  and restaurant entrepreneur JB, 35, will be granted a Decree Nisi but neither party will be present at the Court.

What does this divorce mean for Cheryl?  

These papers finally being processed is the result of months of negotiations, but according to reports Cheryl and JB reached an agreement two months ago.

There will be no financial settlement. ‘Lots of wild figures have been thrown about, but that is the truth, as the documents will show. JB is not going to be paid any money by Cheryl,’ a source previously told The Sun.

What is a Decree Nisi? 

Decree Nisi is an order of the Court confirming that the grounds for the divorce have been proved and that the marriage has irretrievably broken down. It does not, however, mean that Cheryl and JB will actually be divorced, which comes only with a Decree Absolute.

There is then a six week period before Cheryl can apply for Decree Absolute which is the last part of the divorce procedure. This ends the marriage – the parties are then divorced and can remarry.

Cue the diamonds, Liam!


So what does this mean for her and Liam?

A source told Now earlier this week that the fact that Cheryl was legally married to one man, but in a very serious relationship with another has been a source of great stress: ‘Liam’s quite old-fashioned in his views and he wants to marry Cheryl. He’d rather have children in wedlock than out, but until she gets divorced she can’t marry him. That’s understandably causing tension.’

For months, rumours have grown claiming that ‘Chiam’ are expecting a baby, and despite some very suggestive ‘bump’ pictures emerging, neither have acknowledged it officially. Perhaps having Jean-Bernard out of their lives is all that’s needed for them to finally address the rumours.

‘Cheryl’s been caught between two men who want very different things and she’ll be relieved when it’s all over,’ our source revealed.


Autore: CelebsNow


Labios: material sensible

C. Uranga Madrid

Siempre preparados para besar y sonreír (dos de los gestos que más felicidad nos dan), los labios son un eje de sensibilidad de tu cuerpo, y no solo por lo que te hacen sentir. Fisiológicamente, carecen de muchas de las características esenciales del resto de la piel y eso los convierte en elementos ultra delicados. Abordamos su problemática y te damos soluciones.

Sequedad extrema

La piel de tus labios es una semimucosa. Eso significa que carece de glándulas sudoríparas y sebáceas. Y, sin lípidos naturales que la protejan, se ve sometida a constantes agresiones que van desde la acidez de tu saliva a la deshidratación que produce el aire y que pone en peligro su equilibrio natural. Aplica siempre una capa de protector que aporte la nutrición que falta. Y dales el gusto de una mascarilla de vez en cuando.

Alerta código de barras

Hablamos de la piel más fina de todo el organismo, más que la de los ojos. Y, sin embargo, los labios están obligados a gesticular hasta 20 veces más. Eso significa que no solo ellos, sino la piel que los rodea, está sometida a movimientos musculares repetitivos que acaban dañando el tejido y convirtiéndose en arrugas.

Lo más temido es el código de barras: unas líneas verticales en perpendicular a los labios que tienen mucho que ver con gestos diarios que deberías evitar, como fumar, beber en pajita o directamente de la botella.

Les falta volumen y color

Es uno de las consecuencias del paso del tiempo: los labios pierden la forma, la definición, la firmeza y la pigmentación, sobre todo el superior. Es el mismo proceso que le sucede a la piel del rostro, solo que la falta de grasa de los labios lo hacen aún más patente. Necesitas productos que les den un extra de lípidos y activen la circulación sanguínea.

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Fans spot Cheryl has cute reminder of Liam Payne with her in adorable Instagram picture

Awww, look how happy Cheryl looks!

Cheryl has kept a low profile of late but fans have noticed something pretty cute about an Instagram snap of her that recently emerged.

As we reported last week. the singer – who has yet to confirm or deny rumours that she could be expecting her first child – went out to dinner with close pal Nicola Roberts and a group of friends to celebrate Nic’s birthday and fans have realised that she had an adorable reminder of boyfriend Liam Payne with her – their dog Parker!


Did Liam Payne and Cheryl predict romance THREE years ago?

Cheryl, 33, seems to be holding the tiny pup as she beams for the camera in the snap.

Nicola captioned the picture: ‘I’ve had the loveliest birthday dinner.’

The pair were joined by pals including pregnant Girls Aloud star Kimberley Walsh and Nicola’s sister Frankie.

Little Parker is easy to miss but his eyes glow as he looks forwards for the photo.

‘Wait, is Cheryl holding Parker?!’ one fan commented on the photo, whilst another wrote: ‘I loved that dogs were also invited! That’s so sweet’

Parker’s mum Chezza is beaming and looks SO happy to be with the tiny pooch and her close pals in the picture, which is the most recent sighting of her on social media.

The brunette star’s stomach is covered as we previously reported, with ‘pregnancy’ rumours continuing to circulate about her and 23-year-old Liam.

Cheryl has sparked speculation by showing off her extra curves in recent weeks but she’s maintaining her silence on the speculation.

Meanwhile Liam has returned to Instagram to update fans on how work on his upcoming solo material is going.

[GIF] Liam Payne One Direction Perfect

The One Direction star is back in the US as he works on his new music and took a celebratory selfie to share with his followers on Wednesday.

‘Good to be back in LA …writing trip two wish me luck 🇺🇸🎼🎬,’ Liam captioned the photo.

There’s no word on whether Cheryl has joined her boyfriend on his excursion, but at least she’s got Parker as a reminder of him if she’s had to stay at home!

Autore: CelebsNow


Hailey Baldwin fordert mehr Respekt für Models

Hailey Baldwin möchte, dass Models als Geschäftsleute angesehen werden. Die 19-Jährige glaubt, dass die neue Generation der Models von der älteren missachtet wird und wünscht sich, dass ihnen mehr Respekt zugeschrieben wird.

Hailey Baldwin fordert mehr Respekt für Models

Gegenüber der australischen Ausgabe des ‚Harper’s Bazaar‘ offenbarte die blonde Schönheit, die die Tochter des Schauspielers Stephen Baldwin ist, ihren Standpunkt: „Die älteren Supermodels haben oft kein Verständnis dafür, dass es eine neue Generation von Models gibt. Aber wir sagen ja nicht, dass wir Supermodels sind. Ich will viel lieber, dass die Leute uns als Geschäftsleute ansehen. Ja, das Modeln ist unser Business, aber wir wollen niemandem den Platz streitig machen. Und wir bringen auch nicht die Vergangenheit in Verruf.“

Die Äußerungen der Ex-Flamme von Justin Bieber beziehen sich höchstwahrscheinlich auf den Vorwurf von Stephanie Seymour, dass die It-Girls Hailey, Kendall Jenner und Gigi Hadid keinen „wahren“ Supermodels seien.

So sagte die 48-Jährige gegenüber ‚Vanity Fair‘ über ihre jungen Nachfolgerinnen: „Sie sind komplett anders als wir. Supermodels gehören der Vergangenheit an.“ Zu den modernen Stars würde eine andere Bezeichnung viel besser passen, die jedoch nicht unbedingt schmeichelhaft anmutet: „B*tches der Gegenwart!“

Hailey Baldwin fordert mehr Respekt für Models

Fotos:, Harper’s Bazaar



Geordie Shore pregnancy shocker: Scotty T reveals he paid for an ABORTION after one-night stand

His lothario ways could have resulted in a mini Scotty…

Scotty T has revealed all about the shocking moment he discovered that a one night stand was pregnant – and how he paid for her abortion – in shocking new revelation.

The Geordie Shore star has a lot on his plate at the moment, with the new series about to air, reuniting with girlfriend Francesca Toole and the upcoming release of his very first book, A Shore Thing.

However, things could have been a whole lot different – if things had gone differently in the past, he could be balancing all of these with a mini Scott on his hip to look after! For the first time, Scotty has spoken out about the time when a woman he’d had sex with later discovered that she was pregnant with his baby…not the party story that most would expect from him…

[gif] Scotty T

More: Scotty T to have a THREESOME in new Geordie Shore series?

Read: All the Latest Celebrity News

The one-night-stand, who he’s only described as being from Northern Ireland, decided to terminate the pregnancy. Writing in a chapter aptly titled ‘Wake-Up Call’, Scott recalls the moment he received the news that she was expecting.

‘Hi Scott, can you call me please, we need to talk… I’m pregnant.’

Renaming the girl ‘Simone’, Scott goes on to explain his bewilderment upon hearing her news – especially since he could barely remember who she was…

‘I literally sh*t a breeze block, me body frozen and me heart pounding. I wasn’t sure what to believe. Who the hell was this Simone, like?? I couldn’t for the life of me place her… it was scrambling me brain.

She soon told him that she wasn’t going to go through with the pregnancy – happy news for Scott, who wasn’t quite ready for the challenges of fatherhood.

‘Forgive me for saying it, but the sudden relief I experienced when she said that she wasn’t planning on keeping the baby was overwhelming, cos I knew for sure that I wasn’t ready to be a dad.

‘I had enough trouble looking after meself, never mind a mini Scotty T. F*cking hell!!’

Though the chapter is sprinkled with plenty of typical Scotty humour, the Geordie lad does get serious eventually, writing about how he arranged for the woman to fly to Newcastle for the procedure, and how he supported her in person.

‘We both continued to discuss the situation a bit more and by the end of the conversation, I told her I would fly her over to Newcastle to sort things out, as it’s still not possible to have the procedure in Northern Ireland. I thought it would be the right thing to be with her when she went through with it…

‘It’s all fun and games until something like this becomes real, but I had to be mature…If there was a chance that she was carrying my baby I was never gunna leave this poor girl struggling on her own, that’s not right.’

Woah. As long as both parties are happy, we’re happy for them. But if you ever needed a reason to get a copy of the book – you’ve got one now!

Autore: CelebsNow