
Celebrity pets that OWN Instagram – who’s the most pawsome of them all?

They’re fluffy, they’re famous and we’re HUGE fans

At Christmas time there’s nothing better than spending time with our loved ones – and we’re not just talking about humans here.

Yep, for many of us it’s a season where we’ll be hanging out with our beloved pets and spoiling them with festive treats, embarrassing antler ears and much more. *feels all warm and cosy inside*


This totally applies to lots of our favourite animal-loving celebrities too; after all, some of them have such awesome fur babies that they’re actually our main reason for following said star on Insta.

Amidst the frequent doom and gloom of 2016 it’s been fun to see these famous pets take over social media with their cute antics – but just which star creature has proved the most pawsome of them all?

We’ve rounded up some of our favourite celebrity pets to try and decide. It’s a tough job indulging in all this cuteness but, y’know, it’s got to be done…

aww gif

Caroline Flack’s cat Waffle

Anyone that follows Flackers will know that her Scottish Fold cat Waffle is a STAR. He’s regularly seen popping up around her home in all sorts of unconventional positions and places, and has a freakishly human-like sitting pose.

In fact Waffle’s antics have even sparked comments such as ‘Is this cat for real???’. Oh he’s real alright – so real that he’s even on Money Management’s books just like mum Caroline.

Lewis Hamilton’s dogs Roscoe and Coco

Even non-Formula 1 fans will have most likely seen snaps of Lewis’ bulldogs Roscoe and Coco travelling the world with their famous dad.

The fact that Lewis missed out on the championship this year hasn’t stopped the pooches from enjoying themselves – over the course of 2016 they’ve been snapped flying on private jets, modelling quirky outfits and generally living the life. They’ve even got their own account with 104,000 followers.

Amanda Seyfried’s dog Finn

Actress Amanda’s beloved hound Finn is a bit of an established Instagram ledge and rightly so.

The rescue dog is her best pal and they do EVERYTHING together. Like Roscoe and Coco, Finn has his very own page where he does stuff like try funny clothes on, take selfies with Amanda and hang out with pup pals.


A photo posted by Finn Seyfried (@finnsite) on

Extra kudos must be awarded for the fact that he recently showed off an AWARD – he’s a big deal, basically.


A photo posted by Finn Seyfried (@finnsite) on

Taylor Swift’s cats Meredith and Olivia

So it’s been a pretty busy year for Taylor – involving tours, Calvin Harris and Tom Hiddleston romances and lots of squad activities – but for us the highlight has been seeing her Scottish Fold cats Meredith Grey and Olivia Benson do LOLS stuff on Insta.

U ok bro?

A photo posted by Taylor Swift (@taylorswift) on

Her videos of Olivia trying to open things whilst Meredith watches on with the ultimate death stare are possibly our favourite thing in life.

She knows.

A video posted by Taylor Swift (@taylorswift) on

The Beckhams’ dog Olive

Well with such an A-list family this pooch was always going to be a social media star. Olive started showing us what a refined dog she is earlier this year by posting a VERY fancy shot in a snazzy jacket and posing for arty pictures with Brooklyn.


A photo posted by Olive Beckham (@olivebeckham23) on

She’s also proved she’s a supportive soul by getting on Cruz’s newly-launched Instagram following the release of his debut single – this pup knows an opportunity to get spotted when she sees it.

Nick Grimshaw’s dogs Pig and Stinky Baby

Pig Grimshaw has long been one of our favourite things about Insta and then her dad Nick went and upped the cuteness this summer by adopting little Stinky Baby from Battersea Dogs Home. These two alone are adorable enough but as a duo they’ve reached a level of sweetness that rivals even the cutest of Insta pets.

We defy you not to say ‘awww’ at them having a bath, trying out a new bed and enjoying a nap side-by-side.

So who’s the most purrfect or woof-erly (sorry, we’ll stop now) of them all? Okay, we’ll admit it – we TOTALLY can’t call it because they’re all so almost dangerously adorable.

Which is your favourite pet star of 2016? Let us know!

Autore: CelebsNow


Britney Spears esce allo scoperto con il nuovo fidanzato: guarda

Britney Spears, 35 anni, esce finalmente allo scoperto con il nuovo fidanzato, il muscoloso modello e personal trainer 22enne Sam Asghari.
I 13 anni di differenza, a quanto pare, non sembrano essere un problema e anche Brit, come molte sue colleghe, ha ceduto al fascino del “toy-boy”.

Sam Asghari abbraccia Britney Spears

La cantante e il nuovo fidanzato hanno festeggiato insieme il Capodanno. Britney ha condiviso una  foto di coppia con i tanti follower che la seguono su Instagram. La Spears  esce così allo scoperto dopo i vari rumors sulla relazione con il giovane modello.
Nei giorni scorsi, Sam aveva pubblicato sul suo profilo una foto insieme alla star della musica per poi cancellarla subito dopo. Lo scatto li ritraeva felici insieme durante le vacanze di Natale ma evidentemente i tempi non erano ancora maturi per rendere pubblica la liaison. Ora Britney è pronta e con l’arrivo del nuovo anno ha deciso di dire al mondo intero che si è di nuovo innamorata. La foto scattata a Capodanno, infatti, sembra essere una conferma di quanto riportato dai tabloid internazionali: con Asghari è amore.

Il bel modello 22enne Sam Asghari mostra il fisico scolpito

Una fonte la settimana scorsa ha raccontato a E!News che Britney e il nuovo fidanzato si stanno frequentando da poco. Sam sarebbe il primo compagno della Spears dopo la rottura con il produttore Charlie Ebersol. La relazione è finita nel 2015 e prima di lui, la cantante è stata sentimentalmente legata a David Lucado e Jason Trawick.

A settembre Britney, intervistata nel salotto tv del “Jonathan Ross Show”, aveva dichiarato di essere ancora single: “Non sto cercando nessun fidanzato in questo momento, sono felice da sola. Non mi manca nulla, sto bene così”. Il 2016 però le ha fatto incontrare Sam e con l’arrivo del nuovo anno è uscita allo scoperto con uno scatto che lascia poco spazio ai dubbi.

Galeotto molto probabilmente è stato il set: Sam Asghari, infatti, è il protagonista dell’ultimo video della Spears, “Slumber Party”, il singolo tratto dall’album “Glory”. 

Da non perdere:

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Autore: GossipNews


Federica Nargi, bikini al top dopo la gravidanza: guarda

Federica Nargi non teme il freddo e sfoggia un bikini da dieci e lode dopo la recente gravidanza mentre si gode un po’ di relax nella bellissima cornice del Lefay Resort & Spa sul Lago di Garda.

Federica Nargi in bikini a dicembre sul Lago di Garda

“Il tempo è breve, chi insegue l’immenso perde l’attimo presente”, scrive Federica Nargi  sul social accanto allo scatto che la ritrae in bikini.
L’ex velina ha scelto un due pezzi verde che le sta d’incanto e il suo fisico dopo la gravidanza è già al top della forma. La dolce attesa sembra non aver per nulla sclafito il suo addome piatto e le gambe slanciate.
La showgirl ha dato alla luce la piccola Sofia lo scorso settembre e a distanza di poco tempo supera a pieni voti la prova costume. Il suo segreto? Tanto fitness anche durante i nove mesi.

L’ex velina e il compagno Alessandro Matri si rilassano in spa di lusso

La Nargi naturalmente non è partita da sola. Si sta rilassando in compagnia della dolce metà Alessandro Matri, come mostra il selfie postato sul social che immortala la coppia in accappatoio bianco di fronte a un panorama da sogno.
Federica e Alessandro dopo aver festeggiato il Natale e il battesimo della figlia hanno deciso di concedersi un break e sul sul Lago di Garda. 

Federica mentre si gode un caldo bagno in piscina

Anche d’inverno, insomma, Federica sfoggia un bikini da dieci e lode. Il clima pungente di dicembre non le impedisce di mettersi in due pezzi e di godersi bagni in piscina all’insegna del relax. Un modo per salutare al meglio il 2016 che per lei e il fidanzato calciatore è stato l’anno più bello, ovvero quello della nascita della loro adorata bambina. Ora non resta che attendere i fiori d’arancio.

Autore: GossipNews


Love Island’s Olivia Buckland hits out after Alex Bowen engagement: ‘When did everyone get so dumb?’

Olivia is keen to clear up something that’s causing a fuss

Olivia Buckland is pretty much on cloud nine right now after getting engaged to Alex Bowen on New Year’s Eve – congrats, guys, BTW!

But the Love Island star seems to have had her joyous mood tested by a string of comments over photos of her modelling her engagement ring.


Olivia Buckland hits back at surgery claims with EPIC rant

Olivia, 23, first showed off her rock in a selfie with Alex, 25, when they shared their happy news over the weekend, writing on Instagram: ‘I have no words for how happy I am. My fiancé my everything @ab_bowen this was magical. So magical.’

Despite the pair’s engagement, many fans were distracted by the fact that Olivia’s ring appeared to be on the wrong hand.

‘Is it just me or is that ring on her right hand?!’ one follower commented. Another remark read: ‘Wrong finger!!’

GIF Joey Tribbiani confused face Friends

However, it’s been pointed out by many fans that the blonde star most likely has the gem on her left hand and that it just appears to be on the other due to a front camera selfie making it look the opposite way.

Olivia looks to have finally had enough of the comments though and hit out at people for questioning how she wears her bling on Twitter.

‘People messaging me like you do know your meant to wear your ring on the left hand,’ the reality star wrote. ‘When did everyone get so dumb? Like. Please god help you’

That’ll tell ‘em, Liv! Fans have supported her in the row, with one commenting: ‘How many times do you have to tell them,it’s a bloody mirror image. That’s what happens when u take a selfie’

Olivia has continued to clarify that her ring’s on the correct finger by explaining this in her latest selfie.

‘When does this sink in,’ she posted alongside a snap of herself modelling the rock. ‘Last night was the most amazing thing 😩😍❤️ this is a selfie it is on my left hand haha ❤️’

LOLs. Ring confusion aside, Olivia and Alex have been enjoying the start of life as an engaged couple by ringing in the New Year in New York.

Many happy returns, you two!

Autore: CelebsNow


Fünf kommende Film-Highlights des Jahres 2017

Nach „Der Schuh des Manitu“ und „(T)Raumschiff Surprise“ bringt Michael Bully Herbig erneut einen Kinofilm heraus. Auch die Lebensretter um Pamela Anderson werden auf der Leinwand wiederbelebt.

Fünf kommende Film-Highlights des Jahres 2017
Foto: Disney Enterprises, Inc.

Einige Kinohits für 2017 stehen schon jetzt fest: Wenn Johnny Depp im fünften Teil vom „Fluch der Karibik“ (Pirates of the Caribbean: Salazars Rache, Foto oben) ab Ende Mai als exzentrischer Pirat über die Leinwände stolpert, wird das sicherlich die Kinokassen füllen – genauso wie die Neuauflage des Fantasieabenteuers „The Mummy“ mit Tom Cruise (Juni). Es gibt aber auch noch jede Menge anderer Filme, die im kommenden Jahr für Gesprächsstoff sorgen werden.

Hier eine Auswahl mit fünf Highlights!

1. „Bullyparade“: Seine Filme gehören zu den erfolgreichsten der deutschen Kinolandschaft – Michael „Bully“ Herbig bewies schon mit „Der Schuh des Manitu“ und „(T)Raumschiff Surprise – Periode 1“ sein Gespür für überdrehte Komödien. Zum 20. Jubiläum der Comedyshow „Bullyparade“ bringt er im Juli nun „Bullyparade: Der Film“ in die Kinos. Neben Bully sind auch Rick Kavanian und Christian Tramitz wieder mit dabei – außerdem soll es ein Wiedersehen mit den Helden der Fermsehshow geben, darunter Sissi, Winnetou und Captain Kork.

2. „T2 Trainspotting“: Mit dem Kultfilm „Trainspotting“ hatte nicht nur Regisseur Danny Boyle, sondern auch Ewan McGregor in den 1990er Jahren den großen Durchbruch. Das groteske Drama um eine Clique Drogenabhängiger zählt laut dem britischen Filminstitut mittlerweile zu den besten Filmen Großbritanniens.

Im Februar kommt die späte Fortsetzung „T2 Trainspotting“ – erneut mit Ewan McGregor und unter der Regie von Danny Boyle.

Fünf kommende Film-Highlights des Jahres 2017
Foto: Paramount Pictures

3. „Baywatch“: Wer erinnert sich nicht an den Vorspann der Fernsehserie „Baywatch“? Wie Pamela Anderson und David Hasselhoff nur spärlich bekleidet in enger, roter Badebekleidung in Zeitlupe über den kalifornischen Strand liefen? Wirklich knackig sind die Körper der beiden Stars aber nicht mehr, deswegen übernehmen jetzt Zac Efron und Dwayne Johnson mit ihren durchtrainierten Bodys die Hauptrollen in der Serien-Wiederbelebung auf der Leinwand. „Baywatch“ startet im Mai.

Fünf kommende Film-Highlights des Jahres 2017
Foto: Constantin Film Verleih GmbH / Lina Grün

4. „Axolotl Overkill“: Es war ein Literatureklat, der wochenlang die Schlagzeilen beherrschte: Die junge Helene Hegemann hatte für „Axolotl Roadkill“ von anderen Autoren abgeschrieben, ohne das zunächst gekennzeichnet zu haben. Der Skandal schadete ihrem Erfolg aber nicht wirklich – im Juni soll sogar die Kinofassung „Axolotl Overkill“ erscheinen. Hegemann führte selbst Regie, in der Hauptrolle ist Jasna Fritzi Bauer zu sehen.

5. „Early Man“: Die britischen Aardman-Studios haben mit Serien und Filmen wie „Schaun das Schaf“ und „Wallace und Gromit“ schon zahlreiche Animationsmeisterwerke geschaffen. Ihr neuester Clou ist „Early Man“ (Start Ende März) über einen putzigen Höhlenmenschen, der sich in einer Welt voller Dinosaurier und Mammute behaupten muss. (Aliki Nassoufis, dpa)
