
Las novelas (escritas por mujeres) del año que hay que leer y regalar

“No me importa contar cosas terribles si consigo hacerlas divertidas”, decía la escritora Lucia Berlín, cuyo libro Manual para mujeres de la limpieza es, sin duda, el libro de relatos de este año que se nos va.

El 2016 ha sido un buen año para la literatura femenina; mejor dicho y para no entrar en polémicas, para la literatura escrita por mujeres. Hay una nueva hornada de escritoras españolas y latinoamericanas jóvenes con relatos y novelas vigorosas, potentes y muy interesantes. También hemos disfrutado con la recuperación de escritoras americanas y europeas, algunas ya desaparecidas, que hemos tenido la oportunidad de conocer gracias a las editoriales pequeñas, como Periférica, Capitan Swing, Páginas de Espuma o Nórdica que cada vez más se van convirtiendo en las guardianas de la buena literatura.

Manual para mujeres de la limpieza, Lucia Berlín (Editorial Alfaguara)

Cuarenta y tres relatos a cual más deslumbrante. Lucia Berlín no conoció la fama, escribió setenta cuentos, tuvo una infancia acomodada, una adolescencia compleja y, en la madurez, padeció penuria económica. Fue enfermera, recepcionista, telefonista en un hospital y señora de la limpieza en Manhattan. Sus cuentos recogen este paseo azaroso que fue su vida; un trago literario amargo, irónico, lleno de ruído y de ternura.

¡Qué vergüenza!, de Paulina Rubio. (Editorial, Seix Barral)

Aún no ha cumplido los treinta y ya se perfila como una de las voces más originales de América Latina. Esta chilena nos conmueve con estos nueve relatos a cual más perfecto. La mirada de Paulina Flores es singular, como la buena literatura agita, incomoda y deslumbra con un lenguaje de alta intensidad.

A Virginia le gustaba Vita, Pilar Bellver (Editorial Dos Bigotes)

La oportunidad de zambullirse en la historia de amor entre dos pesos pesados de la literatura femenina, Vita Sackeville West y Virginia Woolf, nos la proporciona esta maravillosa novela escrita por una española que, por voluntad propia, vive al margen de la farándula literaria. Un libro emocionante que aborda el amor lésbico, con un lenguaje que la propia Woolf hubiera reclamado como propio.

Basada en hechos reales, Delphine de Vigan, (Editorial Anagrama)

Es una de las escritoras europeas más interesantes del momento. En esta novela, mitad thriller mitad relato psicológico, aborda los límites entre realidad y ficción. Una trama inquietante que habla de lo perturbadora que puede ser una relación de amistad entre dos mujeres muy diferentes pero complementarias.

Tu no eres como otras madres, Angélika Schrobsdorff (Editorial Periférica&Errata Naturae)

Se ha convertido en el best seller exquisito del año. La autora narra su historia y la de su madre en la Alemania pre nazi, donde la joven Angélika crece como una mujer rebelde y audaz, a la que no se le pone nada por delante. Else Kirshner, en efecto, no es como todas las madres. Simultanea relaciones amorosas, hasta el punto de que tiene un hijo de cada amante, vive el ascenso del Tercer Reich y la persecución por su condición de judía. Un libro que más que leerse, se devora de un tirón.

Cada noche, cada noche, Lola López Mondejar (Editorial Siruela)

He aquí una novela que remueve no solo intelectualmente sino anímicamente. La autora que además es psicoanalista denuncia cómo la novela, Lolita, de Nabokov se deformó, seguramente por la película que se hizo posteriormente, y convirtió la historia terrible de un pederasta que viola constantemente a una niña de doce años, en un relato perverso donde el verdugo se convierte en un seductor y la víctima en una pérfida y coqueta adolescente. La novela de Lola López Mondejar, Cada noche, cada noche es un ajuste de cuentas que nos devuelve a la auténtica Lolita.

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Mario Götze: Sexy Urlaubsgrüße von Ann-Kathrin Brömmel

Freitag, 30. Dezember 2016, 23:07 Uhr

Ganz in der Manier einer guten Spielerfrau postet auch Ann-Kathrin Brömmel (26) spärlich bekleidete Bilder aus ihrem Urlaub in Dubai.

Wie so viele andere Europäer, hielt es die Freundin von WM-Held Mario Götze (24) wohl im kalten Winter nicht mehr aus und flog über die freien Tage in die Sonne. Dort herrschen derzeit um die 28 Grad. Seit ein paar Tagen sind Mario und Ann-Kathrin zusammen im Urlaub und seitdem wird heftig gepostet. Die Blondine überlässt da auch nichts dem Zufall. Denn entweder ist Mario Götze ein unglaublich begnadeter Fotograf oder das Model/ Spielerfrau hat einen professionellen Fotografen mit am Start.

Und ja, Ann-Kathrin hat echt eine Hammerfigur, für die sie auch sicher viel trainiert, aber ein bisschen Kleidung ab und zu wäre auch okay. Denn gerade ihre Freizügigkeit wird immer wieder kritisiert und machte sie zu einer der nicht ganz so beliebtesten Spielerfrauen der deutschen Nationalelf.

Zu ihrer Verteidigung muss mal allerdings sagen, dass Ann-Kathrin das ganze Gerede um ihre Person und ihr Image relativ egal zu sein scheint. Sie zieht weiter ihr Ding durch. Am Anfang ihrer Beziehung mit Götze sagten ihr auch viele nach, dass sie eine Golddiggerin sei, aber ihre Liebe zu Mario Götze hält jetzt immerhin schon seit vier Jahren und scheint echt zu sein. (LK)



The REAL reason pregnant Stephanie Davis has gone absent from social media is revealed – and it’s pretty sad

Fans have been speculating on whether she’s gone into labour

Stephanie Davis is a frequent user of social media, as she loves to share moments of her day to day life with her hundreds of thousands of followers all over the nation.

So when fans noticed that she’s recently been absent from both Twitter and Instagram since just after Christmas, there have been whispers that the pregnant former Hollyoaks actress has finally gone into labour!

However, the true reason for Steph’s uncharacteristic silence has now been revealed – and it’s pretty sad.

More: Stephanie Davis reveals how baby slurs from trolls made her pregnancy ‘hell’

Read: All the Latest Celebrity News  

Stephanie, 23, spoke earlier this month of her belief that her son – said to be the product of her relationship with Jeremy McConnell – could arrive as soon as the festive period. So seeing as she hasn’t posted online since Boxing Day, fans were guessing that she had indeed gone into labour.

However, a close friend has denied that this is the case, and has instead attributed her absence from the site to her trying to avoid more false stories being spread about her online.

‘Someone close to Steph is leaking false and hurtful stories which, at this stage of her pregnancy, Steph is finding it hard to cope with – so she has come off social media for the time being,’ the source told Mirror Online on Friday (30th December).

GIF Stephanie Davis Celebrity Big Brother

Before Christmas, she revealed that she was still feeling emotional towards her ex Jeremy, and hit out at him once again for his doubts that he is the father of her child. Furthermore, trolls have attacked her throughout her pregnancy, teasing that she’s not carrying a baby at all. With all this on her mind, it’s easy to see why she’d want to take a break.

The last time Steph posted to Twitter was on Boxing Day, when she told fans of her post-Christmas slump – along with feeling the ‘lightning bolts’ of her baby moving inside her:

‘Gone from eating pigs in blankets.. To becoming a pig in a blanket 

‘Sweet dreams, love Steph & baby boy 

‘Lightening bolts continue, ouch’ 

Here’s hoping the break from social media keeps her nice and rested for the very busy times ahead…

Autore: CelebsNow


Whatever happened to Pop Stars Darius Campbell?

We’ll never forget his rendition of …Baby One More Time on Popstars

Reality TV regular
Singing Scotsman Darius was seen crooning his heart out in the Noughties on shows such as Popstars and Pop Idol. But what came next for the silver-tongued smoothster?

Musical dreams
Darius shot to fame back in 2001 when he performed an eccentric cover of …Baby One More Time on his audition for Popstars, The X Factor’s predecessor. That dodgy ponytail, his goatee beard and his finger-clicking are burnt into our brains forever. But despite all that, it was clear he had a lovely voice.

At least he’s confident…
He was dubbed a ‘complete show-off’ by the Popstars judges, yet managed to stay on the show until halfway through the series. But that wasn’t the last we saw of him. Later that year, Darius popped up as a contestant on the first series of Pop Idol and finished third. He’s certainly persistent…

Dreams come true
Darius released his first album Dive In in 2002. It reached No 4 in the UK charts and went platinum. He went on to star in big West End musicals including Chicago and Guys And Dolls, before returning to reality telly in 2010’s Popstar To Operastar – which he won.

Mandatory Credit: Photo by REX/Shutterstock (3202337a) 'From Here To Eternity' - Darius Campbell and Rebecca Thornhill 'From Here To Eternity' musical at the Shaftesbury Theatre, London, Britain - 16 Oct 2013 Press preview - This brand new musical is directed by Tamara Harvey with lyrics by Tim Rice, music by Stuart Brayson and script by Bill Oakes.

What’s in a name?
In 2009, he changed his surname from Danesh (his father Booth Danesh hails from Iran) to Campbell, in tribute to his Scottish grandfather Colin Campbell. Darius explained: ‘When I travel the world, I feel so deeply Scottish. When people know me as Darius Danesh, it doesn’t reflect that I’m Scottish. People say it’s not a very Scottish name, but Darius Campbell reflects that I’m Scottish.’


A change of career
While Darius, now 36, is still performing in the theatre (he’s starring in the acclaimed West End show Funny Girl opposite Sheridan Smith), he was recently a co-executive producer on a Daniel Radcliffe film about neo- Nazis called Imperium. Darius said: ‘It’s been such a challenging process and there were many points when it looked like it wouldn’t happen. Daniel has given an amazing performance and the story is one I think needs to be told right now.’ It looks like Darius is here to stay… Just less of the finger-clicking, yeah?

Mandatory Credit: Photo by James Gourley/REX/Shutterstock (5821544au) Darius Campbell 'Suicide Squad' film premiere, London, UK - 03 Aug 2016

Autore: CelebsNow


Cristina Buccino in vacanza a Cortina con Gianluca Vacchi e le sorelle: guarda

Cristina Buccino si sta godendo una rilassante vacanza a Cortina insieme a Gianluca Vacchi. La bella mora è partita per la montagna con il noto imprenditore. Non sono soli però: a fargli compagnia le sorelle della showgirl, Maria Teresa e Donatella, e la fidanzata di Mr.Enjoy, Giorgia Gabriele.

Cristina Buccino si rilassa a Cortina

Gianluca Vacchi e Cristina Buccino sono legati da una bella amicizia e insieme hanno deciso anche di trascorrere qualche giorno sulla neve. A Cortina si stanno divertendo un mondo e, naturalmente, non mancano le foto social a documentare il loro soggiorno.
In una Gianluca posa sorridente insieme a tutte e tre le sorelle Buccino mentre si rilassano nella lussuosa baita dove alloggiano. In un’altra foto, invece, Cristina e Gianluca si trovano in compagnia di Giorgia Gabriele. Il trio ha festeggiato il compleanno della dolce metà di Vacchi che il 27 dicembre ha spento 32 candeline. 

Le sorelle Buccino insieme a Gianluca Vacchi

Non è la prima volta che Cristina Buccino e Gianluca Vacchi si fanno vedere insieme sul social. L’ex fidanzata di Claudio D’Alessio a novembre postava una foto scattata con Mr.Enjoy in una discoteca: “Una buona serata e un buon cuore sono sempre una combinazione formidabile – scriveva la mora accanto alla foto – Ma quando ci aggiungi una lingua o una penna colta, allora hai davvero qualcosa di speciale”. Parole di stima che hanno fatto nascere il gossip su una presunta liaison. Niente di più falso, Vacchi rimane fedele alla sua Giorgia. Con lei, stando alle ultime indiscrezioni, potrebbe anche sbarcare sull'”Isola dei Famosi“.

Cristina con Gianluca Vacchi e Giorgia Gabriele

Intanto Gianluca si gode la sua vacanza a Cortina con la dolce metà e le sorelle Buccino. Probabilmente l’allegra comitiva brinderà insieme all’arrivo del nuovo anno.

Autore: GossipNews