
Made In Chelsea star Louise Thompson irritates fans with loved-up display with boyfriend Ryan Libbey

Romance on the ‘gram hasn’t gone down too well

In the digital age we live in, there are few loved-up pairs who aren’t guilty of a PDA-tastic, sickly sweet couples selfie or two. At this point, it seems to be a requirement to prove your unabashed love to the world.

Louise Thompson is no stranger to a cutesy pic with her personal trainer boyfriend Ryan Libbey – however, some of her followers aren’t the biggest fan of their displays on Instagram, with some calling them ‘literally the most annoying people EVER!!!!’ Ouch…

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Made In Chelsea star Louise has been dating Ryan since the summer, after her breakup with co-star Alik Alfus. Clearly head over heels for one another, they feature frequently on each others profiles. However, for some of Louise’s followers, it’s too much… take this recent video of the pair enjoying a workout together…

Showing Louise, 26, and Ryan participating in a range of floor-based workout moves, they steal a few kisses while getting their abs rock hard – and Lou even ups the sweetness in her caption, writing ‘Im super grateful to @ryan.libbey for changing the way I treat my body, and ultimately transforming it.’

However, it hasn’t been a universal success on her Twitter page, as some have slammed them with ‘sick’ emojis, expressing their ‘cringe’ and tagging in other friends to view it:

louise-comments-black-4 louise-comments-black-3 louise-comments-black-2 louise-comments-black

Yikes – and this is just one of a selection of recent posts that have garnered critique.

One photo, showing them outside of a house, has people drawing comparisons between Ryan and Louise’s ex Alik, saying that the latter is a better fit for her with better personality traits…

Louise Thompson and Ryan Libbey instagram

‘You’re doing yourself no favours lately posting these pathetic pics,’ the user wrote. ‘[Your] boyfriends a hanger on, he’s vile and not a patch on Alik-looks and personality wise. Bore off!!’

Oh dear. Come on, people – give them a chance!

Autore: CelebsNow


¿Está Chelsea Clinton pensando en meterse en política?

Y no es sólo que no tengamos noticia alguna sobre la hipotética retirada de la matriarca del clan, Hillary, que debe estar aún sopesando las opciones que tendría de rentabilizar la oleada de apoyo que está recibiendo. La que podría dar un paso al frente y seguir la tradición familiar es Chelsea, la única hija de Bill y la ex candidata demócrata, hasta ahora dedicada a su trabajo en la Fundación Clinton.

Sus ambiciones políticas ya tiene un destino: el asiento en el Congreso de la representante por el condado de Westchester de Nueva York Nita Lowey, de 79 años, que está a punto de retirarse. Las sospechas han saltado a todos los medios al conocerse con sólo las intenciones de retiro de Lowey, sino que Chelsea y su familia, su esposo Marc Mezvinsky y sus dos niños, van a mudarse de Manhattan a cerca de la casa de sus padres en Chappaqua, pequeña área de, precisamente, el condado de Westchester.

“Chelsea podría ser la próxima extensión de la marca Clinton”, ha declarado una fuente cercana al equipo de campaña demócrata. “Hillary jamás quiso que Chelsea se dedicara a la política: lo considera una vida muy dura y exigente. Pero lo cierto es que ella eligió participar en la campaña de su madre y ha resultado ser una mujer elocuente, serena y cómoda con la visibilidad pública””

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Raffaella Fico, un selfie con Kim Kardashian

Raffaella Fico ama viaggiare. Sta sempre in movimento, non si ferma mai. Sul social posta uno scatto che la ritrae al Museo delle Cere di Madame Tussauds. Sta a Londra la bella mora e nella foto posa accanto alla statua di Kim Karashian intenta a farsi un selfie: “Incontri casuali…”, scherza Raffaella. “Tu sei molto più figa”, il commento di una fan.

Raffaella Fico con la statua di cera di Kim Kardashian al Madame Tussauds di Londra

Raffaella a Londra è andata a visitare il Museo delle Cere e non ha potuto fare a meno di scattarsi una foto con la finta Kim Kardashian. Madame Tussauds ha dedicato alla reginetta dei reality Usa una statua che rappresenta la sua mania per i selfie.
La Fico nello scatto appare divertita ma soprattutto serena. Nella sua vita già da un po’ c’è Alessandro Moggi che le ha anche regalato un bellissimo anello di fidanzamento. Le nozze sembrerebbero dietro l’angolo. Di recente la coppia si è anche goduta un viaggio in Cina.

L’ex gieffina a Nizza insieme al fratello Francesco

Raffaella posta lo scatto da Londra con una Kim Kardashian di cera che si fa un selfie. Il fratello Francesco, invece, condivide con i follower un altro selfie: lui e la famosa sister a Nizza, sulla Promenade De Anglais. Dall’Inghilterra alla Francia, il passo è stato breve per la Fico. A Nizza, poi, vive il suo ex Mario Balotelli, papà della figlia Pia, che ora gioca nell’Oympique Club de Nice Côte d’Azur dove riveste il ruolo d’attaccante e dove, a quanto pare, si trova molto bene.

Raffaella Fico, insomma, conduce una vita al top fatta di viaggi e divertimento. L’amore con Alessandro Moggi va a gonfie vele. Pure i rapporti con Balo ultimamente sembrano migliorati. Per l’ex gieffina è un momento d’oro. Mancano solo i fiori d’arancio.

Da non perdere:

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Autore: GossipNews


Cindy Crawford y los miedos de las supermodelos

Resulta refrescante que las tops, sobre todo cuando dejan la primera fila o abandonan la profesión con la edad, hablen claramente de los pros y contras de una profesión tan dura como idealizada por la sociedad. Y si la modelo que habla es Cindy Crawford, la genuina novia de América, toca escuchar y callar. En una de sus últimas apariciones profesionales, quiso comentar con algunas periodistas las preocupaciones que rondan hoy su cabeza. La primera de ella, la presión que sufren las mujeres para no envejecer y que afecta especialmente a las modelos.

Leer todo sobre Cindy Crawdord

“Al haber basado toda tu carrera en la belleza, somos más sensibles a estos mensajes que nos exigen que parezcamos siempre jóvenes. Pero no puedes empeñarte en perseguir un imposible. Lo único que puedes hacer es cuidarte, hacer ejercicio, comer bien y cuidar la piel. Jamás volveré a tener la pinta que tiene mi hija cuando se levanta, pero me niego a sentirme mal por ello”. Otro asunto que le quita el sueño es la demanda de delgadez por parte de la industria de la moda. Un problema que vive a través de su hija, Kaia, recién aterrizada en el negocio.

“Cuando yo trabajaba se nos permitía tener cuerpo, tener pecho, caderas y hasta un poco de carne extra. Ahora se espera de las modelos que estén más delgadas que Kate Moss, que en la época ya estaba delgadísima. Algunas chicas sí que son tan delgadas naturalmente, pero muchas no. Mi idea de la belleza es que debe ser un concepto en expansión, debe abarcar cada vez más diversidad, no pretender que todas seamos iguales. No me parece que la moda mande un buen mensaje cuando pretende que todas las mujeres lleven la misma talla”.

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Victoria Pendleton: ‘Horse riding has toned my arms!’

Olympic gold medallist Victoria Pendleton shares her health secrets

Olympic gold medallist Victoria Pendleton, 36, is no stranger to working out and eating well. Now caught up with her to find out all about her healthy lifestyle…

Victoria’s Stats

HEIGHT: 5ft 4in
WEIGHT: 8st 8lb

Hey Victoria! What’s your favourite way to work out?

At home I’ve got a Pilates reformer, squat rack, kettlebells, TRX and kick bags. I just freestyle it. I know how much I need to do in the time frame and the muscles I should work together.

Victoria Pendleton | Before they were famous | Pictures | Photos | New | Celebrity News

How often do you work out?

About four times a week in the gym. I work at a racing yard so I ride horses six mornings a week, which is a lot of physical work.

We bet! What’s your favourite body part and why?

When I was an athlete, my thighs and bum; they were the tools of my trade. Now, I’d probably say my arms. Horse riding has toned them.

5 ways to get the body of a Strictly dancer!

Do you feel in sync with your body?

It’s about balancing work, home, the food you eat, recovery, sleep, relaxation. I feel my best after the gym. I appreciate that keeping fit and healthy is something that makes me feel good. I genuinely enjoy the process, it’s my me time.

Have you got a guilty food pleasure?

I do like a bit of chocolate. I tend to pick a really dark chocolate as I can justify it in my mind. I have chocolate three times a week.

Victoria Pendleton | Strictly Come Dancing 2012 | Pictures | Photos | new | Celebrity News

Do you take any supplements?

I used to take protein supplements and meal replacements as an athlete but the only thing I use these days is an iron supplement if I’m feeling a bit flat or fatigued.

Victoria’s food diary

Now’s expert sports nutritionist Ollie Frost gives his verdict on her daily diet

Fitspo Clean Eating Alice reveals the ONE food to help you sleep tonight


Homemade muesli (seeds, goji berries, nuts) with almond milk and a piece of fruit.


OLLIE SAYS: Creating your own muesli guarantees no refined sugars, while nuts contain fatty acids that can lower your risk of heart disease.


Avocado on toast with hummus and tomatoes.


OLLIE SAYS: Avocados really are a superfood. They contain good fats and more potassium than bananas. Foods high in dietary fats will increase the feeling of fullness, so you’re less likely to give in to cravings.

eat gif


Courgette cannelloni with cannellini beans, mushrooms, basil, cherry tomatoes and a mixed salad. Fruit for pudding.


OLLIE SAYS: Beans and pulses are a great way to boost protein, and a diet rich in protein helps promote fat loss. Fruit is great for digestion.


Teaspoon of almond butter, homemade energy ball, olives.


OLLIE SAYS:  More dietary fats. Be careful – 1g of fat contains nine calories, almost double that of protein and carbohydrates.

Total Cals 1,504 (GDA 2,000)

OLLIE’S VERDICT: Victoria obviously prefers a diet higher in fats than carbohydrates. A high fat diet helps boost the immune system and fight inflammation in the blood. But fat, good or bad, contains high amounts of energy. Track your food on apps like MyFitnessPal  to keep an eye on it.

Follow Ollie on Twitter @Ollie_frost

Victoria Pendleton is working with Activia, sharing the story of achieving her personal best and inspiring women to Live InSync.

Autore: CelebsNow