
Liam Payne has been working on new music with a VERY unexpected person

Is that Preston we see?

Liam Payne is the latest of the One Direction boys to be cracking on with the solo music. While Harry Styles is off filming blockbuster films with director Christopher Nolan; Zayn Malik is off singing the sexiest songs of the year and Niall Horan joins the long legacy of Sad Boy With Guitar, how has Cheryl’s boyfriend carved his own way?

He brought Preston along! You know Sam Preston, who got with Chantelle off of Celebrity Big Brother and stormed off the set of Nevermind the Buzzcocks.

The Ordinary Boys singer shared a snap with the One Direction star and producer Sylvester Sivertsen. He just captioned the pic: ‘Music!’

Well it’s good to see Preston after nearly a decade.


There’s also a clip of Liam singing some of this music, ripped from Sylvester’s Snapchat…

Meanwhile, rumours that his girlfriend Cheryl is actually ‘pregnant’ reached their peak this week as The X Factor judge Brian Friedman appeared to confirm that they are expect their first child.

In an interview that will probably get them in quite a lot of trouble, the dancer told new! magazine: ‘If they’re happy then it’s fantastic. Everyone wants to be in love, everyone wants to be happy.

‘And now they’re having a baby together, so they definitely found something great!’

MORE: OMG! Is this what could be in ‘pregnant’ Cheryl and Liam Payne’s nursery!?

Now that’s going to be an awkward conversation. Maybe Liam Payne could announce the pregnancy on his new album? That, and Preston, would spice up the new album quite a bit…

Autore: CelebsNow


Has Perrie Edwards moved on from Luke Pasqualino by dating THIS footballer?

Looks like the Little Mix star has found love again…

Perrie Edwards might have only split from Luke Pasqualino a month ago but it looks like she’s already moved on with another famous name.

The Little Mix star is rumoured to be quietly dating footballer Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain after being spotted watching his team Arsenal play Tottenham Hotspur from his personal box at the Emirates Stadium earlier this month.

‘It’s very early days between Perrie and Alex,’ a source says.

‘There’s certainly some chemistry there and they’ve enjoyed spending time together.’

Apparently Perrie, 23, is keen to keep things low-key with Alex – especially following the drama of her split from fiancé Zayn Malik in August 2015 – and the pair have been having dates at his house.

‘Both are keen to keep the relationship on the down low,’ the insider tells The Sun. ‘They don’t follow each other on social media as they know a connection might give the game away.’

The romance comes at a busy time for Pez, who is working hard with Little Mix following the release of their latest album Glory Days.

Meanwhile England and Arsenal player Alex, 23, is concentrating on his career too so the relationship needs to work around that.

‘Alex’s main focus is on his football and becoming a first team regular at Arsenal,’ a source explains.

‘He won’t let anything off the field distract him from that.’

It comes just weeks after it was revealed that Perrie’s brief fling with Our Girl actor Luke, 26, had come to an end.

Despite having been seen indulging in a PDA at a party earlier in October, the pair apparently decided to call things off due to a general lack of spark as well as their hectic schedules getting in the way.

‘Perrie went on a few dates with Luke over the last few months,’ a source told Mail Online. ’It wasn’t serious but they were getting to know one another.’

Let’s hope the course of true love runs a little more smoothly this time for Perrie!

Autore: CelebsNow


Sara Tommasi, appello per essere naufraga all’Isola 12

Sara Tommasi sul social si scatta sempre foto sexy, ma si dice perfettamente guarita. Sta meglio e vorrebbe nuovamente essere naufraga all’Isola 12: per far parte del cast ha fatto un appello.

Sara Tommasi in un recente selfie che la showgirl ha postato sulla sua pagina su Facebook

Sara Tommasi desidera essere naufraga all’Isola 12. Ospite di Casam2o, programma radiofonico di m2o condotto da Alberto Dandolo e Fabio De Vivo, la showgirl umbra 35enne ha lanciato il suo appello. “Cara Alessia (Marcuzzi ndr),  ti prego di prendere in considerazione l’idea di inserirmi nel cast della prossima Isola dei Famosi. Ora sono in piena forma psicologica e mi farebbe bene ripetere l’esperienza isolana. Ne gioverebbe anche il mio corpo…”, ha detto.

Sara Tommasi, che sogna da naufraga dell‘Isola 12, dopo esserlo già stato nella quarta edizione del reality show, nel suo appello ha continuato: “Credo che la tv dovrebbe darmi una seconda possibilità, nel nostro Paese non ti perdonano nulla se sei una donna e se hai passato un brutto momento. Ho avuto un periodo buio della mia vita, ma ora è tutto superato. Vorrei partecipare a questa edizione dell’Isola anche perché nel cast ci sono due mie amiche, le bellissime Nathalie Caldonazzo e Justine Mattera. E poi adoro il rapper Moreno!”.

La 35enne in reggiseno negli spogliatoi della palestra a Terni dove si allena

Sara ha anche raccontato com’è ora il suo quotidiano: “Mi sono presa un a grande rivincita sulla vita. Ora sto bene e ho scelto di trasferirmi nella mia Terni. Amo la vita semplice, quella dal sapore bucolico. Faccio delle lunghe passeggiate in montagna e mi prendo cura del mio corpo e della mia mente”.

E ha aggiunto: “Sto dedicando tanto tempo ai miei hobby e alle mie passioni. In questo periodo mi sto dedicando al calcio. Sogno di allenare una squadra di calcio femminile. Amo Spalletti alla follia e sempre forza Roma! Il mio sogno sarebbe anche quello di lavorare un giorno con il mio amato capitano Totti e sua moglie Ilary (Blasi ndr), magari in uno spot televisivo”.

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Autore: GossipNews


You won’t believe what Zoella keeps in her backpack!

Take a sneaky look into the world of Zoe Sugg and find out what’s in her bag…

We love watching Zoe’s haul vids but we’re always wondering what she keeps in her bag? Is it crammed full of beauty products? Or vlogging equipment? Or full of toys for Nala?


In her latest vid she shows us what’s she carries around with her at all times, including a Kylie Lip Kit (so jel!) and some lip kit dupes too, so now we can all get in on the action!

She’s also got a fun Xmas pen from Tiger and of course gum! Her bag of choice is… you guessed it the Zoella On my Travels Backpack “I’m obsessed with it, my perfect bag!” and the good news is you can get one too AND it’s currently on offer at Boots, reduced from £50 to £30!


Of course, she’s got a purse, just like the rest of us and hers is designer Mulberry, “‘Alfie bought me this”, she says in her latest vid. She’s got some Rayban sunglasses and an iPhone 7 phone too – swish! One thing we weren’t expecting is this funny Christmas pen, but we love it! “You can’t be sad when writing with this.”



She’s also got gum, her vlogging camera, a Canon G7X 2 which she takes with her everywhere. Bowers & Wilkins headphones, “they’re so comfy!” a notebook from Mishmash, her Zoella hand cream in Gingerbread, “I’ve been using it since July!” She also really loves Tarte Lip Paint in Bestie and her Clarins Lip Oil, phew!


Words Ariana Longson

Autore: CelebsNow


Mercedesz Henger: ‘Sergio Arcuri parla di famiglia, vedremo’

Mercedesz Henger è innamorata e felice. Sergio Arcuri per lei è l’uomo giusto, nonostante i 17 anni di età che li separano all’anagrafe. Il fratello di Manuela Arcuri parla già di famiglia, vuole un bebè dalla bionda, ma la figlia di Eva Henger non fa programmi, come ha chiarito a Diva e Donna.

Mercedesz Henger svela: ‘Sergio Arcuri parla già di famiglia’

“Stiamo bene insieme. Qualche volta lui guarda avanti, parla di famiglia. Vedremo. Io non faccio programmi”, ha detto Mercedesz Henger parlando del suo rapporto con Sergio Arcuri al settimanale. E ha aggiunto: “Ma sia chiaro, nessuno potrà rimpiazzare mio papà: mi manca”. Riccardo Schicchi con la sua morte ha lasciato un vuoto incolmabile nel cuore della 25enne.

Sergio Arcuri in questo momento la riempie di attenzioni e di gioia. Parla pure di famiglia. Mercedesz Henger frena la voglia del 41enne, è ancora molto giovane e il loro rapporto è solo all’inizio.

La 25enne a fine estate si è fidanzata con il 41enne: i due si dicono molto innamorati

Sono tutti contenti per loro. L’ex naufraga dell’Isola 11 ha regalato alla cognata Manuela per il compleanno un piccolo pensiero che è stato molto gradito dall’attrice. Regna l’armonia. “L’opinione di mia mamma è l’unica che conta per me; anche suo marito Massimiliano (Caroletti ndr), che di solito non si pronuncia, mi ha detto che è molto felice per me. Per il resto è tutta la vita che imparo a fregarmene dei pregiudizi”, ha sottolineato infine Mercedesz.

Autore: GossipNews