
¿Qué hace Mabel Lozano en Verín?

Mabel Lozano está en Verín. La actriz y directora ha acudido a la localidad ourensana para presentar ante un grupo de alumnos de secundaria su domunetal sobre la trata de mujeres ‘Chicas 24 horas’ -que también pudimos ver anoche en La 2 de TVE y que estuvo nominado al Goya el pasado año-.

Y aprovechando la visita, anoche estuvo cenando en uno de los restaurantes verinenses:O Souto das Candeas. Mabel no tuvo problema en fotografiarse con una de las empleadas del local situado en medio de la localidad.

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Adam Thomas wins over I’m A Celebrity viewers with spider task and emotional phonecall with fiancée

The Emmerdale star’s doing pretty well!

Every year on I’m A Celebrity, there’s a famous face who surprises us all with their bravery and resilience in situations that we could never imagine ourselves in.

And after Sunday’s edition of the show, it certainly seems as if this year’s breakout star is Adam Thomas – and all it took to seal the deal was to place a LIVE water spider in his mouth…


More: Who is Adam Thomas? All you need to know about the I’m A Celebrity star 

Read: All the Latest Celebrity News  

Now more than two weeks into the series, plenty of the celebs are used to coexisting in the jungle wilderness with a vast array of creepy crawlies. Emmerdale star Adam, however, has been proving to find ‘the bugs life’ pretty difficult, memorably having a massive freakout at being stuck in a room with them earlier in the series.

It’s safe to say that spiders aren’t his favourite creature. So when he and Martin Roberts were selected to go head to head in a Bushtucker Trial that challenged them to hold either a live water spider or a giant cockroach in his mouth, everyone thought they knew what he’d opt out of doing.

‘Mate, it would definitely get rid of your fears!’ joked Martin.

And then, to everyone’s surprise, Adam decided to face his arachnophobia mouth on…and chose the eight-legged creature!

Adam Thomas and a live water spider

Adam Thomas and a live water spider

Stunningly, he managed to do it! And we weren’t the only ones impressed with his efforts…

And if that weren’t enough to convince viewers, the 28-year-old twin brother of Love Island’s Scott Thomas then won the hearts of all female viewers with a very emotional phone call with fiancée Caroline Daly.

‘I love you so, so much, darling,’ he said, wiping tears from his cheeks. ‘I’m never leaving you again.’

And it managed to make a whole heap of viewers very teary themselves, with one viewer taking to Twitter to declare that she needs ‘someone to love me as much as Adam Thomas loves his fiancée’:

Watch the lovely moment below – and let us know who you’re backing @CelebsNow!

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How can I live like a celebrity? Now tells you ALL the secrets

Ever fancied being part of the rich and famous gang? Well, it’s just a few clicks away

As The Pussycat Dolls once sang: ‘When I grow up, I wanna be famous. I wanna be a star. A wanna be in movies…’

It was a pretty catchy tune, right? And don’t get us started on THAT video…


We all wanted to have a taste of the famous life, didn’t we? Not to mention have buns like theirs, but sadly it all seemed pipe-dream.

Fast-forward eight-years and the world is a TOTALLY different place. Not only can you buy butts like theirs but also, the life of a star is far more obtainable.

Each day celebs across the globe share snippets of their life on social media and it’s a life that we can all have, seriously.

Just check out how YOU can do it without breaking the bank…

Autore: CelebsNow


Megan McKenna: ‘I want a baby in four years time’

The TOWIE star chats to Now about wanting kids, making up with

There’s always the danger that Megan McKenna’s going to fly off the handle when you have a chat with her. The 24-year-old might have tamed her temper recently – and handled the recent drama on TOWIE when her boyfriend Pete Wicks was discovered sexting several girls behind her back with aplomb – but she’s not nicknamed ‘Mental Megs’ for nothing. Remember those epic scenes on CBB when Stephanie Davis left Megan’s tracksuit in a dirty heap on the floor? They were gold. But she’s certainly got a temper on her.

Fears aside, Megan’s on great form when Now picks up the phone for a chat with her about her new lip kits. Phew! She’s known for her plumped-up pout (she’s open with us about having lip fillers), so fans have been delighted by the range.


Megan loves her lips!

It’s been quite the year for Megan – who was unknown to us until she burst onto our screens on Ex On The Beach back in August last year. After a brief engagement to her co-star on that show Jordan Davies, she’s now thoroughly loved-up with fellow TOWIE cast member Pete, 28, after they put their troubles to one side – but don’t get Megan started on the trolls who’ve been accusing her of being a ‘ponce’ after he bought her a Rolex for her birthday…

You and Pete are back together now. Is the pressure off a little bit now that you’re not filming?

Yeah, definitely. It’s not as much pressure when you’re off screen. When you’re on screen, everyone’s judging you. I’m happy where I am now. Being together is a bonus.

How are you and Pete going to go forward and rebuild the trust after his sexting scandal? 

I’m going to take each day as it comes. We’re just like any normal couple – there’s going to be shit times, but there’s also going to be amazing times. Bring on the future, I say.

Are you still checking his social media accounts on your phone, or have you got rid of them?

Pete wanted me to have them on my phone while all the drama was happening. I never asked for them, and I don’t have them on there any more.

Have your family forgiven him? 

My family are happy when I’m happy, so yes, they’ve forgiven him. They never… disliked him, they were just angry and disappointed with him.

Tell us about your new lip kits. Why did you decide to do them?

I’m a bit obsessed with my lips. I love them. I get so many comments asking what gloss I’m wearing. So I thought: ‘Why not make something that people will want?’ I’ve always loved the whole Kylie Jenner thing, though I didn’t want to copy her. But they’ve sold out, which is absolutely amazing.

Megan McKenna and Pete Wicks

Megan and Pete on Celebrity Juice together

Have you tried out Kylie’s lips kits? 

I actually haven’t, because every time I go to get them they’re sold out. I wanted to put my own collection together.

What does Pete think of your make-up? Does he prefer you to be more natural?

He loves big, fuller-looking lips. He definitely likes me in less make-up, though.

Would you ever tone down your make-up?

I don’t actually wear that much. I think people think I wear a lot of make-up, but I don’t. I don’t put much on my skin. On TOWIE I focus on my lips. I think it’s because my lips are big, so people think I have a lot on.

How do you snog Pete with all that lip gloss on? Do you have any tips?

[Laughs] The tip is that you need to take control of the kiss if you’re the one wearing lipstick or gloss. If you’re kissing, you should go a bit above the guy with your mouth, if you know what I mean. Be in control!

Have you ever had lip gloss smeared all over your face in a steamy TOWIE moment?

No, I’ve been OK so far – it’s all been good. I’m quite grateful about that! [Laughs]

Would you like to do more make-up products in future?

A hundred per cent – this will be happening. The next set will be a Christmas launch for another kit and then after that in the New Year we can expand to other things.

What are your absolute favourite beauty products?

I have to have moisturised lips; they have to be smooth. And my must-have beauty product is Armani Luminous Silk foundation. It’s very light. I don’t like thick stuff.

Megan McKenna

Megan’s been open about her use of tip fillers

Are you bad at taking off your make-up before you go to bed?

Oh yeah – if I’ve been out then it’ll be all over my sheets. But on a normal night I’m pretty good.

You’ve been very open about having lip fillers in the past. Is that something that you’re still having done now?

I don’t get them done very often. I get them at the beginning of every year. I think with the liner I use they look a bit bigger. I uploaded a picture a few weeks ago and everyone was saying: ‘Oh my God, you’ve had your lips redone!’ But I hadn’t.

Are you going to carry on getting them done?

I don’t see that there’s a problem with it if it makes you feel more confident. I don’t get much put in. I don’t think I have much filler in my lip – it’s a top-up. It makes me feel more confident.

Would you have any more surgery in future?

I’m happy with the way I look. But seeing yourself on TV, you do start to pick up on things that you want to change. And people troll you, which is quite hard. People tell me I have small boobs. I can never win. If I got a boob job, they’d slate me for that. Right now I’m happy, but I don’t say no to surgery. If you’re unhappy, then go for it.

What else do the trolls say about you online?

Some of them have accused me of being a ponce! Pete bought me a Rolex for my birthday and I’m obviously so happy that he did that. It meant so much. But what people need to remember is yes, I got bought an amazing birthday present, but I work hard and I earn my own money. I buy my own clothes, my own bags, my own shoes. People don’t seem to understand that and it upsets me. I get a lot of trolling for that. I’m 24 years old and I’m working hard and I’m successful. Of course I’m going to go out and treat myself once in a while, but I do it all on my own.

Your whole family has starred on TOWIE recently. What do your parents think about you career? Are they proud that you’re on telly?

Yeah, definitely. I’m really happy to be doing reality TV but it’s more something that I fell into. I do love it, but I want to do different things as well. I don’t just want to be known as ‘Megan shouting and screaming on TV’.

You’ve been on three reality TV series now – how exactly did you end up ‘falling into it,’ as you put it?

I was actually approached on Twitter. But I’d trained my whole life at theatre school before that, and that still is my aim. I had auditions here and there – I had a different audition every week. And then I went away on holiday and I think I was spotted by people casting and they obviously thought: ‘She likes a party!’ and that was how it all came about. So then I went from Ex On The Beach to Celebrity Big Brother to TOWIE. I’m very grateful.

Tell us about the future – what do you have planned? Do you want to settle down and have a baby anytime soon?

Definitely not right now. I’m only 24, which is still a bit young. But I’d really like to have kids before I’m 30 so I think I need to have kids by the time I’m 28. I have a good four years before I need to think about it! Basically I want to be able to have my career and my businesses all around me first. I want to feel satisfied with what I’m doing professionally before I settle down and have children. Right now I feel like I’m still at the very beginning of my career.

Head to to check out her lip kits

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Biggest fights EVER in pop history from Taylor Swift and Katy Perry to Drake and Chris Brown

Because singers can never keep their gobs shut when they’re in a bad mood. Ever.

Taylor Swift vs Katy Perry

Taylor Swift Katy Perry

It started when Katy and Taylor both dated John Mayer – Taylor briefly in 2009-10 and Katy in 2012. Taylor then dished the dirt on Katy in Rolling Stone, saying: ‘For years, I was never sure if we were friends. She would come up to me at award shows and say something and walk away, and I would think: “Are we friends, or did she just give me the harshest insult of my life?’” After Katy reportedly poached Taylor’s dancers on a tour, Katy tweeted that Taylor was a ‘Regina George in sheep’s clothing,’ referencing teen film Mean Girls. Taylor hit back by saying the pair were ‘straight up enemies’. Ouch.

Chris Brown vs Drake

Chris Brown green hair

Chris Brown isn’t the biggest fan of Drake – and the two reportedly fell out over Rihanna in a Manhattan bar in 2012. Drake reportedly taunted Chris with a note that read: ‘I’m f**king the love of your life, deal with it.’ The musicians allegedly had a huge fight, which resulted in Chris getting bottled in the face – and sharing a photo of his bloodied chin on Twitter. The New York police department confirmed five people were injured in the fracas, including Chris’s bodyguard. After the fight, the musicians were offered $ 1million to throw punches in the boxing ring – but the offer wasn’t taken up. Well, it’s not like either of them needs the cash.

Mariah Carey vs Eminem

Mariah Carey has been accused of photo shopping her pictures

Remember when Mariah and Eminem hooked up? No, we haven’t seen any evidence either, but Eminem swore it happened – and Mariah wasn’t happy about his claims. The pair allegedly started dating in 2001 after they met to record a song on Mariah’s album Charmbracelet. But it looks like things didn’t work out, with Eminem later rapping on Superman: ‘What you trying be? My new wife? / What, you Mariah? Fly through twice.’ Eminem confirmed their fling in a 2002 Rolling Stone piece, saying: ‘There’s truth to that. But on the personal level, I’m not feeling it. I don’t like her as a person.’

Mariah later released a diss track Obsessed, which may have been aimed at Eminem, and even dressed up like him in the video for the song. The lyrics included: ‘You’re delusional, you’re delusional / Boy you’re losing your mind.’ At least she got back at him in a dignified way. Sort of.

Zayn Malik and Naughty Boy vs Louis Tomlinson

Louis Tomlinson and Zayn Malik

When Zayn quit One Direction last March, it wasn’t ever going to be pretty – but few Directioners would have anticipated the amount of vitriol that would be unleashed between him and former bandmate Louis Tomlinson on Twitter. After Zayn was pictured in the studio with producer Naughty Boy, Louis sniped that
Naughty Boy was ‘inconsiderate’, before adding: ‘How f**king old are you?’ He then took another swipe at a filter Naughty Boy used on a photo of him and Zayn, commenting: ‘Remember when you were 12 and you used to think those Mac filters for your pictures were cool haha ! Some people still do HA!’

Naughty Boy then interjected that Louis couldn’t sing, adding: ‘But who’s complaining when there’s auto tune eh.’ Zayn also retaliated by calling Louis ‘bitchy’. He later told a magazine that relations with the rest of 1D were frosty, explaining: ‘I tried to have contact but nobody’s reached out. So… whatever.’ Boy band life is so hard.

Solange vs Jay Z

Solange Knowles

We all thought Beyoncé’s life was perfect – until her sister Solange was filmed physically attacking Bey’s hubby Jay Z in a lift at the Met Gala in May 2014. Dressed up to the nines for the swanky fashion event, Solange was shown kicking and swinging at the rapper while a security guard struggled to hold her back. Meanwhile, Bey stood eerily still for the entire duration. Rumours of Jay Z’s infidelity have dogged his marriage to Beyoncé throughout their relationship, but the couple have never explained the reason for Solange’s ferocious assault on her brother-in-law. Reports at the time suggested that she could have been angry with Jay Z over claims of romances with women who were at the event that night. And lyrics in Beyoncé’s Lemonade also seem to allude to cheating within a relationship. But something tells us we’ll never know the truth about this one.

Robbie Williams vs Gary Barlow


Robbie shockingly quit Take That in 1995 and went on a massive bender, admitting he’d become obsessed with ‘crushing’ ex-bandmate Gary – and that he was happy when Gary’s solo career stalled after the band split. Rob said: ‘My problem has always been with Gary. I wanted to crush the memory of the band – and I didn’t let go.’

The rivalry between the pair got so bad that Gary even considered changing his name after the initial failure of his singing career. He said: ‘I couldn’t face my own name because even over the phone people would make some wisecrack.’ The band later reconciled, though, with Robbie joining them on album Progress in 2010 and a tour the following year.



The noughties’ finest, Sugababes were never far from drama, with reports of in-fights between original members Siobhan Donaghy, Mutya Buena and Keisha Buchanan.The band had a changing line-up of six members in their time. Siobhan departed the band in 2001, calling Keisha ‘the first bully in my life’. She explained: ‘It was just never good. Right from the start, we just didn’t get on.’ Things didn’t seem to improve when Heidi Range joined the group, with rumours of rifts between Heidi and the original members – and Mutya herself admitting: ‘I just didn’t speak to her.’ Keisha confessed: ‘I was a bitch to Heidi at first because I couldn’t get over the fact that we’d worked since we were 12 and this girl from stage school had it all handed to her on a plate. I made her life hell’. Keisha quit in 2009 and the group went through a further
line-up change.

Autore: CelebsNow