
Federica Nargi e Alessandro Matri, passeggiata con Sofia

Federica Nargi e Alessandro Matri hanno approfittato di una bella giornata di sole per fare una passeggiata insieme alla loro piccola Sofia, nata lo scorso 26 settembre.

Federica Nargi e Alessandro Matri a passeggio con Sofia

Sorride la coppia di genitori. Il calciatore del Sassuolo e l’ex velina mora sprizzano gioia da tutti i pori: “Family a passeggio”, si legge accanto allo scatto che Federica Nargi ha voluto condividere con i tanti follower che la seguono su Instagram. “La meraviglia che siete!”, il commento di una fan. “Stupendi”, scrive un’altra ammiratrice.

Alessandro e Federica stanno insieme da tanti anni, mancano solo i fiori d’arancio a coronare il loro amore

Alessandro Matri e il volto noto della tv stanno insieme da tanti anni. La loro è una storia bellissima  e a settembre hanno coronato il sogno più bello con l’arrivo della loro bimba. Mancano solo i fiori d’arancio come cliegina sulla torta.

Federica, in un’intervista rilasciata durante la gravidanza, ha dichiarato che tra i due era Alessandro quello più emozionato all’idea di diventare genitore. Quando la dolce metà gli ha dato la bella notizia, lui tremava. Ha provato un sentimento talmente forte che non è stato possibile trovare le parole per descriverlo. E nella foto social che lo ritrae durante la passeggiata con la compagna e la figlia, il suo sorriso dimostra quanto l’arrivo principessina di casa lo abbia reso felice. Fare il papà, a quanto pare, gli piace.

I follower però non si accontentano mai e chiedo alla Nargi se ha intenzione di dare a Matri anche un bel maschietto. E’ ancora presto per pensarci. Sofia è appena arrivata. Ha da poco compiuto i suoi primi due mesi vita. Ma la coppia, perché no, potrebbe decidere di dargli un fratellino. Giovani e belli, Federica e Alessandro hanno tutte le carte in regola per costruire un famiglia numerosa.

Autore: GossipNews


“Der Ringer”: Frischware für Fans von Joy Division

Willkommen im Orbit. Willkommen auf der MS Ringer. Willkommen an der Schnittstelle zwischen analog und digital. Zwischen Phänomenologie und Fun, Fun, Fun. Zwischen dem Leben und dem digitalisierten Weiterleben nach dem Tod. This is Soft Kill.

"Der Ringer": Frischware für Fans von Joy Division
Foto: Markus Alexander Voigt

Der Ringer aus Hamburg ist die Band, die man auf keinen Fall verpassen sollten, wenn einem beispielsweise Joy Division genauso am Herzen liegt wie, sagen wir, Frank Ocean. Wenn man durchaus bereit dazu ist, sich künftig Google-Glasses aufzusetzen (falls es die überhaupt noch gibt), aber dabei auf keinen Fall auf Bier verzichten will.

Der Ringer sind melancholische Cyber-Postpunks, und wie schon ihre irdischen Brüder im Geiste von Isolation Berlin hadern auch sie gewaltig mit der Produktwerdung. Wo aber IsoB Ihr „Herz aus Stein“ zum Moritaten-Klang einer alten Orgel besingen, spielen Der Ringer auf ihrem Albumdebüt „Soft Kill“ (kommt am 27. Januar) als Kinder der Kybernetik in ihrer Cloud und legen mit Vergnügen noch einen weiteren Filter über ihr bereits mit unzähligen Effekten bearbeitetes Selbstporträt.

So finden sich auf „Soft Kill“ zehn dystopisch-erogene Songs über Ohnmachts- und Allmachtsphantasien. Und den vielen Modulationsstufen dazwischen: Elementarteilchen inklusive. Wie auch sonst?!


08.12. Hamburg – Festival Für Junge Menschen
15.12. Hamburg- Übel & Gefährlich (w/ Isolation Berlin)
16.12. München – M94.5 Fest im Feierwerk
17.12. Berlin – Columbia Theater (w/ Isolation Berlin)
18.12. Köln – Gebäude 9 (Cologne Act)
Soft Kill Album Tournee
15.02. Hamburg – Hafenklang (Goldener Salon)
16.02. Mainz – Schon Schön
17.02. Stuttgart – 1210
18.02. München – Orangehouse
19.02. Wien – RHIZ
21.02. Düsseldorf – FFT
22.02. Leipzig – NAUMANNs
23.02. Groningen (NL) – De Gym
24.02. Berlin – ACUD

"Der Ringer": Frischware für Fans von Joy Division



Liam Payne reminisces over moment with THIS supermodel

Something tells us Cheryl won’t like this…

He’s one of the biggest pop stars on the planet so it’s no surprise that Liam Payne has done some pretty incredible things during his five years with One Direction.

And, like the rest of us, Liam, 23, likes to take a trip down memory lane every now and again. Unlike us, he has millions of devoted fans tweeting him photos and doesn’t have to rely on Timehop…

On Friday Liam was sent a video of him walking a runway with iconic supermodel Cindy Crawford in 2013, and couldn’t resist giving it a cheeky like on Twitter.

MORE: Olly Murs says Cheryl and Liam will be ‘fantastic parents’ 

Earlier this week Liam’s ‘pregnant’ girlfriend Cheryl Fernandez-Versini finally debuted her bump and, with her hormones potentially all over the place right now, we’re sure the last thing she needs is Liam reminiscing over time spent with other beautiful women…

While Cheryl, 33, and Liam have yet to confirm the exciting news, many people are putting two and two together after they stepped out on Tuesday evening for a Cheryl’s Trust Christmas carol concert.

Liam Payne nod

Beaming, the former Girls Aloud singer made no attempt to hide her bump and sources later revealed Cheryl happily accepted well wishes from fans at the event.

MORE: Read the latest celebrity news

An onlooker told The Sun: ‘Cheryl said thank you when she was congratulated on the pregnancy and kept her hand on her bump for most of the night. She looked absolutely glowing and was clearly delighted.’

Liam was obviously keen to ensure his ‘expectant’ girlfriend was comfortable, as the source added: ‘He was ultra-protective. At one point he had to get her a chair to sit down on as she was so exhausted from being on her feet.’

Autore: CelebsNow


Las compras de la semana: Zara, Mango y H&M

Bolso de serraje de Zara (45,95 euros)

Autor: Gemma Cano 01 dic 2016

Autore: RSS de noticias de


Behind the scenes at Victoria’s Secret Show – the model photos you HAVE to see!

It’s not all just blue steel – check out these fun pics of Kendall, Gigi and the girls backstage…

It comes round once a year, but when it does, you know about it. The Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show took place at the Grand Palais in Paris this year – a first in the events history. And of course it didn’t disappoint, 51 of the world’s top models on a catwalk wearing only underwear, it’s the sexiest show on earth. But what we want to know is what goes on behind the scenes? Check out our gallery below and get all the insider goss…


The angels were given Instax Instant mini cameras by Fujifilm to take snaps backstage – how fun?!


As well as taking snaps they of course got their hair and makeup done, but they look too incredible without it tbh! Just take a look at Kendall here without any makeup…

Mandatory Credit: Photo by James Gourley/REX/Shutterstock (7527791ap) Kendall Jenner backstage Victoria's Secret Fashion Show, Backstage, Grand Palais, Paris, France - 30 Nov 2016

Check out the rest of the behind the scenes action here and find out some things you never new about the angels!

Autore: CelebsNow