
‘Feel like I’m watching the opening scene of The Lion King’: The best Twitter reactions as DJ Khaled SNAPCHATS the birth of his son

Warning: contains ACTUAL footage of a woman ACTUALLY giving birth

Giving birth is a special, private moment – unless you happen to be DJ Khaled‘s poor girlfriend

The music producer and record label executive – who has worked with the likes of Kanye West, Nicki Minaj and Drake – gave fans live updates from the delivery room on Saturday night as he live SNAPCHATTED the birth of his first child.

MORE: Is THIS what Cheryl and Liam Payne could name their first child?


In footage shared on the social media platform, the star’s latest track, I Got The Keys, could be heard playing, along with a reading of the Quran as long-term GF Nicole Tuck endured labour.

Another shot showed him with his head in his hands as he looked to the sky whilst the dramatic birth action unfolded behind him.

Check some of the – somewhat up-close-and-personal – footage out below…

Khaled also shared snaps on his Instagram account, writing on one post that showed him kissing Nicole’s belly: ‘Bless up fan luv the dr. said my queens water Broke .. It’s go time ! All praise to the most high🙏🏽 fan luv I’ll keep you posted !! I have to be honest I’m so excited and my nerves on another level smh .. I’m focused thoe 🙏🏽🔑🙏🏽🦁 I LOVE YOU SO MUCH SON 🙏🏽🔑🙏🏽🦁’

Geordie Shore‘s Scotty T was one of the high-profile Twitter users to react to the news, retweeting one of the Snapchat videos and writing: ‘That time @djkhaled snapchatted his baby popping out his wife’s f***y.’

Yep, sounds like Scotty all right!

And he wasn’t alone in LOL-ing at the news.

One Twitter user proclaimed: ‘DJ Khaled snapchating the birth of his son is the greatest thing to ever happen on that platform.’

Another posted: ‘DJ Khaled deadass promoted his son’s birth like a mixtape through the whole snap lmaoo.’

A third wrote: ‘Dj Khaled is dead snapchatting the entire birth of his baby and i feel like im watching the opening scene of the lion king.’

Not everyone was down with seeing the miracle of birth in their social media feeds though…

Some people didn’t get it: ‘Anyone else confused by dj khaled documenting childbirth live on snapchat?’

‘DJ Khaled is the definition of a brain dead f*ck,’ another posted.

It was all too much for another user, who wrote: ‘DJ Khaled actually snapchatted the birth of his son 😵 TMI 🙈’

We may have reached peak Snapchat, people…

Autore: CelebsNow


Cheryl’s fears as secret recording of furious row with Jean-Bernard threatens to lift the lid on their doomed marriage

The tape was apparently recorded without Cheryl’s knowledge just five months after she tied the knot with JB

She may no longer be Mrs Fernandez-Versini, but if Cheryl was hoping to put the sorry saga of her marriage to Jean-Bernard behind her, she’s been forced to think again.

The star – whose divorce was finalised just days ago – is said to have fresh fears over a secret recording of a blazing argument with her then-husband which could lift the lid on their doomed relationship.

MORE: Cheryl claims Jean-Bernard Fernandez-Versini divorce caused her ‘stress and weight loss’ following his ‘unreasonable behaviour’


Cheryl is said to have had no knowledge that the bust-up was being recorded, and is now worried that it will make its way into the public domain.

News of the tape emerges days after their divorce was finalised, with a source telling The Sun on Sunday: ‘By the time Cheryl and JB’s marriage collapsed, their relationship was incredibly volatile.

‘They were constantly fighting, both in private and in public, and both felt pushed to the brink.

‘Cheryl had realised within five months of marrying JB that she had made a mistake, and she wanted to end things. But she felt under pressure to wait.

‘It was around the time that JB’s dad died, and she didn’t want to kick a man when he was down.’

MORE: See Cheryl and Jean-Bernard’s divorce papers here!

Cheryl is now dating One Direction star Liam Payne, and is rumoured to be pregnant with his child.

The couple, who have only been together since February this year, are ready to start a family and even have the nursery ready, according to our insider.

Cheryl recently sent fans into over drive earlier this month when she stepped out on the red carpet in Paris for L’Oreal and fans claimed they could see a small belly.

Cheryl’s mum Joan has also been spotted in Newcastle’s Mothercare branch buying pregnancy pillows and a bump wedge, which expecting mum’s use to help them sleep at night.

Check out what else could be in ‘pregnant’ Cheryl and Liam’s nursery here.

Autore: CelebsNow


Sarah Felberbaum rivela il significato del nome del secondo figlio Noah

Sarah Felberbaum, dopo Olivia Rose, è diventa mamma per la seconda volta del piccolo Noah. Intervistata da Intimità, l’attrice svela di aver scelto lei il nome del secondo figlio e racconta che il marito, il calciatore dell’A.S. Roma Daniele De Rossi, avrebbe preferito un nome italiano.

Sarah Felberbaum parla della sua seconda maternità

Noah in realtà l’ho scelto io, Daniele voleva un nome italiano, a me invece piaceva la sua origine ebraica che mi collega a mio padre e a tutta la sua famiglia (Sarah è nata a Londra da madre inglese e padre newyorkese, ndr) – spiega la Felberbaum parlando del figlio adoro il suo suono e il suo significato, ‘quiete, riposo’, lo trovo poetico. Il nome Olivia invece è merito della sorella maggiore Gaia (nata dal primo matrimonio di De Rossi con Tamara Pisnoli, ndr). L’ha scelto lei, abbiamo voluto coinvolgerla, farla sentire attiva di un evento così speciale. Mi aveva dato tre scelte, Henry, perché era il periodo degli One Direction e lei amava Henry Styles, Matteo e Olivia. Diciamo che è stata una scelta obbligata, visto che è nata una femmina. Per fortuna è un bellissimo nome, al quale io ho raggiunto Rose, mi chiamo infatti Sarah Frances Rose, come la mia nonna paterna. Per cui, sì, dietro ai nomi dei miei figli ci sono delle storie, mi piaceva che fosse così. E Daniele l’ha accettato. Fosse stato per lui Noah si sarebbe chiamato Agostino (ride, ndr).
Sarah Felberbaum afferma inoltre che il suo istinto materno si è amplificato quando ha conosciuto il calciatore giallorosso ovvero “l’uomo giusto con il quale passare il resto della vita – sottolinea – Olivia l’abbiamo fortemente voluta. Io mi sentivo pronta e soprattutto il nostro rapporto era pronto per accogliere una nuova vita. Noah è stato la conseguenza dell’esigenza di creare una vera famiglia. Vera… in realtà una famiglia ancora più allargata. Comunque sì, ci piaceva l’idea di dare una compagnia a Olivia, di non farla restare figlia unica. Certo, ha già una sorella, na non vivendo insieme è diverso”.

L’attrice insieme al marito Daniele De Rossi

Sarah con la maternità dice di essere diventata una donna più calma. Il lavoro? Non vuole certo rinunciarci ma ora è presto per tornare sul set: “Ancora non lo so, ho però la fortuna di avere degli aiuti, il che è fondamentale – spiega – Amo il mio mestiere e non vorrei mai abbandonarlo, però non è facilissimo continuare a recitare ora che ho due figli, uno dei quali ancora in fasce. Sinceramente l’idea di tornare sul set un po’ mi spaventa. A Olivia sono riuscita a dedicare quasi sei mesi, poi ho ricominciato a lavorare ed è stato un bellissimo periodo perché mi ha fatto uscire dalla bolla che si crea quando fai un figlio. Con Noah non credo che andrà così, perché grazie al cielo sono già arrivate delle belle proposte. Comunque devi davvero amare quello che fai, altrimenti non vale proprio la pena allontanarsi dai figli. Se però dovessi tornare al lavoro subito, ovviamente dovrei portare Noah sul set e trovare una persona che venga con me”.

Autore: GossipNews


Desafía a la gravedad

A la gravedad que rige nuestro planeta le tienes que dar las gracias por muchas cosas. Pero, desde luego, la flacidez de tu rostro no es una de ellas. Esa fuerza gravitatoria que consigue que la Tierra sea habitable es también la principal razón por la que los volúmenes de tu cara acaban cayendo hacia abajo como la manzana de Newton.

Cruzar el umbral de los 40 también tiene mucho que ver, porque ese suele ser el momento en el que la producción de los fibroblastos de tu piel empieza a decaer, con la consiguiente falta de colágeno y elastina, pilares de la estructura de tus facciones. Pero es la gravedad la que ejerce una fuerza constante desde que naces. Una presión hacia el suelo que tu piel soporta durante años. Hasta que la resistencia que ejerce esta fuerza gravitatoria empieza a hacer mella en su estructura. ¿El resultado? La piel pierde elasticidad y se queda sin capacidad de sujeción.

Houston, tenemos un problema

Aunque siempre se ha puesto el énfasis en las arrugas, lo que realmente marca la diferencia es la desconfiguración de tus gestos. Esa sensación de que sigues siendo tú, pero con todas tus formas descolgadas. Y eso se produce por la flacidez de la piel. De hecho, la relajación de las mejillas y el peso de su caída es lo que acaba marcando el surco nasogeniano, esas líneas que salen a ambos lados de la boca.

Hasta hace muy poco, se creía que la única razón de este fenómeno era la falta de producción activa de colágeno, elastina y ácido hialurónico. Estos tres elementos son los que entretejen la estructura de nuestra piel. Su alineación exacta es la que hace que se mantenga firme y elástica. Así que era lógico pensar que a partir de los 40, cuando los fibroblastos que los producen dejan de funcionar a pleno rendimiento, las células que crean ya no son de la misma calidad que cuando eras una veinteañera. De hecho, a partir de esta fecha, esta pérdida de firmeza se compromete a un ritmo de un 10% menos cada década.

Pero esa no es la única causa. Shiseido acaba de descubrir, después de 10 años de investigación, que el verdadero problema es que, justo en el momento en el que el funcionamiento de tu piel comienza a fallar, se empiezan a formar unas cavidades rellenas de grasa. “Los firmes pilares de colágeno y elastina se ven sustituidos por estas bolsas con una densidad mucho menor, así que la piel pierde su capacidad de sujetar y los volúmenes se vienen abajo”, explica Mouna Ghoul, directora de comunicación científica de Shiseido.

Remedios de ciencia ficción:

  • Solucionarlo no es fácil, pero pasa, invariablemente, por mejorar la producción de colágeno, elastina y ácido hialurónico.
  • Caudalie lo consigue con una fórmula en la que confluyen resveratrol de vid, fosfolípidos, péptidos, aceite de pepita de uva y un complejo de ácido hialurónico de pequeño peso molecular.
  • Elizabeth Arden se apoya en las ceramidas y el extracto de alfalfa para recuperar el ritmo de producción de la piel.
  • Estée Lauder, en el pro-colágeno avanzado y la tecnología modeladora de su nueva línea New Dimension.
  • Chanel centra sus esfuerzos en el activo natural 3.5-DA, capaz de regular la expresión de las proteínas de la piel.
  • En Perricone MD, por su parte, han conseguido imitar el proceso regenerador de las células con el complejo Dermal Stim Factors de su línea Re:Firm.
  • Dior ha focalizado su investigación en los precursores de la piel, unas células fundamentales para asegurar la sujeción óptima.
  • Shiseido va más allá y ha incorporado a su línea Bio-Performance LiftDymanic la tecnología TruStructiv, que activa las células madre dermales, pero que también es capaz de hacer que las células madre desplazables, que están habitualmente en la hipodermis, se muevan hasta estas cavidades subdérmicas de grasa para disolverlas.
  • Y Lancôme se ha inspirado en la biología espacial. Un estudio con astronautas demostró que estos perdían hasta un 46% de firmeza cutánea en el espacio. Curiosamente, el fenómeno era reversible. Esta investigación ha permitido a la firma crear la tecnología exclusiva [Up-Cohésion] de su línea Renergie Multilift.

#PREGUNTAS SIN RESPUESTA: ¿Le damos suficiente importancia a la flacidez? Participa en Twitter mencionando a @mujerhoy.

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NOOO! Is Scotty T leaving Geordie Shore for good?

The star will miss the start of filming for the new series

We think that all Geordie Shore fans out there will agree that Scotty T is an essential part of the MTV show. It just wouldn’t be the same without him.

Which is why we’re giving ourselves a whole new set of worry wrinkles today following the news that the star will miss filming for the start of the new series – and may not return at all. NOOOOO.

EXCLUSIVE: See adorable photos of Geordie Shore Scotty T’s first girlfriend


It comes amid claims that the northern lad has failed to curb his hard-partying ways, as show bigwigs requested earlier this year.

A source told Sun Online: ‘MTV bosses love Scotty, he’s the biggest name on the show and a pivotal part of Geordie Shore but they’ve had to be ruthless to help him.

‘There were talks about what to do and how to help him but it’s pretty much fallen on deaf ears. For now he won’t be joining the rest of the cast, but they hope he will join at some point during the series.’

Instead of joining Gaz Beadle, Marnie Simpson and the rest of the GS crew when filming for the new series starts on 14 November, Scotty will instead be – yep, you’ve guessed it – getting his party on, jetting off to Australia to make personal appearances at exam celebrations known as ‘Schoolies Week’.

Which doesn’t exactly suggest that he plans on swapping pints down the pub for soft drinks on the sofa anytime soon.

In July, a source told The Sun: ‘It may sound a bit ridiculous that the bosses of Geordie Shore are telling one of their biggest stars to stop partying and become more sensible, but that is what has happened.

‘It has got to the point where they feel they can’t rely on him to do his job and they have warned him that if he doesn’t calm down and become more reliable, he won’t be allowed back for the next series.’

The source added: ‘Scotty has gone from a virtual unknown to a huge star in a very short space of time, so it’s understandable that it’s all gone to his head, but he just needs to reassess and calm down a bit.’

Scotty T middle finger gif

Autore: CelebsNow