
Has Geordie Shore star Chloe Ferry’s new boyfriend ALREADY been cheating on her?

Because his ex ain’t happy…

Chloe Ferry has been showing off to the world about her brand new boyfriend Sam Scott by posting loved up pictures all over social media. But this seems to have caught the eye of one person in particular: Sam’s ex, who claims that she was only dumped on MONDAY.

In tweets obtained by the Daily Star Onine, Clara Moore writes: ‘When you break up with your boyfriend of 6 years on Monday.

‘And then he decides to publicly humiliate you with a Z-list for some ‘fame’, some might call it!’

She shared a photo of from Chloe’s Snapchat with her kissing Sam, with the word’s ‘My Sam’ written on top of it.

‘We were together Friday and Saturday night and now she thinks he’s hers!! B**** please!’


If Clara is telling the truth, then this could spell bad news for Chloe Ferry. The Geordie Shore girl has been sharing photos on Snapchat for weeks, though his face has been obscured until recently.

The 21-year-old beauty seemed to deny any wrongdoing on her boyfriend’s part by sharing a photo of them hugging with the words: ‘You can’t sit with us b**ch.’ Is that a dig at Clara?

Meanwhile, Chloe’s former Newcastle bae Marty McKenna has also gone and coupled off with someone else. The 21-year-old revealed he had a girlfriend at the Television X SHAFTAs (that’s The Porn Awards to everyone else), he revealed to The Daily Star Online that he’d be off the market for the next series:

Chloe Ferry and Marty McKenna

MORE: EXC! TOWIE’s Jon Clark reveals the REAL reason why his romance with Chloe Ferry flopped!

‘Next series I have to go in with a girlfriend. It’s going to be a test. I’m not known on the show for pulling loads of birds, I’m there to have a good time. And she trusts me.’

Let’s hope poor Chloe hasn’t jumped into bed with the wrong guy!

Autore: CelebsNow


Karl Lagerfeld vuelve a romper moldes con el desfile de Chanel en París

El Grand Palais de París se transformó en un inmenso ‘data center’ a las órdenes del Kaiser, que sacó a desfilar a su ejército de soldados imperiales en un ‘show’ que volvió a roper moldes dentro de la Semana de la Moda de París.

Los clásicos de la ‘maison’ se reinventan, temporada tras temporada, bajo la dirección creativa de Karl Lagerfeld, pero sin perder ese ‘allure’ que siempre guardan los looks de Chanel. El ‘black&white’, el ‘tweed’, su famosa ‘vest’ (la clásica chaqueta), la icónica camelia y las perlas conviven en la colección PAR primavera-verano 2017 con prendas y complementos de estética ‘sporty’, con colores flúor, con estampados psicodélicos y seductores detalles lenceros.

Las modelos, uniformadas a medio camino entre Daft Punk y los Stormtroopers de ‘Star Wars’, desfilaron por las que serían las ‘tripas de cables’ de un súper ordenador que representaba “un mundo ultra tecnológico donde la vida diaria está cada vez más desmaterializada, y en la que los humanos vuelven a ser el centro de todo”, en palabras de los responsables de Chanel. Alrededor de esta teoría futurista, Karl Lagerfeld hace de esta ‘Intimate technology’ el leid-motiv de una colección que somos nosotras las que tenemos la última palabra y somos las dueñas de este universo digital.

Nuestros 10 looks favoritos del desfile de Chanel en París

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Existen cuatro tipos de borrachos, ¿eres uno de ellos?

La ciencia ha establecido cuatro tipologías de borrachos. Veamos. Uno se puede emborrachar como Ernest Hemingway, como Mary Poppins, como Mr Hide o como el Profesor Chiflado.

La clasificación la ha sido elaborada por un equipo de psicólogos de la Universidad de Missouri en un estudio publicado en la revista Addiction Research & Theory donde se analizó el comportamiento alcohólico de 374 estudiantes.

La mayoría de los estudiados (en torno al 40%) fueron clasificados en el grupo Ernest Hemingway, el escritor estadounidense que creía firmemente que una copa podía contener cualquier cantidad de whisky sin que consiguiera emborracharlo. Hemingway no exhibía ningún rasgo que avisara de su paso de la sobriedad a la borrachera más profunda. De hecho, no había grandes cambios en su personalidad, según apunta el estudio.

No es el caso de los que cayeron en el grupo de los Mary Poppins, que se convierten repentinamente en personas más dulces y felices con el alcohol, haciendo así los honores al comportamiento de la peculiar niñera que cantaba en la película musical de 1964.

La otra personalidad alcohólica identificada por los psicólogos es el profesor Chiflado, aquel personaje interpretado por Eddie Murphy. El estudio describe que suelen ser personas introvertidas que, bajo los efectos del alcohol, se convierten en personajes brillantes, divertidos, extravagantes y despliegan unas hasta entonces desconocidas habilidades sociales.

La última de las tipologías corresponde a los Mr. Hyde, que suelen ser más irresponsables, más agresivos y más hostiles cuando están bajo los efectos del alcohol. Sería el grupo que se transforma radicalmente cuando se beben una copa de más.

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5 ways to stop yourself getting a cold

It’s that time of year when colds and flu are rife! Protect yourself with these tips…

We’re sniffing, coughing, spluttering, sneezing…EVERYTHING. It seems as though the second English weather turns chilly, we find ourselves digging out every form of get-well-soon drug to cure us of colds and flu.

Well, we’ve had enough! The experts at Rowse have shared their top 5 tips for boosting your  defences so you can glide through winter without a tissue in sight. (Although we can’t promise anything…)

1. De-Stress

Stress undermines your immune system in multiple ways making it hard to protect itself from colds and flu. Ensure you relax and unplug.


2. Eat well

It’s not all about green juices though. Eat a diet rich in fruits, vegetables and whole grains so that your immune system has all the vitamins, minerals and chemicals it needs for optimum protection.

The 11 foods a nutritionist ALWAYS eats and the one drink they ALWAYS avoid

3.Hands off your face!

It’s tempting to scratch, pick, stroke…whatever, but this will only make things worse. If your hands are always on your face, cold and flue germs are more likely to invade. Ensure you wash your hands regularly too. Use hot water and soap, paying attention to the skin between fingers, under fingernails and around rings.

4.Keep active

Smokers actually get more colds than non-smokers, and they tend to last for longer. Quitting helps to boost your immune system.

davina mccall fitness gif

5.Stop smoking

It doesn’t have to mean crack-of-dawn runs in the pitch black and freezing cold! Try some new classes at the gym or get outside on your lunch break for a 30 minute stroll. Exercise sparks a temporary rise in immune system cells circulating around the body, making it easier to fight off bugs.

6.Limit alcohol

Yes, it’s hard but excessive alcohol consumption over a prolonged period of time can weaken your immune system. Make sure you have a few days off the booze each week and when you do drink, limit the amount you consume.

Autore: CelebsNow


OMG PICTURES! See what The X Factor’s Honey G REALLY looks like…

She’s the realist chick in the game right now…

We’ve had Jedward, Wagner and Rylan but now 2016’s X Factor has probably topped them all with Honey G.


Okay, okay… she’s a bit like Marmite – we get that. But whether you love her, or are horrified at the fact she has got through, you are compelled to watch her, right?

So, it got us thinking. What does 35-year-old Honey G – whose real name is Anna Georgette Gilford – REALLY look like underneath the cap and behind those mirror MEGA G glasses? 


Check out the gallery below…

Autore: CelebsNow