
Katie Price ends up next to Peter Andre in an unexpected place – and her reaction is hilarious!

A reunion of sorts?

Katie Price has found herself having a surprise ‘reunion’ with Peter Andre – and in a pretty unusual place too!

The glamour model caused a shock when she shared an Instagram photo on Tuesday which showed her side-by-side with her ex-husband.


Katie Price snubs Scotty T with loved-up bedroom video

But before anyone starts playing their A Whole New World album in celebration, we should probably point out that Katie and Peter are together again in book form only.

Yep, Pricey herself flagged this up in hilarious style by posting a snap of her new autobiography Reborn alongside Pete’s latest tome Between Us in a supermarket shopping aisle and thankfully she seemed to find it funny rather than awkward.

‘Lol,’ Katie, 38, captioned the image. LOL indeed.


A photo posted by Katie Price (@officialkatieprice) on

The mum-of-five’s fans were amused by the shelf reunion and many liked Katie’s reaction to it too.

‘Love that you have a sense of humour,’ one follower commented, whilst another joked: ‘The Only Place We See You Together. Haha. Ahh I Miss Those Days’

Even Katie’s Celebrity Big Brother 2015 co-star Perez Hilton got in on the act and posted: ‘Love that you two are in a good place now! Literally!!!’

Well it IS pretty funny – one fan remarked that even Ian Wright, whose book sits on the other side of Pete’s, appears to be laughing at the scenario!

Katie and Pete, 43, released their books just weeks apart and both have already been hugely popular.

And it looks like, given Pricey’s reaction, any competition between them is purely on friendly terms now.

[GIF] Katie Price Peter Andre The Graham Norton Show

The couple had a famously bitter relationship following their split in 2009, four years after they’d tied the knot, but recently things have become much more amicable between them.

Earlier this year they were even spotted sharing a hug backstage at one of Pete’s gigs after Katie joined their children Junior, 11, and Princess, 9, to watch the concert with her husband Kieran Hayler and Pete’s wife Emily MacDonagh.

Now they really are back together again – on the bookshelf, at least!

Autore: CelebsNow


Georgia May Foote reveals she’s ‘falling in love’ again after Giovanni Pernice heartbreak

The actress has formed a special new bond

Georgia May Foote has found love again, and in a very touching way too.

The actress, who split from Strictly Come Dancing star Giovanni Pernice just a few weeks ago, revealed via Instagram on Tuesday that she’s becoming smitten – not with a person but with the city of London.


Laura Whitmore laughs off Georgia May Foote ‘row’ reports

Georgia, 25, posted a photo looking down on the capital from up high and spoke of how much she’s enjoying her new life there after moving from Manchester earlier this year.

‘I actually live somewhere down there in that crazy city #LDN 💜,’ the former Coronation Street star wrote.

‘im falling in love with you…. x’

Awww. Georgia’s followers are very approving of her new love interest, with one commenting: ‘How can you not fall in love with London city @georgiamay112’

It sounds like the affection might be mutual too. Another fan commented: ‘Sure London loves you too’

Now that Georgia is loved-up with the capital, she’s clearly not keen to leave. When a friend told her in the comments ‘You ain’t goin’ nowhere!’, the actress joked back: ‘i know. U trapped me. X’

She also quipped about how appealing the donuts in London are – now THAT’S a reason to fall in love with a place!

[GIF] Homer Simpson eats donuts

We’re glad to see that Georgia has formed a touching bond with her new home following the heartbreak of her split from boyfriend Giovanni in August.

The brunette star admitted at the time that she was finding it hard to deal with but has been coping well since by throwing herself into her busy work schedule.

At the moment Georgia is having to leave her beloved London to go on the road in a touring production of Breakfast At Tiffany’s and she’s also got other exciting projects lined up.

‘I’m quite a private person so I just get on with life,’ she tells Belfast Live. ‘I’ve always said that my job is the most important thing in my life and my family. My family are happy and healthy and I’m working on a great show.

‘I’ve literally just thrown myself into it completely. It’s been such a great experience and I’m lucky that I’ve got it right now, I think, to do – to keep me busy.

‘I just kind of get on with life, I don’t really listen [to what’s being said].’

Go, Georgia!

Autore: CelebsNow


Cristina Buccino a Milano per shopping dopo lo scandalo che ha coinvolto la sorella

Cristina Buccino a Milano fa shopping insieme a un’amica. La showgirl e modella è volata nel capoluogo meneghino in compagnia. E’ la prima volta che viene paparazzata dopo lo scandalo che ha coinvolto la sorella Maria Teresa Buccino, colpita duramente dagli hacker, che le hanno rubato un video hot e lo hanno fatto circolare su Whats App.

Cristina Buccino a Milano fa shopping

Fa shopping a Milano Cristina Buccino. Dopo lo scandalo che ha coinvolto la sorella, è rimasta in silenzio attonita. Quando il video ha inziato a girare, ha dovuto anche difendesi da chi l’ha insultata sui social: una cattiveria gratuita aggiunta, tanto più che, se anche fosse stata lei la protagonista, quella era una clip ‘privata’, non destinata a diventare, quindi, di dominio pubblico: ognuno nel suo quotidiano deve essere libero di fare ciò che vuole, nel pieno rispetto degli altri, chiaramente.
In centro, accompagnata da un’altra donna, la bella calabrese non pare infastidita dai paparazzi.

La showgirl e modella va a caccia di scarpe

A Milano va a caccia di scarpe nel suo shopping. A Cristina Buccino, look casual e decoltè sempre ben in vista, viste pure le sue curve pazzesche, piacciono i tacchi altissimi. In un noto negozio nel quadrilatero della moda prova decoltè e stivali, sempre stilosi e ‘3 metri sopra il cielo’. I tacchi sono a spillo, riesce a portarli benissimo. Sexy e accattivante, non si è mai preoccupata troppo di mostrarsi così anche sul network.

Cri è accompagnata da un’amica

Dopo lo scandalo che ha purtroppo coinvolto la sorella, non pare aver cambiato idea. Ha fatto dell’immagine il suo punto di forza e di lavoro. Vuole sfondare e pian, piano, dato i click e gli apprezzamenti che raccoglie in strada e non solo, sembra proprio riuscire nel suo intento.

Look casual per la bella, paparazzata per la prima volta dopo lo scandalo che ha coinvolto la sorella

E’ tornata single, lo shopping è con l’amica. A Milano è andata per lavoro: qualcosa bolle in pentola e presto se ne saprà di più. La carriera in questo momento della sua vita è in primo piano. Il cuore aspetta il principe azzurro: si dice sia ancora intima con Cristiano Ronaldo, qualcuno parla di Colin Farrell. Cristina Buccino,  sorniona, non smentisce: essere al centro della scena pure per presunti flirt le piace. Basta che se ne parli.

Autore: GossipNews


Lindsay Lohan vittima di un incidente in barca: ‘Ho quasi perso un dito’

Lindsay Lohan ha rischiato di perdere un dito. L’attrice è rimasta vittima di un incidente in barca mentre si trovava in Turchia. Una brutta esperienza per l’ex bambina prodigio e tanto dolore ma sembra che i medici siano riusciti a ricucirle il pezzo di dito rimasto amputato e che alcuni suoi amici hanno recuperato in acqua.

Lindsay Lohan è rimasta vittima di un brutto incidente in Turchia

“Ho quasi perso il dito a causa di un’ancora. Insomma ho perso mezzo dito ma ringraziando Dio lo abbiamo ritrovato e un chirurgo me lo ha riattaccato… Fa così male!”, ha raccontato Lindsay in un video pubblicato su Snapchat in cui mostra l’arto fasciato.

Il dito di Lindsay fasciato dopo l’intervento

La Lohan, stando a quanto riporta il sito TMZ, stava cercando di sollevare un’ancora molto pesante, quando qualcosa è andato storto e lei si è ritrovata con il dito amputato.
L’attrice è stata operata d’urgenza e durante l’intervento le è stato ricucito il pezzo di anulare recuperato in acqua.  A ripescare la parte del dito mancante sono stati i suoi amici prima del trasporto in ospedale.

L’attrice si è fatta male armeggiando con un’ancora mentre si trovava in barca

Lindsay si trovava in Turchia per prendere parte a un progetto umanitario a favore dei profughi siriani. Purtroppo durante il soggiorno ha avuto un incidente che le ha quasi costato un dito. Una brutta esperienza che pare però essersi risolta grazie al pronto intervento delle persone che stavano con lei e dei medici che l’hanno operata. Ora dovrà tenere l’anulare fasciato e come lei stessa ha raccontato sul social pare che l’intervento sia andato bene. Il dito è stato ricucito ma il dolore e lo spavento non sono di certo mancati. I fan della star hollywoodiana, naturalmente, le stanno facendo tanti auguri di pronta guarigione.

Da non perdere:

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Autore: GossipNews


Fans call Chloe Lewis a ‘snake’ after sharing pics with Megan McKenna’s ex-friends days after Pete Wicks drama

Things aren’t going well for Megan and this might have made it worse…

Fans have been calling TOWIE star Chloe Lewis a ‘snake’ after she shared pictures with Megan McKenna‘s former best friends, Courtney Green and Chloe Meadows, days after Pete Wicks‘ sexting revelation.

Their arguments dominated the latest series of the ITVBe show as Chloe believed Megan had slept with her ex Jake Hall when they were together. And it looks like it’s carrying on off-screen. The 25-year-old shared a couple of pics of her hanging out with the two girls while filming the show in Marbella.

However, lots of fans have taken issue with the timing of the photos — with some people flooding the pic with snake emojis.


A photo posted by C H L O E | L E W I S (@chloelewis91) on


One fan wrote: ‘I really did like @chloelewis91 up until now. She never ever posts pics of these two… Now @megan_mckenna_ is going thru some sh*t with Pete Chloe just gives her another knife in her back. And as for them two little tag alongs you should be ashamed, no loyalty.’

Another added: ‘Hahaha Chloe you such a loser you’re trying to upset Megan I think you’re obsessed with her!! Megan doesn’t need these two’

But not everyone agrees, as they have pointed out that Chloe Lewis was friends with them before the Ex On the Beach star fell out with Pete Wicks.

Megan McKenna storms off during a row with Pete Wicks Chloe Lewis

MORE: Megan McKenna SLAMS ‘fame-hungry’ Jacqui Ryland after she leaks sexually explicit texts from Pete Wicks

Last week The Sun uncovered texts allegedly sent by Pete Wicks to his ex-girlfriend Jacqui Ryland while he was on holiday with Megan McKenna in Barcelona.

The texts were VERY sexually explicit and a couple even implied that he found her boring. And judging from the pics from their argument, it doesn’t look like they’re getting together any time soon.

Let’s hope this was just a harmless picture and not backstabbing. Let’s all play nice!

Autore: CelebsNow