
‘I f**king hate Mark Wright’ Danny Dyer’s daughter Dani’s SHOCK reaction to THAT V Festival fight

The actor’s daughter was with him when the altercation took place

Danny Dyer‘s daughter Dani Dyer was left ‘inconsolable’ following a bust up between her dad and Mark Wright.

The altercation took place late on Saturday night, with eyewitnesses telling Now there were punches thrown before Mark and his friends and Danny and his companions were split. Now can reveal Danny’s daughter was witness to the scene and was terrified as the situation unfolded.

‘When I saw Dani she was inconsolable,’ an eyewitness tells Now. ‘I handed her my bottle of water as I wasn’t sure what had happened. She was talking about her fight and kept saying she didn’t start it, then I realised what was happening.

Dani with her dad Danny Dyer and mum Joanne Mas [James Shaw/REX/Shutterstock]

Dani with her dad Danny Dyer and mum Joanne Mas [James Shaw/REX/Shutterstock]


‘Dani seemed very shaken and upset. She was being comforted by a security guard before a car came to get her. She told me “I f*cking hate Mark Wright” but I didn’t press her any further.

‘I think she was just in shock and worried about what had gone on.’

Since the incident, Danny has yet to comment, but Mark took to Twitter to deny his involvement…

However, the bad blood between the pair stems back years.

MORE: Mark Wright and Danny Dyer’s EXPLOSIVE bust up at V Festival 

Not only has Danny referred to Mark as ‘everything he hates’ about celebrity culture, but the pair have traded blows in the past.

The former TOWIE star’s brother Joshua Wright wrote on Twitter that Mark ‘slapped’ the actor during a charity football match.

So it’s not hard to see why these two would clash again.

Autore: CelebsNow


Amber Heard e Johnny Depp, accordo raggiunto: l’attrice ha dato in beneficenza i 7 milioni di dollari ottenuti

Johnny Depp e Amber Heard alla fine hanno trovato un accordo e l’attrice dal divorzio con la star hollywoodiana ha incassato ben 7 milioni di dollari. Una somma da capogiro che però ha deciso di devolvere in beneficenza. Ma i giorni che hanno preceduto la fine di questa turbolenta separazione sono stati fin troppo movimentati…

Johnny Depp e Amber Heard hanno raggiunto un accordo da 7 milioni di dollari che l’attrice ha deciso di devolvere in beneficenza

Prima dell’accordo TMZ ha diffuso un video girato di nascosto da Amber Heard in cui si vede Johnny Depp prendere a calci i mobili della cucina, versarsi del vino nel bicchiere e poi lanciarle contro la bottiglia di vetro. L’episodio è avvenuto nel marzo scorso mentre la coppia si trovava in Australia dove la star hollywoodiana stava girando il nuovo capitolo della saga de “I Pirati dei Caraibi“. Completamente ubriaco e in preda all’ecstasi, Depp, in un impeto di rabbia, si è quasi mozzato un dito e dopo averlo immerso in una vernice blu scura ha scritto su uno specchio con  il sangue il nome di Billy Bob Thornton (Amber in quel periodo stava lavorando con lui sul il set di “London Fields”). L’attore ha accusato il collega di avere una relazione con la Heard. L’ex marito di Angelina Jolie ha subito smentito con un post pubblicato sulla sua pagina Twitter: “E’ tutta una fantasia di Johnny, ha scritto.

Johnny nel video girato da Amber in cui dà in escandescenza
L’attore ha tirato questa bottiglia di vino addosso alla moglie

Materiale che sicuramente ha avuto un impatto di non poco conto nella vicenda giudiziaria che vede protagonista Amber Heard quale vittima di violenze domestiche da parte di Johnny Depp. La coppia però ha raggiunto un accordo extragiudiziale di divorzio. All’attrice sono andati 7 milioni di dollari.

Depp si è poi quasi mozzato un dito
Lo specchio su cui Johnny ha scritto con il sangue insulti contro Amber e Billy Bob Thornton

Amber, però, ha fatto sapere di non aver intrapreso questa battaglia legale per ottenere dei soldi: “Come è scritto nella nota dell’ordine restrittivo rilasciata dal tribunale il denaro non ha giocato alcun ruolo”. “L’unica eccezione – ha aggiunto – riguarda il fatto che potrò donare la somma in beneficenza e, facendo questo, aiutare coloro che non hanno facoltà di difendersi. Come riportato dai media l’importo ricevuto dal divorzio è stato di 7 milioni di dollari e sette milioni di dollari ho donato. Questo va al di la’ di tutti i soldi che ho donato in passato. La donazione sarà divisa in due parti tra la ACLU, che combatte la violenza contro le donne, e il Children’s Hospital di Los Angeles, dove ho lavorato come volontaria negli ultimi 10 anni. Anni in cui ho visto in prima persona come più fondi per personale, attrezzature migliori e farmaci possano fare la differenza tra la vita e la morte di un bimbo”.

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Autore: GossipNews


Michelle Heaton: ‘Me and the kids dance to Little Mix!’

Singer Michelle Heaton says the most adorable things about her children…

Singer Michelle Heaton, 37, has two children with husband Hugh Hanley: Faith, four, and AJ, two. Now caught up with the star to talk family life…
Hiya Michelle! What are you like as a mum?
I like things to be clean and I like them to put things back when they’ve finished with them. I like to think I’m quite fun. I want to be on their level and not talk down to them.
If your kids are naughty, how do you discipline them?
The naughty step used to work for Faith but now it’s more ‘Get to your room!’ Sometimes that doesn’t work because she has toys in there.
So she wants to be in her room anyway…
I’m really bad at [following through with my threats]. But if I ever do, it really hits home. If the threat is: ‘You’re not going to the party,’ you need to be willing to follow through.

But would you really not let your kids go to the party?
Exactly – I don’t want to spoil the party and let people down.
What’s having kids taught you about yourself?
How to not be selfish. You have people who depend on you more than anybody. It’s just a complete change of your outlook on life.
How hands-on is Hugh with the children?
He’s amazing. I cannot complain. Hugh’s the best dad in the world.

Michelle Heaton confesses to spending £2,000 on fillers: I feel that I look like the old me
Are there any quick and easy go-to family meals you cook?
Anything pasta-based. My kids are obsessed with it!
How do you get your children to eat veggies?
I purée the veg into their pasta sauce. It’s the only way.

hello kitty food 1 gif
What’s the funniest thing your kids do?
They’re really good at knowing when I’m a bit down, so they just make me smile and laugh.
Do you have any favourite games that you play?
We like to dance. When Justin Bieber or Little Mix comes on, we dance and sing together.
Aww! Reckon they’ll follow in your musical footsteps?
I think Faith may; not sure about AJ. He’s like Daddy – he’s very good at football.

Michelle will be appearing in Mum’s The Word 2, touring from 28 September. Visit for tickets

Autore: CelebsNow


Inside Justin Bieber’s HUGE V Festival party!

He knows how to make an entrance

Justin Bieber‘s transformation into a pop king has evidently meant that he needs to up his party game BIG time, which might explain his spectacular entrance into V Festival. If you’re going to be the pop-king of this generation, the only way to do it is by helicopter.

That’s right, an insider has told Now that the Sorry singer arrived to the festival in Hylands Park, Chelmsford via helicopter.

Speaking exclusively to Now, they said: ‘It was a total military operation. All the staff were on standby for him. Things got a bit tense until he arrived with two hours to spare.

‘The staff were running around like crazy. It was quite a sight.’

Justin Bieber GIF


As the headliner of the event, we expected no less. But of course he’s not just bringing the banging tunes and a helicopter – he’s also throwing a headline-worthy, huge party in the artist area afterwards.

Our insider added: ‘It’s going to be huge. Only his closest mates and the coolest people are invited. It will definitely be the biggest party of the festival season.’

MORE: Justin Bieber SHUTS DOWN his Instagram account after online spat with Selena Gomez

The singer is quite renowned as a party boy by now, though hopefully he won’t be throwing any eggs at his neighbours this time. This continues to prove why he’s one of the biggest names in showbiz.


Autore: CelebsNow


“Chasing Niagara”: Kajak-Star Rafa Ortiz am Abgrund zur Hölle

Als sich der heute 28-jährige Rafa Ortiz entschloss, als erster Kajaker der Welt die 57m hohen Niagarafälle zu befahren, war dies ein besonderer Tag. Der Red-Bull-Athlet setzte damit eine Reihe aufregender Ereignisse in Gang, die niemand vorhersehen konnte.

"Chasing Niagara": Kajak-Star Rafa Ortiz am Abgrund zur Hölle

Unterstützt durch seinen Mentor, den weltbekannten Kajaker Rush Sturges (der damit seinen ersten Film vorlegt, Foto oben rechts), und seine engsten Freunde war dies der Beginn eines bemerkenswerten Weges von den Regenwaldflüssen seiner Heimat Mexiko bis zu den größten Wasserfällen des amerikanischen Nordens. Ortiz riskierte alles für seinen Traum, den wildesten und höchsten Wasserfall der Welt zu befahren: Er kam mehrfach an seine körperlichen Grenzen und er begann ein Katz-und-Maus-Spiel mit der kanadischen Polizei, denn sein Vorhaben an der Grenze zwischen dem US-amerikanischen Bundesstaat New York und der kanadischen Provinz Ontario war nicht nur lebensgefährlich sondern auch strikt verboten…

Das alles ist in einem aufsehenerregenden Film zu sehen, der am 25. August in die deutschen Kinos kommt.

Ortiz (Foto oben links) begeistert und prägt mit seinem ganz eigenen, äußerst aggressiven Stil bereits seit Jahren die internationale Kajakszene. 2005 nahm er als erster Mexikaner bei den World Freestyle Championships teil und meisterte seither die höchsten und anspruchsvollsten Wasserfälle dieser Welt.

Red Bull Media House begleitete in Zusammenarbeit mit der Produktionsfirma River Roots den Ausnahmesportler bei seiner dreijährigen Vorbereitung auf die größte Herausforderung seines Lebens als erster Kajak-Fahrer der Welt die Niagara-Fälle hinabzustürzen. Und er schuf dabei ein fesselndes und spannendes Outdoor-Abenteuer. Über atemberaubende Naturaufnahmen und waghalsige Abfahrten bis zu intimen Momenten tiefer Freundschaft lässt das Sportler-Porträt tief in die Seele eines passionierten Athleten blicken.

"Chasing Niagara": Kajak-Star Rafa Ortiz am Abgrund zur Hölle

Jesse Sharpe starb 1990 bei seinem ersten Versuch, die Niagara-Fälle mit einem Kajak zu bezwingen. Das überraschende Ende in diesem Film mit nie zuvor gesehenen Actionbildern sei hier jedoch nicht vorweggenommen…

Seine Premiere feierte der teilweise mit bis zu sechs Kameras gedrehte Dokumentarfilm auf dem San Sebastian International Film Festival. Auf dem Banff Mountain Film and Book Festival 2015 gewann die Abenteuer-Dokumentation den begehrten Best Film Award in der Kategorie „Mountain Sports“.

"Chasing Niagara": Kajak-Star Rafa Ortiz am Abgrund zur Hölle

Fotos: Red Bull Content Pool, Marcos Ferro, Evan Garcia
