
Liam Payne gets an ‘amazing’ birthday present – and Cheryl will be so proud!

Something pretty special is happening for Liam’s 23rd birthday

Liam Payne will be celebrating his birthday in style this year after getting a very special present.

The singer – who turns 23 on Monday – has found himself at the centre of a fundraising scheme set up by fans in honour of his big day, meaning that admirers will send donations to a cause close to his heart rather than buy him gifts.


Have Cheryl and Liam Payne had a lovers’ tiff?

An online campaign has been set up online allowing fans to support The Way Youth Zone, a community centre in Liam’s home city of Wolverhampton which he has previously lent his support to.

A message from the founder of the fundraising page says: ‘Liam Payne has done so much for fans so we the fans would like to give back.

‘In honor of his 23rd birthday, we are collecting donations for  the Way Youth Zone in Wolverhampton, a purpose-built facility for the city’s young people aged 8-19 (and up to 25 for those with disabilities).’

One Direction star Liam has now caught wind of the campaign and he’s thrilled to be getting such a poignant present.

The soon-to-be birthday boy shared a photo of an article about the fundraising in a Wolverhampton newspaper and wrote on Instagram: ‘My mum just showed me this

‘who’s ever idea that was thank you so much what an amazing birthday present’

Awww. We bet Liam’s girlfriend Cheryl, 33, will be proud of the gift too given that she also supports good causes helping young people.

The former X Factor judge even has her own foundation, Cheryl’s Trust, which works with disadvantaged youths in the North East.

This very generous gift in honour of Liam’s big day marks what’s already been a huge year for him.

[GIF] Liam Payne Niall Horan One Direction

Not only have 1D gone off on their hiatus but Liam has also started work on his solo career, having announced in July that he’s signed for Capitol Records UK.

He also of course hit the headlines back in February when his relationship with Chezza became public knowledge.

Many happy returns, Liam!

Autore: CelebsNow


Will Justin Bieber delete his Twitter after THIS new scandal over Sofia Richie pictures?

Fans start trending #justinssextapeleakedparty thanks to some racy new photos

Justin Bieber has sparked a fresh social media scandal over some raunchy new photos of him and rumoured girlfriend Sofia Richie.

Pictures have emerged of the 22-year-old singer putting on an extreme PDA with Sofia on holiday in Mexico, with snaps showing them cuddling and kissing outside of their hotel.


Is THIS the reason for Justin Bieber’s terrible V Festival set?

Sofia – the daughter of Lionel Richie who just turned 18 a few days ago – straddles Justin in some of the shots whilst wearing a tiny bra top and bikini bottoms whilst other X-rated pictures show Justin’s bum hanging out of his pink shorts.

Perhaps the raciest photo of all shows Justin getting on top of Sofia as she lies underneath him with her legs in the air. Cripes.

The photos are so saucy that fans quickly started trending #justinssextapeleakedparty on Twitter and the reactions have been pretty incredible.

In fact many social media users think Justin could even delete his account over the scandal…

Blimey. It all comes after Justin shut down his Instagram account earlier this month after an online spat with ex-girlfriend Selena Gomez over selfies he posted of him and Sofia.

Justin warned his followers that he’d close his page due to their harsh comments about Sofia when he wrote: ‘I’m gonna make my Instagram private if you guys don’t stop the hate this is getting out of hand

‘if you guys are really fans you wouldn’t be so mean to people that I like’

Selena then blasted Biebs, writing back in the comments: ‘If you can’t handle the hate then stop posting pictures of your girlfriend lol

‘it should be special between you two only. Don’t be mad at your fans. They love you and supported you before any one ever did’

This sparked an extensive row, resulting in the hashtag #SelenaEndedJustinParty and Justin ultimately ditching Insta.

Justin Bieber GIF

After a controversial few months for the star – involving poor reviews for his recent V Festival, internet wars (obvs, see above) and getting cosy with his new girl – the closure of his Twitter would add even MORE to the drama.

Autore: CelebsNow


Rebecca Adlington on her fitness regime: ‘I’m always chasing round after Summer!’

Swimmer Rebecca Adlington lets us in on how she maintains her gorgeous figure

Twice Olympic gold medalist Rebecca Adlington, 27, shares her top-to-toe health secrets with Now. From workout regimes to guilty food pleasures, she reveals all!

Rebecca’s Stats

HEIGHT: 5ft 10in

WEIGHT: 11st


Rebecca Adlington’s pregnancy diary in pictures!

Hi Rebecca! What’s your favourite way to work out?

I do a mixture of swim and gym about three times a week for an hour and a half. I don’t have much time for anything else especially now that I have my daughter (Summer, one).

Rebecca Adlington and Summer Needs

How do you motivate yourself to work out?

To be honest, mine is more about health. I don’t have a goal or anything, I’m not working out to achieve something, it’s more about health and lifestyle. I feel better once I’ve worked out.

How do you stay fit while looking after Summer?

When you’re a mum you’re just chasing round after your little one; Summer is walking and everything! I take her out every single day, we’ve got two little dogs so we walk the dogs and go swimming; that’s something we’ve been doing since she was three weeks old.

That’s great! Do you have a favourite body part?

Ooh! This is a tough one because it’s my worst but best body part. I’d say my shoulders. They’re very big and I sometimes struggle to fit into clothes but they’ve been my power, they’ve been my strength, they’ve given me four Olympic medals.
Pretty impressive! What about least favourite body part?

My tummy, especially now I’ve had a baby. You just always seem to have this little pouch.

Have you got a guilty food pleasure?

Cake! Definitely cake. I love red velvet cake. That’s my absolute fave. I have a slice about twice a week.

Peter Andre Valentine's day cake

Do you use any health apps?

Ooh, health apps, what have I got? (looks at phone). I’ve got like a Seven Minute Workout one. I used to use My Fitness Pal I got fed up of it because I make everything from scratch so I’m just like, ‘sod this I’m not doing this anymore’!

Do you take any health supplements?

Just a multi-vit and some fish oil because I don’t eat any fish so I make sure I’m taking fish oil every day.

Rebecca’s food diary

Now’s expert sports nutritionist Ollie Frost gives his verdict on her daily diet

BREAKFAST- Homemade granola with strawberries and blueberries with homemade cashew milk.

OLLIE SAYS: Homemade granola is high in dietary fat which will off-set hunger preventing poor diet decisions later on in the day. Berries of all kind are high in volume and low in calories- perfect for breakfast!

Cals: 450

LUNCH- Eggs and avocado on toast.

OLLIE SAYS: Both eggs and avocado can lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels (fat in the blood). The inclusion of carbohydrates means Rebecca can recover and perform optimally when training.

Cals: 490


DINNER- Courgetti spaghetti Bolognese.

OLLIE SAYS: Courgetti is another excellent food that is high in volume but low in calories; perfect for fitting into a calorie controlled eating plan. Red meat contains vitamin b12, whichcan help convert food into energy.

Cals: 440

SNACKS – Always a coffee. An apple and fruit and a protein shake.

OLLIE SAYS: Snacking on fruit which contains dietary fibre will help maintain a healthy digestive system and control hunger levels. If you don’t have access to protein shakes, 30g of unsalted nuts is a suitable replacement.

Cals: 251

eat gif


OLLIE’S VERDICT: Rebecca’s food diary contains plenty of single ingredient, nutrient dense food, which will supply her body with the necessary vitamins and minerals as well as energy to fuel her daily activity. Include a whole spectrum of food sources to ensure you nourish your body as best as possible.

 Rebecca Adlington is encouraging families to ‘just keep moving’ with Disney, Change4Life and the Amateur Swimming Association. Book your swim session at

Autore: CelebsNow


Jens Büchner und Daniela: So geht’s am Montag weiter

Mallorca: eine Insel, auf der Luxusmakler wie Marcel Remus Traumimmobilien im Millionenwert anbieten, während andere ums Überleben kämpfen. Bereits am Montagabend (1) um 20.15 Uhr gibt es eine neue Folge von „Goodbye Deutschland„, in der es u.a. um zwei völlig unterschiedlich schillernde Protagonisten geht.

Jens Büchner und Daniela: So geht's am Montag weiter

Das kleine Costa de los Pinos im Nordosten der Insel. Seit einem halben Jahr das Zuhause von Jens Büchner und Daniela Karabas. Der Sachse und die Düsseldorferin erwarten Zwillinge. Daniela ist im siebten Monat. Doch schon jetzt liegen die Nerven blank. Das Paar streitet ständig. Denn Stehaufmännchen Jens Büchner rast von einem Auftritt zum nächsten, er will noch vor der Geburt möglichst viel Geld in die Familienkasse spülen. Daniela aber hätte ihren Freund lieber zuhause. Denn das Kinderzimmer ist noch immer eine Rumpelkammer: Bettchen, Stubenwagen, Wickelkommode – alles noch nicht gekauft.

Im Interview mit sagte Büchner dazu: „Daniela ist hochschwanger, hat mit Bluthochdruck zu kämpfen und denkt, dass ich sie nicht mehr attraktiv finde – so schön schwanger wie sie ist. Das kann jede Frau, die schon mal schwanger war wohl nachempfinden. Wir Männer nicht. (…) Sie ist aber ein impulsiver Mensch, der auch sehr eifersüchtig ist. Und wenn die Hormone dann verrückt spielen, dann kracht es halt.“ (Das ganze Interview folgt am 29. August auf diesen Seiten).

Jens Büchner und Daniela: So geht's am Montag weiter

Privater Stress – und beruflich läuft´s nicht besser. Jens wollte in einem neuen Club durchstarten. Zur Eröffnung hatten sich Hunderte Fans des Kult-Auswanderers angemeldet – doch die Eröffnungsparty platzt. Und im Internet schimpfen die Fans.

Jens und Daniela am Ende ihre Kräfte. Noch glauben alle, dass genug Zeit ist bis zur Geburt der Zwillinge. Doch die Ärzte leiten die Geburt der Zwillinge ein…

Und dann gibt es auch Neues von Immobilienmakler Marcel Remus: Mit 50 muss Silke Remus auf Mallorca noch mal neu starten. Nach 30 Ehejahren hat sich ihr Mann von ihr getrennt – Silke steht damit vor der Herausforderung, auf der Insel wieder auf eigenen Beinen stehen zu müssen. Ihr Glück: Ihr umtriebiger Sohn lebt auch auf Mallorca. Und der ist kein Unbekannter. Marcel Remus, 29 Jahre, Luxusmakler, langjähriger TV-Star der VOX-Sendung „mieten, kaufen, wohnen“.

Marcel hat seiner Mutter einen Job angeboten. In seinem Immobilienbüro. Mama Remus soll Maklerin werden. Schon in ein paar Tagen geht’s los. Dann hat Silke ihren ersten Kundentermin auf der Insel. Und der hat es gleich in sich: Sie soll einem Schweizer Auswanderer ein Objekt präsentieren. Für knapp fünf Millionen Euro. Wird sie ihre Feuertaufe bestehen?

Jens Büchner und Daniela: So geht's am Montag weiter

Fotos: VOX/ 99pro media



Victoria’s Secret ficha a una nueva modelo: Zuri Tibby

Esta joven americana está a punto de cumplir 21 años y ser la nueva imagen de Pink, la línea joven de Victoria’s Secret. Zuri Tibby fue descubierta hace 5 años en un centro comercial de Florida donde trabajabó un verano. Hacía dos días que anunciaba la gran noticia a través de su cuenta en Instagram donde ya supera los 20K de followers.

A pesar de ser la nueva imagen de PINK junto con Rachel Hilbert, no da por hecho que tenga el puesto asegurado en el desfile de Noviembre pero desde luego que son puntos a su favor, y como ella dijo en una entrevista lo anunciaría en cuanto lo supiese.

Pero ser imagen de PINK es una gran señal dentro del mundo ‘Victoria’s Secret’ y es que desde que se creó esta línea joven Alessandra Ambrosio, Miranda Kerr, Behati Prinsloo y Elsa Hosk, han sido imagen de la firma y todas ellas han llegado a desfilar con las famosas alas.

Su mayor trabajo hasta la fecha fue con Teen Vogue y también ha posado junto con Rihanna para la firma de calcetines Stance.

Fue fichada por Storm models (agencia que representa a modelos como: Bianca Balti, Behati Prinsloo, Carla Bruni, Cindy Crawford, Jourdan Dunn, Monica Bellucci, Nieves Álvarez, Poppy Delevingne o Sheila Márquez) también ha firmado con IMG Models quienes representan también a modelos de la talla de Gigi Hadid, Gisele Bündchen y Hailey Baldwin.

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