
Roberta Corongiu, cena di lavoro per la fidanzata di Paolo Berlusconi

Roberta Corongiu è stata sorpresa a una cena di lavoro a Milano. Fascinosa l’avvocato, fidanzata di Paolo Berlusconi, è sempre molto impegnata nella lotta al femminicidio e anche quando deve mangiare non dimentica mai quella che considera quasi una ‘missione’ per essere dalla parte di donne vittime innocenti della follia di alcuni.

L’avvocato Roberta Corngiu sorpresa a Milano a una cena di lavoro

Look total white per Roberta Corongiu, elegantissima alla cena di lavoro. La mora ha lasciato i capelli sciolti portati lunghi sulle spalle. Indosso un abito semplice e chic bianco, come vuole l’estate 2016. 
Schiva e sempre molto riservata, Roberta Corongiu è stata sorpresa alla cena di lavoro e non è parsa infastidita dall’occhio indiscreto dell’obiettivo. Fidanzata con Paolo Berlusconi ormai da 3 anni, fu sorpresa con il fratello dell’ex premier nel settembre del 2013, quando insieme a lui a Milano si sedette in platea al Teatro Manzoni per lo spettacolo “Tra amore e battaglie”. I due dopo lo spettacolo trascorsero il resto della serata nella famosa pizzeria meneghina Santa Lucia, meta di molti vip.
Subito i gossip sul nuovo amore di Paolo Berlusconi cominciarono a circolare. 

La fidanzata di paolo Berlusconi è sempre molto impegnata per la lotta al femminicidio

La storia è di quelle importati. La fidanzata di Paolo Berlusconi Roberta Corongiu, avvocato apprezzato, giovane e affascinante, è diventata una presenza costante al fianco dell’imprenditore. Non ha però mai rinunciato a far parlare di sé per i suoi successi lavorativi. Impegnata per la lotta al femminicidio, vuole assolutamente essere in prima linea e anche alla cena di lavoro non dimentica l’appuntamento più importante, quello per dare una mano alle meno fortunate piegate da violenza ingiustificata e stupida crudeltà.

Look total white per la mora e capelli portati sciolti sulle spalle

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Autore: GossipNews


‘I love you so much!’ Lewis Bloor leaves Marnie Simpson a VERY special message on Celebrity Big Brother

Cute, cute, cute

Marnie Simpson and Lewis Bloor have engaged in quite the love affair during this series of Celebrity Big Brother. However, there have been more than a few who’ve taken a cynical view to their speedy love.

But former housemate Lewis is doing his utmost to show how much he’s truly invested in their relationship – and gave her the sweetest message in the CBB house!

More: ‘I’ll marry her in 5 years!’ Lewis Bloor is very serious about his CBB romance with Marnie Simpson…

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As the series prepares to wrap up for the year, the housemates are being kept occupied with a task in which they receive random phone calls from ‘the public’, while hosting a talk show.

The first call is for Geordie Shore favourite Marnie, and it’s from her ex-TOWIE bae, Lewis.

‘On a scale of 1-10, how much are you missing Lewis?’ he asks.

‘Like a million!’ she responds happily – yet she doesn’t yet have a clue that he’s actually speaking to her. Surely you can’t have forgotten his voice already, Marns!?

Charlotte Crosby shocked GIFSoon, fellow housemate Aubrey O’Day jumps in to tell Marnie who she’s actually on the phone to – and Marnie gets very excited…

Marnie Simpson happy CBB main

Lovestruck Lewis continues: ‘You and Bear are doing so well, everyone loves you. I love you both. Bear, I love ya, but I want to see Marnie at the number one spot.

‘I miss you, I feel sick! I can’t wait to see ya! I love you so much!’

More: Is THIS person going to win Celebrity Big Brother?

Damn, Lewis – let her know how your really feel, why don’t you? Luckily for them both, Celebrity Big Brother ends on Friday night, meaning that a reunion is right around the corner for them both.

Elsewhere in the episode, Renee Graziano receives a phone call from a trucker named ‘Dan’, whose comments leave Bear looking on like this:

Bear shocked CBB

To find out what happens next, tune into CBB at 9.00pm, Channel 5

Autore: CelebsNow


One Direction: Band-Reunion erst nach 10 Jahren – sagt der hier

Fans der Boyband One Direction (bestehend aus Niall Horan, Liam Payne, Harry Styles und Louis Tomlinson) beschäftigt seit ihrer offiziellen Pause nur eine Frage: wann tun sich die Jungs wieder zusammen?

One Direction: Band-Reunion erst nach 10 Jahren - sagt der hier

Geht es nach dem langjährigen irischen Entertainment-„Experten“ und Impresario Louis Walsh (64), früherer Manager von Boybands wie Westlife und Boyzone, lautet die Antwort: niemals oder wenn überhaupt in zehn Jahren! Das verkündete das Jurymitglied der britischen Ausgabe von ‚X Factor’ im ‚Telegraph’. Erfahrung in diesem Bereich kann man dem 64-Jährigen Boyband-Manager jedenfalls nicht absprechen. Schließlich fand One Direction 2010 – mit Hilfe von Jurymitglied und Musikproduzent Simon Cowell (56) – genau bei ‚X Factor’ zusammen.

Das bezeichnete Walsh dann auch ganz offen als „das finanziell Beste was aus [der Show] hervorging.“ Und genauso klar formulierte er seine Überzeugung, was eine mögliche Reunion der Band in der Zukunft anbetrifft. Er verkündete nämlich: „Es wird nicht passieren [.]. Nein, definitiv nicht.“ Und er ergänzte: „Es ist vorbei, sie hatten ihren Lauf, überall. Es ist erledigt und es war eine tolle Karriere.“

Auf die Frage, ob er mit einer Wiedervereinigung von One Direction Mitte 2017 rechne – so derzeit einige Gerüchte – relativierte er seine Aussage aber etwas. Da erklärte er nämlich: „Nein, vielleicht in zehn Jahren.“ Der 64-Jährige äußerte auch unverblümt seine Ansicht über einige Künstler, die aus der Castingshow hervorgehen. Er stellte fest: „Wir kreieren Monster im Musikbusiness – sie werden nur berühmt, weil sie in der Show waren und wir ihnen diese Songs gaben. Sie sind glückliche F….. aber manche entwickeln ein Anspruchsdenken und glauben den Hype. Zu viele Künstler scheinen zu vergessen, woher sie kommen.“ Deutliche Worte!

Was One Direction anbetrifft, hätten auch da einige den Rummel geglaubt, so Louis Walsh weiter. PR-Leute, Agenten und Manager wollten ihnen zudem nicht widersprechen, weil sie so viel Geld an ihnen verdienten. Nachdem ganz offensichtlich alle vier jungen Herren eine Solo-Karriere im Auge haben, können sie ja damit beweisen, dass sie es wirklich „drauf haben“…(CS)




Amanda Bynes zwitschert wieder

Amanda Bynes kehrt zu ‚Twitter‘ zurück. Die amerikanische Schauspielerin hatte sich eine sechsmonatige Auszeit von der Social Media-Plattform ‚Twitter‘ genommen.

Amanda Bynes zwitschert wieder

Doch nun ist sie wieder da und zwitscherte gleich über ihr Modestudium am ‚Institute of Design & Merchandising‘ in Los Angeles. „Hallo zusammen! Ich habe lange nichts mehr getwittert und möchte ‚Hi!‘ sagen. Ich hatte am FIDM viel zu tun und bin gerade mit meinen Midterms fertig“, verriet die 30-Jährige. „Ich liebe die Schule und lerne so viel. Ich mag alle meine Kurse und meine Lehrer sind ausgezeichnet.“ Ihr letzter Post vor diesem am vergangenen Mittwoch (24. August) war am 23. Februar. Dort schrieb sie: „Hallo zusammen! Ich war beim Friseur! Was haltet ihr davon?“ Amanda Bynes kehrte im Oktober 2015 an die Modeschule zurück, nachdem sie Berichten zufolge ein Jahr zuvor herausgeschmissen worden war.

Mehr: Amanda Bynes mit Bodyguard zum Unterricht

Sie war anscheinend unter Marihuana-Einfluss zum Unterricht erschienen und hatte anderen Studenten Geld geboten, damit sie ihre Hausaufgaben Machen. Die Schauspielerin wurde im Oktober 2014 nach weniger als einem Monat Behandlung aus einer psychiatrischen Einrichtung entlassen. Zuvor kam sie immer wieder mit dem Gesetz in Konflikt, so etwa mehrfach wegen Alkohols am Steuer. Im August 2013 übernahm ihre Mutter die Vormundschaft, nachdem Bynes einen Einfahrt in Brand gesteckt hatte.




Stop everything. Is THIS Gaz Beadle’s ACTUAL Tinder profile?!

Seems as if celebs have love troubles, just like us…

You’d think that being a well-known TV star would result in endless amounts of success in the love department. However, Gaz Beadle has revealed that it’s not all rosy when it comes to romance – as he’s recently turned to dating apps in order to get himself a girlfriend!

However, Now’s come across what seems to be his Tinder profile – and it seems as if he’s leading with his ‘big parsnip’ as a pulling tool!

Gaz Beadle Geordie Shore GIF

More: Gaz Beadle gets his very first tattoo – and the inspiration behind it is SO sweet!

Currently making a mark on the ‘All-Star’ series of Ex On The Beach, Mr Beadle has discovered that finding his next true love is a little more difficult than expected – and not one to keep his feelings quiet, he opened up about it on Wednesday (24th August).

‘So, today I decided to jump back into the dating world,’ he began his regular Daily Star column. ‘F*** me, after years on the shelf I didn’t realise how hard it would be to find a new girlfriend.’

(Years on the shelf, Gaz? Surely you’re not forgetting about your exes Charlotte Crosby and Lillie Lexie Gregg…?)

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He continues: ‘I started out on Instagram, soooo many fit birds on there, like my feed is just banging with girls who look like Beyoncé or Gigi Hadid.

‘Only problem is, is that when you meet up with them, it’s like an episode of Catfish.’

Little harsh, Gaz! However, he then goes on to state that he eventually turned his love search to where many a young singleton has also ended up: Tinder.

Based initially on looks, the app shows romance seekers a selection of another person’s pictures, before they decide whether they’d like to start chatting. And by the looks of things, Gaz has put a strong set of pics out there for consideration…

Gaz Beadle's tinder pictures


Nice stuff! But what does the profile say? Captured on Thursday, ‘Gaz’s’ profile reads:

‘Currently in Zante until Thursday, but swiping in London with Tinder Plus!

‘Yes it really is me, Gaz from Geordie Shore with the big ‘Parsnip’!

‘Thanks Char! Up the Toon!

Gaz's real tinder profile

‘Currently in London for 2-4 weeks, staying with a pal!

 ‘Looking for a hot lass out in Town! Will be visiting: Central, Kingston, Wimbledon, Croydon, Bexleyheath, Chelsea, Wembley, Romford, Woking!

 ‘Msg me your number I’ll call you if I’m interested

‘Or if I give you my number please do not give it out to anyone else’

Though the description does sound very true to life, there’s something curious in the fact that 28-year-old Gaz appears to be a year younger on the profile…yet it could also be the result of an app glitch, or his simply wanting to relive life as a 27-year-old.

Is this truly Gaz? And would YOU swipe right for him? Let us know your thoughts @CelebsNow…

Autore: CelebsNow