
La tarjeta SIM donde estarían los mensajes de Alessandro Lequio a Olvido Hormigos, ya está en Telecinco

Kiko Hernández salía corriendo del plató de ‘Sálvame’ ayer por la tarde. Pasada más de una hora regresaba al mismo y aseguraba que en la palma de su mano tenía uno de los objetos más buscados en los últimos días para la prensa del corazón.

Al abrir el puño dejaba al descubierto una tarjeta SIM que le acababa de entregar Olvido Hormigos. La tarjeta en la que, presuntamente, estarían esos mensajes enviados por Alessandro Lequio y que dejarían al descubierto una infidelidad a María Palacios.

Según contó el colaborador, esa tarjeta podría meterse en un teléfono este domingo en ‘Hable con ellas’, programa que no cosechó éxito la semana pasada en su debut en ‘prime time’ y que recurriría al personaje del momento para tratar de remontar la audiencia y no acabar como el ‘Quiero ser’ de Sara Carbonero.

El embrollo sigue

Mientras se descubre si realmente ese intercambio de mensajes se produjo o no, Telecinco ya se ha puesto en contacto con dos mujeres que en su día desmintieron que mantuvieran un ‘affaire’ con el colaborador de ‘El programa de Ana Rosa’ y que podrían hablar en los próximos días -incluso en las próximas horas, en el ‘Deluxe’-.

Se trata de Silvia Fominaya, que en estos momentos está atravesando un momento sentimental complicado y sería quien menos opciones hay de que se siente en plató. Y Miriam Sánchez, ex de Pipi Estrada, que estaría considerando de manera firme desmentirse a sí misma y cambiar la versión dada de la historia hace siete años.

Ayer, Belén Rodríguez exponía que había hablado con Palacios y que esta desmiente que haya mal rollo entre ella y su marido. Y que las informaciones de los gritos y las tensiones dentro de su casa en Nigrán son falsas. Pero lo cierto es que Sergi Ferre estaba en la puerta de ese domicilio y mantiene que hubo unas palabras más fuertes que otras.

Si el año pasado fue la paternidad secreta de Álvaro Muñoz Escassi lo que marcó la actualidad veraniega, con esta historia y el diviorcio de Alba Carrillo y Feliciano López parece que vamos a tener material de sobra.

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‘I’m very excited’: Liam Payne signs solo deal as fans worry about his One Direction comments

Cheryl’s man is starting a new chapter

Liam Payne has announced some pretty huge news – he’s officially signed a solo record deal.

The 22-year-old One Direction star made the revelation to his Twitter followers last night and spoke of how much he’s looking forward to getting started with Capitol Records.

‘Happy to have signed to @CapitolUK. They have an amazing history of artists, I hope I can follow in their footsteps,’ Liam posted.

‘One direction will always be my home and family but I’m very excited to see what this chapter brings.’

He also said in a statement that he’s keen to ‘show what I can do as a solo artist’.

Nick Raphael, president of Capitol Records UK, adds: ‘It’s not often you get the chance to sign such a talented and ambitious 22-year-old who has already conquered the world.’

Liam is the latest member of 1D to embark on a solo career after Harry Styles signed up with Columbia.

Meanwhile former bandmate Zayn Malik has already conquered the charts on his own since leaving the group last year, having released debut album Mind Of Mine a few months ago.

Liam’s news has certainly got the Directioners talking and, whilst many are excited about his upcoming venture, others are concerned that his remarks about 1D mean the band are never getting back together. Like, ever.

The hashtag #OneDirectionIsOverParty started trending on Twitter as worried fans questioned whether it’s all over…

And the idea that One Direction might NOT come back has clearly come as quite a blow to many…

Yikes. There’s been no official word that this IS the end of 1D though and lots of fans are trying to spread this message.

There’s no word yet on when we might expect to hear new music from Liam but it looks like both he and girlfriend Cheryl could have records on the way, with Chezza teasing her fanbase about making more tunes in recent months.

Exciting times for Chiam – but uncertain ones for One Direction fans.

Anna Francis

Autore: CelebsNow


Is Big Brother’s Josie Gibson back with her ex-fiancée?!

Can we hear wedding bells again, Josie?

She was the winner of Big Brother 2010 and one of the most popular house-mates EVER, and it looks like Josie Gibson‘s found happiness with plumber Luke Sanwo… Again!

GIF You go girl

Yeah, you go Josie!

The west country winner dated her fellow Big Brother contestant John James Parton during and after the show, but the relationship ended the following year in 2011. (The pair were reunited unexpectedly on Big Brother’s Bit On The Side last week and it was TOTALLY awkward!)

Enter dashing plumber Luke that very same year.

Josie Gibson and boyfriend Luke

I mean, we can’t blame you, Josie… *trying to avoid every plumber innuendo*


The happy couple got engaged after SHE proposed on holiday in early 2012. Girl power all the way!

However, their luck ran out in March 2013 when it was reported that they had split.

In true Ross and Rachel style, Josie confirmed that they were back together in June after a two-month break.

GIF Ross Friends 'we were on a break'

But yep, you guessed it, in April 2015 Josie confirmed that she had ended their 4-year relationship (AGAIN)

Wait! These two have more back and forth than the competitors at Wimbledon as it appears their love story isn’t over just yet.


In a recent Instagram video Josie posted of the pair, she jokes: ‘Where my b**ch at?’ to which he responds by shaking his head and moaning ‘F**k you’ *cue Josie giggling*

Ah, how romantic…

However, what WAS kind of cute was the Josie’s caption, confirming that they are definitely back on: ‘#relationshipgoals’

Yay! Good luck to Josie and Luke!

Emily Jefferies

Autore: CelebsNow


10 razones para utilizar prebases de maquillaje

Los maquilladores llevan años utilizando prebases o primers, y poco a poco estos cosméticos se han hecho un hueco en el neceser de muchas mujeres. Sus beneficios son numerosos (mejoran la piel, ayudan a fijar el maquillaje para prolongar su duración, hidratan, evitan los brillos…), aunque es cierto que suponen un paso más en la rutina de belleza, pero el tiempo invertido merece la pena cuando ves el resultado.

Solo tienes que elegir la mejor prebase para tu piel. Aunque hay algunas con diversos beneficios, otras estás indicadas para mejorar solo ciertos aspectos (rojeces, arrugas, tono, brillos, sequedad…). Aplícala después de tu crema hidratante y sin utilizar demasiado producto. Deja pasar unos minutos y ya puedes extender tu fondo de maquillaje.

Para qué sirven las prebases o primers

  1. Minimizan la apariencia de los poros
  2. Atenúan las arrugas y líneas de expresión
  3. Ocultan las rojeces y los granitos
  4. Igualan el tono de la piel
  5. Aportan un plus de luminosidad
  6. Regulan la producción de grasa y evitan los brillos
  7. Unifican la textura y la suavizan
  8. Prolongan la duración del maquillaje
  9. Hidratan
  10. Protegen de los rayos solares

Ahora que ya conoces todas las ventajas de utilizar una prebase antes del fondo de maquillaje, no te pierdas nuestra selección de los mejores primers.

Las mejores prebases o primers para una piel perfecta.Reproducir
Las mejores prebases o primers para una piel perfecta.


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Gemma Collins is returning to TOWIE… but for THIS heartbreaking reason

So, Gemma Collins is returning to TOWIE- but it’s going to be pretty emotional.

If we told you that the GC was to return to TOWIE, you’d probably start jumping through hoops or something- right?!

Sadly, this isn’t going to be the case- as Gemma Collins is rumoured to be returning to the show, but for a very heartbreaking reason. Major sad faces all round.

So, it’s rumoured GC will be returning in order to comfort long term BFF Bobby Norris– after the tragic death of his beloved dog.

A source has told The Sun: ‘Bobby is devastated after what happened to Beau [his dog], it was so horrible and Gemma just had to be there for him.They’re so close and Bobby is just so upset about losing Beau and Gemma decided to come back to the show to to support him’.

Talking of the sad event, TOWIE star Bobby shared in since deleted tweets that he was ‘absolutely heartbroken to announce that whilst on a walk with my baby Beau, he was mauled to death by another dog…. Owners should take responsibility for their pets to avoid these tragedies. There’s no such thing as dangerous dogs, just dangerous owners’.

29-year-old Bobby also took to Instagram to share an emotional post, which he captioned with a heart broken emoji.


A photo posted by Bobby Norris (@bobbycnorris) on

35-year-old Gemma quit TOWIE back last summer, which she later revealed was due to the cruel comments she would receive about her appearance.

At the time, Gemma shared that ‘all the abuse on social media was a big reason [for me quitting]. People think I’m tough as nails but I’m soft as s**t at the end of the day. I understand I came across as a b**ch the way it was edited but I didn’t deserve all the abuse’.

It’s official. We’ve got the blues.

Alice Perry

Autore: CelebsNow