
Eleonora Abbagnato e Federico Balzaretti: vacanze in allegria con la loro famiglia allargata

Eleonora Abbagnato e Federico Balzaretti stanno trascorrendo le vacanze insieme alla loro bellissima famiglia allargata. Sul social la ballerina pubblica degli scatti che documentano quanto si stiano divertendo con i bimbi: Gabriel e Julia, nati dal loro amore, ma anche Lucrezia e Ginevra, che il calciatore ha avuto da una precedente relazione.

Eleonora Abbagnato e Federico Balzaretti in vacanza insieme

L’allegra famiglia sta trascorrendo le vacanze a Cattolica, in Emilia Romagna. Eleonora gioca a fare selfie con l’asta per poi condividerli sulla sua pagina Instagram e i fan apprezzano le foto. In tanti fanno i complimenti a lei e a Federico: “Poche coppie ho visto belle come voi”, cinguetta un’ammiratrice.
Per l’Abbagnato questa è un’estate impegnativa, gli spettacoli di danza la stanno portando in giro per l’Italia, ma trova comunque il tempo di trascorrere giornate indimenticabili con Balzaretti e i figli. 

Eleonora scatta un divertente selfie di gruppo con l’asta

Eleonora e Federico si sono conosciuti grazie a un amico comune. Non è stato subito colpo di fulmine ma poi l’amore è sbocciato e non si sono più lasciati.

La Abbagnato in barca insieme alla figlia Julia

L’Abbagnato e Balzaretti sono una coppia di genitori attenti e premurosi. Appena possono portano i bimbi in posti ideali dove farli svagare. Ora si stanno godendo con loro le vacanze al mare e dalle foto traspare tanta gioia. Hanno una famiglia allargata davvero unita. E per il momento non pensano a un altro erede: “Abbiamo un po’ di cose a cui pensare – dichiarava lo scorso gennaio Eleonora a Chile bambine vanno a scuola e Gabriel è piccolo… Ma mai dire mai”.

Autore: GossipNews


Who will win Big Brother 2016? ALL the finalists’ odds, broken down

Not long left until Emma Willis crowns a winner

It feels like only yesterday when Emma Willis introduced a bunch of hopeful fame-seekers to our screens, all eagerly awaiting an exciting, televised summer of fun, split into two houses.

Yes, it feels as if Big Brother 2016 only just kicked off – and now someone is close to walking away the winner, thousands of pounds richer.

Admittedly, it’s over a lot sooner than expected – the series was slated to be running for another few weeks, but we won’t be without our people-watching pastime for long, as Celebrity Big Brother is set to take its pace very soon.

But who will win the MAIN show? We teamed up with our friends at William Hill to find out…

More: Who’s going into Celebrity Big Brother: Summer 2016?

Hughie Maughan – 13/8

Irishman Hughie is looking like the favourite to walk away victorious as it stands, most probably due to his fiery, ‘love-me-or-hate-me’ personality.

Someone who’ll definitely be voting for him is his house boyfriend, Ryan Ruckledge – despite him being eliminated from the competition, X Factor reject Ryan has made it clear that their fire’s still burning strong. How, you ask? By getting Hughie’s NAME tattooed on his chest.

Hughie Maughan Big Brother


Andy West – 3/1

The former BBC journalist has stuck to his role as being one of the sensible members of the house, and it seems to have served him well.

Andy West Big BrotherAdorably, his boyfriend came into the house and proposed to him – if he wins, at least that’s the wedding costs sorted!

Jason Burrill – 9/2

Being reunited with ex-girlfriend Charlie in the house couldn’t have been easy, yet occasional film body-double Jason kept his cool as much as possible. For the most part.

Jason Burrill Big Brother

More: Jason’s best friend EXCLUSIVELY tells Now something SHOCING about his relationship with Charlie

Jayne Connery – 16/1

Jayne is yet another housemate who ended up having history with a fellow housemate – according to her, evicted businessman Chelsea Singh ‘tried it on’ with her in the outside world, but she put him in the friendzone. Awks.

Jayne Connery Big Brother

In another series highlight, she got hit by a rogue sponge in a shopping task, which led to her ‘falling unconcious’ and being rushed to hospital. Strange stuff.

Jackson Blyton – 20/1

Nottingham native Jackson has won the public over with his very vocal devotion to his young son, and also his falling for now evicted housemate Georgina Leigh Cantwell.

Jackson Blyton Big Brother

In fact, his feelings for her are so strong that he proposed marriage to her when she revisited the house on Sunday night’s show. Aww!

Watch: Big Brother’s Georgina tells Now what she REALLY thinks of Jackson

Alex Cannon – 20/1

Alex has kept his head down for much of his Big Brother journey, which has lead some viewers to dub him ‘boring’ online. Ouch – perhaps, since he’s best friends with Vicky Pattison, the public were expecting more extroverted behaviour?

Alex Cannon Big BrotherNevertheless, his steady journey has taken him all the way to the final days – but has he done enough to be in with a shot at leaving with the prize money?

Read: Why is Vicky Pattison scared of Alex Cannon leaving the Big Brother house?

Sam Giffen – 25/1

Blackpool boy Sam has managed to ruffle a few feathers while being in the house – with housemates and viewers alike!

Sam Giffen Big Brother

Evelyn Ellis – 66/1

It’s not looking likely, but if you were to win a bet on Evelyn winning the show on Tuesday, you’d be in for a nice little payday. The Aussie babe’s time in the show hasn’t been too eventful, except for openly thirsting after fellow house-dweller Alex, with mixed success…

Evelyn Ellis Big Brother

At least the chances of her sparking up a lasting love look with him are a little more likely than as her odds of winning the show!

Who wins? You decide! Find out in Tuesday’s finale –  tune in to Channel 5 from 9.00pm, Tuesday 26th June.

Autore: CelebsNow


‘Grande Fratello’: Federica Lepanto presenta il nuovo fidanzato

Federica Lepanto, 23 anni, ha presentato il suo nuovo fidanzato. La vincitrice dell’ultima edizione del “Grande Fratello” un mese fa ha rivelato di aver ritrovato l’amore. Ora ha deciso di rivelare l’identità del ragazzo conosciuto sul social

Federica Lepanto insieme al fidanzato Gianfilippo Laguri

Il fortunato si chiama Gianfilippo Laguri, ha rivelato l’ex gieffina al settimanale Top: “Ci siamo conosciuti su Facebook e da allora non ci siamo più lasciati – ha aggiunto – Abbiamo gli stessi valori e crediamo nonostante i tempi moderni nella famiglia e nella fedeltà. Crediamo che fare le cose insieme sia costruttivo”.
Il 22 luglio Federica Lepanto e il nuovo fidanzato hanno festeggiato tre mesi e 21 giorni insieme, come ha cinguettato accanto a una foto di coppia la stessa ex inquilina della Casa del “Grande Fratello“. “Amore mi manchi…ho bisogno di sentirmi tra le tue braccia!!!”, ha poi aggiunto. Quello tra Federica e Gianfilippo, infatti, è un amore a distanza. Il ragazzo vive in Germania dove lavora come modello e imprenditore: “Di solito il primo dei due che si libera raggiunge l’altro. Ma non saremo sempre lontani. Vuole tornare in Italia e ci stiamo organizzando. Ma tra telefono e social siamo sempre in contatto”, ha raccontato la Lepanto.

L’ex gieffina e il modello stanno insieme da quasi 4 mesi

Federica anche svelato di essere un po’ gelosa del nuovo fidanzato: “Basta guardarlo, è un bravo ragazzo ma è anche molto bello, le ragazze lo cercano in continuazione – ha spiegato la vincitrice del “Grande Fratello” – Ma io conosco la password del suo profilo Facebook”.

Autore: GossipNews


Ex-Teeniestar Corbin Bleu hat geheiratet

Ein weiterer ehemaliger Teenie-Star ist unter der Haube: US-Schauspieler Corbin Bleu (27), der vor allem durch die ‚High School Musical‘-Filme bekanntgeworden ist, hat am Wochenende seine Freundin Sasha Clements (26) geheiratet.

Ex-Teeniestar Corbin Bleu hat geheiratet

Die Hochzeit fand mit rund 160 Gästen in Santa Barbara (US-Bundesstaat Kalifornien) statt. „Das Beste war das Gefühl, das ich von Kopf bis Fuß hatte, als Sasha durch das Tor kam und vor den Traualtar getreten ist“, sagte der Tänzer und Schauspieler gestern dem US-‚People‘-Magazin. „Plötzlich wurde mir klar, dass diese atemberaubende Frau, die auf mich zukam, mich heiraten und mich zum glücklichsten Mann der Welt machen würde.“ Und auch die junge Braut kam aus dem Schwärmen nicht raus: „Heute war einfach ein perfekter Tag. Es gibt nichts, was ich anders machen würde. Corbins Gelöbnis war wunderschön. Es war wirklich der schönste Tag in unserem Leben.“

Der 27-Jährige spielte zwischen 2006 und 2008 in den Teenie-Filmen ‚High School Musical‘ an der Seite seiner später weitaus berühmteren Kollegen Zac Efron und Vanessa Hudgens. Danach war er in eher kleinen Rollen in TV-Serien wie ‚Good Wife‘ und ‚Castle‘ zu sehen. Die Kanadierin Clements ist ebenfalls Schauspielerin. (dpa/KT)




Gary Barlow: Take That wollen ab Oktober wieder durchstarten

Gary Barlow versetzt seine Fans mit drei Worten in Aufruhr. Der Sänger twitterte nur wenige Buchstaben, und dennoch rasten (vor allem) Frauen auf der ganzen Briteninsel: „Tour News October“, schrieb der 45-Jährige auf der sozialen Plattform, und prompt hagelte es aufgeregte Fragen an den ‚Take That‘-Sänger.

Gary Barlow: Take That wollen ab Oktober wieder durchstarten

„Oh Gott, darauf haben wir so gewartet“, meldete sich etwa ein Fan, während ein anderer offensichtlich schon mal zu sparen anfangen muss: „OMG, Panik! Der Oktober wird meine Kreditkarte glühen lassen!“ Für die Reunion der Boygroup um Gary Barlow, Mark Owen und Howard Donald wird aller Wahrscheinlichkeit auch wieder Robbie Williams dazustoßen.

Ein Vertrauter der Band erzählte ‚Daily Mirror‘: „Gary hat schon immer alles geplant und er denkt jetzt schon an das ‚Projekt 25‘ der Band. Robbie meinte, dass er Lust darauf hat, wieder zu performen. Er fühlt inneren Frieden, wenn er in der Gruppe ist.“

Der 42-Jährige hat auch zugesagt, ein paar neue Songs für die Band zu schreiben. „Wir haben mit Robbie darüber geredet. Und wenn es so sein sollte, dass wir ein Jubiläumsalbum herausbringen, dann werden wir ein paar Extra-Tracks rausbringen. Ich denke es wäre schön, etwas mit ihm zusammen zu machen. Wir haben gerade alle die Intention, ein paar neue Lieder aufzunehmen, ein ‚Greatest Hits‘-Album rauszubringen und eine Tour zu machen“, sagte Gary Barlow ‚The Sun‘. Nur einer wird allerdings fehlen: Jason Orange verkündete bereits 2014 seinen endgültigen Abschied von der Band.

Fazit: Hier in Deutschland ist die Band weitesgehend durch. Der Hype längst Geschichte. Und so werden sich die Herrschaften wieder vornehmlich mit der Tour in ihrer Heimat beschäftigen müssen.
