
Prepara una tabla de aperitivos perfecta

Prepara una tabla de aperitivos completa y sin cocinar escogiendo estos productos que te aseguran el triunfo. Una tabla de embutido y diferentes quesos es siempre una buena elección, pero para que no te falte de nada ficha nuestra lista de todo lo que tiene que tener para que no te falte detalle:

  • Quesos artesanos: mezcla quesos fuertes y suaves, en crema o duros para hacer una pequeña cata de los mejores quesos.
  • Embutido: jamón serrano, york, fuet, lomo… ¡Todo el embutido que quieras! Será lo primero en desaparecer.
  • Pan: unos panecitos de diferentes semillas y colores que sirva de acompañamiento del queso o del embutido va a ser fundamental. Lúcete y busca los los panes con las mezclas más apetecibles: con pasas, miel, frutos secos…
  • Frutos secos: unas nueces, avellanas o almendras son los perfectos acompañantes para los quesos más suaves.
  • Algo de fruta: las uvas dan el toque final a un montadito con pan, queso y nueces. Dispón de uvas de distintos colores para dar ese toque colorido a tu tabla de aperitivos. Los higos también te sorprenderán si los juntas con los quesos.
  • Mermelada, miel o membrillo: conseguirás unas mezclas que te enamorarán junto con los frutos secos y el queso al dar el toque dulce que contrasta con el sabor del queso.
  • Encurtidos: aceitunas verdes y negras, pepinillos, cebolletas… para picar entremedias será tu mejor aliado.
  • Flores: tomillo, laurel… son plantas que va a quedar perfectas en las tablas y aportarán su aroma que compagina a la perfección con tu tabla de aperitivos.

Tenemos ya nuestra tabla preparada, pero ¿qué es una tabla de quesos y embutidos sin vino? Escoge al menos dos variedades de vino para acompañar la comida y por último escoge una vajilla acorde con la mesa: decoración colorida, artesanal, minimal… y ya habrás conseguido una mesa de aperitivos 10.

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Blac Chyna’s crazy post-baby diet plan revealed

She’s still got five months to go but Blac Chyna’s got her comeback all mapped out

Since announcing she was pregnant with Rob Kardashian’s first child in Autumn, Blac Chyna’s embraced her pregnancy curves. But recently, the KUWTK has been struggling to cope with her new figure, revealing she’s gone up to 12.5st.

Blac Chyna blowing kisses

Last week, Blac, 28, opened up about her pregnancy, telling her Instagram followers: ‘I love my growing belly and baby but it don’t mean I love that bloated feeling. Will get on that detox after the baby arrives.’

But it’s not just a detox. Now can reveal Blac’s already started to map out an insane weight-loss plan which she hopes will help her bounce back in just <three> months.

‘Blac’s determined she’s going to lose the baby weight quickly and has given herself a timescale of just 12 weeks to be back into her size 8 clothes,’ a friend tells Now. ‘She’s been speaking to Amber Rose about how quickly she’ll be able to drop the extra weight and is planning to daily workouts including an hour of weight training, 240 squats and pole training.


They add: ‘Blac will be cutting out all the junk food too. She’ll be following a high protein, low carb diet – she loves jerk chicken salads. Her focus is getting toned and making sure her bum is bigger and better than before.’

It’s not her figure Blac’s thinking of either, as our insider admits she’s planning on a lucrative post-baby cover shoot – just like her sister-in-law to be Kourtney Kardashian did after the birth of her son Reign last year.

‘Blac is using the shoot to make sure she doesn’t fall off the wagon. She’s determined to be sexier than Kourtney was and wants it to be a shoot that people talk about for year’s to come. She’s asking Rob’s mum Kris for contacts and they’re hoping to set up meetings closer to her due date.’

It all sounds a bit stressful to us, love.

Autore: CelebsNow


Nicole Scherzinger and Sharon Osbourne: It’s War!

The claws are already out between Nicole Scherzinger and Sharon Osbourne and it’s only the audition stages…

We know this year’s X Factor is going to be the best yet. Why? Because the judges are already bitching, sniping and plotting each others’ downfall. There’s no more pretending to be nice – on or off camera.

Nicole Scherzinger gets sassy

Now can reveal battle lines have already been drawn up, with Sharon Osbourne and Nicole Scherzinger at loggerheads. And it couldn’t have been more obvious than during an audition in Dublin on 2 July, with our spy revealing that the pair spent most of the day bitching about one another.

‘The atmosphere was really intense,’ our insider tells us. ‘There was a lot of eye rolling from both sides.’

MORE:‘The #motleycrue is back together’ – see Nicole Scherzinger’s X Factor audition selfie!

It gets worse as our insiders say Sharon, 63, is furious that ‘talentless’ Nicole, 38, is being paid more – with a paycheque of £1.8million – than her to appear on the ITV show.

‘Sharon thinks Nicole doesn’t have the credentials she has,’ adds our insider. ‘It’s annoyed Sharon that she’s getting paid less when she believes she’s the star of the show.’

It was also reported Sharon had stipulated she was to be paid the most aside from Simon Cowell.


But Nicole isn’t taking it lying down. ‘She’s giving as good as she gets and winding Sharon up as much as she can,’ says our source.

It’s not just the former Pussycat Doll Sharon dislikes – she’s still got a bone to pick with her boss Simon. The pair attempted to bury the hatchet earlier this year (they fell out in 2012 after Sharon was mentioned in Simon’s autobiography) in preparation for Sharon’s comeback but, as the saying goes, ‘old habits die hard’ and they certainly won’t be friends overnight.

‘Sharon’s wary of Simon, but she knows he needs her, so she’s pushing him to the limit,’ another source explains.

We imagine fellow judge Louis Walsh is rubbing his hands with glee. Why? Because Louis, 63, absolutely loves a fight. When talking about The X Factor, he said: ‘Sharon and I used to have so much fun on set and we loved winding Simon up.’

We can’t wait to sit back and watch it all kick off…

Autore: CelebsNow


Veronica Maya: rimandate al 2017 le nozze con Marco Moraci

Veronica Maya è stata raggiunta da Vanity Fair a Santo Domingo dove il 14 luglio ha festeggiato il suo 39esimo compleanno. La conduttrice tv rivela al settimanale che le nozze con il chirurgo estetico Marco Moraci, padre dei suoi tre figli, sono state rimandate al 2017.

Veronica Maya e Marco Moraci stanno trascorrendo le vacanze a Santo Domingo con i figli

Le nozze si sarebbero dovute celebrare queste estate, come aveva dichiarato Veronica alcuni mesi fa, ma poi sono state rimandate. L’amore però tra la  Maya e la dolce metà è sempre al top: “I figli ci hanno reso ancora più complici, generosi e altruisti perché partivamo da un progetto e da un ideale condiviso di famiglia – racconta la bella del piccolo schermo – Marco è un papà attivo, propositivo, concreto e di sostegno. Per darvi un’idea, quando viaggio per lavoro porto con me solo Katia, che allatto ancora al seno, mentre Marco si occupa senza problemi dei due maschietti”. Pure l’intimità va benissimo: “Chi ha vissuto la gravidanza lo sa: nelle donne, per via degli ormoni sballati, almeno nei primi mesi il desiderio esplode! Devo dire che per fortuna l’attrazione di Marco nei miei confronti è sempre stata forte, anche quando il pancione era evidente e le forme rese morbide dai 16 kg in più. Insomma, noi nei nove mesi di attesa abbiamo mantenuto alto il fuoco sotto le lenzuola! Esattamente il contrario di quello che ci capita nella prima fase del post parto. Tra la stanchezza e gli effetti della prolattina, il sesso per un po’ passa in secondo piano”.
Veronica ha anche ribadito che tre figli possono bastare. Non ha intenzione di allargare ulteriormente la famiglia. Poi ha rivelato che come regalo di compleanno le piacerebbe ricevere “una proposta di lavoro per tornare in Rai”. Intanto a settembre dovrebbe riprende la conduzione di “Casa Alice” su Alice Tv. Insomma, la sua vita è piena di impegni. E per le nozze è solo questione di tempo. Ci saranno, ha assicurato la Maya, sono state solo rimandate: “Ci sposeremo di sicuro – ha detto – ma non prima della prossima estate”.

Autore: GossipNews


Zendaya singt mit Hugh Jackman in “Showman”

Die junge US-amerikanische Sängerin, Tänzerin und TV-Schauspielerin Zendaya (19, ‚K.C. Undercover‘, ‚Shake It Up – Tanzen ist alles‘) soll ‚Wolverine‘-Star Hugh Jackman (47) in dem geplanten Filmmusical ‚The Greatest Showman on Earth‘ zur Seite stehen.

Zendaya singt mit Hugh Jackman in "Showman"

Dem ‚Hollywood Reporter‘ zufolge verhandelt sie um eine Rolle als Trapezkünstlerin. Jackman spielt die Hauptrolle des berühmten Zirkusgründers P. T. Barnum, der im 19. Jahrhundert ein abenteuerliches Leben führte.

Michelle Williams soll die Sängerin Jenny Lind mimen, in die Barnum unsterblich verliebt war. Auch Mädchenschwarm Zac Efron verhandelt um eine Rolle in dem Musical, bei dem Michael Gracey Regie führt. Zendaya erhielt kürzlich auch den Zuschlag für die weibliche Hauptrolle in ‚Spider-Man: Homecoming‘ an der Seite des britischen Schauspielers Tom Holland.

Foto: Apega/
