
Giorgia: ’15 anni senza Alex Baroni’

Giorgia ricorda come è stato vivere 15 anni senza Alex Baroni, il suo ex fidanzato scomparso il 13 aprile 2002, a soli 36 anni, dopo circa un mese di coma. Colpa di un maledetto incidente stradale. Il pomeriggio del 19 marzo il cantante stava percorrendo in moto la circonvallazione Clodia a Roma. E’ stato travolto da un’auto che faceva inversione di marcia in un punto vietato. Centrato in pieno, è stato sbalzato dalla moto e investito da una seconda vettura che viaggiava a forte velocità.

Giorgia ricorda Alex Baroni e come sia stata dura 15 anni senza di lui

“Nel mio solito disagio mi unisco a chi oggi ricorda i 15 anni senza Alex Baroni con l’affetto del pubblico e degli amici e nel rispetto della sua famiglia, il ricordo di un artista e un’anima immensi, dalla voce irripetibile, ma è come fosse ieri”, scrive Giorgia, 45 anni. Alex sarà sempre dentro di lei. Era la sua fidanzata dal 1997. La loro storia era finita poco prima dell’incidente fatale.

E’ stata dura 15 anni senza Alex Baroni, per lei e per il mondo della musica tutto. Giorgia Todrani a Vanity Fair, proprio parlando del rapporto con l’artista, ha detto: “Il 2002 ha cambiato tutto. Il mio modo di essere, di pensare: tutto. Avrei voluto morire anch’io, con lui. Noi ci eravamo lasciati, ma le cose da dire erano ancora tante, troppe…Non mi rassegnavo”.

Il post sul social della cantante 45enne, ex fidanzata dell’artista morto il 13 aprile 2002

Ora Giorgia ha trovato il suo equilibrio nella sua famiglia, grazie a Emanuel Lo, il ballerino a cui è legata, e al figlio Samuel.

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Autore: GossipNews


Madalina Ghenea è diventata mamma!

Madalina Ghenea, 28 anni, è diventata mamma. La modella ha partorito a Bucarest lo scorso 4 aprile e finora ha tenuto nascosta la notizia. Il nome della bimba, come riporta Vanity Fair, è ancora top secret.

Madalina Ghenea è diventata mamma lo scorso 4 aprile

Finalmente Madalina Ghenea è diventata mamma e sul social scrive: “La gioia più bella. Una luce immensa. Un amore che ti travolge e riscalda tutto intorno. Il momento più bello della mia vita. Non posso non condividerlo qui con voi che tutti i giorni mi dimostrate un grande e costante affetto. Benvenuta piccola”.

Il post con cui la modella annuncia ai follower di essere diventata mamma

La notizia dell’arrivo della bimba è stata così divulgata a dieci giorni dalla nascita. I tabloid rumeni, in realtà, già dalla scorsa settimana scrivevano dell’avvenuto parto ma la diretta interessata non ha mai confermato, almeno finora.

Madalina insieme al compagno, il milionario rumeno Matei Stratan

Per Madalina e il compagno Matei Stratan il fiocco è rosa. Mamma e papà stanno mantenendo il massimo riserbo sulla bimba: non ne rivelano ancora il nome e non postato foto social.


Anche la gravidanza l’hanno tenuta segreta per un bel po’ e l’annuncio è arrivato solo lo scorso marzo: “Sono felice di condividere con voi questa mia gioia così tanto attesa: il dono di un figlio. Un vero e proprio miracolo”, scriveva la modella sul social.

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Autore: GossipNews


Stephen Mulhern: ‘Naughty David Walliams is my favourite Britain’s Got Talent judge’

The Britain’s Got More Talent presenter returns for the show’s 11th series and lifts the lid on the judges’ backstage antics – including the new, improved Simon Cowell…

He’s been hosting the spin-off ITV2 series Britain’s Got More Talent for 11 years, so who better than Stephen Mulhern, 40, to spill the beans on what really goes on behind the scenes on the hit show – the judges playing pranks on one another, Simon Cowell getting to grips with Face Swap, and how David Walliams is like a little kid…

Britain’s Got Talent is on its way back, along with your spin-off show. Do you think it’s just as popular and fresh as it was when it started 11 years ago?

Yes, I do, and actually, we’ve really stepped it up this year. Everybody seems to be on 
fire. It’s exciting to think that 
11 years in we’re still having such a laugh. You see that banter on screen. It’s amazing.

What’s Simon like this year?

He’s on top form. In the past he’s always turned up late and this year, at the start of filming, he announced he was going to be on time. We were all like: ‘Yeah, yeah, alright.’ But he 
was actually on time every day! And Simon being on time has really benefitted the show.

Is he more laid-back as a boss?

Absolutely. He’s like a different person. We have a really good relationship and that’s why 
I think the judging panel will stay the same for a long time to come. They all get on.

What’s the funniest thing that’s happened on set 
so far this series?

I had to teach Simon about Face Swap. He didn’t know what it was and I had to teach him how to use it. I told Simon to try it out with him and David. But Simon was like a child! 
He couldn’t work it out. 
I had to sit there trying to explain it for about 20 minutes. It made me laugh. This is a man who wants for nothing, but he doesn’t know about Face Swap! Another time, all the judges held me down and all signed my face. It’s been a real laugh.


What kind of acts do you 
like the best?

I enjoy the acts that go in 
a direction you can never imagine. For instance, you’ll see this guy who can blow 
a whistle and his dog starts dancing. He also has a bell and if he rings it his dog starts dancing on his face!

Are there any acts where you go: ‘Oh God, not this again’?

What’s easier now is you can work out which acts are doing 
it for a giggle, and they’re the ones I don’t really have any time for. I genuinely believe that although Britain’s Got Talent is about having a laugh and celebrating eccentricity, it’s still about being kind and enjoying acts that will never be seen on ITV. I find it easy now 
to work out now if someone is wasting time.

Who’s your favourite judge?

They all give us different things. David really gets my vote in terms of what he delivers. But then there are certain moments where he turns into a child! If he says something naughty, he turns into a little kid. There’s stuff you don’t see on the main show.

What about the other judges?

Amanda Holden has been on the show the same length of time as me and we can have 
a really good laugh together. She’s the cheeky one and she’s also the one who can get away with the most when it comes to Simon, 100 per cent.

a good example of what Alesha Dixon is like was when, 
for a joke, I dressed up like Bruno Mars. I had a very loud shirt on, bright blue trousers, and as the judges arrived, they looked at me as if to say: ‘What the hell are you wearing?!’ I told them 
I had a mate who thought I needed a makeover and that 
I should wear this outfit to get down with the kids. They all believed my story and they were horrified! They told me to go 
and get changed. But when Alesha arrived, she loved it! That made me laugh.

Is Britain’s Got More Talent your dream job?
Yes, it’s a job I think most presenters would die for. 
I absolutely love it, but it’s also the hardest show I do.

On the ITV1 show, they vaguely know what acts they want to appear, but I’ve always said from day one that I don’t want viewers to switch over and see the same acts. This is where the other spin-off shows have slightly fallen by the wayside. Our show stands on its own and you can get away with fun stuff.

What’s really nice is on Saturday Night Takeaway 
[on which he also features], Ant 
and Dec told 
me they wanted my personality on BGMT 
to come through on their show, which 
is why they came 
up with the game In For A Penny,
 In For A Grand! 
I love being able 
to have a laugh 
with members 
of the public.

Find out more about Stephen Mulhern here

What’s been your favourite ever act on BGMT?

David Watson. He was the 
guy who did impersonations, including David Blunkett. We were like: ‘Oh my God!’ But now he’s the longest-returning auditionee. Then there was a guy whose talent was to sit in 
a laundry bag and sing Three Blind Mice! That was funny.

I can also remember a time when the judges told a man that his was the worst dog act in the history of BGT. He replied: ‘Yeah right,’ walked off the stage and didn’t stop to talk 
to Ant and Dec. But, as 
he walked past me, he said: ‘What a bunch of wankers!’ That really made 
me laugh.

Are you best mates with Ant and Dec?

We’re good friends. We have 
a laugh. We all know each other really well and trust each other. There’s never a chance that one of us would try to outdo the other. It’s a really good relationship and 
it sounds a bit pathetic but it’s an honour to work with them both. They’re so professional and always want to get it right.

I do genuinely feel lucky to be part of such a massive show 
as Saturday Night Takeaway. 
I had a moment a couple of weeks ago actually, in rehearsals, where 
I sat back and evaluated stuff. 
You forget how big 
it is. It’s a monster 
of a show – it’s great.

Do you ever go 
out together 
after filming?

Yes, we do. We all have a toast 
if, hopefully, the show’s gone well. We have a couple of beers.

When you’re not working and you have time off, do you like to go out on the town or stay at home and chill?

I actually enjoy time at home, but I also love going to the theatre, playing the piano and spending time with my family, as I don’t always get a lot of 
time to be with them.

You turned 40 earlier this month – happy belated birthday! How do you feel about that?

Yes, I’ve just turned 40 – I spent my birthday with Ant and 
Dec at Disney World! It’s 
mad. I know an age is an age, 
but I feel like I’m turning into an adult now – and I don’t 
know if I like that…

Who’s your all-time favourite magician?

Paul Daniels. Sadly he passed away last year, but he was just brilliant. People didn’t realise 
how good he was. He wasn’t just a good magician, 
he was also a 
good performer.

And finally, what’s on the cards for you next?

After Britain’s Got More Talent has wrapped up, I’ve got Big Star’s Little Star. Then it’s Catchphrase, and after that 
I’m going on tour for six 
weeks to do live magic. I love performing for a live crowd.

Britain’s Got More Talent returns to ITV2 at 9.25pm 
on Saturday 15 April

Autore: Now Magazine CelebsNow


Revealed: Geordie Shore’s ENORMOUS 1,300-bottle 
booze binge

They’re famed for their turbo-charged drinking, but how on earth do the cast put away over 200 bottles a WEEK?

With each series of Geordie Shore, you can be sure of a few things: a flurry of tashings-on, screaming matches and hours of footage you definitely wouldn’t put on when your nan’s round.

This, and the cast getting absolutely mortal on more than one occasion. But it turns out the cast get through enough alcohol to sink a flotilla of party boats.

Chloe Ferry – she who’s been known to mistake her shoe for a phone on drunken nights out – has admitted the cast ‘drink anything that’s handed to [them]’ during filming. And she’s literally not lying.

Over the course of six weeks of filming Geordie Shore, the cast put away around 1,300 bottles of booze between eight of them, including wine, Prosecco, tequila, vodka and rum, which get delivered at the start of each series.

‘The girls love a glass of wine,’ admits Chloe. ‘I get told to stop drinking by producers. I can’t handle my drink and I get drunk easily. The boys can handle a lot.’

‘Before we leave the house on a normal night we’ll get through a bottle of vodka,’ adds her co-star Aaron Chalmers. ‘When we get to the club we’ll have five more bottles, easily. We get through hundreds of bottles of vodka alone every series. It adds up to thousands of units.’

Yes, Aaron, it does – around 24,200 units, according to our calculations*.

MORE: Geordie Shore’s Chloe Ferry stuns fans after incredible weight loss


That equates to 3,666 units per week, 523 per day and a huge 65 units per person on Geordie Shore. Considering a glass of wine is over two units, that’s a colossal amount of booze. In fact it works out as six bottles of wine each, or two bottles of spirits. PER PERSON. PER NIGHT. The UK’s Chief Medical Officer recommends drinking no more than 14 units a week.

Chloe admits it’s a struggle and sleeps for a week after filming. ‘People don’t realise how hard it is to film Geordie Shore. We go out every night and we still have to get up the next morning to do filming. It’s tough,’ she says.

‘We feel hungover every day,’ adds Aaron. Bet you do, mate.

Elaine Hindal, Chief Executive at Drinkaware, said: ‘The UK Chief Medical Officers’ guideline for both men and women states that in order to keep health risks from alcohol to a low level it is safest not to be drinking more than 14 units a week on a regular basis. Our website Drinkaware has a Drinking Self Assessment for people who want to understand more about the impact of their drinking.’


  • 65 units per person per day (6 ½ bottles of wine, just over two bottles of spirits)
  • 455 units per person per week
  • 2730 units over the series

*How we calculated it: 1,300 bottles (800 wine/prosecco at 10 units each + 500 spirits at 28 units each); 
22,000 units consumed over the series altogether in total between eight cast

Autore: Now Magazine CelebsNow


We LOVE Paddy McGuinness! 7 things you need to know about the Take Me Out star

Because Saturday nights just haven’t been the same without Paddy…

Hands up who’s excited for the new series of Take Me Out… Yup, us too!

And the start of the much-loved dating show means only one thing – the return of our favourite Bolton-born presenter, Paddy McGuinness.

Born Patrick Joseph McGuinness – the comedian grew up in Farnworth, Lancashire and shot to fame in 2000 when he teamed up with pal, Peter Kay for spoof documentary series That Peter Kay Thing.

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Ever since then he’s been giving us prime time joy on loads of our fave telly programs including Phoenix Nights and Max & Paddy’s Road to Nowhere.

But with 17-years of showbiz under his belt, there is still so much we don’t know about the presenter! So here’s the lowdown on the man who brought us no likey no lighty...

Paddy appeared as a contestant on a dating show

Yup, before becoming cupid himself, Paddy ALSO turned to television to try and help him find love on the 90’s show ‘God’s Gift’.

After seeing an advert in the staff room when he was a lifeguard, 19-year-old Paddy had a shot on the programme and although he didn’t find romance at the time, the star’s now happily married!

He’s a family man

Paddy met model Christine Martin at the Liverpool International Tennis Tournament back in 2008 and the pair married in 2011 before welcoming twins Penelope and Leo, 3, and one-year-old daughter, Felicity.

Paddy has been married to wife, Christine for six years (Photo by David Fisher/REX/Shutterstock)

And even though he can call the likes of Keith Lemon and Robbie Williams friends, the star has admitted he’d rather spend time with his family, telling Sunday Post: ‘People probably think I’m out partying and drinking but I live a really quiet life, sad as that sounds.’

More: Who are Gogglebox’s eccentric couple Giles and Mary? Here’s everything you need to know!

He has a HUGE tattoo

Last month Paddy revealed he’d had a new tattoo dedicated to his son, Leo.

The comedian took to Instagram to show off the massive Lion etching on the back of his right leg, captioning the pic: ‘For my son Leo. Now for a few hours of inking fun with Woody @inkinc_tattoos please be gentle.’

We know it’s a sweet gesture, but that looks REALLY painful…

Take Me Out was originally rejected by Channel 4

It turns out the 43-year-old originally shot a pilot for Take Me Out with Channel 4 which he claims was ‘filmed with a bunch of goths and students and aimed at a late Friday audience’.

But after they bosses decided they didn’t want it, Paddy was shocked when ITV called and offered him the gig. And thank god they did!

Paddy was in Coronation Street

Making his debut as Bear Grylls wannabe Dougie Ryan, Paddy joined the show for a few episodes back in 2015 and although he went down a storm with fans, the star has since confirmed he won’t be returning to the much-loved soap. AW!

He has a new show

Paddy’s next project will be The Keith And Paddy Picture Show, which is due to air on ITV next month.

The hilarious sketch show will see Paddy, pal Keith Lemon and a load of other celebs including Michelle Keegan and Phillip Schofield attempt to recreate iconic films such as Ghostbusters and Dirty Dancing.

Morning! #KPPS

A post shared by Paddy McGuinness (@mcguinness.paddy) on

He penned Take Me Out’s original catchphrases alone

When Paddy was recently asked whether they’ll be any more killer catchphrases – such as ‘let the letter see the box’ and ‘let the Byker see the Grove’ – the star admitted he came up with the old ones all alone.

Genius, right?

He told The Mirror: ‘When I came up with those ideas, it wasn’t with a team of writers, it was just what came into my head.

‘Now I’ll sit down with the lads and say, ‘Let the chicken see the egg,’ and one of them will get a laptop out and say, “You said that in series four,’ and I’m like, ‘F***ing hell!”.’

Well, we can’t WAIT to see what he has in store for us…

Autore: Naomi Bartram CelebsNow