
Karina Cascella ed Elena Morali, scontro a Pomeriggio Cinque

Karina Cascella non le manda a dire a Elena Morali. A Pomeriggio Cinque è scontro tra le due. Nel salotto di Barbara D’Urso si discute se sia conveniente per le donne famose farsi riprendere troppo nude sui social. La 27enne prima discute con Teresa Cilia, ex tronista di Uomini e Donne, sposata con Salvatore Di Carlo dallo scorso settembre, poi con l’agguerrita opinionista 37enne.

Karina Cascella ed Elena Morali litigano a Pomeriggio Cinque

Lo scontro tra Karina Cascella ed Elena Morali a Pomeriggio Cinque prende il via dopo che l’ex Pupa battibecca con la Cilia. Si parla delle foto che ritraevano Elena Morali togliersi l’intimo in un parco per indossare un costume, l’ex tronista critica la scelta e aggiunge: “A Colorado fai l’oca, grazie a Dio ho un marito che non mi ha scelto per le tet*e e il c*lo. Casualmente c’era lì il fotografo, che fortuna”.

Elena Morali si difende. Dice a Teresa che ha esagerato e le sottolinea che lei, invece, si è sposata in tv
Interviene Karina Cascella ed è subito scontro. “Lei si è sposata con l’uomo che amava, tu ti sei tolta le mutande davanti a un fotografo… E’ diverso”, le dice. Poi precisa: “Io sul social metto foto sexy, ma finora le mutande non me le sono mai tolte”.

L’ex Pupa si difende dall’attacco della 37enne

Elena Morali non rimane in silenzio. A Pomeriggio Cinque replica a Karina Cascella: “Tu non sai cantare, non sai recitare…”. Piccata la bionda le risponde: “Ah perché tu sai recitare? Lavori a “Colorado” solo perché sei fidanzata con uno dei suoi comici”. Nello scontro fa riferimento alla sua storia con Gianluca Fubelli, in arte Scintilla.

La Morali controbatte: “Che stai dicendo! Io l’ho conosciuto nel 2010, ma ci sto insieme dal 2016. Io già stavo lì. Sono lì da sette anni. So recitare più di te. Tu stai qui solo a rompere le pal*e agli altri sempre ed è l’unica cosa che sai fare. La gente come te dà fastidio agli altri”.

Karina è pungente verso la 27enne: è scontro

Karina dal canto suo ironica a Carmelita dice: “Barbara, ti prego, non mi merito di litigare pure con la Pupa”. E la D’Urso serafica chiosa: ‘Karina, ma che posso farci io se litighi con tutti?”.

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Autore: GossipNews


Has James ‘Arg’ Argent been AXED from TOWIE just days after returning from rehab?!

The last remaining TOWIE original might not be returning

TOWIE favourite James ‘Arg’ Argent has had a major lifestyle change over the past few weeks – we’ve literally seen him shrink in front of our eyes.

But while the reality star has been noticeably absent from the latest series of The Only Way Is Essex due to his 10-week stint in a Thai rehab – now it looks like Arg could be dropped from the show for good.

Yup. According to The Sun, Arg met with bosses of the ITVBe show and they explained they aren’t keen on him making a comeback despite seemingly turning his life around at the treatment centre.

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A source told the publication: ‘Arg loves Towie and was hoping he would make a cameo in the final few episodes of the series.

‘But bosses believe after a lengthy stint in a rehab, being rushed back into the fold would not be in the best interests of Arg and other cast members.’

More: What a transformation! See TOWIE star James Argent’s incredible weight-loss story in pictures!

The insider added: ‘He was also told a full-time return is unlikely, unless there was a dramatic improvement in his lifestyle.’

Twenty-nine-year-old Arg is the show’s only remaining original and has been causing dramz around Brentwood for SEVEN years and 19 whole series.

But this year he hasn’t been featured at all (apart from Gemma Collins dropping that huge bombshell that she’d slept with him in Marbella) after checking himself into a self-help rehab facility in Thailand.

Reports suggest Mark Wright‘s BFF flew across the globe in February to ‘battle his demons’ after getting himself into ‘cycles of depression’ following excess partying and overeating.

However, since starting his stint in rehab the popular ITVBe personality has kept his fans up to date on his journey and managed to shed loads of weight by taking part in activities such as Martial Arts, abseiling down waterfalls and trekking through the Thai jungle.

Amazing, right?

The star recently made a triumphant return to Essex following the ‘life changing’ experience looking slimmer than ever and very happy with himself.

Let’s hope Arg can keep up the good work and come back to our screens VERY soon!

Autore: Naomi Bartram CelebsNow


SO CUTE! Rochelle Humes shares rare glimpse of adorable baby daughter Valentina

Roch has given her fans a peek of her six-week-old’s face for the first time

Rochelle Humes and Marvin Humes have been giving us serious #couplegoals ever since they started dating back in 2010.

Flash forward seven years and the pop duo are now married with two beautiful children – Alaia, 3, six-week-old, Valentina – AND they both have amazing careers.

Anybody else felling just a lil’ bit jealous?

Anyway, while 28-year-old Rochelle is pretty keen on keeping her family life private, The Saturdays star got her fans all excited on Thursday after she shared a rare intimate shot of her youngest daughter, Valentina.

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Taking to Instagram, the mum-of-two unveiled her baby’s cute pout to her 1million followers in an adorable close-up snap along with the caption:Those baby lips #naturallipliner (don’t mind the milk dribble)’.


And the heart warming glimpse definitely got her fans talking and loads gushed over her little one’s lips with one writing: ‘Oh @rochellehumes what a beauty. Perfect pout for kissing mama x’.

More: Aww! Rochelle Humes shares intimate shots from baby Valentina’s birth in sweet post marking her one month birthday

Another excited follower commented: ‘You are so lucky to have the most adorable children ever also u have the most amazing husband ever @rochellehumes @marvinhumes’.

A third said: ‘Just too gorgeous, way too gorgeous’, while a fourth added: ‘Absolutely perfect little lips…Beautiful xx’.

More: Rochelle Humes splits fans by turning baby’s dried umbilical cord into ARTWORK days after birth

Since announcing the birth of their second child on March 10th, Rochelle has been teasing fans with candid shots of the tot including adorable bath time photos and cuddles with dad, Marv.

The singer also celebrated her first birthday as a mum-of-two last month as hubby and proud dad Marvin treated her to a elegant birthday dinner, but Roch hinted that Valentina was the only gift she needs.

The besotted star wrote on Insta: ‘When it’s your birthday and you want to celebrate but, you have a newborn that you can’t tear yourself away from and he brings one of your favourite restaurants and their chef to you #keeper.’

How cute is that? Now can you guys stop melting our hearts please…

Autore: Naomi Bartram CelebsNow


Las primeras perlas de Supervivientes 2017

Por eso, Jorge Javier Vázquez, presentador por quinto año consecutivo, se empleó ayer a fondo a la hora de destacar las mejores cualidades de sus concursantes. Un objetivo fácil de sus bromas fue el peluquero Juan Miguel, al que llamó gordo de todas las maneras posibles: “Tengo miedo de que el mar se desborde cuando saltes”, “A ver si nos vamos a quedar sin playa”, “¿Qué te vas a tirar de bomba?”. También se cebó con Leticia Sabater, quien demostró una gran elegancia interior a la hora de sortear sus… ¿graciosos? comentarios.

“¡Hay que aguzar la vista en la isla!”, recomendó Jorge Javier. “No hay problema, yo tengo visión panorámica”, contestó ella. “¿Qué vas a echar más de menos, la salchipapa o un pepinazo?”, le preguntó Jorge Javier, muy ocurrente, en otra ocasión. “No oigo nada, Jorge”, replicó ella. De Edmundo Bigote Arrocet, la estrella mística de esta edición, el presentador quiso aclarar “para María Teresa, por si está viendo el programa”, que le decían por pinganillo que “Bigote no se estaba integrando bien, que ha sido un poco marginado por sus compañeros”. Más tarde señaló entre risas que Laura Matamoros ya estaba “harta de los consejos de Bigote”. Todo en plan buen rollo muy chungo.

Otro foco de atención de “Supervivientes 2017” es Gloria Camila, la hija de Ortega Cano y la fallecida Rocío Jurado. Gloria Camila demostró que su desparpajo puede llevarla lejos: desde el primer vídeo, el de presentación, dejó claro que no iba a tener problema en seguir con su guerra familiar en abierto para toda España. Dijo lo siguiente de Rocío Carrasco, su hermana: “No significa nada para mí” y “No creo que sea buena madre”.

En similar onda malrollera empezaron Alba Carrillo y su madre: por lo visto, tuvieron una monumental bronca justo en el hotel de Honduras que se saldó con una Alba enfadadísima, que soltó la siguiente perla: “Ella está aquí porque es mi madre, si no a ella no la conocería ni Rita la cantaora”. Cuando Jorge Javier le hizo notar la presencia de varias mujeres con problemas de control emocional en la isla, Alba Carrillo sacó a relucir el ingenio que lleva dentro: “Aquí hay mucha desquiciada, espero seguir siendo tu favorita”.

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‘She’s really smitten’: Has Kate Wright QUIT TOWIE for ‘boyfriend’ Rio Ferdinand?!

The popular Essex lady has decided to take ‘an extended break’ from the show

Kate Wright hasn’t had an easy ride since joining the cast of TOWIE back in 2015, and after splitting from on/off boyfriend Dan Edgar at the end of last year – she’s been caught up in A LOT of dramz.

But following a series of fiery spats with newbie Amber Turner, it looks like the Essex beauty has had enough of all the ag and has decided to quit the ITVBe show altogether.


Yup. A spokesperson for Lime Pictures has confirmed Kate will be taking ‘an extended break’ at the end of this series, releasing a statement which said: ‘Kate has informed producers that she may take an extended break after filming for this series wraps.

‘We fully support this decision and will keep in close contact with Kate so we can mutually decide if and when a return is appropriate.’

Read: All the Latest Celebrity News 

SO, why the sudden change of heart?

Well according to reports, the reality star’s decision could have something to do with her blossoming romance with footie player, Rio Ferdinand as the star has supposedly told pals she’s determined not to fall into the TOWIE curse.

Is Rio the reason behind Kate’s decision to quit TOWIE? (Photo by Swan Gallet/WWD/REX/Shutterstock and REX/Shutterstock)

A source revealed to Heatworld: ‘Kate is over Dan and doesn’t want to keep being put in scenes with him or watch him date other girls. Rio hasn’t told her to quit the show but she knows he’s a private person and she couldn’t discuss their romance on the show.

‘She doesn’t think the relationship will work with her being TOWIE, as filming also takes up loads of her schedule. She’s really smitten with Rio and is willing to do what it takes to make it work.’

More: Rio Ferdinand and Kate Wright: What’s really going on?

However, Kate has since spoken out about her decision to call it quits as she recently told The Sun Online that she’s focussing on her Bahimi Beachwear collection, revealing: ‘I am taking a long break from the show to focus on my new business ventures and an exciting bikini range.’

Although neither stars have confirmed the romance, Kate has been linked to dad-of-three Rio – who’s wife, Rebecca Ellison died in 2015 – since January this year after they both spent New Year’s Eve in Dubai and are said to have enjoyed a series of dates in the UK.

Well, we really hope Kate decides to come back to TOWIE – who else is going to make Dan feel super awkward?

Autore: Naomi Bartram CelebsNow