
Unfinished business? Ricci Guarnaccio HITS OUT at ex Vicky Pattison as he claims she’s tried to make contact

And claims he’s bringing out a tell-all book…

Remember the romantic Geordie Shore moment which saw Ricci Guarnaccio propose to girlfriend, Vicky Pattison in Cancun with the help of a beautiful beach and an aeroplane? Aw. 

Well flash forward five years and following A LOT of arguing and a VERY bitter break up, now the pair basically can’t stand each other. Yikes.

After going their separate ways just a few months after their engagement in 2013, Ricci moved to Australia, Vicky quit the MTV reality show to become Queen of The Jungle and the pair have barely spoken since.

Well there was the time on the first ever series of Ex On The Beach where Vicky launched a drink in her ex-fiancé’s face as soon as he came out of the sea…

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Anyway, after keeping himself out of the limelight for a few years now Geordie lad, Ricci has come back with full force by hitting out at his former reality girlfriend in a big way.

Vicky and Ricci haven’t been on the best terms since their break-up (Photo by Tim Whitby/Getty Images for MTV)

The 30-year-old told OK!: ‘I don’t want to hear her name again.’

Blimey. The northern star even suggested Vic, who’s currently loved-up with boyfriend John Noble, has reached out to him recently, revealing: ‘She tried to add me again because I blocked her and it’s just weird after all the things she said about me.’

More: Vicky Pattison ‘safe and well’ after being caught up in ‘hugely violent’ avalanche on skiing trip

But Ricci’s not content with a few harsh words for his famous ex and after teasing of a ‘tell-all’ book last year, it looks like he’s keen to bring it out as soon as possible as the star continued: ‘It’s been three years since we broke up. There’s a lot of stuff I want to get off my chest.’

Before adding: ‘I’m doing my own thing. I couldn’t care less how she’s doing. 

‘There’s too many lies being said.’

Eeek. Despite Ricci’s claims, we’re pretty sure 29-year-old Vic won’t be that bothered considering she can’t stop gushing about how in love she is with her new man, John and has even mentioned marriage!

The star admitted that she’d love for her boyfriend of five months to pop the question in time for her 30th birthday in November, revealing: ‘I’d like to be engaged!

‘I’ve spent a lot of time working on my professional life and my personal one fell to the wayside. Now I couldn’t be any happier.’

Aw! Watch this space…

Autore: CelebsNow


Karina Cascella attacca Maria Monsé a ‘Pomeriggio 5’: ‘Vergognoso portare tua figlia in tv’

Karina Cascella e Maria Monsé sono state protagoniste di un’accesa lite durante la puntata di “Pomeriggio 5” andata in onda mercoledì 8 marzo. La discussione ha coinvolto anche Patrizia Groppelli, dalla parte della Cascella, e Salvatore Paravia, marito della Monsé, che naturalmente ha preso le difese della moglie.

Patrizia Groppelli e Karina Cascella discutono con Salvatore Paravia e Maria Monsé

Oggetto della lite il matrimonio religioso di Maria Monsé e Salvatore Paravia (sposati da 11 anni con rito civile). “Pomeriggio 5” alcune settimane fa ha trasmesso le nozze in diretta e ha intervistato la figlia della coppia, Perla Maria. Karina non ha apprezzato l’atteggiamento di Maria nei confronti della bimba che a soli 10 anni, a quanto pare, è già una provetta stilista e ha disegnato diversi abiti indossati dalla mamma: “La sfruttate tutto il giorno, fatela giocare”, ha detto la Groppelli alla Monsé e al marito.

Perla Maria, 10 anni, intervistata durante il matrimonio dei genitori

La Cascella, invece, ha fatto riferimento alla presenza della bambina in un’altra puntata di “Pomeriggio 5“: “Hai fatto partecipare tua figlia a un talk in cui alcune persone hanno criticato il tuo matrimonio – ha detto riferendosi a MariaSapevi che saresti stata attaccata, come hai potuto portare una bambina in un contesto del genere?”.

Durante ‘Pomeriggio 5’ sono state mandate in onda alcune immagini delle nozze di Paravia e la Monsé celebrate poche settimane fa con rito religioso
Patrizia e Karina hanno accusato Maria di esporre troppo la loro bambina

Secondo Karina la bimba viene esposta in maniere esagerata. Ma Paravia ha difeso a spada tratta la moglie: “Mi pare che in questo salotto ci sia chi, a differenza nostra, non si è sposato per amore. Con gli scorretti io sono scorrettissimo. Verso questo tipo di donne non sono un gentleman”, ha detto.

Paravia ha difeso a spada tratta la moglie

Un frecciata che non è stata ben accolta dalla Cascella: “Questo tipo di donne lo dici a tua moglie – ha replicato – Come ti permetti? Fino a prova contraria è stata tua moglie a essere stata nominata in Vallettopoli, non io né Patrizia”.

Autore: GossipNews


‘Le Iene’, Nina Palmieri è incinta: ‘Sono al quarto mese di gravidanza’

Nina Palmieri è incinta. L’inviata de “Le Iene” è al quarto mese di gravidanza. La giornalista ha dato la notizia al termine del suo servizio andato in onda durante la puntata di mercoledì 8 marzo.

Nina Palmieri mostra il pancino alla fine del servizio sulla fertilità

Il servizio riguardava la fertilità e la possibilità di congelare gli ovuli. Pratica messa in atto dalla stessa Palmieri e documentata con un video-diario. Nina, però, alla fine, ha dichiarato di non avere bisogno del trattamento e ha svelato di essere incinta, mostrando il pancino di quattro mesi.

Il servizio è stato poi arricchito con un video sulle reazioni di amici e parenti alla notizia del bebè in arrivo. Naturalmente anche la pagina Facebook de “Le Iene“, come quella della stessa Nina Palmieri, è stata inondata di messaggi di auguri da parte dei fan.

La giornalista è al quarto mese di gravidanza con Teo Mammucari e Ilary Blasi

Dopo l’arrivo della piccola Isabel, la figlia della conduttrice Ilary Blasi (che compirà un anno il 10 marzo) la trasmissione di Italiauno sta per salutare un altro bebè. La famiglia de “Le Iene“, insomma, cresce e molto presto nei camerini verrà appeso un bel fiocco. Ancora non è dato sapere, se rosa o celeste.

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Autore: GossipNews


Aww! Sam Faiers shares ADORABLE snap of the ‘precious moment’ son Paul meets sister Billie’s newborn baby

OK, this is too much cuteness in one photo

When Billie Faiers announced she’d given birth to her second child with fiancé Gregory Shepherd, we could put money on sister and best pal, Sam Faiers being one of the first to meet the newest member of the family.

The siblings were practically joined at the hip on Sam’s reality show, The Mummy Diaries so it was only right that the 26-year-old was introduced to her adorable little nephew just a few hours after he was born.

And after rushing to Billie’s house on Wednesday (8th March), the former TOWIE star melted our hearts by sharing the adorable moment her son, Baby Paul met his cousin for the first time.

Just look!

Sam posted the sweet snap on her Instagram page which shows Paul, one, and Billie’s daughter Nelly, three, saying hello to the family’s new addition along with the caption: ‘This was one of the most precious moments I have ever seen. Nelly meeting her baby brother my beautiful baby nephew.

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‘We love you soo much, baby Paul is so excited to have a baby cousin. Congratulations @billiefaiersofficial & @gregory_shep.’

Obviously no one could handle the cuteness of the photo and some of Sam’s 1.8million followers flooded Instagram to gush over the adorable family meeting.

One wrote: ‘Aw this is adorable congratulations to all the family,’ and another commented: ‘Aw how sweet congratulations!’ while a third added: ‘So gorgeous!! X’

More: ‘He’s truly perfect’: TOWIE star Billie Faiers welcomes baby boy!

Yup. You got that right!

Billie and Greg announced the birth of their tot on Tuesday (7th March) after posting an equally gorgeous snap of Greg leaving the hospital with their bundle of joy, captioned: ‘Welcome to the world our beautiful baby boy, we love you more then words can describe , you are truly perfect in every way … 07/03/17’.

There’s still no word of the little one’s name yet, but after Billie previously spoke out about Sam’s choice of ‘baby Paul’, it’s pretty clear what she won’t be calling her newborn.

‘We want to see him first but we love traditional names like Edward and George,’ Billie told OK! magazine.

‘I definitely won’t be naming him ‘baby Greg’ like Sam’s baby Paul. We might make the middle name Gregory, but it won’t be a first name.’

Looks like we’ll have to wait a little longer to find out!

Autore: CelebsNow


Lars von Trier dreht mit Uma Thurman: “Es geht mir furchtbar”

Mittwoch, 08. März 2017, 23:40 Uhr

Der Filmemacher Lars von Trier scheint sich verausgabt zu haben. Im Fernsehen sprach er von Angst. Noch im März sollen die Dreharbeiten zu seinem neuen Film in Schweden beginnen.

Lars von Trier dreht mit Uma Thurman: "Es geht mir furchtbar"
Der dänische Filmregisseur Lars von Trier bereitet gerade einen neuen Film vor. Foto: Jörg Carstensen

Den dänischen Skandalregisseur (60) hat sein neuer Film reichlich Nerven gekostet. „Es geht mir furchtbar“, sagte der Filmemacher dem öffentlichen Fernsehsender DR. „Ich habe einfach soviel Angst. Ich weiß nicht… ich glaube, ich bin zu alt geworden.“

„The House That Jack Built“ handelt von einem Serienmörder und kommt voraussichtlich 2018 in die Kinos. Im März sollen die Dreharbeiten in Schweden beginnen. Am Dienstag hatte von Trier angekündigt, dass neben Matt Dillon als eiskaltem Killer, Bruno Ganz und der Dänin Sofie Gråbøl („Kommissarin Lund – Das Verbrechen“) auch Uma Thurman für den Spielfilm vor der Kamera stehen wird. (dpa/KT)
