
Las claves de la lactancia materna en el hospital

Madrid acogerá el próximo 25 de febrero un simposio sobre el uso de la leche materna de la propia madre en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos Neonatales (UCIN) del hospital. Este encuentro, de carácter gratuito pero que requiere inscripción previa (hasta el 23 de febrero) puesto que el aforo es limitado, está dirigido a profesionales de la salud como pediatras, matronas, neonatólogos o responsables y personal de la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos Neonatales (UCIN) de los hospitales.

La jornada contará con la participación de la Dra. Paula Meier y de Esmeralda Covarrubias, consejera certificada de Lactancia Materna (BPC) y consultora de lactancia certificada internacionalmente. En sus ponencias, ambas profesionales, que desarrollan su trabajo en el Rush University Medical Center de Chicago (Illinois, Estados Unidos), combinarán la investigación más avanzada con prácticas clínicas innovadoras para optimizar el uso de la leche humana en la UCIN, especialmente para los bebés prematuros.

En concreto, la Dra. Meier, basándose en los resultados obtenidos en los distintos trabajos de investigación realizados en ese hospital estadounidense, comparará y contrastará las diferencias encontradas entre la alimentación mediante Leche Humana Donada (LHD) con Leche de la Propia Madre (LPM) en lactantes con muy bajo peso al nacer. Además, describirá las mejores prácticas para optimizar la disponibilidad de Leche Humana Materna; el almacenamiento, manipulación y alimentación de leche materna extraída; y la alimentación directa en el pecho durante la hospitalización en la UCIN.

Por su parte, Covarrubias describirá los resultados obtenidos con el programa The Rush Mothers’ Milk Club, una iniciativa pionera creada en 1996 en el Rush University Medical Center de Chicago, basada en un modelo de aprendizaje impartido por consejeros de lactancia como ella que, a partir de su propia experiencia como padres en la UCIN del hospital, comparten conocimientos con las nuevas familias sobre la ciencia de la lactancia y la alimentación con leche humana.

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Belen Rodriguez e Andrea Iannone, primo San Valentino insieme: video

Andrea Iannone, 27 anni, e Belen Rodriguez, 32, festeggiano il loro primo San Valentino insieme in Australia. Il campione di MotoGp pubblica sul social uno scatto insieme alla celebre fidanzata e accanto scrive: “Come non poterti amare!!!”.

Belen Rodriguez e Andrea Iannone festeggiano il primo San Valentino insieme

Andrea regala a Belen un girasole. La showgirl argentina su Instagram risponde agli auguri della dolce metà con un’altra foto, stavolta in bianco e nero: “Ti ridò la tuta solo perché vai più forte!!! Bello sei tu! Buon San Valentino, si legge nella didascalia che accompagna lo scatto.
La Rodriguez pubblica pure un video in cui bacia appassionatamente Iannone. “Grazie perché così come i tuoi baci la tua parola è sempre una, vera…”, la dedica di Belen ad Andrea (guarda il video qui sotto).


L’amore, insomma, procede a gonfie vele e la Rodriguez con Iannone non potrebbe essere più felice. Il primo San Valentino insieme è all’insegna del romanticismo. I due fidanzati hanno deciso di condividere questo momento così speciale con i tanti follower che li seguono sui social.

Belen ha perso la testa per il motociclista. Dopo la fine del matrimonio con Stefano De Martino ha ritrovato l’amore tra le sue braccia. Intervistata da Sette, il magazine del Corriere della Sera, ha rivelato che il suo uomo ideale deve essere “ignorante”: “L”ignoranza, in senso positivo, mi attrae tanto. Non l’ignoranza di un mancato ragionamento – ha spiegato – L’ignoranza che dico io è il modo di fare le cose”.

La coppia è sempre più felice e innamorata

La Rodriguez con Iannone è al settimo cielo e questo primo San Valentino insieme sicuramente sarà indimenticabile. Un momento da portare per sempre nel cuore, festeggiato lontano dall’Italia, in Australia, dove Andrea è impegnato con il MotoGp.
Belen ha portato con sé il piccolo Santiago che si è divertito un mondo a giocare con i canguri.

Da non perdere:

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Autore: GossipNews


‘I’m on Dan’s side!’: TOWIE’s James Lock is NOT happy with Kate Wright’s new ‘romance’ with Rio Ferdinand

It turns out there’s just as much drama off-screen as there is on-screen

We’ve seen A LOT of our favourite on/off TOWIE couples call it quits recently – and we’ve also started to see them move on beyond the realms of Essex…

First there was Danielle Armstrong stepping out with her new man, Daniel Spiller and then Kate Wright paired off with former footie star, Rio Ferdinand.

Random, right?

But despite going through a pretty messy break up with Danielle last year, it’s actually Kate’s new relationship which has got Essex lad James Lock talking.

And it turns out he’s not too happy about the budding romance.

See, James is best mates with Kate’s ex Dan Edgar who was apparently pretty shocked by the news of her new love interest and now James has spoken out to defend of his pal.

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Talking to The Sun James revealed that he saw Dan and Kate getting back together at some point, admitting: ‘Kate and Rio were a bit of a shock to the system for everyone. It came out of nowhere.’

The reality star, who’s now dating Yazmin Oukhellou, went on: ‘My loyalties are with Dan; I’m on side with him. He has a lot of love for Kate and would have liked the idea of getting her back but then Kate met Rio in Dubai so he’s been left in the lurch.

‘I don’t know Rio; he’s obviously a family man – good luck to them.’


Dan hoped to get back together with his former TOWIE girlfriend (Instagram)

But reality star Kate doesn’t seem too phased by her ex at the moment as according to an insider she’s ‘smitten’ with 38-year-old Rio, after they met on a trip to Dubai.

More: New couple? Rio Ferdinand and TOWIE’s Kate Wright ‘spending time together’ after the death of his wife

However, according to reports single dad, Rio – who tragically lost his wife Rebecca in 2015 – is hesitant to develop their romance into anything too serious as he’s focussed on raising his three children.

‘Rio and Kate have enjoyed spending time with each other with other friends. There’s a real connection there but Rio is in no rush to turn this into a serious relationship,’ a source revealed to The Sun last month.

‘His number one priority are his three kids and he will always put their welfare in front of anything else. But Kate is very smitten with him and therefore happy to wait and see what happens.’

Aw. Maybe Rio will make a surprise TOWIE appearance? The again, maybe not…

Autore: CelebsNow


‘My body, my rules’: Olivia Buckland HITS BACK after fans accuse her of ‘promoting body insecurities’

This Love Island star is fed up of being criticised!

Reality star, Olivia Buckland had a shock last week when she was involved in a scary car crash on the way home from a night out.

Although the Love Island 2016 finalist assured her army of Twitter fans that she was a bit shaken but felt fine, after a trip to A&E it turns out she actually has whiplash and might have even fractured her skull..


Luckily, after some TLC from husband-to-be Alex Bowen, Olivia seems to be on the mend – but there’s one thing that’s really bothering this ultra fit lady, and that’s the fact that she’s been banned from the gym for three weeks.

Read: All the Latest Celebrity News 

Now if it were us, we’d be taking the work-out hiatus as an excuse to relax and forget about feeling guilty about a cheat day (or month)…

But for gym-fanatic Olivia she’s not so keen on missing out on a training session which is exactly why she’s decided to take drastic action with her newest fat-burning secret.

Taking to Instagram, the telly star shared a video with her 1million followers where she’s receiving ‘The Ultimate Love Lift’ which is 3D-Lipo designed to remove fat without surgery.

More: Olivia Buckland forced to defend Alex Bowen following shock car crash

In the video, the 23-year-old can be seen getting the procedure on her bum – and although the machine looks pretty terrifying – Olivia assures fans it doesn’t hurt at all and even has her stomach done as well as undergoing another treatment to get a ‘thigh gap’..

Obviously loads of her fans were quick to like and comment on the post pointing out the star has a killer bod, but some followers weren’t so complimentary of the Love Island lady and even accused her of ‘promoting insecurities in young women’.

One particular follower replied: ‘Think it’s disgusting you’re a role model to young girls yet are saying you shouldn’t have cellulite and that you should have a thigh gap,’ while another added: ‘Don’t promote thigh gaps @oliviadbuck . Not good :(.’

Err… harsh!

But as a keen believer in body confidence, feisty Olivia wasn’t about to take the comments lying down and had an EPIC response.

‘Don’t think those words have ever come out my mouth. My body my rules. I’m not telling anyone they should look any certain way. Confidence is in the eye of the beholder,’ the star replied. 

Adding: ‘I promote a healthy happy body with a healthy happy head. If girls wanna do something to make them feel better or happier about themselves then so be it. Tell me where I told people a thigh gap is a necessity or attractive.

‘This is the issue – people having too many opinions on OTHER girls bodies.. like I said; my body my rules.’

You tell them, girl!

We wonder when haters are going to realise, Liv is not to be messed with.

Autore: CelebsNow


Los peinados y maquillajes de los Bafta 2017

Después de nuestros Premios Goya, llegan los Bafta de la Academia Británica, antesala de los Oscar que se celebraron este domingo 12 de febrero, en la Royal Opera House de Londres. Los premios más importantes del cine británico han contado con una gran presencia de estrellas internacionales, además de los duques de Cambridge.

Emma Stone, flamante ganadora por su papel en ‘La La Land’, Nicole Kidman, Amy Adams, Emily Blunt, Felicity jones, o Penélope Cruz, entre otras, desfilaron por la alfombra roja con estilismos firmados por Dior, Chanel, Alexander McQueen, Louis Vuitton o Giorgio Armani. ¿Y qué peinados y maquillajes eligieron para brillar con sus vestidos?

Respecto a los peinados, las celebrities optaron, en su mayoría, por dejar sus melenas sueltas y lisas como Nicole Kidman y Felicity Jones, con raya en el medio, y Penélope Cruz, muy favorecida con su melena midi con flequillo. Sophie Turner presumió de melena, con ondas rotas y textura en las raíces.

Emma Stone apostó por un semirrecogido pulido con raya lateral. La modelo Taylor Hill lució coleta baja pulida. Y entre las que eligieron recogidos figuran Kate Middleton con un moño bajo muy cardado en las raíces, que le echaba algunos años de más, Bryce Dallas Howard con moño alto messy y flequillo, Amy Adams con moño de bailarina pulido, y Emily Blunt con recogido con raya lateral.

El maquillaje que eligieron las actrices y demás invitadas en los Bafta, en general, fue muy natural: pieles jugosas, mejillas sonrosadas y labios en tonos neutros, con acabado mate o gloss. La tendencia más repetida fue el eyeliner negro marcado que lucieron Emily Blunt, Taylor Hill, Emma Stone o Kate Middleton.

Otras actrices como Penélope Cruz o Sophie Turner apostaron por realzar su mirada con pestañas XXL. Emma Stone y Amy Adams lucieron sombras de ojos glitter, y solo Bryce Dallas Howard se atrevió con los labios rojos con acabado mate, una tendencia que triunfó en los Goya.

Repasamos los maquillajes y peinados de la alfombra roja de los Bafta 2017. ¿Cuál es tu favorita?

Dicen que los premios Bafta de la Academia Británica son la antesala de los Oscar, con perdón de los Globos de Oro. En los últimos ocho años, seis de los ganadores a la mejor película en los Bafta han ganado también el Oscar. ¿Serán también la antesala en cuestión de tendencias de belleza? Lo veremos muy pronto.

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