
Mischa Barton ricoverata in ospedale per un attacco di nervi

Mischa Barton, 31 anni, è stata ricoverata in ospedale. La star di “The O.C.” come riporta TMZ avrebbe avuto un attacco di nervi. Gli agenti di Los Angeles hanno ricevuto più di una chiamata da parte dei suoi vicini di casa nella mattinata di giovedì 26 gennaio.

Mischa Barton, 31 anni, è stata ricoverata per una crisi di nervi

La polizia ha trovato Mischa Barton in compagnia di un ospite. Secondo lo sceriffo di Los Angeles l’attrice avrebbe rilasciato dichiarazioni coerenti prima di essere portata volontariamente in ospedale. Sempre secondoTMZ, però, sarebbe stata ricoverata per una valutazione psicologica.

I vicini di casa della star hollywoodiana hanno riferito che era in prenda a “una vera e propria crisi di nervi” e che “urlava in giardino con indosso solo una camicia e una cravatta” (testimonianza confermata da alcune immagini diffuse sempre da TMZ). I testimoni raccontano che Mischa avrebbe imprecato contro la madre e poi avrebbe urlato: “Oh mio Dio, è finita! Lo sento, ed è arrabbiato”.

Non è la prima volta che l’attrice viene ricoverata per problemi di questo tipo. Nel 2009 è stata portata in una clinica psichiatrica dopo aver minacciato di togliersi la vita: “Ero esauritissima, la vita mi era schizzata via di mano”, raccontava lei stessa a Vanity Fair parlando di quel periodo buio della sua vita.

Mischa solo pochi giorni fa ha festeggiato il compleanno a Los Angeles insieme agli amici più cari (è nata il 24 gennaio): “Ho trascorso una bella serata, ero davvero in forma”, ha raccontato al magazine People. Ma all’improvviso le cose sono cambiate: la dolce Marissa Cooper è stata ricoverata d’urgenza per una crisi di nervi e ora i medici stanno valutando il suo stato mentale.

Autore: GossipNews


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Beatrice Valli, selfie in lingerie con il pancione

Beatrice Valli posta sul social un selfie in lingerie nera. L’ex volto di “Uomini e Donne” mostra così il pancione nudo ai fan. I capelli sono ancora un po’ bagnati, accanto alla foto infatti scrive: “Corsa, doccia!! Ora faccio un sonnellino”.

Beatrice Valli in slip e reggiseno mostra le forme premaman

Beatrice racconta anche che domani inizierà il trasloco. Cambia casa insieme al compagno Marco Fantini e al primogenito Alessandro, nato da una precedente relazione.
La Valli in dolce attesa non resta certo con le mani in mano e per essere sempre scattante e in forma non rinuncia all’allenamento. Continua a fare jogging e il suo fisico ringrazia: in lingerie con il pancione è bellissima. Il suo corpo è al top e i fan apprezzano. In tanti le fanno i complimenti sul suo profilo Instagram.

Beatrice e Marco sono tornati insieme la scorsa estate dopo un breve addio. La storia d’amore sembrava giunta al capolinea e invece poi è tornato il sereno. Non solo, la coppia ha deciso di allargare la famiglia e molto presto arriverà un bebè da amare e coccolare. Mancano solo i fiori d’arancio. In attesa che sboccino, la Valli si gode la gravidanza e il suo fisico in lingerie fa colpo anche con il pancione. Anzi, le forme premaman se possibile la rendono ancora più bella.

Intanto a “Uomini Donne” stanno preparando una puntata speciale dedicata alle coppie nate sotto i riflettori della trasmissione condotta su Canale 5 da Maria De Filippi. Tra gli ospiti dovrebbero esserci anche Beatrice Valli e Marco Fantini. Sembra sia prevista pure la presenza di Claudio Sona e Mario Serpa, Clarissa Marchese e Federico Gregucci, Riccardo Gismondi e Camilla Mangiapelo, Claudio D’Angelo e Ginevra Pisani,Teresa Cilia e Salvatore Di Carlo. In molti si chiedono se ci saranno anche i Delellis… 

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Autore: GossipNews


Iris Berben macht jetzt Werbung für das hier

Samstag, 28. Januar 2017, 18:10 Uhr

Die Münchener Schauspielerin Iris Berben wirbt für den Flirt. Der habe es in unserem heutigen Lebensalltag gar nicht einfach.

Iris Berben macht jetzt Werbung für das hier
Foto: Ralf Succo/

Nach Ansicht von Berben hat es der Flirt heutzutage „zunehmend schwerer“. Grund seien neue Regeln im Zwischenmenschlichen. Es werde „so getan, als sei jede Annäherung ein Versprechen und jedes Signal eine Grenzüberschreitung“, sagte Berben der „Süddeutschen Zeitung“. Ein weiteres Hindernis sieht Berben (unfassbare 66, „Anleitung zum Unglücklichsein“) in heutigen Kennenlern-Portalen: Der Platz für Flirt sei „schon so von Sexualität und Erwartungen besetzt“.

Mehr zu Oliver Berben: „Meine Mutter ist eine coole Oma“

„Der Flirt war immer da“, sagte die Schauspielerin in Bezug auf ihre eigene Vergangenheit. Sie habe etwa auch mit dem israelischen Staatspräsidenten Schimon Peres (1923-2016) geflirtet. Sie halte das „Leben als Flirt“ für eine „schöne Idee“: „Flirten hat gar nichts mit Ausführen oder dem Erreichen eines Zieles zu tun. Ein Flirt – das hat was Flirrendes. Das hat eine Leichtigkeit. Das hat etwas mit einem nie gegebenen Versprechen zu tun“, so Berben. „So würde ich eigentlich am liebsten 24 Stunden am Tag leben.“ (dpa)



From Margot Robbie to Kylie: Check out the success stories and fantastic failures of THESE soap stars

While some soap stars go stratospheric with their careers, others have fallen off their celeb perch in mighty fashion…

Holly Valance

Holly may have started her career as Neighbours schoolgirl Flick Scully, but she went on to much bigger things – and much bigger money – after leaving the Aussie soap. Remember her 2002 single Kiss Kiss? It’s been stuck in our heads for nearly 15 years after it hit No 1 in April 2002. Holly released three more singles, then stopped making music, saying: ‘I do something until it’s not fun any more and then move on. Music wasn’t fun any more.’ After roles in both Entourage and Prison Break and competing on Strictly, Holly married property tycoon Nick Candy in 2012, welcoming son Luca the following year. Not short of a few bob, Nick bought Holly, 33, a £26m yacht last year. Nice.

Leslie Grantham 

‘Dirty Den’ Watts was EastEnders’ original baddie. He had dodgy dealings and several affairs from 1985 until 1989, when he was ‘killed’ at the canal by a man hiding a gun in a bunch of daffodils. After numerous attempts by soap bosses to lure Leslie back to the star role, in 2003 he finally gave in, bagging himself a £500k-a-year contract in the process. But his time on the show was cut short after photos of him sucking his finger and masturbating via webcam from his dressing room to an undercover reporter emerged. Den was killed off for good in 2005 by wife Chrissie, who hit him over the head with a dog-shaped iron doorstop.


Kylie Minogue 

Where would we be without Kylie? After starting out in Neighbours as Charlene Mitchell in 1986, 20 million UK viewers watched her character marry Scott Robinson (Jason Donovan) in one of the soap’s most iconic episodes. But Kylie soon left Erinsborough for the world of pop, landing huge hits such as 1988’s I Should Be So Lucky. To date, the 48-year-old’s achieved seven UK chart-toppers, including comeback track Spinning Around in 2000 – who can forget those gold hotpants? Still going strong, she’s our pop princess.

Paul Nicholls

Paul was every girl’s pin-up, starring as Joe Wicks in EastEnders from 1996 to 1997. After leaving the soap, Paul admitted he’d struggled with his newfound fame, saying: ‘I didn’t want to be a heartthrob and I couldn’t handle the attention. I was well on my way to a total breakdown. I was drinking a lot and taking drugs.’ After cleaning up his act, Paul landed the role of Jed in Bridget Jones: The Edge Of Reason in 2004. But in 2015 he hit headlines for the wrong reasons when he was filmed smoking a ‘suspicious pipe’. Now 37, he’s since featured in shows like Grantchester.

Michelle Keegan 

Michelle took on the role of Corrie’s Tina McIntyre for six years until 2014, when the character was killed off in a grisly whodunnit. She’s since starred in Ordinary Lies and war drama Our Girl. More recently the 29-year-old’s been back on the box as WAG Tina Moore in drama Tina & Bobby. And, as if that wasn’t enough, she’s said to be in talks to star in the next Pirates Of The Caribbean movie. A source says: ‘They [the film’s producers] loved Michelle’s acting talent and her whole look.’ Watch this space!

Will Mellor 

Will first came to our attention as James ‘Jambo’ Bolton in Hollyoaks, from 1995 to 1998, in the early days of the soap. He says the role ‘changed my life’, adding: ‘I learned my trade from doing Hollyoaks. It was my induction and I see it as a real career choice.’ Will went on to become a household name in classic noughties comedy Two Pints Of Lager And A Packet Of Crisps, alongside Sheridan Smith, Ralf Little and his Hollyoaks co-star Natalie Casey. In 2013, we saw him in a different, more serious light when he played a creepy telephone engineer in critically acclaimed drama Broadchurch. Now 40, he’s currently starring in BAFTA-nominated police comedy No Offence. Not just a pretty face, then.

Margot Robbie

Margot’s one of the brightest stars in Hollywood right now, but did you know she started her acting career in Neighbours as Donna Freedman from 2008 to 2011? She credits the Aussie soap with giving her the right kind of exposure, saying: ‘The role was a much better career move than doing indie films that weren’t really ever going to get distributed or seen at all.’ Since hitting the big screen opposite Leonardo DiCaprio in 2013’s Oscar-nominated The Wolf Of Wolf Street, the 26-year-old has wowed as Harley Quinn in Suicide Squad.

Chris Fountain 

We loved him as Justin Burton in Hollyoaks from 2003 to 2009, and then Chris swapped Chester for Weatherfield to play Tommy Duckworth. All was going well until he was unmasked as internet rapper The Phantom, whose lyrics demeaned women and glorified violence. Chris, now 29, said he was ‘deeply ashamed’ of his actions but that didn’t stop him being axed from Corrie in 2013.

Alan Dale

Kiwi actor Alan played Jim Robinson in Neighbours from 1985 to 1993, appearing in the show’s first-ever episode. He left after a falling-out with producers, saying: ‘They practically forced us to be miserable. It paid me enough to get my boys through their teenage years, but I wasn’t happy and we parted on bad terms.’ Although he initially struggled to find work in Australia as he had been typecast as Jim, Alan went on to achieve success Stateside, after he moved to LA in 2000 and took acting lessons. Now 69, he’s since starred in The OC, Ugly Betty, Entourage, NCIS and Once Upon A Time. Looks like Ramsay Street can be quite the springboard for an illustrious career…

Autore: CelebsNow