
Twitter raddoppia e porta a 280 il numero di caratteri utilizzabili per il singolo tweet


Twitter raddoppia e porta a 280 il numero di caratteri utilizzabili per il singolo tweet

La modifica entrerà in vigore a breve e interesserà tutti i Paesi del mondo, Italia compresa, tranne alcune nazioni asiatiche.

Il limite dei 140 caratteri su Twitter è ormai cosa del passato. Con l’intento di facilitare una migliore espressione del pensiero dei propri utenti, il social network d’ora in avanti consentirà di scrivere tweet da 280 caratteri, il doppio rispetto a quanto avvenuto sino ad oggi.

Twitter raddoppia e porta a 280 il numero di caratteri utilizzabili per il singolo tweet

La modifica sarà resa attiva nelle prossime ore anche in Italia così come in tutte le altre nazioni del mondo, eccezion fatta per Cina, Giappone e Corea. In questi Paesi resterà infatti in vigore il limite di 140 caratteri: secondo Twitter la lunghezza media di un tweet giapponese è di soli 15 caratteri, a testimonianza di come le lingue estremo-orientali meglio si adattano a esprimere concetti usando poche parole.

In molti si sono chiesti se la decisione di Twitter non allontani il social network della filosofia iniziale ovvero quella di consentire a tutti la pubblicazione di messaggi brevi, concisi ma allo stesso tempo efficaci.


iPhone X ottiene 97 punti da DxOMark

Author: Lorenzo Spada Agemobile

C’era molta attesa per la qualità fotografica del nuovo iPhone X, lo smartphone consumer più costoso di sempre. La redazione di DxOMark ha avuto l’opportunità di testarlo a fondo e, dalle varie prove, è venuto fuori che dal punto di vista fotografico è il migliore in assoluto ma, in combinata con la registrazione video, sta al di sotto del Google Pixel 2 XL.

Il punteggio finale di iPhone X è stato di 97 punti ma, nel dettaglio, esso ha ricevuto:

Foto – 101 punti

  • Esposizione e contrasto: 90
  • Colore: 79
  • Autofocus: 78
  • Texture: 65
  • Rumore: 69
  • Artefatti: 82
  • Flash: 85
  • Zoom: 58
  • Bokeh: 55

Video – 89 punti

  • Esposizione e contrasto: 81
  • Colore: 86
  • Autofocus: 84
  • Texture: 51
  • Rumore: 66
  • Artefatti: 83
  • Stabilizzazione: 91

Insomma, il comparto video è ciò che Apple non ha migliorato affatto rispetto ad iPhone 8 e iPhone 8 Plus, visto che i punteggi ottenuti sono essenzialmente gli stessi.

Punti forti e punti deboli delle fotocamere di iPhone X

L’aver ottenuto invece ben 101 punti relativamente alla qualità fotografica ha permesso ad iPhone X di sopravanzare colro che comandavano la classifica, ovvero Samsung Galaxy Note 8 e Huawei Mate Pro 10, che sono fermi a 100 punti. Su questo fronte il Google Pixel 2 XL ha ottenuto 99 punti.

Fra i punti forti di iPhone X nel lato foto troviamo una ottima esposizione, con buona preservazione di ombre e luci in HDR e il rendering colori e bilanciamento del bianco fedele alla realtà in tutte le condizioni. Fra i difetti (eh si, sono presenti anche difetti) invece troviamo una certa lentezza nell’autofocus e l’effetto ghosting visibile nei soggetti in movimento.

E’ bene sottolineare che tutti gli smartphone top di gamma del 2017 hanno visto un miglioramento nella qualità della fotocamera (o delle fotocamere) non indifferente, per cui cadrete bene indipendentemente da quello che acquistate.



BT e Cisco in partnership per le reti del futuro

Author: Giuseppe Saccardi Tom’s Hardware

BT ha annunciato l’ampliamento della propria  partnership strategica con Cisco che prevede due ulteriori funzionalità: una nuova soluzione Cisco-based di virtualizzazione per CPE (customer premise equipment) gestita da BT (BT Connect Edge) e l’integrazione della piattaforma software di automazione e orchestrazione di rete di Cisco all’interno delle offerte di rete di BT (BT Connect Services Platform).

Le nuove funzionalità sono parte integrante dei Dynamic Network Services di BT, progettati per fornire ai clienti una più ampia possibilità di scelta, sicurezza, resilienza, opzioni di servizio e agilità nella realizzazione delle reti future e in grado di abilitare la loro trasformazione digitale.

La combinazione di Connect Edge e Connect Services Platform, ha osservato BT, consentirà ai clienti di ridurre il tempo e gli investimenti necessari per implementare funzioni di rete come routing, accelerazione e sicurezza nell’insieme dei loro dispositivi a livello globale, riducendo il rischio connesso al passaggio da apparati hardware stand-alone ad un ambiente di rete virtualizzato.

Le funzioni gireranno sull’hardware multifunzionale Connect Edge e verranno distribuite e gestite da remoto senza che per l’installazione in ogni sito sia necessaria l’uscita di personale tecnico specializzato. Come servizio gestito da BT, la soluzione supporterà virtual network functions (VNF) di diversi vendor e i clienti potranno accedervi tramite il loro portale BT MyAccount.

Per effettuare il deployment delle nuove offerte di virtualizzazione, BT ha integrato la piattaforma software Network Services Orchestrator (NSO) e il virtual Branch Core Function Pack di Cisco nelle proprie reti e utilizza l’automazione di rete per fornire servizi in modo più veloce. La piattaforma NSO, osserva BT,  migliorerà la capacità dell’azienda di gestire, migliorare e orchestrare simultaneamente il service delivery  dei progetti NFV, delle offerte di software-defined networking e delle reti più tradizionali.

“Combinando la forte expertise di BT in tema di virtualizzazione, gestione del servizio e sicurezza con le nuove tecnologie Cisco, stiamo rafforzando la nostra posizione di partner di riferimento per i nostri clienti, che guidiamo nel loro percorso trasformazione digitale“, ha dichiarato Maria Grazia Pecorari, President Digital, Global portfolio & marketing, Global Services di  BT.

Per quanto concerne la tempistica, Connect Services Platform e Connect Edge saranno lanciati nella prima metà del 2018 e successivamente resi disponibili ai clienti in 180 paesi.


Raja Koduri quits AMD

Author: bobo [AT] fudzilla [DOT] com (Slobodan Simic) – Home

Leaked memo confirms it

Although most of the AMD team believed that Raja Koduri would be coming back to AMD RTG after his sabbatical, it appears that he is now gone for good.

Although we had our doubts back in October, the general feeling in AMD was that he would be returning in a few months. We already heard that Raja might be leaving, and some other sites as well as an alleged memo, leaked by, have confirmed it. 

We already wrote that the Vega GPU obviously failed to provide significant competition to Nvidia’s Pascal GPUs, and while Vega was not exactly Raja’s GPU but rather the creation of an ex ATI chap, Matt Skynner, who was at AMD  until late 2015.

Most, if not all members of the press and the industry agree that Raja is a great engineer who is different than most other vice presidents and other high-level executives. While his leaving might have something to do with the Vega GPU and its competition in the market, we are also concerned about the upcoming Navi GPU, which is Raja’s GPU.

The creation of the Radeon Technologies Group has pushed AMD’s GPU business in the right direction and the software/driver part of the RTG had a couple of big wins with the ReLive driver and general driver stability.

AMD’s CEO, Dr. Lisa Su, will continue to run RTG and it will be interesting who – if anyone – can fill Raja’s shoes. As far as Raja goes, we have no doubt that we will hear more about him in some other high level company.


Raja Koduri, AMD’s Radeon Tech Group Leader, Resigns

Author: Ryan Smith AnandTech

On the day following what’s perhaps one of the greatest (and oddest) product design wins for AMD’s Radeon Technologies Group, a second bit of surprising news is coming out of AMD. Raja Koduri, the Senior VP and Chief Architect of the group, who has been its leader since the RTG was formed two years ago, has announced that he is resigning from the company, effective tomorrow.

Word of Raja’s resignation originally broke via an internal memo penned by Raja and acquired by Hexus. And while AMD will not confirm the validity of the memo, the company is confirming that Raja has decided to leave the company.

To my AMD family,

Forty is a significant number in history.  It is a number representing transition, testing and change. I have just spent forty days away from the office going through such a transition. It was an important time with my family, and it also offered me a rare space for reflection. During this time I have come to the extremely difficult conclusion that it is time for me to leave RTG and AMD.

I have no question in my mind that RTG, and AMD, are marching firmly in the right direction as high-performance computing becomes ever-more-important in every aspect of our lives.  I believe wholeheartedly in what we are doing with Vega, Navi and beyond, and I am incredibly proud of how far we have come and where we are going. The whole industry has stood up and taken notice of what we are doing. As I think about how computing will evolve, I feel more and more that I want to pursue my passion beyond hardware and explore driving broader solutions.

I want to thank Lisa and the AET for enabling me to pursue my passion during the last four years at AMD, and especially the last two years with RTG. Lisa has my utmost respect for exhibiting the courage to enable me with RTG, for believing in me and for going out of her way to support me.  I would also like to call out Mark Papermaster who brought me into AMD, for his huge passion for technology and for his relentless support through many difficult phases.  And of course, I want to thank each and every one of my direct staff and my indirect staff who have worked so hard with me to build what we have now got.  I am very proud of the strong leaders we have and I’m fully confident that they can execute on the compelling roadmap ahead.

I will continue to be an ardent fan and user of AMD technologies for both personal and professional use.

As I mentioned, leaving AMD and RTG has been an extremely difficult decision for me.  But I felt it is the right one for me personally at this point.  Time will tell.  I will be following with great interest the progress you will make over the next several years.

On a final note, I have asked a lot of you in the last two years.  You’ve always delivered.  You’ve made me successful both personally and professionally, for which I thank you all from the bottom of my heart.  I have these final requests from you as I leave:

. Stay focused on the roadmap!
. Deliver on your commitments!
. Continue the culture of Passion, Persistence and Play!
. Make AMD proud!
. Make me proud!


Meanwhile, AMD has released a short statement confirming Raja’s resignation and thanking him for his service, while also stating that this is not going to impact RTG’s product roadmap or schedule.

Earlier today, we announced two unrelated updates for our Radeon Technologies Group: 1) Raja Koduri has decided to leave AMD and 2) we are taking the next steps in our work to strengthen RTG by further focusing the organization on key growth areas.

I wanted to also make sure you understood these updates do not impact our plans or the strategic direction we are driving our graphics business.   We appreciate the contributions Raja has made helping establish our dedicated graphics focus and  strong team that is capable of accomplishing the ambitious goals we have set for this part of our business.  Also want to make sure it is clear that there are no changes to our public product or technology graphics roadmaps, and we remain on track to deliver on our commitments in 2018 and beyond. Lisa will continue to lead RTG on an interim basis while we complete our search for a new leader.

We have made significant progress across AMD these past two years delivering the first wave of our high-performance products, best exemplified by our improved financial performance and year-over-year market share gains across all of our client, graphics and server products. Today’s changes are designed to allow us to better take advantage of the significant growth opportunities in front of us.

Raja’s resignation comes just under two months in to his three month sabbatical. At the time, Raja left to spend time with his family, and now will not be returning. This marks the second time Raja has left AMD, after having left as the company’s graphics CTO in 2009 to go work at Apple (and where his influence is still felt there today).

While AMD is reiterating that this won’t affect the RTG product roadmap, Raja’s resignation will none the less make waves at RTG and in the broader GPU community. Since the RTG reorganization Raja was for all intents and purposes the CEO of AMD’s graphics business, with the responsibilities and publicity that follow. Raja has overseen and led all aspects of AMD graphics hardware and software, and Raja’s public presence and involvement rendered him the face of graphics at AMD, in all senses of the word. So for the RTG, this marks the departure of the group’s first leader, and a visionary one at that.

And while neither AMD nor Raja’s statements comment on it for obvious reason, the elephant in the room is going to be whether Raja’s resignation is related to the launch of AMD’s Vega GPU architecture. While the Vega 10 has returned AMD to competitiveness in the high-end market, it has not been as strong of a competitor as AMD (or fans) would like to see, and some hardware features have still not been enabled. It would be unusual for someone to resign (or be forced out) after a less-than-smooth launch like Vega, but not unheard of. But for now, as no one will be discussing internal politics, anything on the matter would be speculation at best.

On a personal note, I wish Raja the best of luck on his future endeavors. While AMD is still fighting to escape their underdog status in the GPU world, it’s not for a lack of effort, and it’s been Raja spearheading that effort. Cementing AMD’s graphics operations under a single group – and a single leader – has done wonders for how the company communicates with press and users alike. As RTG’s leader he’s both shown a passion for the technology that clearly rubbed off on the rest of the group, and at the same time he has been honest about RTG’s faults. Anand once called Raja “the king”, and after 4 years I can see why.

As for AMD and RTG’s future, since the start of Raja’s sabbatical, Dr. Lisa Su has been running the RTG. AMD has confirmed that this arrangement will not be changing, and that Lisa will continue to run the RTG while the company searches for a new leader for the group. In the meantime, briefly touched upon in Raja’s memo and AMD’s official statement, in an unrelated matter the company is confirming that they are making further investments into gaming and server GPU compute. This isn’t a new direction for the company, as it’s been clear they’ve intended to take Vega in this direction from the start, but some additional investments have been made to this effect.

Source: Hexus & AMD