
MSI works on a liquid-cooled GTX 1080

Teams up with EK Water Blocks

In addition to plenty of Pascal-based notebooks, MSI brought a rather interesting desktop graphics card to the Gamescom 2016 show in Cologne, the liquid-cooled GTX 1080 “30th Anniversary Edition”.

What makes the  MSI GTX 1080 30th Anniversary Edition special is that it comes with a complete AiO liquid cooling system, courtesy of well known liquid cooling from EK Water Blocks.

According to the site which spotted the  card on the show floor, we are looking at EKWB’s EK Predator liquid cooling set, with CoolStream PE radiator, Vardar PWM fans, a DDC pump, and of course, an LED-equipped water block.

While the precise clocks have not been revealed, MSI said that it could end up with a factory overclock close to the GTX 1080 Gaming Z version, which has a decent factory overclock pushing the GPU to 1771MHz GPU base and 1911MHz GPU Boost clocks.

In addition to the  GTX 1080 30th Anniversary Edition, MSI is apparently teaming even more closely with EK Water Blocks as both the GTX 1070 and the GTX 1080 Sea Hawk graphics cards will come with EKWB water blocks.

According to information, the MSI GTX 1080 30th Anniversary Edition could appear in retail sometime in September and although we do not have a precise price, we suspect that it won’t be coming in volume and it will be anything but cheap.

 MSI GTX108030thAnn 1

 MSI GTX108030thAnn 1

 MSI GTX108030thAnn 1

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Qualcomm Centriq is a brand for data center SoCs

Attacking the profitable server market

Today, most of the world server and data center market share belongs to Intel, while AMD and the whole ARM server conspiracy, sorry egosystems  are making tiny contributions when and if opportunities rise.

That might change very soon, as AMD is coming up with a 16-core / 32-thread Naples product and companies like Cavium have started shipping their products based on a reference ARM design. Qualcomm now wants to develop a custom SoC for the server/data center market and the company plans to call it Centriq.

Centriq, a family of SoC processors for server market 

What Snapdragon is to mobile SoCs, Centriq will be for Qualcomm-based server SoCs, that is the notion.

Qualcomm’s President Derek Aberle said in February 2016 that the first generation of Qualcomm Centriq processors is on track to sample production silicon before the end of this year.

Fudzilla has reported that the first data center SoC is going to be 10nm, just like the Snapdragon 830 generation and we expect to see some good competition in the server market for the whole X86 egosystem.

Qualcomm-powered servers pictured, detailed (October 2015)

We have been following Qualcomm’s effort to make its entrance into the server market and the company was quite clear in 2015 that it sees an opportunity in cloud infrastructure as a service, cloud platform as a service, big data, machine learning, “deep learning” and network function virtualisation.

Qualcomm demonstrated its 24-core FinFET based server last year and tier one data centers have been playing with them for a while. The company’s ARM V8 Server SoC will arrive later this year, it appears,  and we will know them as Qualcomm Centriq from now on.

Qualcomm told us that it  created Qualcomm Datacenter Technologies, a subsidiary of Qualcomm Technologies that plans to “aggressively pursue opportunities in the data center industry”.

IDC believes that data center SAM (serviceable available market) could grow to $ 18 billion by 2020. Qualcomm wants a piece of that.

Qualcomm Datacenter Technologies is not a new idea – it was publicly announced back in 2014 that Qualcomm is investing in the data center market. The actual work started much earlier and it was up to ARM to start investing in this field to open doors for companies like Qualcomm, Centriq or even AMD which had an adventure with the Seattle ARM-based SoC.

The next move for Qualcomm Datacenter Technologies (QDT) was to sample its ARM v8 custom 24-core server development platform to “key customers” and that happened in late 2015.

The first big win was with a joint venture with the People’s Government of Guizhou province to focus on the design, development and sale of advanced server chipset technology in China. AMD made a similar partnership that increased their street value for a while, as the China-based server market is a fast growing data center market.

Qualcomm Technologies is a founding member of a Cache Coherent Interconnect for Accelerators (CCIX) consortium and fast interconnection is a key for data centers as it can allow multiple processor architectures and accelerators to seamlessly share data.

Qualcomm is not alone at CCIX as AMD, ARM, Huawei, IBM, Mellanox, and Xilinx are members too.

Last year Fudzilla exclusively wrote about AMD’s superfast coherent fabric with speeds even up to 100GB/s. Nvidia came up with NVlink interconnection for its Pascal P100 super-computing thing, confirming the importance of the fast interchip connection.

I guess the next thing from QDT will be the announcement of the new SoC Centriq that might attack the market like a berserk Viking high on speed.

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Intel Kaby Lake mainstream CPU lineup revealed

All quad-core parts with increased clockspeeds

Chinese tech website Coolaler posted an extensive list of Intel’s upcoming Kaby Lake desktop processors based on Socket LGA 1151 yesterday.

There are 10 processors in the list, all quad-core parts with TDPs ranging from 35W up to 95W – and only two unlocked models. The lineup is broken up into three segments – “K” series for unlocked parts, “S” series which means “standard” parts without suffixes, and “T” series which means low-power variants.

intel kaby lake desktop processors coolaler

Image source:

Core i7 7700K, Core i7 7700 and Core i7 7700T

At the top of the list is the first unlocked model – Core i7 7700K with a 4.2GHz core clock (4.5GHz Boost), four cores, eight threads, an 8MB cache and 95W TDP. This is followed by a two variants, the Core i7 7700 3.6GHz and Core i7 7700T 2.9GHz.

Core i5 7600K, Core i5 7600 and Core i5 7600T

The next unlocked model is the Core i5 7600K with a 3.80GHz core clock (4GHz Boost), four cores, four threads, a 6MB cache and 95W TDP. This is followed by two variants, the Core i5 7600 3.5GHz and the Core i5 7600T 2.8GHz.

Core i5 7500, Core i5 7500T, Core i5 7400 and Core i5 7400T

At the bottom of the list are four more models – the Core i5 7500 with a 3.4GHz core clock, the Core i5 7500T with a 2.7GHz core clock, the Core i5 7400 with a 3GHz core clock and the Core i5 7400T with a 2.4GHz core clock.

The main difference on the surface between Kaby Lake and Skylake desktop parts is that the clockspeeds seem to be increased. Architecturally speaking, however, the new design should give at least 5 to 10 percent overall performance improvement based on benchmarks released back in May. The chips will also add native USB 3.1 support, native Thunderbolt 3 support, native HDCP 2.2 support, full fixed-function HEVC main10 and VP9 10-bit hardware decoding. In terms of a release date, the source mentions that Kaby Lake mainstream desktop parts have been slightly pushed to early Q1 2017.

As announced earlier this week at the Intel Developer Forum, the company’s current focus is to bring the new architecture to mobile form factors (4W to 15W TDP) this fall for the various shopping seasons beginning with so called “back to school”, before continuing with desktop products in the first quarter of next year.

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Android 7.0 to be released next week

Coming first to Nexus 5X and Nexus 6P

Google is set to officially release its forthcoming Android 7.0 mobile operating system to its flagship Nexus 5X and Nexus 6P devices early next week, according to a  report from 9to5Google.

telus android update schedule

Source: Telus Forums

The site, which reports mostly on Google news and events, reported a Software Update Schedule from Canadian wireless carrier Telus showing Android 7.0 N updates scheduled for the two devices on August 22nd.  The list was first posted on Telus Forums, where it is maintained by several community managers and updated with what appears to be a Target Launch list of software updates for a variety of smartphones.

The list includes updates for several Google Nexus devices, Samsung devices and the BlackBerry Priv, but only notes that the Huawei Nexus 6P and LG Nexus 5X should be receiving Android 7.0 N on Monday. Of course, the editors also note “All dates are approximate and subject to change,” so there is still a likelihood that the updates may be pushed back. Regardless, this is the first mention of any Android devices scheduled to receive Google’s latest operating system.

Google usually has a tendency to release new flagship smartphones around the same timeframe as their mobile operating system launches. This year’s devices, codenamed Nexus “Sailfish” and Nexus “Marlin,” are expected to be unveiled sometime in September with a possible release in early October according to at least one source. LG is also expected to announce the V20 with Android 7.0 and may actually beat Google to the market depending on launch timeframes and partnering retail schedules.

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Rete non identificata, come risolvere il messaggio d’errore

Indipendentemente dalla versione di Windows utilizzata, con una certa periodicità gli utenti segnalano la comparsa dell’avviso rete non identificata, generalmente abbinato agli errori nessun accesso a Internet o accesso limitato alla rete.

La comparsa del messaggio rete non identificata, che appare come “fumetto” nell’area della traybar di Windows, immediatamente sopra l’icona che segnala la connessione in uso può essere dovuta a molteplici cause.

Se il messaggio dovesse improvvisamente comparire su tutti i dispositivi collegati al router, all’interno della rete locale, il problema è di solito da ricondursi alla perdita della configurazione da parte del router.

Rete non identificata, come risolvere il messaggio d'errore

Negli articoli seguenti abbiamo visto come configurare il router o riconfigurarlo al meglio:

Configurare router: guida per tutti i modelli ed i provider Internet
192.168.x.x: perché in rete locale vengono usati questi indirizzi?
Configurare la rete WiFi in ufficio o a casa: i passaggi da seguire
Proteggere router, ecco le regole d’oro

Se invece il messaggio rete non identificata compare su un singolo sistema Windows, suggeriamo di applicare, in sequenza, i seguenti interventi verificando la risoluzione del problema:

1) Aprire il prompt dei comandi (Windows+R, digitare cmd) e impartire i seguenti due comandi:

ipconfig /release
ipconfig /renew

Si richiederà così un nuovo indirizzo IP al server DHCP del router. Dopo alcuni istanti, verificare se è possibile accedere alla rete locale e a Internet.

2) Digitare ipconfig /all e controllare quanto riportato immediatamente sotto l’interfaccia di rete in uso (tipicamente Scheda Ethernet Connessione alla rete locale (LAN) o Scheda LAN wireless Wi-Fi).
In corrispondenza di Gateway predefinito deve essere indicato l’indirizzo IP privato del router. Digitandolo nella barra degli indirizzi di un qualunque browser, deve comparire il pannello di amministrazione del router (con la richiesta di username e password).
Se ciò non accade, significa che il server DHCP non assegna correttamente un indirizzo IP alla scheda di rete o, più verosimilmente, l’interfaccia di rete sta usando un IP statico fuori dall’intervallo impostato sul router (vedere Cos’è un IP statico e come si usa e Indirizzo IP statico, come averlo e a cosa serve).

Suggeriamo quindi di premere la combinazione di tasti Windows+R quindi digitare ncpa.cpl e premere Invio.

Cliccando con il tasto destro del mouse sulla connessione di rete in uso, si dovrà selezionare Proprietà quindi, portandosi su Protocollo Internet versione 4 (TCP/IPv4), bisognerà premere il pulsante Proprietà e selezionare entrambe le opzioni Ottieni automaticamente un indirizzo IP e Ottieni indirizzo server DNS automaticamente.

La stessa procedura dovrà essere applicata nel caso del Protocollo Internet versione 6 (TCP/IPv6) (IPv6 Cos’è e perché è importante in ottica Internet delle Cose).

Concluso l’intervento, si dovrà – da prompt dei comandi – digitare nuovamente:

ipconfig /release
ipconfig /renew

3) Se il problema non dovesse risolversi, suggeriamo di portarsi di nuovo nelle proprietà della scheda di rete, disattivare la casella Protocollo Internet versione 6 (TCP/IPv6), scegliere Protocollo Internet versione 4 (TCP/IPv4), attivare Utilizza i seguenti indirizzi server DNS, quindi impostare i server DNS di Google ( e nelle caselle sottostanti.

Successivamente – da prompt dei comandi, si dovrà digitare di nuovo:

ipconfig /release
ipconfig /renew

Se ci si sta collegando alla rete locale, via cavo ethernet o WiFi, verificare di indicare la connessione come rete privata.
A tal proposito vedere gli articoli Differenza tra rete pubblica e rete privata in Windows 10 e Condividere file e cartelle in rete locale con Windows.

4) Se i precedenti interventi non fossero risolutivi, si può provare a reimpostare lo stack TCP/IP di Windows aprendo il prompt dei comandi con i diritti di amministratore e digitando quanto segue:

netsh winsock reset catalog
netsh int ipv4 reset reset.log
netsh int ipv6 reset reset.log

Windows 10 Anniversary Update integra una funzionalità per ripristinare lo stack TCP/IP mediante l’interfaccia grafica: Problemi di rete in Windows 10: risolverli con un clic.

5) Disattivare o disinstallare tutti i prodotti che possono agire sulle interfacce di rete. Alcune applicazioni per la sicurezza come quelle McAfee o Norton usano componenti software che interagiscono a basso livello con l’interfaccia di rete.

6) Provare disinstallare la scheda di rete ethernet o Wi-Fi dalla finestra Gestione dispositivi di Windows. Per procedere, è sufficiente premere Windows+R quindi digitare devmgmt.msc.
Nella sezione Schede di rete, si dovrà cliccare con il tasto destro sulla scheda d’interesse quindi scegliere Disinstalla. Dopo un riavvio del sistema, la scheda di rete verrà automaticamente reinstallata da parte di Windows.

Se ciò non dovesse funzionare, suggeriamo di annotare l’ID Hardware della scheda di rete e cercare un driver aggiornato partendo dal sito del produttore della macchina per poi passare a quello del produttore della scheda di rete.

Nell’articolo Dispositivo hardware non riconosciuto in Windows 10 abbiamo illustrato nel dettaglio la procedura da seguire. I passaggi si riferiscono a Windows 10 ma sono applicabili anche nel caso delle precedenti versioni del sistema operativo.

7) Se, ancora, gli interventi non fossero risolutivi, dalla finestra Gestione dispositivi vista in precedenza si può selezionare la scheda di rete, cliccare con il tasto destro del mouse su di essa, scegliere Proprietà, portarsi nella scheda Risparmio energia e disattivare la casella Consenti al computer di spegnere il dispositivo per risparmiare energia.

8) Infine, è possibile provare a fare clic sulla scheda Avanzate, cliccare su Speed/Duplex settings e selezionare 100 Mbps half duplex dal menu Valore quindi riavviare completamente la macchina.

9) Come ultimo passo, il suggerimento è quello di verificare con attenzione il cavo ethernet (nel caso in cui il problema riguardi una connessione cablata) provando a sostituirlo e a cambiare porta RJ-45 sul router.
Vedere anche l’articolo Cavi ethernet: differenze e caratteristiche.

10) Se si utilizza solo la connessione ethernet e non la scheda Wi-Fi (o viceversa), premere la combinazione di tasti Windows+R, digitare ncpa.cpl, fare con il tasto destro sull’interfaccia che non si usa e selezionare Disabilita.
